Chapter 19
"Take a seat Midoriya." Nezu offers politely with a coy smile and a cup of tea in his hand, it truly looked like an inviting scene but it was, somehow, also thoroughly intimidating.
I blanched at his expression, a shiver running down my back. He looked like a cat that had cornered a trembling mouse. How am I going to do this?
I carefully sat down in the uncomfortable plastic school chair, which was purposefully smaller than all the other chairs so I could be looked down upon and made to feel small. He stared straight at me, it felt like he was looking into my soul, and straightened something on his desk but due to the pathetic height of the chair I couldn't see what it was.
I tried to keep my composure under his penetrating gaze and hold on to the act which had become a part of me but, Nezu knew. Someway, somehow he knew and all he needed now was some evidence. The cat and mouse analogy was definitely wrong, he felt more like a fox. Yeah, he was the starving, trickster fox, and I was the helpless little bunny at his mercy. Maybe I won't be able to do anything to get out of this...
I halted that train of thought before it could go any further.
No. I'm not the rabbit, I'm the hunter who is using a helpless bunny as a front. A lure.
How does that expression go? A wolf in sheep's clothing. I'm not a helpless little boy anymore.
"Is this about the Stain thing?" I ask but receive a shake of the head, "Then a-am I in trouble for something else sir?" I stammer and act as if I have no idea what this is all about. Yes, that's it for behind my fearful expression is a malicious and cunning figure planning its escape.
"Well....that depends on the results." He says with a ghost of a smile.
Principal Nezu was a rare phenomenon. He was/is an animal, but he had developed a Quirk that gave him intelligence which surpassed most people, he was quite the asset to the Hero community. And unlike most cases of animals developing Quirks, where they were experimented on and had a Quirk forced upon them, Nezu developed one all on his own. Which attracted many people but he could outsmart any enemy.
Unfortunately for him I am not just any enemy.
I am the Reaper, the behind the scenes brains of the L.O.V and soon to be leader. The son of Inko Midoriya and Lucifer the King of the Underworld; the revolutionary, the activist.
Knocking myself back to Earth I reminded myself of one important fact: but despite who I am and the legacy I have, I'm on your turf, playing your game and following your rules and with you pulling the strings I won't be able to outsmart or wriggle my way out. I'll have to carefully play across the board without getting caught. Yes, this is just like a game of chess.
White moves first.
"I hate that we have to do this but, it must be done." Aizawa mutters from the dark corner he hid himself in, it was probably supposed to be a private comment, but due to the silence of the room we could all here it.
Finally Detective Tsukauchi, the famed human lie detector, was ready. Of course his Quirk wasn't foolproof, it worked on a majority concept, so if most of the story was true then his Quirk broadcasted back to Tsukauchi that it was a complete truth - even if it wasn't. This I can use to my advantage. However; I must be careful, he knows about this fault of his and uses his detective training and skills to pick up the slack (like they did in the pre-Quirk era) also I don't know the exact ratio of truth to lie so I'll need to test the waters and do a deeper search with Analysis which could take a while due to how guarded he is.
"If you answer all our questions truthfully then this will be over quickly." The detective said bluntly.
"Where were you born?" He asked while looking at my personal information file. Opening up with the easy questions I see, to lull me into a false sense of security. A good first move, I'll play along for now.
"I-I think I was born in Shizuoka Public Hospital." I mumble while glancing to the left and drawing into myself - it's important to be aware of your body language at all times if one wants to put up a convincing act. Kurogiri's favourite piece of advice.
He glances over to Nezu and the principal gives him a nod, "It says here that your mother is dead, how did she die?" The detective asks clinically, a professional through and through. I glance into his eyes, horror on my face before looking back down. Seems they decided to move a queen as a way to draw my out.
I take a deep breath in and out. Time to counter.
"S-she passed away when she was in hospital. Her disease was deadly." I mumble.
"The truth if you please."
I shift uncomfortably in my seat, start fiddling nervously with my watch and take in a short breath of air.
"O-okay fine, she did pass away in a hospital but n-not because of the cancer. There was a f‐fire," I tried to regain my composure, my mask slipping between my fingers, "they couldn't get her out in time." My voice was barely audible and my depressive mood overtook the office.
Nezu cleared his throat, successfully dissipating the air of awkwardness that had settled and with his command the detective moved onto the next question.
"Who took care of you after she died?" He read aloud the next question, staring into my eyes.
'This kid is like a deer.' He thinks to himself, observing the wide eyes and slightly trembling form. 'A bit too fearful to make it as a Hero, better at fighting than conversations.' He notes.
Nezu clasped his white furry paws together, he wanted to hear this answer.
"I was sent to a foster home in Mertsuana. My guardian's name is Kosui Azamuku." My voice was quivering, and I was clawing into the plastic chair.
Nezu looked at me expectantly. He knew I knew what he wanted me to tell him. I sigh and continue.
"My foster father...turned out to be not the greatest guy. When the construction company he was working for went under he changed. He became a drunkard and couldn't keep a steady job, so I had to take on a few odd jobs and eventually had to stop attending school." I kept the pretence up that this was breaking me up inside to talk about. It's not that this wasn't painful, just not devastating, I didn't spend much time at the 'home' and worked so I could provide for myself. He got the money he needed from his girlfriends.
The principal's eyes flickered with curiosity and a smidgen of pity before it was stamped out. He knew and couldn't let emotions override logic.
"B-between jobs and stuff, I self-studied and trained whenever I could."
Their blank expressions were betrayed by the glimpses of emotions in their eyes, they wanted to know more but they needed to keep moving.
That's a piece for me.
"All those marks on your body, how did you get them?" The detective asks obviously taking a different route to reach the bottom of whatever mystery he was trying to solve.
"I don't really remember the e-exact details, but most of them came from bullies, a-accidents - things aren't all too stable in that area," I elaborate at their questioning looks I assumed they had, " and fights, beatings really. Ask anyone though it's impossible to live in Mertsuana and leave u-unscathed." I force out a dry chuckle, "Also the extreme training I did with my Quirk left me with quite a few scars. It's quite volatile." I stammered out while 'nervously' playing with my watch.
"Finally, the League of Villains what is your relationship with them?" Tsukauchi asked despite the look from Principle Nezu, the detective obviously wanted to speed it up, to stop beating around the bush.
On that sentence I froze, my eyes visibly widened and my mouth hung open. A picture perfect portrayal of disbelief and betrayal.
"W-What?" I exclaim, jumping to my feet.
I could only see one way out and it wasn't pretty. Good thing I was prepared.
I started to fiddle with my watch again, which was actually a smart band that controlled all the devices on my person and lady luck seemed to be on my side today as I had quite a nifty little thing in my blazer pocket. I discreetly typed in a code which released more of the colourless, scentless Quirk nullifying gas which had been leaking into the air since I had sat down. It was something our new recruit, Mustard, had made and I'd been meaning to test it out so I slipped it into my pocket last night.
"I said, what is your relationship with the league of Villains?" Tsukauchi repeated slowly as if I was dumb.
I continued to stare at him in disbelief, as if I was trying to figure out what might have led to him asking that question. They were basically accusing me of being a Villain.
"S-sir sorry for me speaking out of turn but I can't - I can't... Why are you asking me such a question? I know I've had a rough childhood and didn't grow up in the best area but...just because of that doesn't mean I'm a Villain?" I was flabbergasted, they seemed convinced.
"There have been many H-Heroes who've had a worse life than me and who have come from an even more questionable background!" I exclaim, Eraserhead was a fine example, "W-when I was kid all I ever wanted was to go to UA and become a Hero but I was told I-I couldn't. So I worked harder than anyone here, just to be able to walk in these halls. Please tell me that you're not going to kick me out just because - just because I've had a hard life and have no important family to f-fall back on." I rant, my mouth going a mile-a-minute, with fake tears in my eyes and a rasping breath. Worry overwhelming me.
"To be blunt, we are suspicious of you due to your lack of information, questionable behaviour and due to the fact you often sneak out at night." Nezu says while staring me down. I gulp down my emotions and formulate a reply.
"O-oh, is t-that it? Not that I'm meaning to be rude or anything," I explained hurriedly, "I have r-reasonable answers. M-my lack of information is due to where I lived for most of my life, paperwork wasn't something most people kept..." I trail off and stare out the large window behind Nedzu's desk.
"Ehem and your reason for the last one?" The Detective's question snaps me out of my daze. They were simply humoring me, I knew it, but I didn't know why.
"W-When I snuck out, I went to collect my foster father from a pub as the owner had called me and demanded that I'd take him home as he was causing problems with the other c-customers." I sighed and 'hung my head in shame'.
This will be the only time in my life span I will be thankful for one of my foster father's drunken escapades.
"I often need to visit him to check up on him and most of the time I can't do it over the weekends; the school code of conduct does say that we are allowed to visit home!" I add hurriedly, "Another time I was visiting one of friends on campus which is allowed, and I was back before curfew." I rambled, still not meeting their eyes and rocking on the balls of my feet nervously. I had picked my words carefully so that it was all true just lacking details.
Detective Tsukauchi sighed, defeated. It seems he thought this was becoming a waste of time.
The Principal nods accepting my reason, but not believing it, and leans back in his large chair, "You didn't answer the original question." He remarks, signalling me to speak with a wave of his paw.
The gas should be in full effect now, completely scrambling their Quirks and slowing their cognitive ability, it's time to move my piece into check.
'I'll have to commend Mustard for his outstanding creation and buy more from him, once he has made more of course.' I added it to my mental to-do list.
"Other than them attacking us, I'd never heard of them before." I let a small chuckle escape my lips, trying to break the tension.
"You may leave now Midoriya. Thank you." Principal Nezu tells me after receiving a nod from the Detective - who looked rather sour and tired.
I slowly nod and scurry over to the door with my head hung low and body slightly trembling but before I can leave a voice whispers in my ear, making me pause, "A person's personality may be complex but a human's behaviour is predictable." It was Nezu, "Your's is not." I freeze and my body goes into autopilot as my mind goes blank and the next thing I know I find myself outside his office. The last thing I remember seeing is Tsukauchi staring at me with concern on his face.
That was a threat, a subtle one, but a threat all the same. Nezu knows. He knows I'm a Villain, he just can't prove it.
Voices float from the office into my ear, I placed a bug on the bottom of the chair, and I instantly snap back into focus.
"Was he telling the truth?" Aizawa asks.
"With the important questions, yes." Tsukauchi says and as an afterthought quietly adds,"Do you think he'll be alright? He seemed a bit shaken near the end."
Nezu leans back, making his chair squeak, and says in a plain tone, "We will have to see. Only time will tell..."
I didn't dare to loiter any longer outside the office and quickly slip back to class.
We've both called check, who will be the one to break the stalemate.
The end-of-school bell rung and I found myself heading over to the library, my mind buzzing with thousands of different things. One of those many different things were in my hand at this very moment. I stare intensely at the piece of paper I had just gotten in final period with a look of utmost confusion and contemplation.
Which agency should I choose?
"Hey Deku!" A hand slaps me on the shoulder from behind and I flinch away from the sudden touch.
"Oh sorry!" Uraraka exclaims, she hadn't meant to startle me.
When I don't respond she asks,"Hey are you okay? You've been off since you came back from Principal Nezu's office. What happened?" She looked at me softly, eyes radiating concern.
I glance at her, willing tears to come to my eyes, this sends her into panic mode. She looks to Iida for help but he is even more unsure of what to do.
"They think I'm a Villain." I whispered, my voice hoarse. They both blanch, that was a very serious accusation.
"I've wanted to be a Hero since I was a tot. I wanted to save people! I worked my butt off, training and studying just to get to stand in these grounds." Lies fell from my lips like melted butter, "I clawed my way up from rock bottom, working multiple jobs in between school to just buy all the things needed for the entrance exam." I was reaching hysteria now and the two Heroes-in-training beside me dawned guilty expressions.
"And then, a miracle happens, I get in to UA and some private benefactor pays for my intuition, my dorm room, everything. He even offers me a job; life is looking up. I m-make friends," I glance up at them with teary eyes and a smile, "learn from actual Heroes and I've g-gotten to see things I had only ever dreamt of but, of course it's to good to last." I sound bitter like I had expected this to happen.
"T-they think I am a Villain all because I started at the very bottom, because of the place I used to live." My voice cracks and I find myself entrapped in two pairs of arms. They were hugging me and I felt all the tension ease out of me, it's so relaxing to play with people. To know things they don't, it gives you a sense of power. It's calming.
We march into the library side by side, tears dried and a moment shared. They both had ignorant smiles on their faces and I have proverbial daggers at their backs. We sit down at one of the empty tables and grab some books off the shelves that had been recommended for further study. Translation: You better know these things cover to cover.
As I'm mumbling away to myself about the properties of chemical compounds I notice I'm getting a call from Hazama. Strange? He never calls me, he says 'it's not a butler's way to command his master'.
"Hello?" I whisper in a confused tone.
"Hello Izuku." My dad laughs from the other side.
I keep my excited reply inside myself, I can't draw suspicion to myself.
"I take you being silent as a sign that you are around other students, so I'll make this quick. For your internships choose Alpha agencies, they are one of our supporters and will assist you with your personal training. Also, the boss is an old friend of mine. Have fun." I hear him chuckle before he ends our short call. Gulp.
"Thank you but I don't want any life insurance coverage." I say softly, secretly terrified and excited at the same time. All of my dad's old friends aren't the best of people so whoever this Alpha guy is must be awesome (terrifying).
My phone buzzes and I see that I have a reminder. I click on it and my face instantly pales. I have training with Shinso in 20 minutes.
Shit, I completely forgot.
I sprint out the library, no explanation given to Uraraka and Iida, skid into my dorm room and hurriedly change into my workout clothes, grab my duffel bag from out of my cupboard - stuff three water bottles, a towel, my first aid kit and deodorant in it - before running out my room with a desperation never seen before on my face but, halfway down the stairs it dawns on me that I forgot my card. Groaning I turn on my heel and sprint back to go get it and once back in my room I spot the training guide I made for him still sitting on my desk. I throw it in a plastic packet and shove it in to my bag. I'm glad I came back.
Then with my card in hand I speed over to the General Studies dorm building, which is on the other side of the school!
By the time I get there I am red in the face and puffing and panting.
I look down at my watch.
Good, I'm on time - just! It's a bloody miracle.
I stand up, catch my breath and patiently wait for my new 'student' that I'll soon be able to manipulate over to my side and inspire a deep sense of loyalty and gratitude. He has so much potential it would be waste to not make a use of his amazing power.
He's my clay and I'm the potter.
Thanks for all the comments they really are appreciated 😄
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