11 - Face to face
(Finally the day has come, the day I would get my revenge over those who lied to me and fooled me all this time. There's something off though...I thought this would've been a happy day...I mean, I'm finally getting revenge over Nora...but why does this, all of this, feel...no, I don't have to lose my focus. I will make her feel all the pain I felt that night, I will make her pay for what she's done, and I won't rest until I reach my goal.)
Nora POV
(Finally the day has come, the day me and my class goes to USJ! I'm very excited about doing rescue training! I just wish that Alex was here...in all this time I just couldn't stop thinking about him...I miss his presence, the way he always made me laugh...I miss everything of him...)
We were in Aizawa's class, soon he said
Aizawa: "We're going in the USJ now, put on your costumes and let's go."
We did as he said and got on the bus, which would've taken us at the USJ. During the travel everyone started talking with eachother, I was lost in my thoughts, of course thinking about Alex, when suddently Tsu spoke to me
Tsu: "Something on your mind?"
Nora: "Huh...oh, i-it's nothing..."
Tsu: "You're lying, you would feel better by talking about it."
Nora: " *sigh* It's just...I was thinking about an old friend of mine. He went missing for months."
Tsu: "What happened to him?"
Nora: (it's my fault) "I don't know."
Tsu: "Hmm...you like him, don't you?"
Nora: (SHIT SHIT SHIT) "W-Wha- no! I-I nev-"
Tsu: "Yes, you do."
Nora: " *sigh* Well, maybe a bit...okay I do like him, and I just wish he was here."
Tsu: "I'm sure he'll come back, don't be afraid about that."
Nora: "Easy to say..."
R/A: "Did you get everything ready, Tomura?"
Shigaraki: "Of course, and stop calling me Tomura, we're not that close."
R/A: "I'm gonna call you anyway I want."
Shigaraki: *growls*
R/A: "Kurogiri, open the portal, it's play-time..."
Nora POV
The bus stopped and I just took a look at the building. It was huge, no wonder why that place was meant to Rescue training.
As soon as we headed inside we were greeted by the pro-hero 13, specialized in Rescue missions, and Ochaco started fangirling over her. It was kinda funny and cute how she jumped up and down, staring at her heroine.
13 started explaining us how the USJ training would've worked, when suddently Kirishima spoke up
Kirishima: "Wow you even have fake villains, that is so cool!"
I saw a black portal opening, out of which came a few scary people, along with a man covered in hands.
???: "Well well well...seems like our annoying collaborator was right about All Might not being here. Kurogiri, bring the weapon and trap the brats."
Kurogiri: "Yes, young master."
A black mist came right behind us, out of it came a giant black creature with cuts all over it, a bird-like head and its brain exposed. They were cutting our way out.
Aizawa: "13, protect the kids! I'll engage the creature!"
Nora: "Wait, mr. Aizawa! I have a bad feeling about that creature, at least let us help you!"
Aizawa: "I appreciate, but I'm a pro for a reason."
He then jumped towards the creature using his quirk to nullify the creature's one, but it just picked him by his arm and smashed him in the ground, hard. Soon mr. Aizawa couldn't fight anymore due to the injuries, but luckly was still concious.
13: "We need to contact U.A.!"
Kaminari: "I've been trying, but they must've messed up comunications!"
Nora: "Iida, we need to run at U.A. and call the teachers!"
???: "Well, if it isn't Nora West-Allen...long time no see."
Nora: (it can't be him, right? He can't be with those villains...) *turns around* "A-Alex...?"
R/A: "Hi there."
Nora: "Why...why...WHY ARE YOU WITH THEM?!"
R/A: "Because 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'"
Nora: "I'm not your enemy, Alex! I miss you every second of every day, we all miss you!"
R/A: "I didn't come here to talk, Nora" *speeds behind Iida, kicks his leg, incapacitates him, speeds in front of Nora* "I am here to hurt you, just like you hurt me."
Nora: "You're doing it every second you are not with me...I don't want to fight you...but I will protect my classmates from you. I will defeat you and I will bring you back home!"
(A/N until 0:32, imagine that Flash here is Nora, from 0:32 imagine that it's Nora that's been pinned against the wall and she lost her mask, ignore their conversation, here's what they say to eachother)
Nora: *pant* "Do it...kill me...it's what you want, isn't it?"
R/A: "..."
Nora: "DO IT!!!"
R/A: *deactivates his powers, raises his cowl* "Why did you lie to me?"
Nora: "The more people know of the Flash's identity, the more those same people are in danger. I wanted to protect you...instead I pushed you far away from me." *tears*
R/A: "When I discovered that everyone of you lied to me, I didn't know what to think, I couldn't do anything...and I suffer every day for my stupidity..."
Nora: *shocked, still tearing up* "W-What?"
Alex: *tears* "It hurt like hell that you didn't tell me, I felt like I was about to die in an instant, because of what I feel for you... *cries* y-you h-hurt me the most of everyone...then I saw you with Izuku and I thought..."
Nora: *kisses him deeply*
Alex: *shocked, melts in the kiss*
Nora: *breaks the kiss* "When you left, I understood what I really feel for you, it's way beyond what I could ever feel for anyone else..."
Alex: "...I love you."
Nora: "I love you too."
???: "Very touching...I'm really disappointed...son."
Alex: *turns around* "D-Dad...?"
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