chapter 29
A ferocious wind whipped me around like a broken kite. I was in the middle of a barren desert, the sand bit into me like an army of angry ants.
I couldn't see a thing.
It felt like I had a blindfold over my eyes and that my hands were tied behind my back.
I've never been here before.
Suddenly the wind ceased, and I was tossed into the air by some unknown force.
Then I was in a pristine white room, cuffed to a metal chair and dressed in tattered beige garments. In front of me stood Shumi, the girl who I saw as a younger sister, her snow-white hair was now short, and she wore a prison guard uniform. In her one hand was a carving knife and in the other, a fabric doll with brown button eyes and purple yarn for hair.
Her form was constantly shifting from her five year old self to the one I had seen in the faded wanted poster.
Then the 'fun' began.
She wrenched the knife into my arm, causing me to yelp in pain, and ripped then it out with unexpected force. Her grin was brutal. She clutched the doll even tighter as a metal baseball-bat materialized out of thin air.
She continuously beat me with the bat until a substantial amount of blood was drawn, the entire time she was crying out in frustration and screaming insults at me that hurt even more than the bat.
Why did you leave me?
You could've saved me!
Do you not care?!
Why !
I woke up drenched in sweat and on the floor panting as if I had run a marathon. My eyes dart around frantically, barely registering my surroundings.
'In my room, no sign of danger.'
I sighed in relief and decided to not even try to go back to sleep as it would be a pointless effort. School had closed for the holidays last week and I had spent most of my time with Prism and the League, training mostly and watching the news and media.
There had been multiple riots as of late, which had been glossed over by the newspapers and reporters but many independent journalists and bloggers talked about them, which was good. The public was now concerned.
I made my bed robotically and then sat down at my desk but before I could write about what had happened in my dream, my stomach growled very loudly and I needed to make my way down to the kitchen to get some food.
There was absolute silence as I made my way down the wooden stairs, which makes sense as the sun hasn't even woken up yet. I passed through the shadowy, morbid halls that were lined with ancient weapons and shields. When I was in the kitchen I poked around in the cabinets for bit before deciding to make French toast with extra syrup and maybe some chocolate spread...and marshmallows and strawberries. Sue me, I have a sweet tooth.
I sat down at the kitchen-table with my sugary goodness of a breakfast and a healthy cup of coffee.
'Today is the day. The day I go off to the training camp and the final steps are acted out.' I remind myself, trying not be nervous.
I skimmed through the reports of the League's activity, All For One was the mastermind behind our operations, Lucifer the charming spider and me, I did the paperwork. I give the League missions and check up on them. You see I can't have Toga or Shigaraki bored, that just ends messily. So I give them a weekly assignment, rather basic things. I asked Mustard to set up a website that spread our ideals and the news, that's how Stain's message got spread around; no matter how much I detest the guy he had a reasonable drive. I also give them recruitment and training missions, giving them Heroes' dirty secrets to expose, finding more manpower and so on.
After I finished my breakfast I decided to read this morning's news to kill some time.
"Thunderhead's Mysterious Disappearance!"
I smirk, "Another Hero who gave up." I mumble quietly to myself and continue to read.
"I don't mean to disturb you but it is almost time to leave." Hazama says in his usual polite tone and clipped Japanese, his British accent almost painful in my ears.
I go up to my room and change into my PE kit, on the forms it said that we were to arrive in our PE kits and I wasn't complaining, and then I slip my tattered green back pack on and march down the stairs. Slipping quietly out the front door and making my way down. There waiting for me was a black BMW with tinted windows, that were without a doubt bulletproof. It made me slightly uncomfortable. It was a constant reminder of how only those with money can change things.
I shook my head, now was no time to get philosophical, and clambered into the car and we were off.
I glanced around the bus and to my surprise I spot a head of lavender hair that looked like it had been charged with electricity.
He got in, right. I forgot about that. I must go say hi. I waved at him but he didn't see me and before I could make my way to mini Aizawa a high-pitched voice fought for my attention.
"Deku!" An excited Uraraka called and called me over to where she was sitting, I will send him a text then.
I slapped a smile on my face and begrudgingly sat down.
"Hey." I say in my brighter than life tone with a sunshine smile on my face.
I plop my bag under my seat, which was the one next to isle, and we began to catch up.
It was a five-hour drive.
I am going to die.
"Um Deku who was that girl you were with at the mall the other day?" Uraraka asks quietly while Aizawa introduced Shinso.
"Oh Prism?"
Uraraka nods.
"She's a good friend of mine, and we have been since we were kids." I explained, warm nostalgia filling my voice.
Uraraka bites her lip and nods, before changing the subject.
During the first hour we played games like eye spy and red car, blue car where we had to count how many blue or red cars were on the road. We listened to music, watched videos and I chatted with Shinso over text and to Todoroki behind us. It was so normal.
The bustling cityscape turned into small townships, the townships turned into the outskirts and dumps, and they turned into the countryside.
We drove and drove, passing fields and farms and rolling green hills.
Eventually purple mountains that were surrounded by dark forests came into view.
Isn't this where the Pussycats do their training and I think their main base is around here somewhere.
I sigh and send out my exact location to the League using my smart band.
This will make things interesting.
The huge bus precariously made its way up the narrow mountain trail, and I was holding my breath the whole way up.
"Alright wake up!" Mr Aizawa muttered when we had finally stopped.
A few of my classmates stirred but most refused to get up. Our homeroom teacher had an evil smile grace his features as he whipped out an air horn and pressed hard.
Everyone jumped out of their skin at the sudden, deafening noise.
"All right now off the bus." He sauntered out the bus with his sleeping bag under his arm.
I shook my head trying to rid that awful sound from my ears which were still ringing.
"Aizawa-sensei sure can be mean." Todoroki mumbled, rubbing his ears.
We stood outside and waited to be told what to do, when all of a sudden there was a puff of glitter and there stood, in very ridiculous poses, were two of the 'Wild Wild Pussycats'.
"Rock on with these sparkling gazes! We've come to lend a paw and help!!! We have come from... somewhere... Stingily cute and catlike! Wild, wild.. Pussycats!!!" They yelled in unison, I sweat dropped at their over dramatic introduction.
They are a team with 12 years of experience and specialise in mountain rescue. The team consists of Mandalay, Quirk: telepath.
Pixie-Bob, quirk: Earth Flow.
Tiger, Quirk: Pliabody.
Finally Ragdoll, Quirk: Search.
"Are you ready!" Yelled Pixie-Bob.
I gulped, I was so busy reading my mental files that I didn't hear what they were saying.
Pixie-Bob charged up her Quirk and slammed her hands on to the ground and the cliff started to move like a rushing river during flood season. Many of my classmates started to scream and cry or try to escape but it was inevitable, I just sighed as I was dragged down by the mud.
As we were falling I heard Aizawa say, "Your training camp has already begun."
I gritted my teeth trying to contain my bubbling anger.
"That was unnecessary." I grumbled once I was on the ground.
"You have three hours to get to the camp, good luck." Mandalay teased in a sing-song voice.
I growled, stubborn determination rising up.
'Three hours huh. I'll make it there in one.' With that thought in mind I prepare to take off, reaching down into my energy reserves and sucking up all the energy around me, making the grass go brown and then black.
Huge rock monsters rose up surrounded us and tried to squash us like ants.
Then with a long breath out I activated my Quirk, using the compressed energy technique Alpha helped me with and bounded over the giant rock golem. (The technique wasn't perfect and there was a high possibility I could hurt myself but better to try it out now then later.)
"What the hell, where did that Deku go!" Screamed an enraged Bakugo.
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