The temple was always their rendezvous, where thoughts were bound to fly back to godhead, to krsna. Things were changing in his life, not really fast paced, but yes, he could acknowledge the changes.
Bhakti or devotion is not something that is for a limited period of time. It is not a project of six months or two years. It is indeed a long process, a continuous improvement is required in which, and this process must be consistent. Rushing into things never really get helpful in the path of devotion.
Devotees, first of all need to practice humbleness. Thereafter, faith in lord will follow usually. Things aren't easy at the very first go. One need to have patience and steadfastness, faith and love in Lord. Actually faith fluctuates more or less for everyone. If one denies, then he or she is lying. Faith of ours is like waves of seas, rising and crashing methodically. But does this process suppress the sea from having its way round?
He was having the similar kind of situation. His faith was also at its lowest because of guilt. Guilt of doing something incorrigible and he was breaking once again like waves of seas.
"What is this exquisite intense emotion I am feeling due to failure in something that cannot be undone?" He asked in a low, tire ridden, unexcited voice, without glancing at the other person.
The other person was instead more interested in the woollen clothes she was crocheting for the deity. It was almost the beginning of winter.
"Are you talking about shame?"
"Not only, but guilt too." He replied in frustration.
She smiled a little then hummed softly,
"api cet su-duracaro
bhajate mam ananya-bhak
sadhur eva sa mantavyah
samyag vyavasito hi sah" 9.30
He eyed her in indifference, his eyes roamed over her calm face. He was astonished though by thinking,how could someone be so peaceful and live life without any care!
Curving his brows he asked, "And what does it mean?"
"Don't worry," her side fringe fell sculpturally over her left brow and eye,"he says, 'Even if one commits the most abominable actions, if he is engaged in devotional service, he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated"
"But I don't know, who he is!" Was his disclosure,"And what this 'properly situated' things is? I know not how to engage myself in his devotional service! This is so confusing. Now if I want to only meditate on his name, the second later, my mind flies to somewhere else, which has nothing to do with him! Why is it so unstable and fluctuates like crazy? It gives me hells when I try to analyze happenings. Like, some incorrigible mistakes never really get away and the root they have grown are too stubborn to eradicate. How am I supposed to attain peace if things go on like this forever?" He threw up his hands in frustration.
She gazed up at him, then at the Deity. She seemed to lost in reminding herself of something attentively while she was often closing her eyelids and holding them for some time, and after awhile a smile broke free on her face. He watched her in awe, he could sense that things are not really normal here, something ethereal is going on. The luster he witnessed on her face was far beyond anything related to materialistic happinesses. If someone could notice her closely, there was a subtle glow around her, which was certainly missed by him, even tho he was sitting near to her.
"You know, deep inside of yourself if you peek, you'll know yourself who he is! The thing is we are afraid to admit to that. He was there with us even before we realized we exist. It is our misfortune that due to our own wish of eating the fruits of Māyā alone, we've forgotten him. He is our only best friend we can count on. Only truth that is real. Aprākrta and Nitya. Transcendental and everlasting. He has been waiting for us since ages, getting hurt continuously watching ourselves suffering each day, however, as we are too engrossed in materialistic life, we have totally forgotten our true identity, which is spiritual and everlasting. That which is subtle. Only way we can know him, is totally surrendering unto him. Surrendering unto the supreme, the Lord, Bhagaban." She paused and lift up the sweater, it was almost done. "One is Properly Situated when he is not moved by any up and down circumstances of life. Happiness and Sadness are both identical to whom, who is stoic in a sense. That kind of renunciation is a good one.
Lord says in Gita,
jitätmanaù praçäntasya
paramätmä samähitaù
tathä mänäpamänayoù 6.7
For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquility. To such a man happiness and distress, heat and cold, honor and dishonor are all the same.
One who can live the life as per Krishna instructs here, are the one who can attain peace, who are in fact in rest or in tranquility of life.
Further the lord instructs,
yuïjann evaà sadätmänaà
yogé vigata-kalmañaù
sukhena brahma-saàsparçam
atyantaà sukham açnute 6.28
Steady in the Self, being freed from all material contamination, the yogé the highest perfectional stage of happiness in touch with the Supreme Consciousness.
That's how one should live life. Yogi is he, who knows how to practice the supreme consciousness. Through practicing yoga only, one can achieve the stability and steadiness of self. And among all yoga forms, Bhakti yoga is the highest form." She paused and glanced at the Radha Govinda deity. A smile is playing on her lips. He noticed the sun was almost near the horizon. Yet he hadn't received the answers of all his questions.
"How do I perform this Bhakti yoga?" He asked, glancing at the orange sky turning purple.
"Bhakti yoga is the simplest form of all yoga yet it possesses the highest place of all. Bhakti yoga is very simple if you are determined in your devotion and faith.And it is the highest beneficial form of yoga that one can perform. One just need to be consistent in performing Bhakti yoga.
harer näma harer näma
harer nämaiva kevalam
kalau nästy eva nästy eva
nästy eva gatir anyathä
Harinama, Harinama, Harinama is the only and foremost means to achieve emancipation. There is no other way, no other way, no other way in this age of Kali.
You can chant the holy name on the tulsi beads japamala. Starting small, with chanting only 108 times, you can start with one round. Then you will notice even before you have comprehended, you have already increased the rounds gradually unconsciously. That is the Mahimā(glory) of Harinaam. It is transcendental, it is beautiful."
"Would my mind allow it? It never listens to me. That even if I start chanting the holy name, after two or three times my mind would want me to stop it immediately. How do I control it?"
She smiled, "Even Warrior Prince Arjuna had the similar thoughts. Indeed mind travels faster than even light. It is tougher to control the mind than to control the turbulent wind. This is true, that if we can control our mind there is nothing faithful than our mind and if we let our mind control us then there will be nothing gruesome than our uncontrollable mind. It is in our mind's characteristic that it is bound to wander around here and there. It will mostly tell you the negative things about something which you know aren't wrong. Then the only way we can control it is, turn it back and tell it aggressively to keep quiet. Count me on, it will listen."
The outside has already darken. She stood up to switch on the lights of the temple. This place was far from the city lights, thus is less crowded. It will take one and half hours to reach his home from this place.
He stood up and muttered, "It's time I guess, I should leave now."
"Okay", she beamed as she folded the yellow and pink sweater which was now a completed piece. The deity would wear it tomorrow.
The priest now anytime would come.
He glanced at the wrist watch and said, "I will come tomorrow."
"Sure", she said then thought something for a second before saying, "Would you mind if I take you to somewhere else tomorrow?", she added thereafter quickly,"it will be beneficial to you I promise."
He stopped in his track, a surprise filled amusement had covered his face, he watched her closely then gave his consent in uncertainty, "Ah! Sure."
Only time will tell, what Krsna wants! he thought as he left the place in thoughtfulness.
A/N- After a long time I have updated this book. As I DON'T really write something which is based on ONLY my imagination. That is why my updates are slow. I hope you will like the chapter. Vote, comment and share. It will really mean a lot and if you have some different approaches to some information I have provided here, please do leave an inline comment I'll be happy to know your point of views too.
And above all chant, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare and be happy.
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