chapter 22
Exams. I have no problem with them, could care less about them, and I have a million other things to worry about like dealing with all the new recruits that Stain inspired (even though that bastard is dead he still has his uses), keeping Shigaraki in line, Kaminari being Sparky and Nezu being suspicious of me, but my classmates' anxiety was starting to affect me.
Exams are a mere week away and we just got back from the internships three days ago, when do these teachers expect us to study! It's no wonder everyone is on edge.
"Okay brats, listen up, this pile of papers in my hands is your mock exams." Mr Aizawa mumbled, not looking better than death himself.
I gripped my Smart Pen tightly, it almost snapped in two, as I breathed in deeply and shoved all my thoughts and worries down to deal with later; Sparky not coming to talk to me, to prove it wasn't all a dream, Aizawa eyeing me like a bomb primed to explode, Stain's followers calling for blood. I pushed it all back and let my breath out. Others were doing it too but for different reasons obviously.
I glared down at the crisp test paper in front of me and wished it would combust into flames, I would literally want to be doing any of the other things I need to do right now.
"You may start reading and then after five minutes you may begin." Mr Aizawa mutters while lumbering back to his desk and pulling out his tattered, mustard sleeping bag. He then clambered in and promptly closed his eyes, immediately dead to the world.
Is he a vampire or something?
Sighing, I look back down at the practice exam, my eyes skimming over the words like a hopping rabbit.
Let's get this over with.
Once the five minutes were up I activate my Smartpen with a click of a button and begin to write at lightning speed, the black ink was curving and swerving like a car in a street race. ( I have never had what you would call 'neat' handwriting.)
I - well my pen - raced through the first page with ease.
I leaned back in my chair and stretched up, trying to get rid of the numbness in my hands, I don't even have to pretend to be exhausted. My Smart Pen may be highly useful but a major drawback is that if you use it for extended periods of time it leaves you feeling as if you've been hit by a train.
"That was so longggg!" I groaned and rested my head on my arms; sleep was beckoning me.
The mock exam had ended a few minutes ago and my class was now quietly chatting amongst themselves as no one would dare go wake the vicious sleeping bear that is our teacher. I examine the doodles on my desk, some of them mine, as thoughts rushed around my head like a tornado destroying the countryside.
Kaminari is Sparky...When is the next meeting? All For One wanted me to complete that paperwork was so obvious... What did I need to do after school? I think I have training with Shigaraki this evening. I can't believe they are thinking about making him the successor instead of me, I know he was supposed to in the beginning but still... How did I miss it! They have the same face and Quirk, just different colouring and character! Dammit, I'm an idiot! How do I know if it even is him, he hasn't made any move towards me or acted any different...
"Oi you fucking Deku stop muttering! It's creepy as hell!" Bakugo shouts, explosions half forming in his hands as he shot me his signature death glare.
"S-Sorry." I said sheepishly while rubbing the back of my head.
Bakugo is so easy to provoke it's actually funny.
Suddenly ice-cold hands grab my shoulders and I shudder as a small bit of electricity passes through me.
"Oh Kaminari, just the person I wanted to talk to," I whispered, my tone conversational so as not to draw any attention.
"Oh really and what about?" Kaminari asks cocking his eyebrow, so I was hallucinating then? He's not actually Sparky?
But then he winks and flashes me an all too familiar smirk. Nevermind then.
I shove all my true intentions and feelings away and let myself be taken over by all things cute, innocent and Hero-like.
"Well I-I still need to thank you for helping me." I give him my best adorable smile with a tad of nervousness thrown in and a soft blush tinted his ears and painted over his usual distracted expression. It's actually kinda cute.
"Oh, cool. It was no biggie." He replied with a shrug and a wave of his hand, dismissing my gratitude but I persisted.
"I was also wondering if I-I could repay you. Um...maybe I could buy you lunch!" I suggest enthusiastically while beaming up at him.
He stares at me with a blank look on his face as he tried to process what I was saying, that paper took a lot out of all of us.
"Sure. Anything I want right?" He says slowly, considering my offer carefully.
I nod, a wide smile still firmly in place.
"I would love to, as long as you're paying." He eventually replies.
Jirou, who had been eavesdropping, face palmed and grumbled at the blonde boy, "Of course you idiot, he said that in the beginning!" Seems everyone is a bit drained.
He looks blankly at her and cocks his head with a tired and puzzled expression on his pale face. "He did?"
Jirou groans and slumps into her chair. Kaminari shrugs and I just giggle at their interaction.
When the bell rang Mr Aizawa jerked awake and glared at the hallway as he begrudgingly shuffled out of his sleeping bag.
"What are you all still doing here? Get lost." He snapped at us.
Damn, he's being extra grumpy today, I wonder who pissed in his cornflakes.
My class speeds out the door and towards the tempting aroma wafting out the lunch hall which would almost definitely be Lunch Rush's skills at work. I chuckle at their behaviour as I and a few others of my class slowly make our way there.
When I step into the cafeteria my eyes scan the larger than usual, ravenous crowd for Kaminari. As predicted I am unable to spot him so with a groan I slip off my shoulder bag and scrounge around for my wallet; crushing papers of doodles and worksheets, rescuing lost stationary and shoving textbooks back and forth.
I finally find it wedged between two pages of my political sciences textbook, carefully I take out my platinum card and swipe it across the scanner attached to the wall by the entrance. Lunch Rush glances at his tablet when he hears it make a noise before asking what I wanted today. I selected today's special, two portions. From across the hall I could tell he looked surprised, I hardly ever used my card, but he didn't say anything and quietly set aside two daily specials on a metal side table in the kitchen.
Silently I creep towards the side entrance of the kitchen and slip inside, unnoticed, I drop a couple of notes into the tip jar and quietly take mine and Sparky's food.
I carefully walked towards a deserted table, the trays balanced the food and set the food down. Then I messaged Kaminari to let him know where he must meet, my eyes constantly scanning the crowd for him.
"He sure can take his precious time." I growl through gritted teeth after fifteen minutes, he's seen the message but hasn't responded.
I drum my fingers on the table and let out a sigh.
"Aww, I didn't know you were waiting so impatiently for me. Did you miss me that much?" A voice from behind me teases. I grind my teeth together, my emotions bubbling up and threatening to explode but despite that I still give him a sweet smile, gently hand him his tray and then I grab his hand in an iron grip, crushing his fingers and then roughly drag him outside. He just had this Cheshire grin on the whole time, obviously trying to provoke me.
I abruptly halt by an old oak tree at the back of the school, I hurriedly look around and let out a relieved sigh when I saw not a soul or camera in sight. I plopped down on the freshly mown grass and opened my carton of 'strawberry milk' - it's actually coffee but no one must see that I drink coffee, it'll ruin my image. As I take long sips of my glorious caffeine, Kaminari gracefully sits down next to me and proceeds to tear a huge chunk out of his slice of pizza.
I didn't know how to start the conversation so I decided start an arguement instead.
"Even after all this time your eating habits have not changed." I scoff in faux disgust. He stops shoving food in his face and glares at me.
"It's been far to long since I've gotten the opportunity to eat proper pizza, so buzz off. And after so long that is the first thing you say to me!" He grumbled with a mouth full of food.
He swallowed his pizza and continues ranting, "Geez not even a how are you doing? Or what you've been up to these past few years? What a way to greet your old friend."
I looked down and quietly mutter, "Its not like you would've answered those questions anyway," He hums in agreement,"Besides, how could I. How could I-" I take a deep breath and bottle up all my rage. I'll deal with it later.
"After the way things ended, how could I just crack up a normal conversation!" My voice broke at the end and my dull green eyes glassed over as tears streamed down my cheeks in thin lines unbidden.
We were, partners, we were an unstoppable force that terrorized and ruled the Slums and braved the first few levels of the Underground together, towards freedom. Things were going so well until we ran into some trouble with a gang, and he was shot and I was swept up by the fight club; I thought he was dead and here he is sitting in front of me, very much alive. We've lived in the same building dammit for about two months and he's never made a move towards me.
Kaminari drops his pizza onto his plate and brought himself even closer to me and pulled me into a hug. Please don't do this. I wanted to say but instead I just drew myself closer. Dammit, do I never learn!
"I guess after seeing me seemingly die, it would be near impossible to do things the way we used to but come on it's us. We made the impossible possible." He whispers reassuringly while stroking my forest green hair.
"You think! For a supposed genius you really are dumb." I mumbled into his shirt, hiccuping every so often between the words.
"Do you remember the time we stuck the house guard's things to the ceiling, and he came home and thought he was upside down." He whispered, nostalgic.
Even after years apart he still knew how to cheer me up; how to play with my emotions like a fiddle.
Despite myself I snorted and chuckled at the memory. "Yeah...and Prism stayed behind and recorded the whole damn thing, and we watched it again and again till the tape burnt out."
He flashed his famed debonair smile at me, making blood rush to my face. When he thought I was better, he released me from his tight grip and we sat down again and leaned back against the tree, shoulders touching. Saying nothing. We stared up at the overcast sky and pointed out pictures in the clouds and shared a silent conversation with each other.
All good things come to an end, however, as Kaminari broke the comfortable silence with a simple statement that made my hairs stand on end just from the tone of voice he used. Like a damn fiddle.
"You know what the best part of being gone for so long was?" He murmured in a sultry voice that meant trouble. I gulp and hesitantly shake my head.
He placed his hand on my thigh and stares straight into my eyes.
"I grew to miss," he slowly moves his fingers up my thigh "and love you more." With that he pressed his lean body on to me and brushed his lips over mine before standing up and sauntering away. Leaving me frazzled, extremely flustered and in pained turmoil.
He hurt me, used me, played with my emotions. It wasn't his fault.
I can't go through this again. At least he's here, you missed him, and maybe if you be better, he'll stay.
I hate him. No, you don't.
Nothing ever went as planned when he was around, especially not when he was in one of his moods. There was so much I wanted to ask him about; where had he been, how did he escape, how is he not just some lump of scar tissue!
I wanted to demand the truth from him but he just pulls out his old bag of tricks and reels me in again and... like always I follow along like a lamb until he gets bored and moves on to the next adventure.
"How is it that the thing that attracts you most to a person is the thing that drives you away?" I asked the clouds but of course they did not respond.
I uncurl from the ball I had unknowingly rolled myself into and touched my lips and sighed, the words painful in my throat, "Guess it's gonna be like old times, huh? Well if that's the case, then let the games begin."
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