chapter 16
I hurried back to the viewing area. Sadly, I had missed quite a few matches already. It was now Aoyama vs Ashido and it was painstakingly obvious who would win; Ashido.
She has a lot more skill than Aoyama despite the fact Aoyama is more powerful, he will still lose as he has little skill or creativity when using his Quirk. He literally just stands and shoots which is not nearly good enough when going against someone with lots of creativity, technique and speed. It was going to be an easy win for Ashido.
"And Mina Ahido is the winner!" Announced Midnight.
Called it!
I am rather disappointed I missed so many matches but I did ask Shigaraki to record them on the television. He better have, otherwise I will skin him alive or destroy his gaming console; not to sure which one would hurt him more.
The ones I am most interested in are Shoto Todoroki and Denki Kaminari. I need to observe Todoroki and get a hold of fighting style. Also I need more recent and personal info on Endeavor so who should know him more than his own son which is why I am befriending him.
But with Kaminari...I don't quiet know why he piqued my interest, but he has. There's just something about him that intrigues me but I can't put my finger on it. Despite being able to analyze and observe other people's emotions very well, my own are often a mystery.
"Enough of that Izuku the next match is about to start." I mumble to myself.
"Momo Yaoyorozu from 1A vs Fumikage Tokoyami also from 1A." Present mic informs the excited audience, "Let's get this started. Ready and BEGIN!" Midnight announced from the side of the stage, she once again cracks her whip on the ground at the end of her sentence. I know it's her trade mark 'move' but seriously enough already.
I watch the match fervently. For once I have no idea how this is one going to turn out. There are just too many possibilities to try and determine a definate outcome. It should be a thrilling match!
Tokoyami goes straight on to the offensive, not letting Yaoyorozu make anything that can be used against him or Dark Shadow. Dark Shadow looms over Tokoyami and attacks Yaoyorozu with a primal screech. Claws rip at her uniform but she uses a bo staff and a shield to defend herself and save her PE uniform from any further damage.
She is on the defensive for the whole match, prancing around like a jack rabbit with its tail on fire. While Tokoyami slowing advances towards her with Dark Shadow at his command.
Now she could've made some mini flash bombs or something to momentarily get rid of Dark Shadow and leave Tokoyami defenceless so she could attack but she didn't seem to be thinking out of the box at the moment. All she did was defend and block until finally she was pushed out of the ring.
Simply pushed out. The match had only lasted about ten minutes.
Rather anti-climatic and disappointing, especially since she got through by recommendation. Thought she would be better than this and she knew it too. So, after this terrific loss she will lose a lot of her confidence and her performance will suffer greatly.
Do I care? No.
Her growing self doubt and plummeting self esteem is not my problem. Todoroki's daddy issues on the other hand are my problem. So I'll probably need to come up with some inspirational speech to get him to use his full strength, something like what I said earlier but in more context and with more detail but what though. Hmm...
"Uh Deku? You're muttering again." Uraraka's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Oh! I was? Sorry." I stammer, rubbing the back of my head in embarrassment. She just smiles at me and goes back to talking to Iida and I return to my notebook, jotting down notes on Todoroki's page.
The bell rings, signalling the end of a match. It's a draw.
Kirishima and Tetsutetsu's match was the exact opposite of Momo's and Tokoyami's match, it went on for what seemed like forever--as some of my classmates complained--but it was only twenty minutes.
They were equally matched. I was going over their stats from my notebook at the beginning of their match and they are practically identical-- Kirishima has two more points in technique than Tetsutetsu.
Eventually they decide on a tiebreaker: arm wrestling. Rather unprofessional if you ask me.
I don't bother with the results as I can already guess the victor besides I have my own show to run--I need to go and help Uraraka because she is fighting against Bakugo. So, I as the 'loving', 'caring' and intelligent 'friend' of hers I must comfort her and help her come up with a strategy for her to defeat him. Shouldn't be hard at all considering how long I have studied that Pomeranian.
"U-Uraraka wait." I call out to the girl walking a hundred miles an hour. The paper containing all the strategies I came up for her, which she had promptly handed back to me, lay muddy on the corridor floor.
She spins around and faces me and Iida with a determined look on her face but still fails to mask the worry she stunk of.
"Don't worry about me Deku," she says softly, "I can do this. I mustn't rely on you and Iida the whole time, otherwise how will I ever learn to plan for my own battles if my friends do it for me the whole time." She chuckles before clenching her fists and marching out to the arena.
Iida and I share a look. He is about to say something but his phone rings, he answers it, pales and rushes towards the stairs leading to the exit. Wonder what that could be about? I look back at the archway Uraraka just walked through.
Fine, if she wants to be overconfident and have her ass handed to her, be my guest. I gave her a list of Bakugo's weak points that she could exploit, I gave her a sheet of moves and strategies she could use! She didn't have to use them but to completely reject it without even looking at it! Rude much.
I stopped myself before I could work myself up even further.
"Don't ruffle your feathers over something so pathetic. You are getting far too attached to these idiotic dreamers. Snap out of it." I snark at myself and slap my cheeks.
As I walk back to the viewing area I remind myself of my motives, my purpose for being here and what was at stake here. I mustn't get wrapped up in the Heroes web of lies and their sunny lifestyles.
"Don't grow to care for them idiot!" I continue to berate myself in my mind and my resolve hardens.
I can't wait to leave this place.
"At least I can see and know them before the world corrupts them." I comfort myself. On another note I must be there when they learn just how terrible of a world they forced themselves to serve without a complaint. I'll have to bring my camera.
The role of a Hero is not about saving people or providing safety and hope, not anymore, it's about crushing those who are weaker than you and casting away the people you hate and fear--no matter how irrational--to the depths of darkness in hope they never emerge. It's a ruthless competition. Bakugo is a perfect representation, just he's a bit too obvious about it for the Heroes' taste.
I hop down the stairs and scan for a spot to sit, Bakugo's gang is where I was sitting earlier and I don't want to sit there nor do I want to be by any of the others--most of who were awkwardly or subtly flirting with one another. The only space left is in the highest row, all by myself as Iida had yet to return. I was a few seats away from Todoroki but he didn't look like he wanted company at the moment; neither did I to be honest.
I arrived just in time to watch Uraraka execute her 'brilliant' final ploy. The floating rocks came plummeting down towards Bakugo-who seemingly did nothing.
I know she must have tried really hard and all to beat Bakugo but he just over-powered her in every aspect so, such a simple strategy like the one she was using wouldn't work. She also made the big mistake of underestimating his intelligence. Even though he is violent, foulmouthed and has an explosive temper(rather delinquent traits) he is quite intelligent, excels in battle strategy and thinking on his feet. This, paired with his drive to being the Top Hero and his powerful Quirk, makes him a formidable opponent. Not someone you want to have out for you; I would know.
You would have to have a death wish to underestimate him and it seems like Uraraka wants to die.
Bakugo literally blasts the boulders into dust--he resembled a garden fountain while doing it though, which made me chuckle.
Uraraka collapsed on the floor and Midnight declared Bakugo the winner of the match.
The crowd goes insane and leap up onto their feet; some are booing but most are cheering. I even hear a few people chanting his name. Bakugo doesn't gloat, he doesn't even smirk, he dips his head at the unconscious form of Uraraka before plodding towards the infirmary. I scribble this down. He's changing and for the better.
Finally the next match is starting. Me versus Shoto Todoroki.
I roll my shoulders back and limber my muscles up while awaiting Midnights signal.
Shooting a glance over at Todoroki, I realise that he is staring straight at Endeavor; not me. My words may have sunk in, which is why he's still assessing me from the corner of his eye, but it seems his hatred for his father is stronger than ever and probably won't use his fire Quirk unless absolutely necessary or not at all. Guess I'll have to make it absolutely necessary for him to use it.
I chuckle, a plan already formed in my head, "This is gonna be fun." I mutter when Midnight finally gives the starting signal.
I'm going to break you down piece by piece before rebuilding you to be stronger than anyone thought you could ever be. That I promise.
He shoots a huge glacier of ice at me which I leap into the air to dodge. My levels are stable and my stores are full. Prepare yourself Shoto Todoroki, I'm going to run you into the ground. Literally and metaphorically.
Todoroki simultaneously blasted spears of ice at me and tried to freeze me in my place as soon as my feet touched the ground. I dart around back and forth, occasionally landing a hit on Todoroki-- I was taunting him and he knew it. He'd finally had enough and launched a colossal ice berg at me as if I was the Titanic but I just braced myself and as it was closing in, I dashed forward and punched through it. It shattered into millions of pieces; the shards flew everywhere.
While he was still in that split second shock I sprinted towards him and rammed myself into his stomach, he was thrown back but he gained his bearings and managed to anchor himself by freezing his feet to the concrete floor. Impressive.
"It seems you haven't taken my words to heart yet so I'll have to change my method." I hiss at him. He readies his next attack but I don't give him a chance and I go charging at him
Instead of slamming into him, I slide between his legs, grab his ankles and flip him into the ground. He propels himself up with a burst of ice and tries once again to encase me in it; he succeeds. But before anyone can utter a word I burst out the frozen prison, raw energy radiating off me in green waves which made the entire stadium tremor. I slam Todoroki into the ground once again but he quickly stands up. He tries to grab me and freeze me in place but I easily dodge; Todoroki's attention has shifted else where now. The whole time we have been fighting Endeavor had been glaring at us, his gaze sending prickles up my neck, he was silently urging Todoroki to use his fire Quirk and Todoroki kept on looking up at him(sometimes focusing on him completely) and it was starting to piss me off.
"M-mind your manners will you! It's not nice to ignore your opponent." I mumble and I'm awarded with a small smirk. I sweep my legs under him and he uses his ice as a catapult to get away from me.
"You are fighting me not him! So look at me not HIM!" I yell from across the stage as piercing icicles hail down from above me but I know he can hear me, the whole audience did considering their confused murmurs.
I destroy his next attack with quick consecutive punches. He is starting to slow down now.
"You are starting frost up, it's making you slow, but you can fix that instantly!" I taunt, dodging another glacier sent barreling at me.
"You are breaking but here I am still standing with only a couple of scrapes!" I goad him, "You can beat me but not if you half ass it!" I say so only he can here, as if it was a secret only we shared, "You said you wanted to defeat me; I said I wouldn't make it be easy. You said you saw me as a worthy opponent so why do you treat me like I'm just any old schmuck," I continue with my rant, my words starting to take it's toll--as well as his injuries, frostbite cannot be fun.
"Why do you keep on ignoring me!"
"It's your power not his, so come at me with your full strength and show that bastard who is in control!" I scream at him, making him pause. And then I see steam coming off of him.
I smile so wide it almost breaks my face. It worked. It fucking worked. I broke him and he will be so much stronger for it.
Steam now covers the stage.
Well, if he is using his all so will I.
He bursts into flames, a wide grin on his face. I match his expression and green energy surrounds me. We shared a look, an agreement was made.
Green lighting engulfs my fist as I raise it to punch the ground. He lifts his arm and a bright, orange flame is trailing behind him, ready to attack.
It's a light show of red, green and blue. Power saturates the air and seeps into the bones of the building. The stage cracks, the stands shake and every person, from the civilians to the Heroes, is quivering on the end of their seats.
"Cementos quick, do something! If this goes on any longer they will destroy the entire stadium and each other!" Midnight screams at him, panic clear in her voice. Cementos instantly raises thick, five metre walls up from the centre of the stage, to try and stop the attack or at the very least lessen it's impact. A flash of bright white light, a surge of heat and then BOOM!
The walls sort of worked.
Todoroki wasn't badly hurt and neither was I (a few broken bones and possibly a cracked rib) but the arena on the other hand? Not so much.
The stage was obliterated, the walls blocking the attack were turned to ash, the winner blocks destroyed and debri was every where. Silence echoes in the stadium. The audience couldn't move--unable to comprehend what they'd seen.
Two first years almost destroyed the ENTIRE stadium. If it weren't for Cementos everything would've been gone.
The civillians were shaken. The studebts, terrified. Every member of Class 1A had their mouths hanging open as if hoping to catch flies (Asui probably was) and their eyes were comically wide. They were still shaking from the vibrations.
They knew Todoroki was powerful, being the son of Endeavor and all that, but Midoriya! They never even imagined he could hold that much power. He literally broke the ground with a single punch!
"Shoto Todoroki wins! As his opponent is out of the ring!" Midnight croaks, battling to keep her voice stable. These kids were far too powerful, it was insane(it could only help her thinking about what their children will be like). Think about it, if they worked together they could easily over power All Might (in theory at least) and he's the top Hero!
It was going to be an eventful couple of years with this bunch, Midnight could tell.
Hey all thanks for reading.
Btw the pic at the bottom is Midoriya's dad's (Lucifer's) villain outfit.
But with a blue tie and a swept back blonde wig like Lucius Malfoy's hair.
Hisashi has messy red/orange hair.
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