Kids Being On The Steve Wilkos Show
(A/N: If anyone is a fan of Steve Wilkos like myself, then prepare for certain kids to be on the show! Steve will give justice to kids who are abused physically, sexually and even help teens dealing pregnancy, bullying and drug addiction. Enjoy this story!!)
Jeremy, Abby and Ethan already got their suitcases ready along with clothes and even their parents also got on their outfits because they are going to see Steve Wilkos because the kids are going to explain what happened with Ray who is out of hell. They have got on the plane and begin to sit down as Jeremy begin to look outside of the window.
"Are you so excited to be on the Steve Wilkos show?" Ciel asked
"Y-Yes.." Jeremy said shyly
"What's wrong?" Tom Kaulitz asked
"What if the audience doesn't believe us? What if we are lying?" Jeremy asked
"You won't be lying. The officers gave Steve Wilkos the reports about what happened with Ray when he was babysitting and your jail notice. He will follow his 'gut' since he's a police officer and a former marine." Aria said
"Plus he won't give you a lie detector test because well he only gave it to adults and teens and more importantly he want to help children." Judge Angels said
"And do you know what he will say to Ray?" Carrie asked
"Get off my stage!" Ethan and Jeremy smiled
"Hehe or he will say get the fuck off my stage but it will be bleeped out." Ruby said
Abby is now 3 years old and she calls Ruby 'Mama Ruby' and Carrie 'Mama Carrie'. They arrived in Stanford, Connecticut and they all went over to the hotel and get changed. Jeremy got on his blue shirt and black jeans with white sneakers as Abby got on a pink shirt with a Hello Kitty logo and blue jeans with pink sneakers and Ethan got on a dark blue shirt with a black shirt. Abby begin to look as Ruby already put away her knife as Ciel also put away his mace.
"Alright let's go to the studio and don't be scared. They are friendly people plus protectors of children." Carrie said
They all begin to go to go to the show as Jeremy, Ethan and even Abby sees the host of the show Steve Wilkos and his wife Rachelle.
"Welcome to the show. Now you three are the guest right?" Steve Wilkos asked
"Y-Yes.." Abby said shyly
"We are guests for your show." Ethan said
"Do any of you need a lie detector test for this?" Steve Wilkos asked
"Yes we do." Jeremy said
"Ok now listen the audience are going to be adults on the show and some are going to be teens. Many times I have kids on my stage that run away or even deal with parents that are drug addicts and is even abused." Steve Wilkos said
"Yes sir. We understand your show because we watch it at home with our friends." Aria said
"Alright since you three needed a lie detector test we are also can do it one time for each of you and for the man who does this, he's going to take it twice." Steve Wilkos said
Ray begin to feel confident that he will pass the lie detector test as Tom Kaulitz rubbed Jeremy's back.
"It's ok if it says that you're telling the truth, I believe you do." Tom Kaulitz said
"Alright Jeremy you go first. Dan Ribacoff will test you." Steve Wilkos said
Jeremy came inside and he begin to feel nervous as Dan Ribacoff put him in the chair and begin to put the device on.
"This is a lie detector test and don't worry. I'm going to ask some questions about the alcohol and even give you a drug test to make sure you're not doing drugs ok?" Dan Ribacoff said
Jeremy nodded while shaking as Dan begin to rub his back to comfort him.
"Alright first question:
Did Ray take you and the kids to the drug house?" Dan Ribacoff asked
"Yes." Jeremy said
"Did Ray forced you to drink alcohol or do any drugs with the men?" Dan Ribacoff asked
"Yes." Jeremy said
"Did ray forced you to do cocaine?" Dan Ribacoff asked
"Yes. Yes he did." Jeremy said
"One more question and this is the honest one. Did Ray made you go to jail on purpose?" Dan Ribacoff asked
"Yes." Jeremy said
"Did he made you do anything else that is inappropriate?" Dan Ribacoff asked
"Yes. He made me strip dance at the age of three and men have been touching me and slapping my butt." Jeremy said
The needle haven't been flying on the charts and Dan Ribacoff smiled softly at him and begin to remove him.
"You will get the results and if you want, you can read what it says on the bottom. Now let's do your drug test." Dan Ribacoff said
Jeremy nodded and he begin to do the drug test and he looked at him.
"Wow.. that's crazy. Jeremy can I ask you something? Were you doing cocaine?" Dan Ribacoff asked
"No I haven't. Not when I came here no." Jeremy said
"Ok because you have been tested positive for cocaine. It must've been the time that he made you do it." Dan Ribacoff said
After when Dan tested Abby and Ethan, he also tested Ray for forcing the kids to do drugs and making Jeremy gone to jail. He gave the results to Rachelle as Steve is putting on his suit to host the show. The producer Selina Santos begin to help with the kids putting the microphones so they can speak and the audience are also fans of Steve Wilkos. Many are adults and some are teenagers as Steve begin to allow each kid to be onstage. The staff begin to title the show 'Did You Force The Kids To Do Drugs And Alcohol?'. The kids are onstage as the camera is rolling and Steve begin to host it around the world.
"Today you are going to meet three children. Their parents say that the man Ray have bring them to a drug house and force them to do drugs but that's not all." Steve Wilkos said
The audience begin to gasp with horror and said oh as a shocking reaction.
"You see one kid have got arrested by doing cocaine and suffer two weeks in jail. Now the kids by the name of Jeremy, Abby and Ethan are here because they wanted help and they want their parents to believe them. Take a look." Steve Wilkos said
On the tape it showed Tom Kaulitz with Ciel, Ruby and Aria.
"The kids are accusing Ray of forcing them into the drug house and making them do drugs." Aria said
"One day, we are at the mansion which is our home and we have to find someone to babysit and Ray volunteers to become the babysitter. He takes my son Jeremy when he was 3 years old into the drug house along with Ethan and Abby." Tom Kaulitz said
It then showed Ray walking into town as they continue to talk about what happened.
"Ray has told them to take the drugs and our children including Abby who is my daughter responded no and Abby was a baby at the time and he threatened them to take it. They then took the drug and even drink some alcohol." Ruby said
"When they came inside, Jeremy was throwing up and Abby was also throwing up and crying as well and Ethan was giggling. It then gotten worse when Jeremy got arrested because Ray forced him to do cocaine and made my son go to jail." Ciel said
"It just hurts me to see him in jail. The judge didn't believe his true story and he sentenced him to 6 years. When he was five, he was crying when I talked to him on the phone and I was crying as well. He's my son and I love him so much." Tom Kaulitz said
"We wanted Ray to never let our children to suffer more because he even force some of the other kids to do stupid things. It made them go into trouble." Carrie said
"We wanted what's best for our children and we love them ever since we adopted them." Aria said
"Welcome to the show, my guests Jeremy, Ethan and Abby are here and they are very shy on TV. It says here that you are accusing Ray of forcing you to do drugs and alcohol." Steve Wilkos said
"Yes." Ethan said
"Now how did it started?" Steve Wilkos asked
"When I was three years old, Ray brought Ethan and Abby to the drug house. He was babysitting us as our parents have given him some rules for him to follow." Jeremy said
"On the police reports it reads that you have went into the drug house and is with Abby who was a baby at the time have been forced to do drugs. Men were around who are also doing weed and alcohol as he set you down. How did this happen?" Steve Wilkos asked
"It was because men looked at us while giggling and R-Ray.." Abby said
Abby started crying a bit and Ethan feel ashamed and he continue.
"Ray told us to sit down and he gave me a bong, Jeremy a shot glass and even Abby a bong and a shot glass. It was filled with tequila and vodka." Ethan said
"The police that were involved in this case says that Jeremy and Abby have a blood alcohol level of 8.02." Steve Wilkos said
Everyone is the audience gasped in shock as some said 'Oh My God' and some cursed that are bleeped.
"I can't imagine that you kids are in a dangerous situation. I have kids of my own and if anyone force my kids to do those things, I would put my police uniform on and arrest them." Steve Wilkos said
The audience cheered as many started saying Steve's name while clapping.
"Now Jeremy what happened after when this happen?" Steve Wilkos asked
"When I was coming home, I was shaking because men have assaulted me sexually and physically. Ray have put me in the drug house and tied me down and force me to take cocaine. I then got arrested and suffer in jail that the judge sentenced me for six years." Jeremy said
"This is scary. Did other prisoners see you there?" Steve Wilkos asked
"Yes.. they were looking at me and push me around. Many of them called me mean names." Jeremy said
"I can't imagine that you are in the situation. It says that you have three male jail mates as they believed that you're innocent and the jury was horrified about you being in prison. How does that make you feel?" Steve Wilkos asked
"H-Hurt.. I didn't have my friends when I was in jail and I keep getting shoved around and even been called a crackhead for doing cocaine." Jeremy said
Some of the female members in the audience were close to crying as some are surprised. Jeremy looks down as he felt ashamed and Abby got a tissue to wipe her tears away.
"Now you have took a lie detector test including Ray but what happens if he fails the test?" Steve Wilkos asked
"If he fails the test.." Jeremy said
"If he fails the test on making us do drugs and allowing Jeremy to be arrested, he will get his butt kicked by my mommies." Abby said
"Aww." Some of the audience said
"I'm going to ask you to leave the stage because I want to talk to Ray." Steve Wilkos said
Jeremy, Abby, and Ethan leave the stage as they begin to sit down.
"Alright let's bring out the man that destroyed the children's lives Ray." Steve Wilkos said
Ray got onstage as the audience booed at him and Steve begin to look at him.
"Now Ray you have been accused of forcing the children to do drugs and alcohol consumption. So for now you have to stand up." Steve Wilkos said
Ray still stood up as Steve Wilkos begin to throw the chair as the audience says Steve while cheering.
"Now Ray you have been accused of giving the kids alcohol and forcing them to do drugs. Now I want to know what happened." Steve Wilkos said
"I was babysitting the kids and they were fine. I took them to a house to make sure they are safe and secure." Ray said
"Police reports say that Jeremy, Ethan and Abby went to a house filled with drug addicted and they were forced to do drugs. The children have drink shots of alcohol and two of them were doing weed. Their blood alcohol level is 8.02 and four dogs have rescued the kids from this horrible crime. How did those dogs know about the situation?" Steve Wilkos asked
"I saw them and they got mad and attacked me. They attacked me." Ray said
"Ray listen to me. You babysat children and when Abby was a baby, you let her be in danger. On the other case, Jeremy was forced to snort a bag of cocaine and he got arrested and sentenced to six years in jail. He was three years old and his parents were angry at the judge for sentencing him to jail. How did he go to jail at three?" Steve Wilkos asked
"Listen, he didn't go to jail. I did not force him to snort a bag of cocaine." Ray said
"But he was on the news. I believe you did it and I wanna know why you did it." Steve Wilkos said
"He's just a child and he doesn't know that stuff." Ray said
"This is a child. You're endangering children damn it!" Steve Wilkos yelled
"But these children have been in the house with the men. Their parents were angry and worried about their children becoming drug or alcoholics too early. I didn't do anything wrong." Ray said
"Then how did Abby and Jeremy have an alcohol level of 8.02?" Steve Wilkos asked
"They must've drink alcohol at the house." Ray said
Some of the male members of the audience shake their heads in a no motion as the kids who are backstage are shaking their heads in a no motion.
"We have given you a lie detector test on making the kids drink alcohol and do illegal drugs like weed and cocaine, making Jeremy going to jail and even making Jeremy strip for your own sexual gratification." Steve Wilkos said
At the mansion:
Mark and the others are watching the Steve Wilkos show including Dante who is with Janet as the pets joined in.
"The children have never lied because they have been through this." Mark said
"I mean seriously that is so horrible. When they told me what happened I got so mad." Scorpion said
"He needs to be in jail!!!" Lulu, Lizzie, Killer Doll and Cutie said
"Ok it's on commercial and it will continue." Slender said
The show got on a commercial as they all begin to stretch their backs and even do some random things. The show then came back on as they all started watching the rest.
At the Steve Wilkos Show:
"Now let's bring the three children Abby, Jeremy and Ethan back out." Steve Wilkos said
Jeremy, Ethan and Abby came back onstage as they are scared of Ray and hide in fear as the audience awed at them as they are whimpering.
"Don't be scared. Please help them Mike." Steve Wilkos said
The security guard Mike came over and carefully bring the children to Steve as he look at them.
"Ray, you big meanie!" Abby said
"You have not only put Jeremy's life in danger but you forced us to do bad things!" Ethan said
"It wasn't our fault that you made us do drugs! You forced us to!" Jeremy said with tears streaming down his face
"You made me high and you don't care!" Ethan said
"I was a baby and I don't know what alcohol and weed is until you forced me to inhale it and even made me drink 3 shots of tequila!" Abby said with tears streaming down her face.
A female producer give Abby some tissues as she take one along with Jeremy.
"Now we gave all of you a lie detector test and we got the results. Let's start off with Jeremy's." Steve Wilkos said
Steve got the results and begin to read it.
"Jeremy you are asked:
'Did Ray forced you to do illegal drugs or drink alcohol?'
You answered yes." Steve Wilkos said
Jeremy begin to feel nervous about the results as Steve read the rest of the questions.
"And the results for Jeremy's lie detector test is.. he told the truth." Steve Wilkos said
Everyone cheered as Jeremy shake his head is a yes motion. Steve then gets to Abby's and Ethan as they also told the truth as they begin to hug each other including Jeremy.
"But before we get to this, I got the drug test. Jeremy was tested positive for Cocaine. The notes on the bottom reads that he was forced to do cocaine during the time when he got home." Steve Wilkos said
Jeremy nodded in a yes motion as he is nervous. Abby rubbed his back and comforted him.
"It's ok." Abby said
"Ray we got your results. You were asked:
'Did you forced the children to do illegal drugs or drink alcohol?'
You answered no." Steve Wilkos said
Ethan begin to look at Steve along with Abby and Jeremy.
"Did you allow anyone else to make the children forced to do alcohol or other illegal drugs? You answered no." Steve Wilkos sai
Ray begin to look at Steve as the security guards looked at them.
"Did you made Jeremy be arrested for drug abuse? You answered no. You were also asked:
'Did you forced Jeremy to strip at the club for your own sexual gratification?' You answered no. Now kids I want you to read what it says on the bottom of the paper." Steve Wilkos said
"Extreme deception indicated." Jeremy said
The audience started saying 'oh' as some of the female members are shocked as Ray is confused.
"What does that mean?" Ray asked
"Yeah you big jerk!" Ethan said
Steve Wilkos felt very mad at Ray for not only making the kids do drugs and even drinking alcohol but also allowing Jeremy to be in jail.
"Ray, you are just a selfish person on the face of the earth and you have made three children suffer through your selfish needs! You have made the kids do drugs and even made a kid being arrested. Are you kidding me?!" Steve Wilkos yelled
Jeremy, Abby and Ethan also clapped their hands as Ray looked away at them.
"I can only hope that the police will open an investigation into you! YOU HAVE CAUSED THREE CHILDREN TO HAVE THEIR LIVES DESTROYED BY DRUGS AND ALCOHOL! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Steve Wilkos said
"I'm not that selfish!" Ray said
"YEAH YOU ARE THAT SELFISH! We have parents who even abused their own children both physically or sexually, rapists and many other people and you're up here with all of them." Steve Wilkos said
The audience cheered and say Steve's name and Jeremy, Ethan and Abby also did the same.
"You are one of the most despicable person that I have ever seen on this stage! GET THE HELL OFF MY STAGE!" Steve Wilkos said
Ray then got off the stage as Jeremy, Ethan and Abby begin to cry together as Steve came over and look at them.
"Listen I know it's hard right now for all of you right now but you have parents that loved you and supported you. We can provide you some counseling and even many people will now believe you." Steve Wilkos said
Jeremy, Ethan and Abby nodded as Steve hugged all of the kids as the audience begin to chant Steve's name while cheering. After the show is done, the audience begin to see Jeremy, Abby and Ethan as they all comforted them and give them some shirts and many other gifts. Ciel, Tom Kaulitz and even the other parents hugged their children and went back to the hotel as they all fall asleep
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