Chapter 25
I hurry past the throngs of anxious students. Today is the day that most students dread. It's the day our exam results are revealed. I slam the classroom door open and sprint over to my seat, trying to tie my tie at the same time and failing miserably.
The bell rings and I let out a sigh of relief, I just made it.
"What happened Deku?" Uraraka asked me in a whisper and I flinched at the sudden closeness.
" alarm didn't go off." I mumble sheepishly and Uraraka simply giggles at my flushed face while Iida stares sternly at me.
I was saved from four-eyes disciplinary speech when Aizawa came trudging in, sleeping bag in one hand a cup of coffee in the other and a sour expression on his face like he'd swallowed a lemon whole.
"Okay quiet down." he grumbles at us and we all instantly obey.
"Today is a bit different from usual. Not only will you be receiving your results this morning, we will be going on a field trip for the rest of the day."
He took a long slurp of coffee from his mug which had cute scribbles of cats all over it. I really needed some coffee around about now but I had ran out of milk cartons; I wonder if Aizawa would share.
After he drained his cup of caffeinated goodness he continued with the announcements, "We will be giving you the first two lessons to go over your exams and grades and then I will give you your report cards."
He gave the whole class a stern glare, "and no trying to hide it. We will be sending a copy through to your parents and guardians anyway so there is no point." As soon as he said that a nervous/sheepish murmur erupted throughout the class.
"Quiet down." Barked our grumpy home room teacher.
Iida's hand then stiffly shot into the air and Mr Aizawa nodded in recognition at him. Iida stood up and asked in his loud robotic voice, "Sir what about the field trip?"
Mr Aizawa leant back against his desk. "We are not allowed to disclose any information, in fact I was just informed about it this morning." Ah, so that was why he was so grouchy.
The class looked down with a mixture of emotions but I kept my face blank. In the inside though I was silently rejoicing. It's been working, UA is crawling back into it's shell like a small and delicate snail and soon I'll be able to stomp on that snail, very soon. (Cue the cynical laughter.)
"When the bell rings you are to wait here until you called for on the intercom. Then you can go to the class board to check your results." Mr Aizawa continues in his dead tone and points to a small white box that hung on the wall just above the door.
He then climbed into his iconic yellow sleeping bag and slipped under his desk. I frowned at his statement, that was a very old and backwards way to display marks, with the technology this school possess there are a million more efficient ways.
I ponder over the reasons why they would go that route, exposing everyone's marks for all to see, setting the stage for mockery and pride. For those who did well it's a chance to gloat, for those who did poorly it's disgraceful and teasing and bullying are bound to happen. They would be thought as a failure.
That's it. That's the reason; to separate the powerful and superior from the weak and inferior who are forced to simply toughen up or suck up to the strong in hopes that they'll gain some ground. Disgusting.
"It's to enforce the hierarchy system." I mutter, gripping hair and banging my head on my desk.
"Midoriya?" A familiar voice asks, concern clear in is voice - his tone makes my stomach clench.
"I'm alright Todoroki. Just realised something." I mumble.
"Can I know what?" He asks politely, taking a seat in Uraraka's chair, who was chatting with Tsuyu and Yaoyorozu.
Weighing my options I eventually decided to go with the edited truth, "This world is sick. They display our grades for all to see which allows people to get even bigger heads," I glance over to Bakugou, "or for them to be humiliated and doubtful. It breeds unnecessary competition." I mumble.
Todoroki just nods, I had already shared my world views with him before and he had agreed with me - after he had taken some time to evaluate everything. That had made my heart soar, I had gained another supporter for the cause, a new follower of the ideology.
When the bell rang and the intercom called class 1-A and B, I activated my Quirk in a split second decision and raced to get there first.
There it was, the two cork noticeboads, covered from top to bottom with papers. In class 1-A: Yaoyorozu came first (no surprise there), Iida came second, Bakugo came third, Tsuyu came fourth, Todoroki came fifth, Jirou got sixth, Koda was seventh, Hagakure got eighth, I came ninth... as my eyes made its way down the list I spotted Kaminari's name he got thirteenth, he passed! Despite myself I smiled at that, rejoicing that he had done well.
I thought he said he was going to purposefully fail; oh well this doesn't effect my plans in any way.
My smile turned wicked as I spotted who came last - Mineta. I might have had something to do with it. I might have stolen all his textbooks and burnt his notes. I possibly slipped drugs (courtesy of Mustard) into his meal the night before so that he didn't get any sleep. No one could prove that he was sabotaged and besides who would listen to the words of a perverted failure - who had had a restraining order placed on him and had been charged with harassment. Certainly not the teachers that's for sure.
There is even a stamp next to his name declaring for all to see that he is expelled from UA, maybe this will make him a better person, maybe he'll learn from his mistakes and strive to better...nah.
Then I went to the overall first year's marks, Yaoyorozu came first, a girl from class B - Kendou -came second, Mei Hatsume came third. As my eyes trailed down the list I searched for his name, I didn't care about where I had placed as long as I hadn't failed (which I hadn't).
There he is, Shinso Hitoshi came tenth in the entire grade overall, that's just enough for him to move up! Since Mineta is getting expelled there is a spot open in class 1-A and Shinso now has a higher probability of getting in.
"I'm a genius." I congratulate myself and give myself a mental pat on my back.
Now that was only normal classes and so with a bated breath I move over to the special classes list. Shinso and a bunch of others took an unknown Hero exam and a specialised test - which I, unfortunately, had no knowledge of what it was, only rumours.
Only five of the twenty had passed and met the obscure requirements and Shinso is one of them! He placed third! Third! And since Aizawa likes him, his chances of getting into 1-A is set in stone.
My plan is falling into place.
'Soon I'll be able to declare checkmate on this little game, what do you say to that Nezu?' I chuckle from within the confines of my mind, imagining what he would say as his precious school burnt to the ground.
After my short bout of insanity, I made a note to go back to teacher watching over the cameras to keep up-to-date with their decisions, there is always a chance Shinso might not get in. As slim as it is. Speaking of which I need to check out the latest footage from this morning.
Slipping away from the now crowded noticeboard I open up my phone, and go over to the little camera app which had all the data from the bugs and cameras instantly stored onto my phone and laptop. It's a very nifty little thing created by Blaze Corporations (which I found out was simply a cover for our actual operations).
I blanch. There's nothing there, only static and bright, flashing words. No connection.
The camera had been discovered. They found the bug. That's the reason for the random field trip today! They're going to sweep the school for bugs and hidden cameras, search the classrooms and the dorms.
"Fuck!" I curse under my breath, forcefully swallowing the bile that was rising up my throat.
I need to remove as many as I can, I need to wipe my computer clean, I need to put it all onto a flash drive and send it back to the bar. That's so much to do in so little time.
I grit my teeth and begrudgingly admit to myself that I needed help.
"Guess it's time to stop procrastinating and get on with the reunion." I mutter mirthlessly to myself. I can only hope they don't kill me slowly.
The entire grade is here now, desperately shoving and pushing to see their marks. Shouts of joy and groans of despair echoed down the hallways but I barely pay it any attention.
I quietly slip into the shadows, trying to get away from the stampede of students. They were all like bouncing terriers and the crowd had not gotten any smaller, it's actually doubled in size.
I couldn't flag down Sparky or Prism due to the amount of people blocking me from their view. So I decide to message them and watch in relief as they check their phones.
Meet me on the roof during lunch.
I make my way, unseen, passed the out dated cameras that weren't enough of a priority to be in the school budget and clambered up the only stairs to the roof. I ducked under the sickly yellow do-not-cross tape, ignored the do not enter signs and opened the door, the hinges squeaked in protest as I did so.
I casually walked out onto the roof as if I had every write to be there, placed my laptop bag on the ground and looked around. There were piles of unused roof tiles, buckets of white water-proof paint, banners, paint rollers and a faded and broken kite. There was also a small shed like structure made out of concrete that had solar panels surrounding it and a noisy generator was inside, as well as a busted geezer.
I leaned the shed and waited impatiently.
Kaminari came up first, "So Izuku, exactly why did you summon me here, I'm not in trouble am I?" He pouted at me and had a mischievous twinkle in his eye that his tone did not reveal.
"You know that bit of information I revealed on the bus, I'm going to explain that now." I say nonchalantly, being as vague as possible. Taking delight in his confused expression.
The old door to the roof squeaked open and Prism came hurrying through.
Kaminari hurriedly pulled his mask on and exclaimed in a surprised tone with a sheepish smile on his face.
"Hey Hakagure what are you doing up here?"
She responded nervously, "Nothing much."
"What are you two doing here?" She asked, sniffing for gossip.
They chatted and went on and on in a ridiculous manner. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. 'These idiots!' They stared at me dumbfounded.
"You guys can drop the acts. Sparky, Prism I have something important to ask of you." Despite the seriousness of the situation I couldn't help but smile.
It was so silent you could hear a bee sneeze before the world exploded, "WHAT!!?" They screamed in unison. I made a motion to keep quiet but they didn't listen.
Sparky went blank and sat down on the ground. Prism was fuming that I had kept the fact that Sparky was still alive a secret from her - in my defense I only found out recently but that would make things worse. She undid her Quirk and her scowl was clear as day.
Her black hair was in a neat bob with a straight cut fringe that hung just before her eyebrows, her forever changing eyes flashed a million colours as she glared at me (it was a side effect of her Quirk: Light Refraction). Her freckled button nose was scrunched up in anger, it would be rather cute if she wasn't radiating murder. She let out an infuriated roar, and she rushed at me, intending to pummel me into the ground.
"Wait, wait, wait!" I pleaded, my arms moving to protect my head.
"I promise you can beat me into a pulp later but now I need some help and I'm on a tight time frame. Please." I give her my best watery eyed expression and she falters before finally lowering her fists.
I hardly ever asked for help.
"We're listening." Kaminari says, his angered was bottled up and would now doubt explode in a bout of violence later on. I would be sure to be no where near him when he did.
I nodded in thanks to him but he just brushed me off, "They are sending us off on this field trip so that they can sweep the school for bugs, mini cameras and the like. I have multiple hidden across the school and if I am discovered now then it's all over for me and the plan is comprised. We won't be able to burn this school to the ground or cause havoc." I say preying on their interests and egos. Hoping they fall for the bait.
After a hot minute they concede, "Alright fine, but you owe us big time." Kaminari bites out, like a child forced to do homework.
"What do you need us to do, Bunny?" Prism asks and I cringed silently at the codename. I only really liked it coming from Sparky.
"Toru, in your undetectable mode get rid of all the ones in the common rooms, in the staff and meeting rooms, also there is one under the edge of Nezu's door frame of his office. Go." I command. Seriously wishing Twice was here around about now or that Mei had finished had finished that copying device.
"Kaminari, insert this virus into as many security cameras as you can and use your electricity to scramble and wipe all the cameras and bugs circled in red." I chuck them a map of the school with all the cameras I needed circled in red.
"Don't get caught and be discreet. We have an a hour before class, plant it someone else's things - a teacher preferably." I hand them both a pair of latex gloves and give Sparky a black USB stick, I smile at him before Prism turns him invisible with a kiss on the cheek.
They then sped off like Shinobi to their designated areas.
"Good luck." I whisper after them.
I then whip out my mini laptop and proceeded to put everything onto a USB. That's ten minutes gone. Then I do as much as I can from my laptop, using a Blaze Corp. programme I wipe as much evidence as I can from all the cameras I had hacked. Forty minutes gone.
As a last minute thought I decided to find out all I could about the field trip, there has to be some record somewhere. I frantically scan all the files but after five minutes I come to that there is nothing. Zilch! Nada, zero.
I groan and slam my laptop closed, wanting to toss it off the roof.
The bell rings, signifying the end of our lunch break and the end of the exams for the seniors - they started later than we did as they had more material cover and they had a longer time period. One week and a half. But I don't have time to think about that.
Rushing down the stairs, ignoring my complaining stomach, I race to class and I'm only a couple minutes late. Aizawa wasn't there. Ignoring the confused/worried looks my friends were sending me I plop down into my chair and scan the papers in front of me.
There's a hurriedly scrawled message on a sticky-note taped on to the second page and the maps were folded up and tucked underneath the pile of exam papers.
The note read: We did as much as we could. Didn't have time to plant them.
I let out a sigh of half-hearted relief, masking it as being relieved that I got question 2.4.b right instead if the contents of the note.
And now we wait.
Hey there please don't forget to vote and comment if you have any questions please drop me a message or ask me on my board? Is that what it is called...
Or you can ask me in the comments.
I want to give special thanks to Monokuma_the3rd DaiDai291 and noelicoan. ♡
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