Chapter 26
I sat quietly on the bus next to Uraraka, who was dozing off onto Iida's shoulder.
I stared longingly out the window, trying to see if I recognized anything, all the while listening in on to the conversations that were going on around me. Many were discussing the surprise field trip.
Finally, I settled on to one voice, the one I desperately wanted to hear, so I tuned everything else out.
"Hey Kaminari, pass me the snacks!" Mina screeched, making him flinch but he quickly hid it.
"Where is the please?" Kaminari teased.
With a huff Mina snatched a bag of chips and stuck her tongue out at the blond boy.
"So, Kaminari you didn't answer my question?" Sero waggled his eyebrows.
"I did and I told you, there isn't anybody." Kaminari shook his head at Sero's disbelieving face.
"Come on! Really, not a single lady caught your eye?" Mina chimed in, a devious look in her eyes.
"No. I'm not into dating - " Kaminari started.
"Kaminari! Are you implying what I think you're implying? Hmmm." Mina cuts him off, a fake scandalized expression on her face.
Kaminari gave up and let them spew outrageous stories of his sexual endeavors; some of which weren't too far from the truth. I stopped listening at this point.
Glancing over to the two sleeping teenagers I think back on the conversation I had with them.
'What would I have done if the league hadn't saved me? Hadn't gotten me out of that cess pit?'
I stared out the crystal clear window as we sped past factories and fields and garbage dumps and wastelands. From tar highways to dusty dirt roads.
I couldn't help but think to myself that this place looks They wouldn't.
I was mildly panicking until I saw a rusting sign, which had most of the white letters missing, that confirmed all my suspicions and fears:
Welcome to Mertsuana.
I then went from mildly panicking to shit defcon 9000.
My breathing became more rapid and uneven when we didn't stop in Upper Mertsuana and just drove even deeper into the shanty town, the roads got narrower and narrower. My classmates started to mumble in confusion. They were obviously shocked at the poverty they saw: bone thin children, ragged people sleeping on the street, others hiding in their shacks and fearfully peeking out to catch a glimpse at the huge foreign object that sparkled in the sun and looked oh so similar to the vehicles that came to take them away.
I forcefully swallowed down the bile that was rising up my throat.
The bus stopped at a rusty metal gateway that stood five metres high and had dented cast iron doors that looked like they had lived through a war and probably weighed over a ton. The entrance to the Slums.
We all hesitantly make our way out the bus, following after of our strangely calm home room teacher. Silently we went into two lines and waited for our instructions. I pulled on my dark green hair begging for my brain to give me an idea, for the first time in a long while I was not prepared. I did not expect this outcome at all!
What if someone recognizes me!
What if there are posters of me up and one of the Heroes-in-training see them!
If that happens than my mission is down the drain for good; I'm already walking on thin ice. The cause my dad has been working for for over ten years would all spin into chaos if that happened. I've had too many close shaves with the teachers and students to just brush that off....
"Hey are you okay?" Todoroki whispers from the other line. I nod and smile feebly at him.
A flash of yellow comes into my vision. Kaminari.
Right, unlike the other times, I'm not alone. This time I have Sparky and Prism. I can use them to my advantage. Call in some favours.
Aizawa gave us each a number and then split us up into groups. To my 'utter joy' I am with Mina, Kirishima and Bakugo; however, Kaminari is in my group, so I guess I can bear it. I glanced around and saw that I was in one of the groups with five in them. There were three groups of four and two groups of five. Mineta is unfortunately still here; this is his last day at Yuuei though so that's a plus.
I shuffled nervously over to my group and simply listened to their excited conversation. The only one I didn't want to murder is Kirishima and maybe Kaminari...maybe.
I threw in a few words here and there and tried to ease up the tension. Bakugo then announced that he was going to be the leader and we all just agreed; I didn't have enough energy to argue with him. We all stood patiently waiting for our teacher to tell us why the hell we are here.
"I'm sure you are all wondering why we are here." Mr Aizawa said calmly, his greasy hair fluttered in the breeze.
"This place here is known as the Slums, it is a rural area that is stricken with poverty." He said with a grim face.
"The people here are victims of villain attacks. This is the unfortunate truth of our world, when villains attack people can lose everything, and then they wind up here. This is the reason for our existence. We are Heroes to protect people, and we must do everything in our power to stop citizens ending up here." Mr Aizawa recites his well practised speech of lies. I inwardly scoff at those words, which sounded so strange coming from him. I expected different from an underground Hero.
There are many reasons why people end up there and most of them are there because of Heroes and the bloody government. Take Mt Lady for example, since she arrived on the scene the number of homeless people shot up dramatically, all because she doesn't watch where she steps. But I must say the wording is quite clever 'stop citizens' none of the people who are in there are considered a part of this disgusting society. A month before people go in, their citizenship is revoked and only a lucky few manage to slide in under the radar and be allowed to enter with it still intact.
"We will be patrolling the main areas and you are to report any suspicious or inexcusable behaviour to the zone's guard on duty or if possible peacefully break it up with as minimal damage as possible. If I find out that any of you have caused any problems you'll be expelled from Yuuei and you'll be banned from every hero school in the country, do you understand." Mr Aizawa informed us with as much joy as a veteran army commander.
He then handed each group leader a map sphere and a badge stating we were heroes in training, and we knew what we were doing, for the most part. Mr Aizawa is going to be monitoring us the whole time though, to make sure we are doing things properly and if any major problems arise he can leap into action.
The tightly-knit groups made their way to the gate, most of them were quivering in fear. It is the first time that they've been on a mission without the qualified heroes hovering nearby like a pair of helicopter parents on their kid's first day of school but sheesh some of them were shaking and do not get me started on the state Mineta is in, it's like he is going to be executed. I'm so glad he is leaving.
I take a shuddering breath and with a wry smile on my face I await for the starting signal...but it never came instead Mr Aizawa gave us another speech - since when is he so talkative? It's like All Might has possessed him or something.
"Alright now, these people aren't to fond of newcomers so keep low. Do not make a big scene, this is to be a discreet mission. In and out, no fuss. Got that!"
Actually he's more like he was possessed a pompous army general than anything else. "Also stick to your designated areas." He added before shuffling off to the bus.
This is when I grabbed the opportunity and put my plan into action.
"H-hey guys don't you think we should have some disguises or something as we are wearing our school uniforms and I don't think that our h-hero costumes are suitable for an undercover mission in a place where most people hate anyone in an s-suit." I pointed out, the rest of my group turn to look critically at me.
Mina enthusiastically and instantaneously agreed. They then all started to discuss where they could get some old clothes and maybe some hats.
"I-I can go ask Yaoyorozu if she can make some things for us." After everyone had reached a silent agreement, I ran off to the Yaoyorozu's group.
Toru was there but so was Sero and Uraraka, so I don't know how I could contact her without it being to suspicious.
Yaoyorozu thought that it was a fantastic idea and said she would also make some for her group as well.
"Although Hakagure won't need any though she'll just strip." Momo jokes and then starts to make the clothes and a changing screen.
I could just hear Prism grinding her teeth.
Soon Yaoyorozu had eleven bundles of dark, simple clothing which had the appearance of being well worn and made of tough materials. Even though I find her annoying, I will admit she is talented.
"If you see any wanted posters of us rip them down or mess them up." I tell Toru in a low level voice.
I hurry back to my group with my arms piled with the assortment of clothes and throw them on the floor. Mina instantly starts to sort through them and starts to play fashionista with Bakugo and Kirishima - much to ones annoyance and ones embarrassment.
Then open up my smartband and check what clothee I have in storage. A scarf, beanie and a large coat. They will do nicely.
I grab some clothes off the floor, hurriedly take my pants off and pull the stained black sweatpants on. I then teleport the clothes from the 'pocket closet' and slip them on.
The beanie to cover my distinctive, unruly green hair. The olive jacket to hide my form and change my silhouette.
The scarf because the wind is chilly. As a finishing touch I put some shades over my eyes and my disguise is complete and in under two minutes! A new record.
"Sparky, if you see any posters of us pull them down and please can you call in a few favours." I beg, breaking out my best puppy eyes and then handing him a small flip phone that I had also pulled from my storage.
He raises his eyebrow at me cockily (as if to say what if I don't?) before slipping off and doing as instructed.
"Okay so far so good." I mutter to myself.
After twenty minutes everyone was ready and we set off. The large iron doors creaking open ever so slowly, the clanging of chains was almost deafening.
For the first hour we simply just walked through the spread out security section, passing guard buildings, compounds and stone-faced soldiers, in complete silence. The only sound was of the wind and the crunching of the gravel under our feet. We walked in a basic diamond formation, Bakugo taking the front and Kirishima in the back.
'Things were going okay so far but everyone is still so tense.' I think to myself.
Finally a the noise of a crowd was heard about 50 metres ahead.
"Break the formation, otherwise we'll gain some unwanted attention." Bakugo commands in a gruff voice.
We all do as he says and wander towards the market area, our expressions made it look like we were heading to a funeral not a market. Kaminari walked alongside Ashido - who was wearing an all brown outfit that was only broken up by the red gloves that she wore. Bakugo and Kirishima veered left and flanked each other and I followed them, keeping my distance of course.
When we were finally in the bustling market we regrouped and walked in a scattered line; our eyes peeled. There were stalls selling food, spices and battered crockery, a few booths were piled high with scrap materials and handmade clothes, some even sold outdated technology and broken appliances and others were filled with knick-knacks and other junk that didn't actually have any value; one man's trash is another treasure as they say.
Nothing shady.
Thankfully we aren't allowed to go into the really dangerous areas, the only thing we might come across is a small scuffle or something similar, nothing too crazy should happen.
Then there was a crash and scream.
'Dammit Murphy I didn't say shit!'
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