Chapter 30
It has only been thirty minutes and I'm already exhausted, my stored energy is depleting rapidly and these giant rock monsters aren't helping. I dodge another granite fist that tries to make me into grass.
I frantically clamber up a giant oak tree, seeking sanctuary. The yelps of my classmates are carried towards me on the wind, they are at least a kilometre behind me. Most of the rock monsters are thankfully drawn towards the larger crowd and leave me alone.
There is only about three left for me to deal with. I ready myself and charge up what little energy I had left.
I hop from tree to tree like a desperate little frog trying to escape a bored cat, except this cat weighs about a ton and is nearly 10 metres tall. As I'm flying through the air I throw a small explosive at one of the mindless beasts and ten seconds later it's raining rocks.
I slide under a stone archway so that I don't get pelted with pebbles.
Out the corner of my eye I spot a small, white arrow with a tent on top of it painted on one of the giant boulders. A number is underneath the sign, 20. That is either 20 kilometres or 20 metres, either way I'm getting very close.
Sadly though I won't be the first student at the camp-site because I did not see a certain pair of floating clothes at the starting line. So that means she sneakily stripped off her clothing and rode to the camp-site on the bus. As much as I hate her for doing that, it's quite cunning. I smile such a frightening smile I swear I even spot the rock monster shiver in fear.
Oh, well, at least she has matured over the years, the old Prism would have gone on a rampage that normally were even scarier than Bakugo's and most probably would've maimed Aizawa using her teeth or something.
I mean so would I, I still want to actually, but that wouldn't be very hero-like so it's out of the question.
There are other ways to get back at the lazy, sleep-loving teacher. My chilling cackle echoes throughout the forest.
With my new-found motivation I rush out from my hiding spot and spring into action. Using the tightly packed trees, I make my way up to the hunk of rock; it doesn't even notice me.
I then leap out like some squirrel and axe-kicked it with all my power, the once towering beast was literally turned into dust. I then sped off in the direction of camp.
By the time I had arrived I was sweaty, dirty and exhausted but I thankfully managed to compose myself and dust myself off a bit. I strolled into the camp with my legs caked in mud and dust from the rock monsters, my arms were three shades darker and my hair looked like a bird's nest; a huge improvement from earlier.
"Izuku Midoriya, first!" Pixie-Bob called out in an overly enthusiastic voice.
Strange. Didn't Prism get here first?
I guess since Prism didn't even join in on the 'game' she doesn't count, or she hasn't revealed herself yet.
I snap out of my daze and reply how I was expected to.
"Really!" I cried out in fake surprise with a ridiculous grin plastered on my face.
Mandalay nodded and pointed in the direction of the dorms where we'd be staying. I skipped off and grabbed my bag from the pile of luggage that had been dumped by the front door and entered the rooms.
It was a classic camp dorm room, ten rickety bunk beds, thin mattresses, crude shelving units tacked to the walls and curtains that looked like they hadn't been properly washed in about a century. I sighed and threw my bag onto the lower bunk closest to the door. I was caked in dust and sweat and was very irratable, so I decided to check out the bath house and was pleasantly surprised.
It had a classic rustic feel and the bath's size itself could easily be compared to an Olympic swimming pool. It was as per-usual separated by gender, now since I don't feel like being gaped at I hop in right away and clean off all the layers grime that coated me like a second skin.
By the time I leave I'm as wrinkled as an old raisin. It is now three o'clock and there is still no sign of my classmates even though we started five hours ago. Toru is here at least, but she's asleep which is not very shocking, that girl would sleep till the end of time if you let her.
I flop down on the couch and relax, well try to, I can't knock off the feeling that I'm being watched. Analysing the room, I see that nothing seems to be out of the ordinary until I spot a kid who was glaring daggers at me from the doorway. I decided to ignore the brat and go back outside to wait for the others.
About an hour later they are practically dragging themselves towards the camp. I almost laugh at how pathetic most of them were being. Thankfully they supplied us with dinner tonight but Mandalay warned us that tonight would be the only night when they prepared food for us.
My classmates scarfed down their dinner as if they had never seen food before, only a handful managed to retain their manners.
"Hey Deku how did you get here so fast?" Uraraka asked with her mouth full of food. I gagged at the sight of her chewed up bread and veggies.
"I-I used my quirk and followed the signs that were set up along the route." I awkwardly answered.
"Oh right your quirk is a speed enhancer." She said after swallowing her meal. I shyly nod and spin the spoon around in my fingers seemingly day dreaming however I was actually planning my revenge against the yellow sleep deprived caterpillar that was our teacher.
I will wake him up in the middle of the night with pots and pans and (with the help of Prism) I'll disappear when he wakes up. Maybe during breakfast I'll add energy pills to his drink and caffeine to his cereal that way he'll never get a good sleep that night either and then the next night is the attack, and he'll be so tired he will barely be able to function.
I crept out of my bed and tip-toed down the hall. Prism stood outside Mr Aizawa's room with the pots and pans in hand, Kaminari was leaning on the wall opposite her, his trumpet clasped tightly in his fist. I smirk and they return expression.
We sneak into his room and lean over his bed, on the count of three all hell breaks loose. Prism and I bang on the pots and pans and Kaminari blows the trumpet as hard as he can. The sudden ruckus wakes up not only a grumpy Aizawa but everyone in the building.
Prism quickly turns us and the noise-makers invisible, and we slip out the door before an enraged Aizawa comes to hunt down the culprits. Class A is frantically running around like chickens without their heads. We are barely able to stifle our giggles at the sight of a furious Aizawa running around in blind rage and our classmates who are so disoriented that they don't even know left from right.
Oh boy, is there going to be hell to pay in the morning but it'll be so worth it!
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