Chapter 20
I rolled my tired shoulders and leaned back. Surprisingly yesterdays training session took a lot out of me, it has been a while since I've done basic training with someone - about a whole year - guess that's a sign I should do more of it.
I sleepily staggered across my dorm room to the minuscule bathroom and to my devastation I saw that my concealer was all finished.
"Dammit!" I say extremely frustrated with myself.
I decided to throw on an oversized dark hoodie and hope no one will come and talk to me. I stand on my desk and grab my recent notebook off my shelf and quickly grab my smart pen. I pick up my once light blue backpack, which has seen way better days, and shove my things in it, I also chuck some workout clothes in, a tracksuit and finally I put my mini laptop in its case and put it in the back pocket.
I put my running shoes on and grab my earphones and phone. It may not look like it, but I was going to my internship today, most of the students had already left, but I was ordered to come today and in casual clothes. As a second thought I put sunglasses on and put my hood down.
I lock the door behind me and activate my personal security system. I pop in at the support class and was greeted by an enthusiastic Mei. She had apparently millions of inventions she wanted me try on and give my opinion on, I chuckle at her up beat attitude.
"Sorry I can't today Mei. I'm heading to my internship today and my train leaves in an hour. I am to collect my new suit." She smiled such a wide smile I thought she would crack her face. She bounds over to her cluttered work table which was swamped with projects and digs through her work to finally retrieve a silver suitcase. I smile gratefully and say my goodbyes.
I headed over to the station- busy as usual. I plopped myself down on the uncomfortable waiting benches and plugged my earphones in and blasted music and let abstract thoughts wander around my head.
Finally, the train arrived and I hurried on before I was trampled by tired workers and excited tourists. I actually manage to get an almost empty cart, so I wasn't lodged between two people, I could actually breathe-it was amazing. I put my hood up, turned my music back on and got ready for a long ride.
I must of fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes I had arrived at Kita, Tokoyo, which is where Alpha Agencies is situated. It's quite close to Hosu which is also why father told me to come here, so I could check up on the Hero Killer and Tomura.
I wonder out of the station and I pull up the address and switch on my GPS. I follow the directions and I stop at a huge building that could rival skyscrapers. It was an overly extravagant and was such a contrast to the rest of the street, it was actually embarrassing.
I hung my head and sighed.
The lobby looked like it belonged to a five star hotel not a hero agency. There was a plush red carpet, crisp white walls, oak panelling and in the centre of all the extravagance was towering steel statue of a wolf on its hind legs.
I was spotted by Alpha's main sidekicks Okami and Beta. I roll my eyes at their names(very original.) They walk over to me and I smile at them. I don't know if all the people who work here are our allies or just Alpha is. So I'll play it safe.
"H-Hello there I am Izuku Midoriya. I am the student from UA who is interning here." I say in my undercover nervous voice. They just look at me.
The sidekicks led me to an elevator, and we stood in silence as we travelled to the 67th floor.
Okami spoke first her caramel eyes slowly and analytically taking me in. "So are you really Hisashi's kid?" She says sceptically. I startle at her sentence, Seems like they know.
I let my façade drop. I un-hunch my shoulders, stand up straight and let my usual confident expression over come my features. I look up to her and say- my voice tinted with mischief, "Why yes I am. Did I fool you?" I gave them a smug grin.
They sweat dropped at my quick change in character.
So it seems that they don't know why a Villain Kid is at the top hero school in all the world. The elevator dings to let us know we had reached the top floor.
The doors open and I prepare myself for the sight of the great Alpha, he is currently the No. 5 Hero but for 10 years he was the No.1 Hero-before All Might-although with that in mind how old is this guy, 63 I think, so he's retiring soon. Not that it matters his sidekicks can easily take over for him, besides he's still out there today, so he's still in good condition.
I open my eyes and Alpha is no where to be seen, I'm on guard, I look around and all I see is one single door and the elevator, nothing else, it was pretty plain compared to the rest of the building. I cautiously creak open the door to reveal a simple yet sophisticated office. At the end of the large office sat a metal desk, behind it sat a white leather swivel chair.
I tiptoed up and turned it around and there sat a smaller than average sized man with white hair, grey stubble lined his round face, he had wrinkles and had a claw scar over his face and I noticed yellowed fangs peeking out from underneath his chapped lips, his ears were also elongated and had tufts of fur on them. I poked him.
"Um sir, you alive?" I ask in a bored tone.
He starts awake, looking around frantically to see who had disturbed his precious nap eventually his eyes settled on me.
"Ah so you are Izuku, I presume." He yawns and gets up.
I nod and take him in, he is just a bit taller than me, he is not crazily muscular, he looks a lot younger than he is, but he doesn't look young. He was wearing a simple black tracksuit and tattered sneakers and had a tarnished pendant of a moon around his neck.
"You look just like her." Alpha blurts out suddenly. I was taken back, like whom?
"You are a perfect mixture of both your parents. You have Inko's green hair and her pale skin but you have Hisashi's unruly hairstyle, brilliant green eyes and his rather dangerous curiosity." He says while observing me and ruffling my hair.
I choke back the tears, "You knew my mom." I look down at the ground.
He chuckled.
"Not very well I'm afraid but since I was the closest thing Hisashi had to family, I was at the wedding, and he told me a lot about her. Actually it was impossible to get him to shut up, for hours on end he would jabber about his precious Inko and how much he wanted to marry her." Alpha says with tears in his eyes.
After a minute of silence he softly says "I was at your birth too."
I give him a weak smile.
He shakes his head, "But you at not here to take a trip down memory lane. You are here to train and learn and that you shall." He gave me his famous predatory grin.
And that is when I knew that this was going to be one hell of a week.
I was leaping between the buildings. My new suit was blending in perfectly in with the buildings- at the moment we were playing a game of capture the flag in the outskirts of Kita. As always Mei had done a fantastic job, it was comfortable and I could move around in it a lot easier than my old one and it looked nicer too.
Like this but his shoulders arent showing and there is a hood.
I hid behind a building when I heard a ghostly howl which told me that one of the 'hounds' were closing in.
The point of this little game was so that I could learn to maintain my speed and try to increase the time I am able to use my quirk because the longer I am able to use it the better.
Right after meeting with Alpha, he and I had sat down and discussed things that I needed to improve on, such as my time and my control over the quirk and some new moves. The first new trick I was going to practice is basically stockpiling my energy to such an extent I become so fast that I seem to 'phase' from place to place. Its main advantage is that I'll be moving to fast for anyone to land a hit on me but that's just in theory, I don't know if it can actually be pulled off.
Suddenly I hear the thumping of footsteps, at least five people. I move from my awful hiding spot and race towards the next abandoned building. As I'm catching my breath I unfold the A4 piece of aluminium, indestructible paper that held the instructions of the game and the directions which had all been in code of course. My next token should be around here. I search for the logo of Alpha Agencies which is a crescent moon inside a paw-print.
"Hah found it!" I whisper to myself but even despite how soft I was, it still echoed in the destroyed, empty offices. I cursed at how stupid I was, the hounds definitely heard that.
I grab the paw which was just a little smaller than my palm.
This was the last one!
I have no time to waste. I find the last location on my map which is in fact Hosu, so about 13 km from here. I power up my quirk, with the energy flowing through my veins I sped over to the finish line.
My pursuers are hot on my tail. It reminds of when I was in the Slums my friends and I were often chased by angry 'citizens' or whole gangs. I smile at the memories.
I speed up, I eventually lost them in alleyways then I climbed up to the top.
"You have arrived in Hosu." My inter built GPS in my suit informed me in the classic robotic voice.
Good that means I have 1 km left till my destination. I leap over building and roads, catching the attention of some people on the street, "A new hero maybe?" One speculated.
"Nah to young." Another commented.
"A sidekick maybe?" Someone else said.
They shrugged and continued on their merry way.
"50 metres left" I shout out to myself like some character in a Shounen anime.
That is when I see it, the ruby red flag fluttering on top of a what I'm guessing used to be a factory.
I fall and roll onto the roof quickly snatching the flag before anyone else got it. As soon as it was in my clutches I sprung onto my feet and looked around.
"You're late." A deep voice from behind me says. I smirk and turn to face my temporary teacher.
"And why pray-tell do you say that?" I ask with sarcasm in my voice.
Alpha was wearing his tribal style hero costume and even after all these years it fitted him like a glove but that was probably due to some alterations made here and there as the years wore on.
"If I remember correctly the objective was to get here, get the flag, not get caught and be here before sundown. And well here I am before sundown." I state matter-of-factly.
A low rasping chuckle escapes his lips. "Touché."
I grin and jump down, grab onto the telephone wires and swing myself safely to the ground (without using my quirk)
"What are you waiting for? There is still lot's I need to do." I gibe.
Alpha gives his dangerous trademark grin and jumps down beside me, breaking the ground.
"Show-off." I whisper and I know he heard me.
But he didn't react "So what do you want to do?"
I smirk and give a light sneer. "I have an employee and an...acquaintance who are most probably about to go head to head and I just must watch it. It will be beyond entertaining."
Alpha gives me chilling smile fit for a villain cause you see, he is the only one at the agency who knows that I am the leader of the League, and he is as excited for this as I am.
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