3 - Secrets
Barry POV
I just finished my work at CCPD, so I was going to head home, but suddently I got a call
Barry: "Hello?"
???: "Hello, is this mr. Allen?"
Barry: "Yes, it's me, who is it?"
Principle: "Hi mr. Allen, here is the principle of your children's school."
Barry: "Oh hi principle, is everything alright with Nora and Alex?"
Principle: "Well, that's what I wanted to talk about with you..."
Barry: "What happened?"
Principle: "You see, your children were really disrespectful today: they beated one of their classmates and then Alex raised his voice and insulted the teacher in front of the class. We sent Nora home and made Alex stay in my office for a while, then we sent him home too."
I couldn't believe it...my children, my dear sons beated a classmate and Alex insulted his teacher in public...something's up: they would never do something like this, I'll have to talk to them when I get home.
Barry: "Look, I'm really sorry. This situation is strange: they've never been like this, I'll talk to them when I get home."
Principle: "Alright, mr. Allen, have a good day."
Barry: "You too."
I couldn't waste any more time, so I ran home. Once I was there I felt something, it was as if someone was watching me, so I turned around, but I saw nothing, so I got inside.
Nora and Iris were talking in the kitchen, so I walked in
Barry: "Hi there."
Iris: "Hi Barry."
Nora: "Hi dad."
Barry: "I got a call from the school, could you please tell me what happened today, Nora?"
Nora: "I'll tell you what I already told mom. Everything was normal, until the teacher told everyone that me, Izu and Alex were going to enroll into U.A.. When he did Bakugou blew an explosion on Izu's desk, so me and Alex stepped in to defend him. When we did it, Bakugou started to yell and insult us three, and when Alex responded he blew him into the wall, so I punched Bakugou in the jaw, sending him near the teacher's desk. The teacher, then, started to scold us, and even if we were only defending Izu he was sending me to the principle's office! Then Alex got angry and started to yell at the teacher, because this isn't the first time that he doesn't look when we get bullied."
Iris: "This is unacceptable! How can the school tolerate such a thing?!"
Barry: "Sometimes I wish I could use my powers to solve any problem...I'm so sorry, Nora."
Nora: "Don't worry dad, I can't expect the Flash to save me every time: if I want to be like you I must learn how to deal with my problems."
Barry: "Well Nora, you're not wrong, but it's okay to ask for help, you know?"
Nora: "Yes, dad."
I was so proud of my children, they really showed the soul of a hero. It was the right choice to tell Nora about my secret identity, and I thought it was time to tell Alex too. When he would get home I would tell him everything.
Alex POV
(He is...the Flash. But why didn't he tell me? D-Did he not...trust me? Am I this untrustworthy? Have I been lied this whole time? Everytime he said he was too busy at work, he...HE JUST LIED TO ME!!!
Why did he...
Maybe he thinks I am useless, just like the rest...yes, he thinks I am not enough...I am a useless...quirkless...loser...
I am not quirkless anymore...I will show them...I will show them all...)
Barry POV
I was wondering when he would have come back...
(how should I say it to him?)
While I was lost in my thinking I heard the door opening, I figured it was him. I looked at everyone and we nooded at eachother, then we got up and went to tell him everything.
Iris: "Hi, honey!"
Barry: "Hey, son!"
Nora: "Hi, Alex!"
Alex: "..."
Iris: "Is everything ok?"
Alex: "When were you gonna tell me?"
Barry: (does he know?) "W-What do you mean?"
Alex: "All these years...'I'm too busy at work' 'I had an accident' 'I won't make it to your school play, a friend of mine had an accident'...did you had a reason for lying to me or you just enjoyed to do that?"
Barry: "Alex, let me expla-"
Barry/Iris/Nora: "..."
Alex: "What? Now you stay silent? No lies or silly excuses? Well, that's an upgrade!"
Iris: "Honey, listen for a sec-"
Alex: "I want to know just one thing: did you two know?"
Iris/Nora: "..."
Alex: "Oh my God...you all fooled me for all my life..."
Nora: "No, Alex, it's not like that."
Alex: *tearing* "Shut up...I trusted you...all of you...and you lied to me, YOUR OWN FAMILY!"
Iris/Nora: *tearing*
Alex: "I have to assume that I'm the only one who didn't know, right?"
Barry: "..."
Alex: "Of course...after all I'm the only one in this whole family who is useless and quirkless..."
Iris: "No, Alex, you're not."
Alex: "...I just hoped that you would see more in me than everyone who mocked and bullied me...and all those speeches about being sincere and honest with eachother? All lies..."
Barry: "Son, I-"
Alex: "YOU WERE EVERYTHING I WANTED TO BE, AS FLASH AND AS BARRY ALLEN!!! And you just threw it away, like it was nothing...just when I thought my dream could become true..."
Barry: "What do you mean?"
Alex: *activates powers, just like Reverse Flash, red eyes and all* "(with modified voice) Just watch me...'dad' " *runs away*
Iris: "D-Did he just..."
Barry: "...just like Thawne."
Nora: *runs after him*
Barry/Iris: "Nora!"
Alex POV
(Liars...liars...LIARS!!! Why...why do I have to suffer like this? Why can't I be happy?)
I didn't know where to go, I just wanted to run away as fast as possible. But suddently I saw Nora following me
Nora: "Alex! Please come back, let us explain everything!"
Alex: "There's nothing to explain Nora!" *goes faster*
Nora POV
(This...this can't be happening...I can't lose him...I CAN'T!)
Nora: *runs after him*
Barry/Iris: "Nora!"
(I won't lose him, I won't!) I kept running and running until I saw his trail, I followed him and tried to reach him. Eventually I did, so I spoke to him
Nora: "Alex! Please come back, let us explain everything!"
Alex: "There's nothing to explain, Nora!" *runs faster*
(When did he got his powers? I must find a way to talk to him) I kept going on, but he was incredibly fast! How could I reach him?
After a while I just lost him, I had no air in my lungs.
Nora: "Alex...no..." *starts to cry*
Then I saw dad coming, he saw me and hugged me
Barry: "It's ok, Nora."
Nora: "Nothing's okay, dad...we lost him...I lost him!"
Barry: "I'll bring you home, then I'll go look for him, alright?"
Nora: " *sniff* *sniff* o-okay..."
(I betrayed him...I betrayed him and now...and now the boy I love is lost...I'm sorry...I'm sorry, Alex)
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