chapter 9
I snuck out of my room like a ninja-- through the window and sliding silently down the tree outside my room--and ambled along the path to the other dorm buildings, like I had all the reasons in the world to go there. This is where Kurogiri would be picking me up.
I slinked into the shadows of the building and waited for him to show up.
“Hey Giri, how are you?”
It had been a week since I had last seen him and to be honest I was starting to miss our interactions, sparse as they were.
I smiled with genuine happiness, this guy looked after me for so long that it would impossible not to form some sort of connection with him.
“Izuku.” He gives me his usual warm greeting before opening up a portal which I quickly jump into. He then disappears after me.
I not so gracefully land in a dirty alleyway behind a nightclub, my destination. I quickly ditch my green tracksuit and put on an inconspicuous black and red outfit and a beanie which had been conveniently left there for me by Toga. After changing in record time I enter the night club through the back entrance. I'm meeting up with some potential candidates to see who I deem worthy to let into the League but I obviously don't have the final decision, that's up to do All For One.
It's been a week since the USJ attack, and we have lost a lot of pawns, so I took it upon myself to look for more extras to use for the attack on a small-time Hero agency because if we are always attacking UA they will bump up their security. And I really don't want to deal with all the complications that will bring.
They also might seriously think that there is a traitor among them which there is, quite a few actually but they don't need to know that.
So we will let off UA off for now.
By the time I had left the club I had 5 good candidates for more prominent members, another 30 useless pawns and a cup of sake circulating in my system; so all was good.
I didn't have time to search around for the packet I'd put my clothes in, it was an hour until final curfew, so I was warped into the school wearing my stinky club clothes.
I was climbing back up the tree as quietly and quickly as I could, the camera was only jammed for so long so I had to move it. I peeked into my room to check if anyone was in there, an old habit I've never gotten ridden of since my time in the Slums.
'Dammit!' Thank goodness, I did check because there sat a bunch of my classmates, some were sleeping and a few were awake.
I counted six.
"Okay... what to do? What to do!" I muttered to myself, a habit I really need to get rid of.
Like a monkey I climb across the wall, using the little cracks and notches in the stone to move along. Holding on for dear life, I shakily peaked through another window and to my relief the room was empty. I grabbed onto the window ledge and hoisted myself up and tumbled through the open window. I landed not so silently in the room and winced when I slammed into the bedside table, making even more noise. When I was certain no one was going to jump out of the shadows, I calmed down and assessed my surroundings. "Oh yes." I sighed in relief.
I know whose room this was, I'd spot those awful curtains anywhere.
Thankfully she and I were close--she had gotten me out of quite a few messes--so I had no qualms about what I was going to do. However; I do leave a note explaining that I had been here, borrowed one of her hoodies and that I used her washbasin--there wasn't enough space to install a full shower so she had to make do with a basin, a kettle and a cloth. I was lucky enough to have found and install a camping shower; we both like our privacy.
Besides my clothes was filthy from creeping around the streets and climbing up a tree and I reeked of sweat and a bit of alcohol from the club, so I clean myself up.
When I finally was presentable I walked to my room. I had a few solid stories, so I was prepared.
There also were only 15 minutes until final curfew. This interrogation wouldn't last long. I opened my door and turned on the light.
“Eeek!” I shriek as I jump in the air in fake surprise. I see six of my classmates standing/sitting in my room. Tenya, Uraraka, Kirishima, Kaminari, Todoroki and...Bakugou?
Why was he here?
“W-What are you guys doing in my room?!” Feigning surprise and anger.
“What have you been doing Midoriya?” Todoroki asked (worried anger simmering) while staring me down in an inspecting, suspicious manner.
I just stared at him obviously confused. “You've been sneaking out somewhere, what have you been doing.”
“We're worried about you Deku.” Uraraka explains, sympathy and pity radiating from her. Which really ticked me off.
“Don't. Pity. Me” I growled, “You aren't my mom, don't look at me like that.” My voice cracked when I snapped at them. Guilt became visible on most of their faces when they realised they might have poked a sore spot.
“Besides, I didn't sneak out I was simply hanging out in one of the other dorms. Now please get out!” I grumble at them. Todoroki; however, doesn't back down.
“Why must we believe you? How do we know you are telling the truth?” He asks coldly.
Why was he doing this?
“Well you guys don't have to believe me, even though I have no clue what you expect me to say...” I trail off ,“Anyway you guys broke into my room and have accused me of some unknown crime and I'd like you all to leave.” I deadpan. Honestly, I was having far too much fun with this.
“Hey, uh Deku why are you wearing a girl's jacket?” Uraraka asked randomly, pointing to the pale yellow zip up I was wearing, her eyes glistening. Oh gosh no!
I begin to blush and tried to defend my style of clothing,“It's not a girl's jacket. It's mine.” I continue mumbling on about how yellow was a gender-fluid colour and that I quite like pink thank you very much. I was ignored by most of them; however, as Iida was ranting on about proper UA student behaviour and then there was Kaminari,
“Oh ho ho, looks like the 'innocent' cinnamon roll was up to something.” Kaminari gibed, smirking at me. My face flamed and I repeated my argument.
He just laughed and winked at me knowingly. They all looked at me expecting an explanation, I once again repeated myself.
“W-well y-you see it was a gift from my friend and she thought it would be funny to see me in girly clothes. She often says I look more like a girl than her and so she got this for me and I-I actually quite like it..." I was a nervous wreck, purposefully of course.
“Sure, friends. With benefits.” Kaminari teased while wiggling his eyebrows at me. I glared daggers at him, ignoring the stabs of pain in my heart.
Before I could say anything else, explodohead interrupted me.
“Geez people let Deku keep his secrets, it's not like anyone would actually go for him.” “Exactly” I interjected, “Now hurry the fuck up I have better things to do.”
Kirishima hits him on the head and looks apologetically at me and I smile weakly back. I'm used to it. Is what it said. Which confused the red head.
“Kacchan is right, sort of, please leave. We all have other things to do. Like sleeping.” Their resolves began to tremble and crack.
“Stop digressing,” I knew what he was going to say, “I'm telling you-” Todoroki continued, “I saw you jump out of the window and go somewhere, and I'm not leaving until you tell me where you went.” Todoroki glared at me and promptly sat on my bed.
He is starting to get on my last nerve.
He looked at me confused.
“Why do any of you care! It's none of your business who I decide to see and visit. What is my life to any of you! I did nothing wrong, I'm here before final curfew so I did not break any rules. I visited a friend of mine in another dorm.” I lash out, frustration spilling out. “I was visiting someone, which I'm allowed to do. I went out the window as it was the fastest way.” I reiterated.
They all looked guilty, Iida especially.
Bakugo was trying to leave the room obviously bored with this ordeal. As uncaring as ever.
I continue to tear into them.
“And then, when I come back you know what I found?” The question was rhetorical but I swear Kaminari was going to answer it “That you guys have broken into my room. Invaded my personal space without my permission and then you demand to know what I've been up to, like a mother interrogating a teen who's come home drunk.” I rant, nearing hysterical before managing to haul myself back in.
“Leave, please. It's 5 minutes past final curfew anyway.” I mutter, head down and fists clenched.
Iida, shocked at the time and the fact he was breaking the rules, marched back to his room and herded all the ones who were left back to theirs as well. Bakugo and Kirishima had already left a while ago.
When I could no longer hear their foot steps I fling myself onto my bed and scream into myself hoarse into my pillow, which didn't work, so I had a round with my punching bag. I am now calm.
Even though I was physically and emotionally drained, I go on to my computer and type down all 55 names of those we could hire, taking care that I catalogued the correct information. As I reread the list for the final time I couldn't help but smile when I reached a familiar name, this person was different I didn't find them in the club or on the streets I recruited them from this very school, in my grade in fact earlier on the year.
Twenty minutes passed and I finally sent the list to All For One before turning off my computer and climbing into bed.
{Earlier that night}
Bakugo was lounging next to Kirishima, aggressively eating a bowl of leftover curry when Todoroki cautiously approached the two, who oddly enough looked quite comfortable.
“Sup Todoroki.” Kiri chirped, as cheerful as ever.
“Hi...I was wondering if you could help me with something?” He monotoned yet it was obvious he was uncomfortable
“Like hell-” Bakugo started but Kirishima interrupted him, “Sure, what do you need?” The red asked, surprised that the anti-social boy was asking for help. He was obviously struggling, but still progress!
Kirishima looked at Bakugo with his adorable puppy eyes and he's instantly defeated.
'The things I do for him.' Bakugo thought, 'He'll owe me one though.'
He smirked, thinking of all the things he could make his adorable boyfriend do...
“Help me get into Midoriya's room.” Todoroki finally informed them, his stoic expression was unwavering.
“Huh!” Kiri and Bakugo exclaimed in unison.
“Something with Midoriya and he's acting suspiciously and I think he's sneaking out,” Todoroki confesses, sharing his theory, “I'm worried and concerned. He is...the only one who was nice to me and I need to know what's wrong.” He admitted softly, whispering the last part. There was now a pink hue dusting his cheeks, ears and neck simply due to the sheer embarrassment of admitting this to someone else.
'Socially awkward bastard.'
Kiri looked at Baku go expectantly, who mumbles under his breath so only Kirishima could hear, “Fine. But you owe me one.” Kirishima literally sparkled.
“Ugh alright! But don't bother me with your Deku problems ever again, GOT IT!” He barked at "half-'n-half" gruffly.
Todoroki nods in acceptance before swiftly turning on his heel. They walk to Midoriya's room, picking up a bunch of "extra's", Round face, Four eyes and Pikachu-wannabe(in Bakugo's words) as they went.
That makes six in total.
Even though he'd never admit it, Bakugo was also worried about his childhood friend. 'Deku' wasn't the same as Bakugo remembers him, he seems to keep everyone at arms length and something about him seems off, almost fake. But he couldn't put his finger on it so he often dismissed the feeling. Besides Midoriya was still an annoying Hero loving nerd, who smiled way too much and breaks down every time Bakugo uttered his name, same old same old, but it feels...forced.
'Ugh why do I care?! He is just a damned pebble in my path to number one. Yeah, I could careless what happens to him.' Bakugo convinced himself.
They arrived at his door, which is of course locked. It's not a problem;however, as Kaminari--after exclaiming that he's got this dudes!-- promptly goes and expertly picks the lock. The door swings open.
Where did he learn to do that? No one wanted to know.
To say that Bakugo was a little surprised would've been the understatement of the century.
'Is this Deku's room?'
The room felt large (somehow) and had mainly a green and black colour scheme, forest green walls with black furniture and the occasional colourful item here or there.
A plain black desk was the first thing you noticed when you walked through the door which had nothing on it except for a notebook and a worn, old photo of a young Midoriya family. This tugged at Bakugo's heart, no matter what he'd said and thought, he actually didn't believe Inko should have been arrested because of who she fell in love with. Tearing his eyes away from the photo of the once happy family, he continued to look around. Above his desk there was a bookshelf filled with all kinds of books: notebooks, martial arts and hand-to-hand combat handbooks, murder mystery novels and old newspapers and magazines.
There was a well used punching bag in the corner and a single poster of All Might tacked on the wall beside it. Only one poster. The only piece of Hero memorabilia.
He stood dead still, his brain trying to process what he saw before him.
“Baku-bro are you okay?” Kirishima asked concerned, everyone turned and stared at Bakugo expectantly.
“This isn't right.” He mumbled.
Everyone was confused. What?
“This isn't how his room is supposed to be. It's meant to be packed with Hero junk and All Might everywhere. Colourful and happy, not... Not like this, all dark and brooding.” It's how he remembered his room anyway.
Against the wall stood a black double bed, with black bed covers and dark green pillows. The bed was cluttered with tools, pens, papers and parts of random things; which were all supposed to come together and form something. As his eyes wondered the room Bakugo came to the conclusion that there was surprisingly large amount exercise equipment, all small things yes but who knew what was in those boxes which were stacked so neatly in the corner.
Across from 'the workout area'--were the punching bag, mats and stack of boxes were-- was a dark cedar cupboard that was fitted into the walls. On the wall drawings of suits and weapons and sheets of code and plans for random inventions were tacked onto the wall. He also had a small bathroom which had been separated from the rest of the room by a thatch divider. There was also a menacing looking locked chest underneath the window, but no one really wanted to go poking around the dangerous looking box.
After thirty minutes of looking around, despite Iida's protests, they hear a rattle and the door opens revealing the green haired boy that they had been waiting for.
“W-What are you guys doing in here?!”
Bakugo was surprised when Midoriya growled and yelled. It was a justified reaction yes but still surprising none the less.
'When did he grow a pair?' Was the main thought that drifted through his mind during for most of the time, among with other annoying theories and observations.
His surprise grew when Kaminari suggested something semi-intelligent. It wasn't too far a stretch Deku has a girlfriend or fling and that he had borrowed the jacked from her....okay so it was but with all the surprises already it wouldn't too much of a shock.
Bakugo stood there, watching with amusement and frustration at Midoriya and Todoroki arguing--for what he saw as no reason at all, when the smell of alcohol hit his nose. It was extremely faint but due to the fact he had an unusually strong sense of smell he could catch it.
Where was Midoriya and what was he doing exactly? The smell wasn't strong enough for him to have had any, or much anyway.
He had said he was visiting someone...Who would he be allowed to visit that drinks a hell of a lot of booze?
Bakugo froze, his train of thought reaching a plausible theory, Deku was visiting his foster father wasn't he? That's why he doesn't want to say. Bakugo wouldn't want to admit to having to look that pig in a human suit. Always hammered, can never keep a job. Midoriya was most probably checking up on him or something. Yeah. He's sure that's it.
'Wait why do I care?'
'That's right I don't.' He reminded himself sternly.
He really wanted to leave before he could begin to feel regretful, guilty and sympathetic towards that "Villains' child", bastard kid.
Bakugo had zoned out after putting in his two cents, lost in his thoughts and memories.
“Why do any of you care! It's none of your business who I decide to see and visit. What is my life to any of you! I did nothing wrong, I'm here before final curfew so I did not break any rules. I visited a friend of mine in another dorm.”
'Yes why am I here? It's not like I care.' Seeing how pointless it was for us to remain here, Bakugo tried to leave only for Kirishima to stop him but after showing the red head the time, 2 minutes until curfew, did Bakugo manage to leave. Kirishima in tow.
“Don't want the sleep deprived caterpillar to come and expell us all or something stupid.” Was Bakugo's reasoning.
As they walked down the corridor, his mind wandered back the last time he ever saw Midoriya. They were about eleven at the time and Bakugo had been out with some of his 'friends' (goons) and had noticed Midoriya frantically trying to drag a portly man down a back alley and towards the township which was deeper downtown, the boy's desperation had been obvious but no one even batted an eyelid let alone actually help. It was a moment that sercretly tormented Bakugo.
Despite all that had happened he's pretty much the same person--beyond improving his style--he still smiles far too much, is happy and cheery most of the time, over analyzes everything and he still wants to be a Hero so badly, to the point that he risks his life to save others. The ongoing Hero notebooks were a testament to that and he still looked up to All Might, just not on creepy levels any more. Heck he even helped save All Might.
All of Bakugo's suspicions and questions he had disappear. Shoved back into the crevices of his mind, ready to haunt him when it is too late to do anything.
He opens up his dorm room as quietly as he could and trudges in, Kirishima right behind him. They were roommates after all, it's how things had developed. From strangers to online friends to roommates to well... more than friends.
Kirishima and Bakugo lay entangled in each other's arms, simply enjoying the warmth and protection the other provided.
“Good night Katsuki.” Kirishima whispered sleepily.
“Night shitty hair.” He mumbled back, being sure he remained awake so he could carry Kirishima back to his bed. Who somehow must've sensed his thoughts as was he was smiling like an idiot and placed a peck on Bakugo's forehead before murmuring thanks.
“What did I do to deserve this red haired Angel?”
'Nothing.' His brain supplies him with an answer.
Bakugo just ignores it and relishes in the affection.
Bakushima is a cute ship.
Thank you so much I have over a 100 reads I literally started yelling and celebrating at the top of my voice.
So what do you guys think of the story so far. Please leave a comment. And tell me do you want something like this again the story told from a different POV.
Who do you think the other traitor/s is/are? Tell me who you think it is
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