viii. the explosives expert
vol i — bloody fjerdans!
Once they had reached Ketterdam, Dinara had split off from the group, going to find her favorite curly-haired, human. She walked along the streets, happy that she didn't have to deal with Matthais' unconscious body. The streets were mostly empty, making her travel that much easier to the Slat. Wylan was Kaz and Dinara's secret, they were the only two who knew his true identity, keeping it in their back pocket for the perfect time. Dinara and Kaz were the only ones he had contact with, Jesper and Inej watching from a distance. Dinara had moved him into the Slat when they went to Hellgate, knowing that he would be safe there. Walking into the Slat, she nodded at a few people, but kept walking up the stairs to his room. She knocked on the door, she waited as it opened a second later, Wylan poking his curly head out of the door. "Let's go kid, Kaz wants you at the club."
Wylan tilted his head, looking like a puppy. "Why?"
"I have a feeling, but I'm not certain. You know the bastard doesn't like waiting. Don't make me have to steal the sweets he takes back. I won't get another dress out of it."
Wylan sighed, not wanting to upset the woman further. "Let me put on my shoes." Dinara gave him a thumbs up, as she leaned against the door frame as he tied his laces. "Okay, I'm ready." Dinara ruffled his hair in response. "Not the hair."
"Get over it kid."
"You're a year older than me. I'm not a kid."
"Listen, you're the youngest here, I'm going to baby you whether you like it or not. It's also a bonus, I can treat you with sweets." Wylan perked up at that. Dinara swung her arm around his shoulders, as she steered him along the streets back to the Crow Club. "I knew you were going to like that." She reached into her pocket, pulling a toffee out of it. Wylan reached over, grabbed it out of her hands, and stuffed it in his mouth. "Don't worry, there is more where that comes from."
They two continued walking, watching as the bright sign for the club came closer. They walked into the door, everyone turning their way at the sound of the door opening. Kaz sent Dinara a look of annoyance. "You're late."
Dinara turned her head to look at Helvar tied up in a chair. "No I'm not. Seeing as he's still knocked out, I'm saying that we got here just in time," Dinara says. Kaz raises an eyebrow, not even bothering to say something in retaliation, knowing that she would say something right back. Dinara was good like that, always having a retort on the top of her tongue.
"Shut up and sit down, Di," Kaz snaps. "And stop feeding Wylan all of those sweets." Dinara looks up guilty as she stops mid-way handing him a sweet. "I don't need him running around on a sugar high."
"Fine," Dinara sighs, turning her head, sending a small wink to Wylan, silently saying that she was going to sneak him some later.
( ...⛓... )
group waited for Matthais to make any sort of movement to indicate he was awake. A loud groan interrupted Dinara and Kaz getting into an argument over feeding Wylan's sweets, it was a good thing too because they argued like a married couple, bickering over their child. Everyone turned their heads toward the sound, keeping weary eyes on the teenager. Kaz took charge of the situation. He started talking about jurda parem, the impossibly high reward, and the idea of breaking into the Ice Court.
"No," Matthias said simply.
"Believe me when I say this, Helvar: U know getting knocked out and waking up in strange surroundings isn't the friendliest way to start a partnership, but you didn't give us many options, so try to open your mind to the possibilities."
"You could have come to me on your knees, and my answer would be the same."
"Kaz doesn't beg."
"You do understand I can have you back at Hellgate in a matter of hours? Once poor Muzzen is in the infirmary, the switch will be easy."
"Do it. I can't wait to tell the warden your ridiculous plans."
"What makes you think you'll be going back with a tongue?"
"Do what you want."
"I told you."
"Don't pretend to know me, witch," Matthias snarled, refusing to make eye contact with Nina. Dinara rolled her eyes at the couple spat, knowing that it would end sooner rather than later.
Jesper unfolded himself from the shadows. "Without him, there's no job," he said. "You can't break into the Ice Court at all."
"Come now, Helvar, surely there's something you want. The chase is righteous enough for a zealot like you. Fjerda may think they've caught a dragon by the tail, but they won't be able to hold on. Once Bo Yul-Bayur replicates his process, jurda parem will enter the market, and it's only a matter of time before others learn to manufacture it, too."
"It will never happen. Yul-Bayur will stand trial, and if he is found guilty he will be put to death."
"Guilty of what?"
"Crimes against the people."
"Which people?"
"Natural people. People who live in harmony with the laws of this world instead of twisting them for their own gain," Matthias replied. Dinara rolled her eyes. For someone so pretty, he didn't have a lot of brains.
"You're being shortsighted about this, Helvar," said Kaz. "Another team could get to Yul-Bayur first. The Shu. Maybe the Ravkans. All with their own agendas. Border disputes and old rivalries don't matter to the Kerch. All the Merchant Council cares about is trade, and they want to make sure jurda parem remains a rumor and nothing more."
"So leading criminals into the heart of Fjerda to steal a valued prisoner is a patriotic act?" Matthias said scornfully.
"I don't suppose the promise of four million kruge will sway you, either."
"You can keep your money. Choke on it. I'll make a deal with you."
"I'm listening."
"I won't go with you, but I'll give you the plans for the layout of the Court. That should at least get you past the first checkpoint."
"And what will this valuable information cost me?" Kaz asked, he had his eyebrow raised, slightly interested in this little negotiation.
"I don't want your money. I'll give you the plans for nothing. If you let me kill Nina Zenik." Dinara's eyes grew wide, not expecting that as an answer. Inej made a sound of disgust. Dinara glanced over at Kaz, she raised an eyebrow at the pleased expression on his face.
"I can give you something better."
"What could be better than revenge? There's nothing else I want."
"I can make you drüskelle again."
"And you a magician, then? A wej sprite who grants wishes? I'm superstitious, not stupid."
"You can be both, you know, but that's hardly the point," Kaz slipped his hand into his dark coat. "Here," he said, giving a piece of paper to Inej. She brought the paper up to Matthias' face, allowing him to read it.
"What new evidence?" Matthias asked, eyes not moving from the paper in front of him.
Kaz leaned back in his chair. "It seems Nina Zenik has recanted her statements. She will face charges of perjury."
Dinara watched as Matthias glanced over at Nina for the first time. "Perjury? How long will you serve Zenik?"
"Two months."
"Two months?"
"Just how crazy is he?"
"I'm starting to worry, he belongs in a loony bin."
"He's not what I'd call reliable, but he's all we've got."
"She can't be trusted, you know," Matthias said. "Whatever secrets you hope to gain from Bo Yul-Bayur, she'll turn them over to Ravka."
"Let me worry about that, Helvar. You do your part, and the secrets of Yul-Bayur and jurda parem will be in the hands of the people best equipped to make sure they stay rumors." Dinara could see the gears turning in Matthias head. He was clearly weighing the situation, trying to figure out if it was worth it.
"What if Bo Yul-Bayur is dead?"
"Van arch insists he isn't."
"But what if he is, Brekker?"
"You still get your pardon."
"I'll do it." Kaz turned to Nina, sending her a wink. Dinara had to stop herself from laughing at the happiness in his eyes. Inej folded the paper back up, slipping it into Kaz's hand. He placed it back into his breast pocket.
"We're going to untie you," Kaz said. "I hope prison hasn't robbed you of all your manners of good sense." Matthias nodded, and Inej took a knife and cut the ropes binding him. "I believe you know Nina," he continued. "That lovely girl freeing you is Inej, our thief of secrets and the best in the trade. Jesper Fahey is our sharpshooter, Zemeni-born but try to go hold it against him. The lovely lady sitting next to me is Dinara, she's a jack of all trades, never know what she is going to do. And this is Wylan, best demolitions expert in the Barrel."
"Raske is better," said Inej.
The boy looked up, ruddy gold hair flopping in his eyes. Dinara had to hold back the urge to brush it out of his view, as he spoke up for the first time that night. "He's not better. He's reckless."
"He knows his trade."
"Don't go trashing on my child."
"So do I."
"Wylan is new to the scene."
"He looks like he's about twelve."
"Helvar, I'll punch you."
"I'm sixteen."
"We should be using Raske. He's good under pressure."
"I don't like it."
"I didn't ask. Besides, Wylan isn't just gif with the fling and fuss. He's our insurance."
"Against what?"
"Kaz, no," Dinara snapped. She didn't want Kaz to out the poor boy, knowing that he was barley holding it together after running away, despite what he said.
Kaz ignored her. "Meet Wylan Van Eck," said Kaz as the boy's cheeks flooded crimson. "Jan Van Eck's son and our guarantee on thirty million kruge."
wylan <3
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