A really late entry for Shuppet_kumo. I never got the inspiration to write this, but now I do. And this time it's something special. This is dedicated to eternally-cliche and Watzitchuya, the cutest Wattpad couple there ever is x3 Even though you two might not actually read this, I wrote it because I wanted to. Just call it a fanfic of sorts. I know the requirement was to make a sad backstory, but I just can't make these two lovebirds suffer xD Enjoy :)
Larkin sat quietly at her drawing table, staring absently out the window. The lush green meadows danced to the blowing music of the wind, swaying like ripples in a lake. She sighed, laying her head on her arms as she watched her children play.
Squeals of laughter, and there they were, tumbling down the rising, falling, fields.
Larkin pulled her gaze away, sitting back up tiredly. Her eyes wandered to the flower pot that sat on her bedside table. It was a small thing, made of pristine white porcelain and blessed with intricate designs crafted by the hands of a god.
My god, Larkin thought, standing up and heading over to it. She picked up the fragile artifact, and stared admiringly at the single flower which sat snugly within.
A white rose.
It glittered radiantly in all its shining white glory, with effervescent hues of lilac and marine and the deepest shade of indigo tipping the edges of its petals. Her fingers brushed the back of the pot, feeling the words engraved into the clay masterpiece.
She knew what they were without having to see them - she had read them so many times she could even recite them in her sleep.
To my Snowflake
I give you all my being, my heart, my soul. Your beautifully innocent purity cleanses me, soothes the fire that burns within. I love you, forever and always.
XOXO Your Sunshine
Her eyes began to burn, and she hugged the pot to her chest, hearing the blood rushing through the veins in her ears like a tsunami.
A single tear dripped down onto the rose's glimmering petals, glinting like a transparent pearl.
It was Monday. The start of a new day, a new chapter in her life.
More torment.
Larkin lethargically dragged herself to Watty Academy, feeling her eyelids droop with each heavy step she took towards the place she detested.
It was equivalent to studying in Hell. Her teachers were unfair, she was a nerd, and because of her rather 'unique' appearance, she was constantly getting teased.
Yep, Hell.
The bell rang, and she quickly shuffled to her seat. The teacher came in a few seconds later. Class, he called, slapping his rolled-up file against his palm. We have a new student with us today.
Larkin sighed, slumping in her seat boredly. Another new student? The school sure was becoming more famous. In the past few years, more students had joined the 'Watty Family', as the principal liked to call it.
There was the Queen, Jace, who had gained many admirers as a result of her rather badass attitude and amazing art.
There was Shaylah, Koala, Musical, Hannah... the weird but fabulous bunch of people which she constantly flirted and fought with; her closest friends.
The King, Ryuu, who had also gained loyal followers because of his art.
The hilarious, cheerful Shuppet, who loved to make puns, and often had to get dragged away by her guardian, Ren, when it became 'too much'.
She even had juniors who looked up to her, and she was flattered, though she would never admit it.
Larkin herself was quite... 'talented' in art, and was rather renowned for her gorgeous style.
She wondered who the new student was, and how he or she would be like. Perhaps artistic, like her? Maybe sporty? Or perhaps funny?
The teacher welcomed the student in, and Larkin waited with bated breath as the door was opened and in came...
A god.
Larkin blinked. Was she seeing things? A god? She rubbed her eyes, blinking them three times to make sure.
Then she looked at the new student again.
He had the face of a god- firm jaw, bright, shiny black eyes, lusciously thick black hair, smooth skin, chiseled features.
He had the body of a god- broad shoulders, slim build, lean arms and legs. Larkin could see a faint glimpse of his collarbone, and abs, through his thin, loosely collared shirt.
And the voice of a god.
"Hello," the young man said, flashing a smile which showed all of his shiny white teeth. "My name is Watzi."
Huskily deep. Larkin could hear the excitement and curiosity in his tone.
How on earth is he so-? Larkin wondered, her heart hammering against her chest as she stared in wide-eyed awe at the godly boy. Her fists clenched, her body trembled. She felt a strange emotion, something she never thought she would feel.
She quickly shook her head, pressing her lips tightly together. Get a hold of yourself Larkin! she screamed at herself internally. For all you know, this hulking, sexy god might be one hell of a bastard!
Larkin took in a deep breath, calming herself. When she lifted her gaze again, she froze, a furious, searing burn tearing up her neck and flooding her face.
The new student, Watzi, was staring.
At her.
Apparently, Watzi was a rather powerful volleyball player. He joined the school's volleyball team, which was rather horrible and was close to shutting down, and became the ace spiker. He quickly ascended the ranks and became the captain. The other members were inspired by him, and they worked harder.
Eventually the team emerged as the champions when the nationals passed.
He was also shockingly good at art. His art pieces got displayed in the Academy's Hall of Fame, and he became one of the best artists there was in the Academy.
Not only that, he had a friendly personality, and was constantly around making people laugh with his jokes and silly antics.
This made him extremely famous in the Academy.
Larkin had been wrong about the 'bastard' part. She had been right about the 'hulking, sexy god' part.
Watzi was perfect.
But Larkin couldn't gather the courage to talk to him. Every time she saw him walking down the hallways, with a pack of wild fangirls behind him no less, she would quickly scoot around the corner and wait there with her heart thumping till she felt she could die.
Larkin admired him. She adored his art, she respected his talents.
He was perfect.
But she wasn't sure if she would ever get to know him.
She was just too shy.
Larkin set down the pot with the rose, quickly wiping away her tears. She had to stay strong, for the man she loved.
He promised her after all.
He always kept his promises.
It was during the first day of the second-last week before Graduation Day that Watzi confronted her.
Larkin had been busily working on an art project in the art room, not noticing that she was the only one there.
Until the living god came in.
When Larkin noticed him, standing beside her and watching her paint with a fascinated look on his face, she screamed in fright, a blush instantly turning her cheeks dark scarlet.
Her palette flew and splattered paint everywhere, on her, on Watzi, and on her project.
"Ack, no!" Larkin cried out in desperation. She stared at her picture, horrified by the mess on it. Her delicate work had been ruined. She then turned to Watzi, and saw him looking down at himself, appearing to be rather amused by the paint splashes all over him.
"Ah, I'm so sorry!" She gushed out in apology, standing up and bowing frantically.
"No, it's okay! You don't have to apologise so much." Watzi chuckled. Larkin stopped, lowering her head in embarrassment, staring ashamedly at the floor.
"You're Larkin, right?" continued the husky masculine voice. Larkin squeaked, unable to believe what she was hearing. To think such a famous person actually knew her name!
"N-no! I-I mean, yes!" She stuttered out, wringing her hands together as she raised her head the slightest bit, to see Watzi's expression.
He looked curious.
"I've heard a lot about you from your friends and juniors. Even Ryuu talked about you at times. I've been wanting to meet you."
A ravishingly charming smile.
Larkin felt her stomach loop around in all sorts of twists and turns like a drunk roller coaster. Her heart fluttered, beating so rapidly she thought it might fly out of her chest.
"Y-you've been wanting to meet me?" She sputtered, the astonishment in her voice so clear that Watzi smiled again.
"Well, yeah. Ryuu said you were a pretty good artist too. I guess he was right, looking at your project," He turned his gaze to the ruined project that sat miserably on its stand. "Uh... before it got... messed up." He added quickly, noticing Larkin's downcast expression.
She heaved a sigh, staring at her art piece in defeat. "Now I'll never get it done in time..." she sniffed, plopping back down onto her chair. Watzi looked at her for a long moment, then glanced to the canvas, studying it carefully.
He took a brush, dipped the tip in water, and began to paint on the surface, much to Larkin's surprise.
"What are you doing?" She asked frantically. The art god methodically stroked up and down the canvas paper, blending the paint splashes together. He added a few more layers on other parts of the project, dabbing here, flicking there.
"And done!" Watzi declared after a moment, setting down the brush and stepping back to let Larkin see his work better.
The white-haired girl gasped, her lavender blue eyes widening in shock and happiness.
Watzi had managed to get rid of the mess by blending it together with her picture.
Now it showed a girl that was smiling, but crying at the same time, her hair a myriad of different colours flying out behind her. Hands clasped, and the blot of black which had splattered on the back of her hand before had been turned into an intricate tattoo of swirls surrounding a rose.
The calm blue background Larkin had painted now had bubbles of different colours, all of which had a soft tone to them which made them blend in well.
Watzi had fixed it.
"Do you like it?" The boy asked, giving her a lopsided smile as he scratched the back of his head.
"It's so..." Larkin whispered, reaching up and running her fingers over the smooth, acrylic surface. It was perfect, just like him. "Thank you Watzi!" She exclaimed, turning to him, smiling brightly. "Thank you so much!"
Before she knew what happened, she had flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing in close.
Watzi paused for a split second, then hugged back, giving her a soft smile. "Your welcome."
They remained that way for a few more seconds, until Larkin became more aware of what she had done.
Dang it, I lost myself to his warmth! she realised with horror, and quickly pulled away, flushing uncontrollably.
"I-I'm sorry!" She squeaked, clenching her fists. "N-not that I wanted to hug you, i-idiot!"
Watzi managed a crooked smile as he chuckled at her embarrassment. "So, I'm an idiot?"
Larkin clapped a hand over her mouth as she realised what she had said. "Ah! I-I'm sorry! It was just-" she stammered, but was cut short when Watzi patted her head, embracing her.
"You don't have to apologise anymore," he whispered. Larkin opened her mouth, but no sound would come out. He pulled away, and she could only stand there, dumbfounded.
"Oh, I have to go," Watzi said, looking at his watch. He winked at her as he turned to the door. "Let's talk again another time, okay Larkin?"
Larkin gaped at him, still unable to force out the words she wanted to say. The boy grinned that same beautiful smile, and slowly left the art room.
She could only watch him go, with that same strange emotion flooding her from head to toe.
Never was she so aware of her beating heart.
Graduation Day was just around the corner, and Larkin hadn't found a date for Prom Night. Well, not that she actually needed one. But it was... compulsory...
And that was the worst.
Larkin stood in front of the mirror in her room, looking over herself as she yanked on different dresses. She had to find one she could wear to the prom.
"No, no, no! Why is everything so ugly?" she cried out in frustration, throwing down a dress which was too exposing for her liking. She sat down on her bed, slumping sadly. "I can't go to the prom like this..."
Then an idea appeared.
I have to buy a new dress then.
Immediately, she grabbed her purse, and ran out of the house. She only had fifty dollars. There had to be a dress she could buy which suited her and was within her budget.
Some time later, she was at the mall, gazing around at all the different clothing shops that were open. She entered a few, and came out with no success. There were a few dresses she liked, but they were way over her budget.
Why is everything so expensive? she wondered as she sat down, taking a break. She gazed into her pouch, at the crumpled fifty dollar note which lay within it. A sigh.
Then something at the corner of her eye caught her attention.
She turned her head, and stared in awe at the beautiful white strapless dress which was displayed at a nearby shop. It was made of the most purest white satin and silk she had ever seen, together with a gorgeous sapphire blue. Flower patterns decorated the flowing skirt of it seamlessly, looking as though they had been printed on.
It actually came in a set, with sapphire blue heels and a icy blue hairpin. The hairpin was in the shape of snowflakes.
Never had Larkin seen such a dress which actually perfectly suited her.
She rushed to the shop, determined to get the dress on display no matter what.
Even if it cost a thousand dollars, and she had to rob a bank because of her poorness.
She asked the clerk at the counter if the dress on display was for sale. The clerk said yes. How much?
A thousand dollars.
Oh my god, Larkin gasped internally, feeling close to fainting. It really did cost a thousand dollars.
Perhaps she had jinxed it.
Larkin slumped, looking at the measly fifty dollar note in her purse. The dress cost twenty times more than the money she had with her.
Well, Larkin thought. I definitely don't want to be a criminal by robbing a bank. It's hopeless...
She turned to leave, her head low in dejection. Another customer passed by her, holding a red tuxedo. It looked expensive. At least whoever wants to buy it has the money... she thought, sighing.
Larkin was almost at the exit when the clerk at the counter called back for her. She stopped, turning around in confusion, as the man quickly ran out of the counter and took down the dress on display, heels, hairpin and all.
Then he ran back, folded it neatly and placed it in a large paper bag, before rushing over to her and thrusting it into her hands.
"Wait, what?" Larkin stared at the clerk, stunned.
The man jerked a thumb to the right, pointing at someone that was leaving the store. "The customer after you paid for it. Said to give it to you." He answered.
Larkin craned her neck to see who the clerk was pointing to.
A head of familiar-looking black hair that was styled in a familiar-looking hairstyle. A broad back which also looked familiar.
Larkin gasped as the black-haired boy turned around the corner and vanished from sight.
It was Watzi.
Larkin and Watzi had been slowly bonding after that incident in the art room. They met up occasionally, talked about things. Both liked art, both liked anime.
Both were so similar, yet almost opposite as well.
The weird emotion Larkin had felt had grown a lot stronger than before, and she often wondered what it was.
When Watzi was around, she liked to stare at him for a long time, drinking in his handsome features and everything else. And more often than not, she would catch him staring at her.
Whenever he looked at her, she would scream at herself internally.
Now she was screaming like mad, especially since Watzi was currently on one knee in front of her, just a day before Graduation Day.
"Larkin," Watzi announced, his eyes shining with hope and sincerity. A large group of onlookers were watching in shock and curiosity.
For an instant, Larkin thought he was going to propose to her.
"Will you be my date to the prom?"
Okay, maybe not a proposal. But Watzi, of all people, just asked her to be his date. To the prom. She wondered why he asked her.
Larkin gasped, eyes widening as she gaped at the godly boy who was kneeling before her. "Y-y-yes!" She squeaked, not quite understanding why she was even accepting him. "Yes Watzi, yes!"
Now she sounded like an overexcited fangirl.
Perhaps she was one.
Prom came, and Larkin fitted herself into the dress which Watzi had... bought for her. She never really asked why, as she was afraid he might question her and be hurt. And he never really explained it either. So she kept quiet about it.
The dress was perfect on her. The skirt swirled at her feet, the flower patterns rippling on the smooth satin. It hugged her body snugly, and she flushed as she looked down at herself.
Makeup on, heels in place, hairpin tucked in, and she was ready to go.
Her stepfather complimented her looks. "Knock 'em dead, love." He told her strongly, smiling.
Larkin stepped out of the house, taking in a deep breath. And there he was.
Waiting for her, dressed in his red tuxedo. It complimented his appearance, with slim jeans, polished shoes, his same tousled black hair that now shone.
And he had a red Mercedes car.
Larkin flushed as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "You look beautiful." He smiled, flashing his teeth. Larkin felt her face flush.
"Y-you look pretty good yourself. N-not that I think you're handsome or anything!" She said awkwardly. Watzi laughed, a deep, husky laugh. His voice was always husky somehow. "Ready to go, milady?" He asked, eyes gleaming with a secret emotion.
So beautiful.
She managed a nod, and Watzi opened the car door for her, gesturing for her to enter. Once she got in, he clambered into the driver's seat, strapped in, and started to drive to the Academy.
The prom was going to be held at the school's very large concert hall.
They sat like that in silence for a while, until Watzi broke it. "So..." he began, glancing at the rearview mirror. Larkin tensed, awaiting his question. "Uh... what do you want to do once we get there?"
"Well, we could fetch some drinks," Larkin answered hesitantly. "Maybe chat with others, like with Ryuu, Koala, or Shaylah. And maybe enjoy ourselves...?"
"Sure, why not?" Watzi gave a small smile.
They lapsed into silence again, and Larkin shifted uncomfortably.
"You know Larkin," the boy said again, startling her. "You have very pretty hair."
Larkin felt faint. Watzi was complimenting her hair. The hair which made everyone tease her for being a freak.
"D-do you like it?" She asked uncertainly.
Watzi smiled, giving her the slightest glance. "Well, yeah. It suits your eyes very well. Even your eyes are pretty," Larkin's mouth dropped, and she found it hard to breath.
"You're pretty, Larkin. Beautiful, in fact. Like a snowflake."
Watzi, the art god and volleyball star, gave her another one of his charming smiles.
"W-well... I-I..." Larkin stuttered, unable to reply. Was he confessing to her? It sure sounded like he was. Was she dreaming? She pinched her arm behind her back, so Watzi wouldn't see.
No, the pain was real.
She wasn't dreaming.
It was reality.
Internally, she started screaming again. Watzi said she was pretty. Watzi said she was beautiful.
Why was she so happy about him complimenting her anyway? Why was she so happy that Watzi found her beautiful?
That same emotion she had been trying to figure out fluttered in her heart, and she tried to figure out what it was, even as they finally reached the Academy and headed to the concert hall.
Everything passed as a blur, and Larkin still couldn't figure out what the emotion was. It made her skin tingle, her heart beat, her body tremble. It made her feel alive.
And most of the time, it was because Watzi was-
That's it.
Larkin stopped short, eyes widening in realisation.
She knew what the emotion was now.
She loved him.
She was in love with Watzi.
Prom was progressing smoothly, and Larkin was having a great time. Watzi was always ready with a joke to make her laugh, and he was always bringing her punch.
But Larkin could tell he was hiding something. Every time she looked into his eyes, she would see a flicker of sadness.
And she wondered why.
The dance part came round, and Watzi excused himself for the time being. Larkin chased after him, spotting the downcast look on his usually cheerful face.
"Watzi, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly, her hand instinctively clutching his arm. She honestly had no idea why she did that, but didn't think much about it.
"Its nothing Larkin. I'm just... not feeling too well." Watzi sighed, refusing to look at her. Larkin frowned, detecting the traces of a lie.
Watzi wasn't unwell. He was perfectly healthy-looking, his skin full of colour. There was something bothering him.
"Why are you upset? I know you're not sick." Larkin demanded, putting her hands on her hips. Watzi gave her a strained smile.
"It's nothing, Larkin. Really."
"Don't lie to me!"
"I'm not lying Larkin! I really am not feeling well."
"You're lying! I've seen the sadness in your eyes. Tell me what's wrong!"
Watzi was growing desperate. And frustrated. "I-It's just-argh!" He ran a hand through his hair, his expression contorted into one of heartbreak.
"Look Larkin... I... I just..." He trailed off, lowering his head. Larkin waited for him to continue.
"Every time I see you, I get this weird feeling in my chest. It-it feels like I could explode any minute. After spending more time with you, I finally figured out what it was," The boy gazed at her with a sad smile.
"I... really, really like you Larkin. No, not 'like'. I love you."
Larkin stopped, eyes growing as wide as saucers. She stared at him, voice stuck in her throat.
"I loved you ever since I saw you. Call it 'love at first sight'," Watzi chuckled softly. Then his expression became downcast again.
"But I know you don't like me the same way I like you. You only see me as a friend. Even when I-" he gulped. "Even when I slipped in some hint about me liking you, you didn't even react. I..."
Watzi clenched his fists, dropping his head.
Larkin found her voice after a minute of deafening silence. "Is that why you bought this dress for me?" She whispered, voice choked. Watzi blinked, looking a little stunned that she knew that he had paid for the dress. Then he nodded, looking back to the ground.
"Is that why you asked me to be your date?" Larkin asked again, feeling her eyes burn with held back tears. Watzi nodded again.
Larkin released the floodgates, biting her lip as she watched Watzi through her blurring eyesight.
She managed a smile. "At least I'm not the only one who's uncertain."
Watzi perked up, looking stunned. "What?"
Larkin strode right up to him, pulling him down by his collar. He was very tall, and she couldn't hit his height even if she stood on her toes.
"Listen, mister," Her voice cracked. "I feel the same way you do. Every time I see you, I feel like I could die. I didn't know why, not until just recently,"
Watzi stared at her, registering the tears on her face.
"You're handsome, and your hair is smooth. Your eyes are bright, like obsidian, and you're bubbly and funny," Larkin took in a deep breath. "Just like the sun,"
And she hugged him, wrapping her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest. She sobbed.
"I love you too, you stupid Sunshine. I loved you ever since you stepped into class."
Watzi wrapped his arms around her small frame as she cried into his tuxedo, whispering soothing words and apologies. She hit his chest, and he pulled her in closer, tighter, leaving no gaps in between them. He didn't care if she ruined his clothes, that Larkin knew.
Because their feelings weren't unrequited.
They had fallen in love with each other.
Larkin sat by the window, staring up at the bright burning sun. Looking at it reminded her of him.
It pained her, she missed him, but she pushed down the despair.
She could wait.
She had to wait.
He would come back to her soon enough.
Two weeks, and I'll come back.
Just like he promised.
The prom ended, school days were over. Watzi and Larkin became a new couple, and they decided to live together once they were a bit older. But now they had to live away from each other.
They adopted some children, to practice how to be parents. Of course, their own parents didn't really consent to this, but they let the couple do what they wanted.
Everything was going on happily, smoothly, months of joy.
Until that day.
Larkin was waiting for Watzi at the park. He had asked to meet her, as he had something important to tell her.
She wondered what it was, and if it was good news.
But she knew things would be different once she saw Watzi limping towards her, neck and hands bandaged up, plasters on his face.
Larkin gasped, rushing over to him. "What happened to you?" She asked frantically, gripping his arms.
Watzi gave a small, tired smile. "My thyroids acted up again, even worse than the last time," he answered hoarsely. His head dropped. "I'm sorry Larkin. I have to leave."
Larkin stared at him, hardly believing her ears. "No!" She screamed, clinging onto him. "No, you can't leave! Why?" Tears welled up in her eyes as she weeped, staring at her beloved desperately.
"I have to. I... I want to recover as soon as possible. I have to undergo surgery," Watzi cupped her face in his palms, brushing away her tears with his thumbs. "I want to come back to your side as good as new, not as a cripple. Please understand, Larkin. I don't want to leave, but I have to."
"B-but, couldn't you just-?" Larkin protested.
"I can't Larkin," Watzi answered softly. "A doctor at home won't do much good. I have to go to the hospital. Surgery is the only option for me," He pressed their foreheads together, staring sadly into her eyes.
"Dad said I have to be treated at some famous hospital with good doctors, if I want my surgery to be successful and if I want to recover quickly. So I have to travel out of the country." He continued.
Larkin took his hands, nodding slowly in understanding. "I understand Watzi..." she murmured, lowering her head.
Watzi took her face in his hands again and gently pressed his lips to hers passionately. Larkin pressed back, feeling the tears continue to roll down her face.
They parted.
"Wait for me, Larkin," Watzi murmured, pushing back the stray white bangs covering her face. "Two weeks. Two weeks, and I'll come back."
"You promise?" Larkin sobbed, looking up at him with large, round eyes. Watzi nodded.
"I promise, Larkin. I promise," He hugged her. "I love you, my Snowflake."
Larkin sunk into his embrace, squeezing her eyes shut. "I love you too, my Sunshine."
They pulled back, staring deep into each other's eyes, into their souls.
"Forever and always."
She would stay strong for him. Even if she felt like the world was going to end.
She would live for him, pray for his safe return.
Larkin felt the cool breeze brush past her face, whipping back her hair.
The sun shone strongly.
And a single snowflake fell from the sky.
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