Extras #2
Hello again! I'm here and back for a part two of extras *jazz hands*
So Nisorro2 requested that Toga got a character card so here it is
Name: Toga Himiko
Age: 18/19 (she turns 19 in the story)
Birthday: 8 August
Quirk: Blood Transform
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Extra info: She was never sent to 'The Slums' like all the others that had dangerous Quirks, she was instead got put into the Crimson Butterfly Cyndicate which deals with assassinations and the like. Where she was trained to kill and to live for the kill. They were responsible for her fall to insanity and got rid of her when she was 15 when she proved to be far to unstable to continue working and was supposed to be terminated but she escaped and that is when All For One saved her.
Her favourite colour is red, obviously, and green because that is the colour of Izuku's hair, her obsession.
Her favourite animal is the python.
Her favourite food are candy apples.
She is the definition of a 'yandere' and is proud of it and loves to prove this fact to as many people as possible. Her favourite pass time is reading manga, preferably of the erotic variation, either that or cutting up prisoners.
In her bedroom is a wall displaying all her knives and other very sharp weapons, with her blood sucking backpack and bottles of blood on a display shelf all on their on.
Despite her love of blood she does not self harm and can't stand herself bleeding unless her own blood is on the object of her affection (read obsession)
She is an avid and dedicated cosplayer.
Another Character of interest, and a personal favourite.
Name: Okami (Debora Yūhi)
Age: 24
Birthday: 16 September
Quirk: Transfiguration
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Other information: She is African-American.
She came to Japan because her fiance was Japanese and he refused to live anywhere else. He was killed by a building collapse a year into their marriage.
She had never wanted to be Hero but
Alpha recruited her when she stopped a criminal, who Alpha was pursuing, after he had robbed a bank and was on the run and she never wanted to go back.
She actually has a degree in Life Sciences and is a certified wild life vet, not very useful in the city though...
She loves her coffee and is an absolute monster without her morning cup of caffeine.
Her quirk allows her to transform into any living animal, as long as she knows the anatomy and how they 'work' so to speak. So for most of her life she stuck to land mammals only which was fine and only recently mastered transforming into birds and insects and can only really do like two of each.
Name: Shoto Todoroki
Age: 16
Quirk: Half hot 'n half cold
Sexuality: Homosexual
Other information: Todoroki grew up in an abusive household where he was exiled from the rest of his family and trained *read tortured* by his father so he could get stronger. He never wanted to be a Hero but was instead forced to be one, he often contemplated running away from home but after his first attempt of doing so, was stopped by his father and was severely punished, he never tried again.
He is intelligent, logical and resourceful and has a love for high paced races or combat. He was antisocial and had no idea how to act around other people so he just kept to himself. And because of this he went through an emo phase.
He loves soba noodles and has a strange obsession with carrots.
He likes to spend his time reading books on all topics and has recently adopted baking as a hobby.
He currently is not in a relationship but has been many, even when he was still under his father's suppressive foot.
His favourite colours are dark blue and lilac, his favourite animal is the hammer head shark; he has liked them since his mom took him to an aquarium once when he was 3 and a half.
His first crush was on Izuku.
He is allergic to bees.
Another thing, the Heroes in this AU aren't very heroic, as I'm sure you have seen. And the higher up you are, the dirtier you hands and deals have become. Because that's how politics works! Well at least my basic understanding of what it is like under an oppressive regime.
So the top five Heroes have done far many more crimes than the newbies have and have had longer careers so they have made the most 'mistakes.' I mean come on All Might could destroy a building with a flick of his finger and yet he never faced any damage charges! And most of the time he wasn't even facing some huge crime boss who wanted to destroy the world, no often just a bank robber or purse thief.
In this AU All Might is just a simple figure head, he follows orders from the government. They are his boss so he has to do as they say with no questions asked. And I'm not to sure if you guys remember or anything but All Might died in my story, taking One For All with him as he was unable to find a successor in time, which was his entire reason for joining UA.
⬆Pointless ramble complete.⬆
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