New Friends?
3rd Person POV
"Who are you people?" The black-hooded person demanded as they pulled out a glowing scythe and their partner in the blue hood pulled out a sword.
"Woah woah hey! We are not your enemies, we're just trying to find a way to stop the curse." Dreamer stood in front of his team and held his hands out non-threateningly.
"So you are the ones Harper told us about." The person in the dark cyan hood pulled their hood off to reveal a girl with long brown hair, red eyes, and wearing a blue shirt and purple skirt with brown shoes under her coat.
"Ara..." The other person started, still suspicious of the group, until "Ara" made a nodding motion to them and they nodded in return after a few seconds.
Reluctantly, the person in the black hood pulled off their hood to unmask another girl with short white hair with a black shaved area, yellow/green eye with dark blue pupils, a smattering of freckles across their face and wearing a blue striped shirt with pants and climbing boots with cat ears and a tail protruding from her head and back.
"Woah, who are you girls?" Sadie asked the two.
"I'm Arabelle, or Ara for short, and this is my fellow Portal-Keeper, Beggip." The girl who wore in dark cyan introduced herself and the girl who wore black.
"I'm sorry, 'Portal-Keeper'?" Lily questioned.
"We basically watch over the portals and make sure that everyone bad stays in their own world and help those who are good in their travels." Beggip explained.
"I thought you could only navigate the Portal Hall with the Atlas?" Lily Rose asked in confusion.
"Hadrian and Mevia used to be the leaders of our village in our world before they became the leaders of the Old Builders, when they took off, they took the plans for the Portal Atlas with them and began their corrupted games. After that, our new village leader decided to appoint new Portal Keepers to prevent that from ever happening again." Ara clarified for the group.
"So you can tell us where we need to go from here?" Stone asked hopefully.
"Under normal circumstances, we would have to send you back to your world because of your search for a weapon, but Harper has visited our world searching for the answer to the curse and we think she may have found one." Beggip told them.
"Soooo does that mean you'll help us?" Aspen asked a bit impatiently.
"Yes." The two nodded and answered in unison.
"So where do we go from here?"
"To the world Torvo created a millennia ago."
"There has to be another way..." Stone asked nervously, looking to where Addie was heavily breathing from where she was kneeling on the ground with her bracelet still letting out red steam.
"There isn't," Beggip started to explain, "Torvo's power stems from that world in addition to the cursed object and by destroying one you destroy the other."
"Wait, won't that mean it will destroy whoever it's bonded to?" Lily Rose made the realization and they turned to Ara and Beggip.
"Yes..." Ara answered gravely.
"Then we have to find another way." Dreamer told them determinedly.
"No, we have to do whatever it takes to destroy Madegno and if that means I have to go, so be it." Addie announced from where she stood up and waved her hand over her bracelet to stem the steam, for now.
"Addie-" Aspen started, but was interrupted,
"I made Stone promise me this, now I need you all to promise me too, if it came down to saving me or the Order and, now, all the worlds, you'd save everyone else."
"We don't trade lives Addie." Dreamer told her, but she yelled back,
"Dreamer!" Eyes turning red before she blinked and put a hand to her forehead before saying, "I know you don't want to consider this, but Madegno is already starting to take me over, Mel had been the only one stopping the corruption from affecting me all those years and now that she's gone, there's nothing stopping him from using me against you all."
"You've been able to hold him off this far, you can do it for just a little bit longer." Lily tried to assure her.
"Not in a world of his own creation where Madegno's power will be at its most powerful... Regardless, this is our only option right now." Addie turned to Beggip and Ara, "Could you take us to the 'Dark Realm' or whatever Torvo called his world."
"The Dark Realm." Beggip and Ara nodded and told her in unison again.
"Then let's go..."
"On one condition." Beggip told them as they started to go forward, making them stop abruptly.
"What is it? Do we have to pay a toll or something?" Sadie asked jokingly.
"No... you take us with you."
"Please! It gets so boring around here and we've been dying to go on an adventure." Ara begged, breaking her solemn and grave demeanor and Dreamer responded,
Beggip and Ara high fives each other before leading the group over to a section of wall where two inlaid square patterns in the wall were located. Beggip tapped her scythe to one square and Ara tapped her sword against the other, making the section open up to reveal a portal with an obsidian and Redstone frame and the center was a blend of purple, red, and black.
"Let's go get that dark-hearted monster..." Dreamer told the group determined right before they all jumped through the portal.
1029 Words
AN- I'm sorry this chapter is a little action less, but the real action should be coming up in maybe the next few chapters leading to the end of the book and I got to officially introduce Beggip and Ara to the group and hopefully, I got their personality's right, if not I could always do a rewrite. This week's going to be pretty busy for me with Saxon Day preparations, but I will try to work on the next chapters in my spare time.
Until the next chapter, Bye!
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