Chapter 10
Doctor Sylvan entered the hotel room with anticipation. He was intrigued with what more the young lady who graced his presence earlier, would have to say to him. He also felt a familiarity as she spoke. A few times her accent faltered and he heard it but then, she seemed well traveled so didn't think twice about little things like that.
Dasia welcomed the good doctor inside and proceeded to become the hostess she self trained to become.
"Would you like something to drink Doctor Sylvan?"
"Is this work related?"
His eyes swept the place, confirming his unspoken thoughts.
"Not really, but it depends....."
Dasia says this and tilts her throbbing head a little with a weird smile on her face. She was trying very hard to hide the pain and hoping to calm the doctor enough to execute her plans, and him. This last thought brought a tingle between her legs and she took a quick glance at her current attire on a mirror close by. The dress was of sheer fabric and showed her curves quite well. The slits at the sides were not waist high but high enough, giving a view that would make any male curious. She saw the glint and knew it would be a little easier to get the doctor where she really wanted him. Docile, sexually charged and probably dead by the end of there time.
"In that case, can I get scotch with ice, no chaser."
She poured his drink and handed the glass to him, not without making sure her hand accidentally touched his. The deduction has started. He smiled and took the glass handed to him.
"So, what do you need me fore?"
"Well, Doctor Sylvan, I seem to have a little matter to discuss with you. But I must say, I did choose your establishment not only for the great reviews but also because of the great doctor reviews."
Dasia was showering him with compliments and he was quickly settling more into the chair, getting himself comfortable. She was loving it. She made few gestures that required physical contact while talking. He did not shy away. She knew it was time to close the deal.
"Doctor Sylvan, can I show you something?"
He nodded his affirmation and Dasia closed the space between them kissing him slowly on the mouth. Sticking her tongue out a little just to taste him once again. For Doctor Sylvan he felt like it was the first time, even though the lips that touched him ignited an extra burning in his pants and felt as though he knew who they were attached to. But how could it be? She was not anyone he had ever heard of and welcomed her lips on his.
Dasia noticed the change in his demeanor and she increased the pressure, but Doctor Sylvan already went into alpha mode. He dragged Dasia closer into him and his tongue began a battle she made him win. Doctor Sylvan pulled Dasia down onto his lap, barely lifting her skirt. He actually slipped his hand on the sides where the slits were and searched for her core. He just wanted to touch her. Touch her sweetness and have her cry for him. He would then ask forgiveness and leave feeling accomplished that he did not yield his sex to her pleas. His intentions were definitely all he had to battle with.
Somewhere during his finger search his pants was opened and his member displayed with Dasia's hand wrapped around it. Playing with it. The same time his fingers were playing with her. His need overcame all thoguhts and he lifted her bottucks and placed dasia to hover over his thickness. She looked at him then and wanted to ask him for the pills she knew he would have.'Maybe he carried them everywhere he travelled?' Those were her thoughts but she shrugged enjoying the familiarity given by her very own Doctor Sylvan. She wanted him to experience what he had done. What he had created. She kept her truth hidden as she rode his sweet stick. She enjoyed it, nearly forgot the reason why she was even there. Nearly forgot, but when he pulled out all the memories flooded her mind. She became angry. The anger reminded her of her initial purpose for the seduction. It was too late now to grab the knife. It was too late now for her to end the shenanigan. She had to continue a few more minutes, days even, but right now she had to give into the doctor's act.
What they had shared was not enough it seems for the doctor. He took Dasia by the hand and lead her to the bedroom. She had to get the dagger in that room now, but how? She followed him to the room and they indulged once again in their passion. At no point did the good doctor ever thought the woman writhing under him, sucking him dry, was Dasia. No way would he have even been able to comprehend that this was actually the day he would die by the hands of someone he created and loved in some weird way.
Dasia enjoyed the freedom though. She took full advantage of the opportunities given, where her hands rove all over Doctor Sylvan's body. She filled her tips with memories of his flesh and how it felt on her fingers. She kissed, sucked, licked places she did not have any chance of tasting, before tonight. She enjoyed it and at some point her tears flowed unconcerned about her ideas. Doctor Sylvan thought this was a plus as his services delivered would create such an emotional rollercoaster for the woman underneath him. he was still clueless that the woman was none other than Dasia, his past lover from the institute.
He spilled inside her this time, unconcerned about the consequences. His tiredness overcame him and he rolled to the next side with one idea. To relax for a few minutes. Which he did. This was Dasia's time now to come clean. This was the ideal time for her to confess who she really was and what she was there for. She looked at Doctor Sylvan and an emotional wave overcame her. Dasia could not bring herself to end the good doctor's life. Her revenge was laying next to her, sleeping ever so gently and she was being a coward.
She could not hurt him. She could not harm him even though she believed that it would help her in so many ways. She had to leave though. She could not wait for him to reopen his eyes and see her there. Before she left she visited her table and scribbled a note. It should have been a short simple note but it ended up with more than a page of words scribbled down.
She looked at the doctor once again before rushing out the door. Leaving a few items and the letter on the table near to the bed. When the doctor awoke he will see her writing, read it and react. She had no idea what his actions would entail and she was not ready to find out first hand. She walked out the door with no reason of looking back. The doctor remembered where he was and his eyes flew open. Minutes after sharing the bed of a n exotic thick beauty, and possible client. He was excited to go another rounds with the young lady in her hotel bed. Dirtying the sheets a little more for the cleanup crew to have something to do. Instead he was faced with an empty space, a few of her items around and a dagger placed near his head on the pillow, atop a few papers.
He knew then who he had shared the sheet dance with. The dagger confirmed the familiarity he had felt a few hours before. Fear flit across his face and he knew he was in a whole lot of trouble. His fingers shook, and a the scent rise to his nostrils. The scent of Dasia. It shook a little more as he timidly raised the dagger to free the few papers underneath.
Doctor Sylvan read the first line "Dear Doctor Sylvan, ....". he read it twice before slumping down on the bed.
Dasia was back in the skies, rubbing her temple wishing for the moment she can sit and take her meds once again. The throbbing was back and she knew it will never leave. She smiled with a passenger and he took the bait. She smiled to herself as she knew her flight was carrying a group of doctors to another retreat destination. Thoughts of Doctor Sylvan wrestling n her mind. All she needed was her pill and 15 minutes of rest. After being with one of the good doctors of course.
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