Chapter 32
Dedicated to Dekus_Waifu_Bakugo
"Villains!" My remaining classmates whispered in fear, said villains were doing their best to be as intimidating as possible which they were succeeding in doing, to an extent.
The air was stale with tension and the only thing that could be heard was the rustling of dry leaves. Spinner makes the first move brandishing his two swords in a menacing manner, thankfully he took my advice on his choice of weapons, originally he wanted a sword made up of thousands of swords but I debunked the idea immediately and gave him the twin swords instead.
Magne rushed forward and took out the distracted Mandalay with one powered up punch.
Compress then split up the students using his quirk and Kurogiri subtly transported them away. Spinner was engaged in a heated battle with Tiger, blades and claws clashed together in a desperate dance for victory.
The sounds of metal clanging together and the grunts of two skilled fighters was music to my ears but Spinner was slowly tiring, gaining more injuries than giving. Magne noticed this and finished up with Mandalay, who had shaken off the previous blow and was attacking the masculine female with catlike ferocity, but she was no match Magne. Who after dealing the finishing blow, rushed to help her failing comrade.
During all of this I was silently slipping into the shadows, so I could go and check up on the others to make sure they were doing their job.
I carefully crawled away and ducked under the thick layers of dark smoke and tried to avoid the crackling bushes and charcoal trees.
When I am finally out of the forest I spot Dabi and Twice in front of the main building fighting; and beating; the two pro-heroes, while my classmates just stayed in the makeshift classroom.
I then make my way up a nearby tree and fly across the treetops to the next base. Toga was beating up Uraraka, Tsu and Momo, and she was most probably twisting their minds with her obsessive babble.
The next one whom I'm checking up on is Mustard, he is supposed to be gassing out Class B, so they don't get in the way, and he is doing so beautifully.
As I peer over from the rocky outcrop I had positioned myself on I spot a strange scene, Moonfish is all alone. Muscular and Moonfish were to make sure that any escapees would be taken care of or directed towards Mustard...but Muscular is missing?
"Dammit, how could I forget such an important detail!" My binoculars drop from my face and I throw them to the ground.
"Oops... I shouldn't have done that. I hope they aren't broken." I shook my head and went back to the more impending task.
Finding Muscular before he kills Koda.
Koda is the son of the Water heroes, who Muscular killed in a fit of blind rage, and he swore to end every last one of them. And he doesn't like loose ends and Koda is the final end.
I rattle brain trying to figure out where that broody brat would be. I remember Mandalay saying he likes to be alone...uh...I remember him often sneaking off somewhere, but where. Suddenly I hear a loud roar...
I dash of in the direction of the noise but by the time I had arrived at the mountain's largest cave, which is where Koda should've been. It was too late, Muscular stood over Koda's small and bloody frame. Muscular turns around and my rage doubles because on his face is a sickening satisfied smile.
He... He...He broke the most important rule!
Never kill an innocent.
Koda may have been a brat but how else could a six-year-old child try to deal with the death of both his parents. He had to let the emotions out somehow.
"Muscular, this is the last straw." I whisper darkly, clenching my fists. He thankfully didn't hear me. I think he is so caught up in his own happy world that he doesn't know what's going around him. I rush out of my hiding place making barely any noise until I step on a stick and it basically echoed throughout the entire valley.
Like a wild beast Muscular slowly turned his head and faced me, his torso was splattered with blood, but not just any blood, the blood of an innocent child!
"Well it looks like the boss came to find after all. What do you think?" He grins at me and leaves the question in the air, unanswered. He continues with his prideful talk as I start to discreetly power up.
"Don't you think he looks better this way!" Muscular says in a squeaky voice that is no way befitting of man his size and points at Koda's mangled and bloody form.
He is worse than Toga was when I first met her! I thought to myself and desperately trying to think of a plan.
Nothing came to mind.
"But knowing you little boss. You'll report this to big boss and I'll get in a lot of trouble...and I can't have that!" He screams at me and activates his quirk. Rock hard muscles overtake his body.
Screw it, there is nothing else I can do, I must act now before his muscle armour completely hardens! I rush forward with full power, going over my limits. I bound over boulders and bushes. I throw small pebbles and stones at him, so he is distracted and I manage to get one in his eye. He lets out an animistic screech and charges towards me, fists poised to attack.
But I'm too fast for him.
In a split-second I am next to him and I pick up a large and pointy stone. I ignore the sickly squelch of nerves, veins and sinew as I plunged the stone stake into his chest, narrowly missing the unprotected heart. He collapsed with a thud into the dirt still twitching in his dead like state.
He will die in two hours or so, if he is untreated that is. I message Kurogiri and tell him to pick Muscular up whenever he has time and then to drop him off at the police station. Kurogiri being the smart guy he is, guessed what had happened and dutifully complies.
I power down my quirk and the dizziness hits me like one of Kaminari's lightning bolts, black dots obscure my vision but I fight off my fatigue, "I must go and meet the others in the forest."
I cleverly use one of Kurogiri's portable portals that my father had decided to store in my smart band, the amount of relief I was feeling could only be compared to when someone forgets all their stationery at home but finds a pencil on the floor with an eraser at the end during a very important exam.
I stumble through the brush and eventually make it to the clearing where we were going to make our grand exit from and hunker down in a bush and wait for Compress to arrive with our 'hostages'. About ten minutes later I hear a strangled scream of pain and crashing. The dark figure comes closer and from my hiding spot I could make out Shoji and Shinso desperately leading the dark figure towards the clearing.
It turned out to be Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, damn that quirk is...amazing.
"COME ON TOKOYAMI SPEAK TO ME!" Shinso cries out to him but Tokoyami can't. Shinso dodges one of Dark Shadows claws, which just miss his bird nest of a hairdo.
I felt my chest swell with pride as he whips out the weapon I gave him in our second training session, it is a combination of Mr Aizawa's alloy scarf and nun-chucks. He used it with such ease and fluidity he could put Eraserhead to shame. Shoji and him fight Tokoyami and I debate whether I should go and help, can't let my student die so soon.
A sickening sound of breaking bones woke me from my thoughts, Shinso cradled his broken arm and hid behind a tree while Shoji fended off Tokoyami.
"That's it I am dropping in!" I whisper to myself.
"Compress do you have Bakugou?" I ask over the intercoms.
"I do and I'm heading to the meeting spot now." He replies in a low tone.
"I want you to also capture Tokoyami, his quirk is on the rampage and it will interrupt our plans." I say coldly.
"Understood." He responds.
I then hop down to go assist Shoji and Shinso.
"Tokoyami!" I scream out as the young teen is captured by Compress. I collapse to my knees and Shinso rushed to my side, "Midoriya are you okay?" giving the purple haired boy a watery but determined smile, I got back up.
"Let's get Kacchan and Tokoyami back!"
"My, oh my what is this I hear? You want to spoil my next trick, that's not very polite!" Compress teases us while dangling the aquamarine marbles in front of our faces. All of a sudden a blast comes out from the bushes encasing the marbles mid-air in a chilling ice, Todoroki rushed out and grabs the marbles. I beamed up at him, and he gripped them tightly in his fist.
Compress just chuckles from behind his mask.
"Its time we leave." Dabi says and glares at Todoroki, his younger brother. The others enter or dive in Twice's case into the swirling, misty, purple portals.
But before Compress leaves he mockingly says to us "You know, one of the basic rules of magic is if I flaunt something, it means I have something much more valuable to hide." He then sticks out his tongue to show us the two capsules containing Bakugou and Tokoyami.
"No way!" Todoroki and Shinso say in unison.
All of a sudden a sparkly beam hits Mr Compress in the face and the marbles fly out from his mouth. Todoroki and Shoji make a mad dash forward. Shoji managed to save Tokoyami but before Todoroki could grab Bakugou, Dabi or should I say, Touya grabbed it first.
"Such bad luck, Shoto....Todoroki." Dabi taunts.
Compress then releases them and Tokoyami falls on top of Shoji and Bakugou, with a pathetic look on his normally angered face, is in Dabi's calloused grip.
I make a mad dash forward while screaming his name, "Kacchan!"
The portal was closing and I had a small window of opportunity to make my escape.
"No stay back you Deku!" Kacchan murmured but unfortunately for him, I had already entered the portal and as I was disappearing into my sweet freedom, I heard the others desperately shout my name, "Midoriya!"
I just chuckled a hollow chuckle.
"It's almost over!" I thought to myself as I was whisked across the atmosphere.
It is finally done!!! I hit such an writer's block, I rewrote and rewrote until I almost felt like pulling out my hair. But I finally managed and I think I did pretty good😉
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