13 - I'm sorry...
Narrator POV
The funeral was going to be held in a few hours, everyone was slowly getting ready. Barry and Iris were glad that Alex was back, but unfortunately the happyness was very far now: their daughter was dead, killed by none other than Barry arch-nemesis. But Alex, he was a different story...
Alex POV
(I did this...if I wouldn't trust that man, now Nora would be here with me...we would be a couple by now...attending U.A. together...but instead my stupidity and pride took over me...I was so focused on myself that I didn't see the pain she constantly felt...I wasn't there for her...I was the one who abandoned her...I was the one who betrayed her...I was the one who slowly tortured her...I was the one who killed her...)
Narrator POV
Then Barry and Iris entered Alex's room and asked
Iris: "Honey, are you ready?"
Alex: *nods*
Iris: "Okay, let's go."
Barry and Iris both put a hand on each Alex's shoulder. The family slowly walked through the door, exiting the house and going inside their car. The ride was quiet, none of them dared to say a word to eachother. Alex kept looking at the seat beside him and outside the car window, with a single thought crossing his mind
Alex: (he didn't let me say 'I love you' to her...I was too weak to do anything...I should've done something, punch him, send him away...but I didn't...and now she's dead because of me...)
At some point the car stopped
Barry: "It seems it's going to pour, grab your umbrellas."
The Allen family got out of the car and slowly made its way to where the ceremony was going to be hold. As soon as they got inside the church, everyone started to give their condolences. There were the old teachers Alex and Nora had, their old classmates, the staff of U.A., Nora's classmates, including Bakugou, there was also the rest of the family: Joe, Cecile, Cisco, Caitlin; other people Alex didn't know: Oliver, Felicity, Kara, Clark, Alex, Quinn, Wally, Jesse, Harry, Jay (the true one), the Legends, the staff of DEO...practically everyone, gathered there to pay respects to Nora. Looking at the huge amount of unknown faces, Alex understood that Barry being the Flash was not the only thing his step-father kept from him, and that made him kinda sad...he wanted to be a part in Barry's life, but he felt left out. Everyone gave their condolences to the young Thawne, but for the most part, again, he didn't know who were all these people, until...he saw Izuku. Seeing him made Alex broke in tears, Izuku noticed it and wrapped him in a hug, which Alex returned. The two stayed like this for a bit, sobbing in eachother's shoulder, while recieving a hand on their other shoulder, Alex from Barry and Izuku from Ochaco, for comfort.
After the ceremony it was time to take the coffin to the cemetery. As soon as they stepped out of the church, rain started to pour on them. The walk wasn't too long, and soon they arrived at the cemetery
Everyone had an umbrella, but not Alex, he couldn't care less than the rain...the love of his life died, and he couldn't forgive himself for that.
The funeral was ending, it was time to put roses on the wooden coffin, it was a slow and respectful process. One by one people started to leave, only Alex staying a bit longer under the rain
(A/N here Clark is Alex, picture yourself the other characters as you prefer)
Alex: "...I'm sorry...I couldn't protect you... *tears start to stream* I was selfish, and naive, and stupid...I love you, Nora...I hope you'll find the happyness you deserve..."
The pain Alex felt inside, it was undescribable...his heart was broken, shattered in millions of pieces...
The family headed inside the car and start driving away from the cemetery. During that drive, which felt so long, Alex kept thinking
Alex: (it should've been me...)
They finally arrived home and Iris got near his son
Iris: "...Do you want something to eat, honey?"
Alex: "I...I...no, thanks."
Iris: "Okay...I'm here if you need me."
She then walked away to her and her husband's room, while Barry was sitting on the couch, head low, knot of tie loosened. Alex went beside him. They stayed like this for a while, until Barry rose his head, looked at Alex and asked him
Barry: "Are you staying here, with us?"
Alex: "I...I need time to decide..."
Barry: "Okay..."
He lowered again his head, but Alex spoke again
Alex: "I'm staying for now."
Barry put a hand on Alex's shoulder
Barry: "We would be very happy..."
Alex nodded, then got up and went to his room. While doing that he sees Nora's room, the door closed, then he hears Iris crying in her room. He felt tears forming in his eyes, then went inside his room, shutting the door behind him. Everything remained the same as when he left, it made him smile sadly
Alex: (I bring only pain and suffering to the people around me...)
Alex took off his wet clothes, put on a pijamas and collapsed on his bed. Tears were still streaming down his face while he slowly fell asleep...this time on a proper bed after those 10 months of running everywhere.
His was a dreamless sleep. He woke up early in the morning, wishing that all he saw and heard was all an illusion, a nightmare...and it was, a nightmare, but it was true.
Alex got up and went out of his room, still glancing at Nora's room, then heading to the kitchen, where he found Barry, crying. He went and sat near him. They didn't say a word, they just stayed quiet, except for the few silent sobs of Barry and his. Alex put a hand on Barry's shoulder, but he pulled him into a hug, surprising Alex, but he soon returned the hug. Barry needed a shoulder to cry on, he also needed his son near him, he didn't want to lose anyone again, and that can be said also about Alex...maybe they hated him, he hated himself, but he decided that he wasn't gonna leave them another time.
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