My parents -more or less my mom- used to tell me that not everyone in the world was "good." She told me that there were people who would do things that a little girl shouldn't even know about.
When I was little, I thought that when a man had his hands wrapped around a woman's neck, that they were playing pretend, as I would've called it. Or if a man was pointing a gun at another man's head, they were rehearsing for a movie, or even a play.
But I was wrong.
I guess that's what my mom meant when she said there are bad people in this world, I just wish I would've believed her at the time.
"Jordyn, what is this?" My mom asked as she pushed open my door, a white envelope held tightly in her hand. I stared at her, shrugging my shoulders.
"It looks like yet another letter from your school. This is the fifth one they've sent in the last month Jordyn. I don't know what's gotten into you, but it's getting out of hand."
I stood up from my comfortable position on my bed, trudged over to her, and ripped the envelope out of her hands. Huffing, I tore it open and read through it rather quick, before ripping it in half and tossing it somewhere in my room.
"Whoops, guess it'll just stay in the pile with the other four." I pointed to the mess that was now scattered in my room from all the ripped up letters.
I tuned her voice out as she kept yelling at me, saying that I "wasn't the daughter she envisioned having" and that "she knew I would turn out to be opposite of what she wanted."
Of course I'm not what she wanted. I'm a troubled seventeen year old teenager. I was into partying -badly,- drinking, and, whenever I severely need it, drugs. For me, drinking and doing drugs are a coping mechanism even though it can completely take over my life if I go overboard.
My father, if I can even call him that, was the main reason I turned to drugs and alcohol. He was in and out of my life more times than I could count, which really took a toll in my life. When he would come home, he was always beyond the drunk stage. I hid in my room, if I could, until he was fast asleep on the couch, beer bottles in his hands.
But sometimes, I wasn't even able to hide in my room before he would grab me off the stairs and start hitting me or punching me. My mom was also "too afraid" to step in between us to stop him, but when I ran off to my room crying, I'd hear her yelling at him to stop abusing his kid.
But then my mom would get the beatings more than I would because she would defend her own daughter. It was never like this until he lost his job and found my mom cheating on him in our own house.
So basically ever since then, my life went downhill which led to me becoming a troubled teenager.
There was a party being thrown down the street from me, which sparked my interest. I knew my mom didn't care anymore that I went without permission.
What kid asks permission nowadays?
I raided my closet, looking for something that would be party-worth. After mindless, and what felt like hours of searching, I found a low-cut, black long sleeved crop top. I paired that with my light striped pants and a pair of knee-high heeled boots.
I curled the ends of my hair, pressed on some falsies since I literally have no eyelashes, mascara and a dark purple lipstick. I grabbed my phone and keys and texted Kylie.
Jordyn: stupid hoe are you ready
Jordyn: i'll be leaving to get u in like 2 seconds, if ur slow ass isn't ready by then u can walk :)
Kylie: i literally look fine as fuck for tonight u better pick me up whore
Jordyn: whatever xx
I pulled up to Kylie's house, honking my horn and seeing her run out of her house, tripping over her extremely long heels that would kill me if I wore them.
"How the hell are you wearing those heels without killing yourself?" I stared at her eight-inch red heels, my eyes averting back to my six-inch heeled boots.
"They're only two inches higher than yours!"
I pulled out of her driveway onto the street, "And you know I'm fucking clumsy, hence the reason I don't buy suicide heels!" I replied back as Kylie started laughing.
We only drove about ten minutes, all while the two of us smoked a blunt and listened for the loud, blaring music. It didn't take us long for us to spot a house completely crowded with drunk and high teenagers. The whole front yard was littered with solo cups, and the smell of weed tore up the whole yard.
"You're two favorite hoes have finally arrived!" Kylie screamed the second her foot left my car. I still had half of my blunt left when I stepped foot onto the pavement.
I passed it off to what seemed like a freshman, who beamed at it and took a hit. I watched as his face scrunched up and coughed out the smoke. His friends all laughed at him while I smacked his back to help him out.
I made my way through the lines of people, making sure I had Kylie's arm locked into my hand so I didn't lose her. My other hand was a inch or two out from my face to stop the bright strobe lights from blinding me.
The one thing I really liked about parties was the euphoria you got from being at a place that you can stay at for as long as you want, really. The buzz you'd get from the alcohol, or the drugs, it was the best.
I reached the door in front of me and pushed it open, being met with an even stronger aroma of weed. I breathed it in, my eyes immediately searching for the kitchen. Before I had time to make it there, Kylie pulled away from my grasp and instead, another hand was on my arm.
"I'm surprised you showed up Jordyn."
I turned around to be met with a blonde haired, blue-eyed guy. I smiled at him, my arms snaking up and around his neck, his arms fishing around the middle of my torso.
"Of course I'm gonna show up to my favorite cousin's party, Niall. You know me, I love to have fun."
He pulled away, laughing, "I think everyone knows that Jordy. C'mon, let's get you a drink," he guided me towards his massive kitchen.
"Alright, I've got tequila, vodka, whiskey-"
"Fireball," I cut Niall off, watching him raise an eyebrow. "My mom and I kinda had another fight, you know, typical. Just for the burn, thanks."
He quickly handed over the fireball, mixing some type of drink for himself and disappeared somewhere into the crowd. I hopped onto the counter, my drink in my hand and spotted Kylie getting handsy with some guy out on the dance floor.
There was no doubt that Kylie was drunk already, even if we just got here less than ten minutes ago. I saw a tall body enter my line of vision. Without making myself look like I was stalking, I quickly stole a glance from the guy and felt my breathing hitch.
His raspy accent made my knees turn to jello. I looked up and the first thing I saw was his bright emerald green eyes and curly brunette hair swept back with a bandana. He wore black skinny jeans, with a black shirt and boots, a few rings here and there on his fingers. Peeking out from under his left sleeve, I saw a few tattoos making their grand entrance.
"Erm, you alright? I sai-"
"Y-yeah I'm alright." I told him after I cleared my throat.
You're just the most attractive man I have ever seen.
"I'm Harry Styles. I haven't seen you around here before, so I thought I'd introduce myself to you." He smiled, his dimples proudly showing, making my interest in him grow even more.
"Jordyn Brooks, and yeah, Niall's my cousin so I decided to show up to see what fun I could get into. So glad I didn't back out last minute." I mumbled the last part, hoping that Harry wouldn't hear it, but he did and sent me a sly smirk.
He stepped closer to me, a red cup in his left hand as his right hand was hanging off the counter that I was sitting on. He threw his head back, tilting the cup over and taking a drink.
The veins on the side of his neck popped out, the veins in his hands as well. I mentally cursed myself for staring at him, because his eyes soon met mine and my face heated up.
He smirked, "Enjoying the view, aren't you?"
"Well it just looked like- actually, yes I was. The scenery of all the drunk people behind you are really fascinating, they seem to be having fun." I sent a smirk back, Harry's smirk dropping when he looked over his shoulder.
I hopped off the counter and handed my drink to Harry. His eyebrows crinkled together, his eyes staring down into the cup. Before he had the chance to look at me, I bolted out of the kitchen to find Kylie and drag her to the bathroom.
"Jordyn! I was just about to kiss the party thrower!" Kylie whined when she tried to pull back and run back into the living room.
I slammed the bathroom door shut and spun around to face her, "Okay, Niall is my cousin and you are definitely not swapping spit with him or I'll kill you both."
Kylie sat there on the toilet seat pouting, not bothering to acknowledge the fact that I would honestly beat the living hell out of Niall if he laid a finger on her. Sure, Kylie might be a bit naive but she knows how to stop things from getting out hand.
"Secondly-" I started but stopped, noticing how she was mocking all the words I had said previously.
I snatched her phone out of her hand, "Don't be a pouty bitch just because I said I didn't want you swapping spit with my own blood cousin."
"Niall's best mate is here, and let me tell you Jordy, literally all the girls were swooning over him. The hair, the eyes, the outfit- everything. I think his name is Ha-"
I breathed, "Harry Styles."
A large smiled made its way onto Kylie's face. If there's one people know about me, it's that I'm not one to develop likings for guys in a matter of seconds. So when my face heated up in front of my own best friend, she pounced on me for it.
"No way, you already have a crush on him!"
"I wouldn't call it a crush, per say. I'd call it a massive liking for an extremely attractive guy who makes my knees go weak at the sight of him."
Kylie was about to respond, but a loud pound on the door broke off her train of thought. I unlocked the door and opened it, seeing Harry leaning on the doorframe. He looked pretty angry, but it seemed like when I made eye contact with him, his face softened.
"I wondered where you ran off to. I got handed your drink and you disappeared before I could ask why." He laughed, and I swear his laugh lit up the whole five inches in between us.
I motioned towards a starstruck Kylie, "I had an important thing I needed to take of, but someone kept being a pouty bitch after I told her to not kiss Niall."
I felt a slap to the back of my head, Kylie arms folded at her chest. Harry moved his arm so that Kylie could duck under to exit the bathroom. The second she left, Harry now replaced her previous area and the door was shut and locked.
He folded his leg on top of the other, his hands resting on one another as I stood against the wall. His eyes moved up and down my body, searching for something like it seemed.
My breathing hitched when he stood up, his arms and hands on either side of my head. He leaned down so his lips was near my ear, and I swore I could smell his breath befriended my face.
"Why'd you run off sweetheart? I didn't get to know you yet."
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