chapter 37.5
That is what I used to live for, to end the person that killed my mother. That thought kept me going through the tough times that I faced but now, my goal has changed. I want to save instead of destroy like I wanted to do when I was a child but now it's different unlike then I can actually pursue my dream.
The portal kicked us out at my dad's business office.
Yes us.
Kaminari, Toru, me and....Todoroki.
Who knows why dad wanted to see Todoroki or any of us actually.
"Welcome." He declared, his brilliant green eyes glinted in the dim light as he looked at all of us trying to scramble to our feet. "I'm sorry that we couldn't meet in more comfortable settings but a war is sitting on our doorstep, so I'm afraid we'll have to put aside all the pleasantries." He apologized.
"It's" I chuckled, beaming up at him. Three mouths dropped to the floor, they gaped at me, eyes bulging and words sprinting around at the tip of their tongues.
My dad took a photo of their expressions and flicked the photo at me, which I caught between my fingers.
"Well now that is out of the way. I shall continue with the problem at hand, which is the unavoidable war." My dad reaffirmed. He clasped his hands together and stared down at us.
"We are at the moment drastically out-numbered and the heroes will overpower us and our current situation will plummet. We will all go to the camps and never return." He bluntly stated, a PowerPoint of the statistics and photos flashed behind him.
"I apologize for interrupting but what do you mean by camps?" Todoroki asked slightly nervous as he had an idea, and he did not like it.
My dad softly smiled at the son of the number 2 hero. "Right I forgot that you don't know all the...terms. Well when I refer to camps, I mainly mean the government internment, labour, experimentation and extermination camps, otherwise known as the 'outskirts', 'slums' or 'rehabilitation centres'. " Todoroki paled, his eyes being the window into the blank front he put up, they were unsettled and chaotic as thoughts and accusations twirled around his head like a destructive hurricane.
"You mean that all the people Heroes arrest get sent..." He faltered, trying to grasp the shocking truth.
"And the quirkless." I chipped in.
"The uncontrollable." Kaminari mumbled.
"The useless." Toru spat out.
"The families of the villains." My dad said sadly and threw a regretful glance at me.
"This is the world we live in and that is the truth of our situation. If you put one toe over the line you are sent to hell, unless of course you are a Hero and are loyal to our government." My dad continued.
"However that is where we come in. The resistance. Our goal is to liberate those people and give everyone a more equal standing, which is why we are here." He twirled his pen around and around.
"Now as I was saying we are AT THE MOMENT out-numbered and overpowered but if we factor in our supporters from other countries, our many allies and the people in the camps. We outnumber the heroes 3 to 1. Also, another big plus for us is that All Might is unfortunately...out of commission. Poor guy he was to naive and innocent for this world, the government played him like a fiddle." My dad ranted on for a bit about All Might and how much potential he had.
I think my dad might have a little too much cider, we both have a very low alcohol tolerance.
"Now since All Might is no longer number one. Endeavor has swiftly risen to the position. That is where you come in Todoroki, you know your father better than anyone in this room." Lucifer stated matter of factly and Todoroki grimaced at that man being referred to as his father.
"Of course this is your choice, I'm not going to force you to do anything." He calmly reassured the brooding boy. Todoroki bowed to him and accepted his 'mission'. My father then politely dismissed them saying that he wanted to speak to me.
"I'm sure as you have already caught on to the real situation, we may discuss the plan?" My dad whispered to me and I gave him a knowing smirk which he mirrored.
"Good. Now as All Might is dead and without a successor we have very little to worry about, but even though he is gone we can not let arrogance over-rule our judgement!" He continued after a few minutes of silence.
"All For One is now leading the charge and the first squadron has been dispatched to Kawasaki and are invading as we speak. The next group is to move out within the hour towards Hiroshima." I nod, and he lets out a sigh and reached over to the top drawer of his desk with the finesse and grace of a Prima Ballerina, not that I would ever compare him to one out loud, that would not be good for my mental health as he would take it to the next level and start wearing tutus and tiaras during our training sessions.
He gently placed a black box on the desk and trembled a little as he pushed it toward's me and commanded that I only opened it when I was certain I was alone. I gently put the small, ebony box into my pants pocket and patted it to make sure that it was still there.
"Now go and shower and rest, you hear me, rest! You are banned from working until tomorrow afternoon and will spend your time recuperating. Do you understand!" My dad sternly scolded me and glared threateningly. I smiled at him sheepishly and assured him that I wouldn't even think of working!
He let out a relieved sigh and ushered me out of the door where I was met with the scowling faces of my friends and the contemplative one of Todoroki.
"Why didn't you tell us your dad was THE Lucifer!?" They yelled at me in sync, I looked at Todoroki pleading, begging, him that he would save me from my teammates wrath.
He just, very unexpectedly and very un-Todoroki like, stuck his tongue out at me and loped off and left me to deal with two very, very, very pissed off teenagers.
"Heh, heh, I can explain..." I started sheepishly but was instantly cut off by Toru howling in my ear, with her eyes flashing angrily a kaleidoscope of colours and parts of her body appeared and disappeared at the highs and lows of her screeching voice.
I gulped down my exhaustion and turned tail and ran like the wind, an enraged Toru hot on my tail like an angered bull.
By some miracle I had managed to escape Toru by the skin of my teeth by slipping through one of the portable portals and now I stood in my colossal and very grand room at my dad's 'house'. I slumped to the floor and took in the well needed gasps of air. Struggling to my feet, I stumbled into the bathroom and threw off my clothes carelessly, straying them all over the black tiled floor.
A loud thunk echoed throughout the empty room.
I cursed and scrambled over to my pants and worriedly examined the little wooden box for any damage. Heaving out a heavy sigh of relief as the weights of dread were lifted off my overloaded shoulders. I plodded out the bathroom and carefully placed the mysterious little box on my bedside counter.
Even though I am really eager to discover what priceless treasure it may hold, but I am more tired and my very comfy bed is calling out to me louder than a Siren sings to a sailor so the mystery will have to wait unsolved until morning
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