12 - It's all my fault
Narrator POV
???: "Very touching...I'm very disappointed...son."
Alex: "D-Dad...?"
Eobard: "Look at you, you've grown up huh?"
Alex: "B-But, how?"
Eobard: "An insurance, remember?"
Alex: "The Speedforce..."
Eobard: "Exactly."
Nora: "Who is him, Alex? Is he Harryson Wells?"
Eobard: "Let me introduce properly. I am Eobard Thawne, Alexander's father."
Nora: "Thawne? Like mom's old friend, Eddie Thawne?"
Eobard: "Let's say he was...a distant relative."
Alex: "But what happened? I don't understand..."
Eobard: "You see, Alexander, when Eddie sacrificed himself to save her father *pointing towards Nora* from me, I was cancelled from existence. But before that event you were already born, so my legacy kept surviving. I prepared everything for my possible departure: the suit, my digital concience, everything to ensure my survival. And in the day of your 16th Birthday, when Gideon sent you a message, my resurrection began. It was completed when you ran inside the Speedforce using your negative one, unleashing all your hate inside of it. I placed a marker, a safe spot inside of it, so that if the Speedforce would've been filled with the negative one, that would've triggered that force, making it believe I was a part of it. Now I am reborn from the Speedforce, and I'm not seen as a threat."
Alex: (no...no...) *tearing* "So I was just a piece of the puzzle? Something to use and then throw away? What about the things you said in the video, that 'those years with me have been the best of your life', was that a lie too?"
Eobard: "Don't take it too personal, I only did what I had to, nothing more, nothing less."
Alex: *tears still streaming down* "You used me, your own son...how could you? *with cracked voice* why?...why did you do that to me?"
Eobard: *with his smirk* "That's the question, right? 'Why?'...as I told you in that video, I wouldn't hesitate to do anything to reach my goal...something a weak boy like you and Allen could never understand."
Nora: "How can you treat your own son like that?! He's the strongest person I've ever met!"
Eobard: "Ohh...the little girlfriend, Nora. West. Allen. You know, Alex told me how you easily broke his heart. You would've made an excellent daughter and a worthy successor..."
Nora: "When snow will fall in Hell! You're a monster! Dad is right about you!"
Eobard: "Your dad is just another fool who couldn't even save his mommy from me. And you, Alexander, I already knew you were just as weak as him, so I knew you would've turned on me, it was all a matter of time."
Alex: *crying* "Turned...Turned?...I worshipped you. Your mind, your strength, your determination...you made me believe in myself and you..."
Eobard: "That was your mistake, never trust anybody, only in yourself, that's a lesson I learned a long time ago. Now I'll have to take that little suit of yours, along with her life as well."
Alex: *one final tear streamed out* "On my dead body I will let you get near her."
Eobard: "That's the spirit, the fire in you. I think you should have a bit of time to rebond with your little happy family...before I take it from you as well." *speeds to Alex and knees him to the ground* "And I will do that, be sure of it. Now give me back the ring."
Alex: *groans in pain*
Nora: "ALEX!" *goes for a punch*
Eobard: *grabs her by the neck, strengthens the grip* "Obey."
Alex: *does as he says* "Here, take it. Now leave her, I beg you..."
Eobard: *takes the ring and puts it in his pocket* "Such a disappointment. That's why you're weak. Love makes you weak. Makes you take stupid decisions." *vibrates hand near her heart*
Alex: "Wait, I gave it to you-"
Eobard: "And with that? I never said I would've let her live."
Nora: *says with a suffocated voice* "I...love...you."
Eobard: *kills Nora*
Alex: *shocked and traumatised, tears runs down his face*
Eobard: "That's what love does to you. If you stayed by my side she would still be alive. *whispers in his ear* This is all your fault, she died because of you." *puts ring on, wears his suit and runs away*
While all of this happened the villains left the USJ, no student was seriously harmed, only the teachers, and everyone saw the scene.
Alex: "N-Nora...?...Nora?...NORAAAA!!!" *starts crying desperately, while holding Nora's lifeless body in his arms* (she...she died...she's gone...and I...I...I did it...I'm a monster...I killed the girl I love...it's all my fault)
Everyone gathered near him, someone put a hand on his shoulder, all of them started to cry for the loss of one of their closest friends. Izuku couldn't believe his eyes. He stood beside Alex and cried with him, hugging him. Even if he threatend his mom, Izuku stood by him, proving himself as the most loyal friend Alex ever had...now being the only one.
West-Allen's residence
Alex walked towards the door, holding the dead, now covered, body of Nora West-Allen, and knocked on the door. As soon as Iris opened, she was speechless seeing his son for the first time in months.
Iris: *with tears* "A-Alex?"
Barry, from the living room, heard Iris and speeded to the door.
Barry: *with tears* "Alex...you're home."
After a few seconds they noticed Alex was crying, and he was carrying someone.
Barry: *still with tears* Wh-Where's Nora?"
Hearing her name caused Alex to cry even harder tears, with a few suffocated sobs. They started to realise, Iris started to lean over Barry, who only managed to ask
Barry: "H-How...?"
The only thing Alex could answer was
Alex: "...Thawne..."
Barry picked Nora's body and gently put her on the couch, then he and Iris went over to Alex and wrapped him in a hug, all standing beside Nora. Everyone cried that night, in the end Nora did what she said she would...she brought Alex back home.
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