chapter 11
Honestly how has no one destroyed that banshee of a bell yet! It is the most annoying thing on planet earth.
I walk into class and pause, I stand corrected my 'classmates' and All Might are tied for the most annoying thing on planet Earth.
Seriously though, how is that guy even a teacher? I will admit, as painful as it is, that he is a good Hero; fast, strong, positive and charismatic. He just lacks tact and often acts before thinking, can be rather obnoxious as well--his alias any way.
However; the guy is a worse teacher than Shigaraki and Dabi combined.(Imagine that lesson.) All Might blabs on for a full 10 minutes straight-- and people say a Villain's monologue takes forever--this guy! He could talk someone's ear off.
“All right everyone please suit up and wait for me outside.” He announced as if he were on a commercial.
“Wait Young Midoriya! I'd like to speak with you.” All Might singles me out.
'Don't call me that!' I wanted to scream.
What is he doing to talk to me about? Has he figured me out? Most probably not he is far too gullible and trusting when it comes to most people. Hmm, does he recognize me from when I accidentally discovered his secret? No, I doubt he even remembered me a day after. The suicidal kid on a roof.
Perhaps he wants to talk to me about how I acted yesterday, or during the training exercise...ugh!
I can't mess this up! Eveveryone will be so disappointed in me, I can't fail them!
“Y-yes A-All Might?” I stuttered, not needing to fake my nerves.
“Your Hero outfit...” He began, unsure of how to phrase what he was going to say.
Oh! So that's what it's about. I breathed out a huge sigh of relief, which went unnoticed by All Might.
“It is a bit too...villainous looking. It makes you look so mysterious and dangerous, all most as if you don't want people to come near you.” He laughs, trying and failing to make the situation less awkward.
“And what's wrong with that?” I whisper, fiddling with my fingers and rocking on my feet.
All Might was stunned, 'Didn't this kid want to be a Hero? Of course, he did why else would he be here then.'
“I want to be a mysterious and unnoticed Hero, like Aizawa-sensei. No need to be flashy and attention grabbing.” I explain, stars in my eyes as if I was imagining being like my teacher.
He smiles his fake smile at me and let's out a booming laugh before handing me my suitcase, which I take gratefully and speed off to the change rooms.
'Dammit! Now everyone will see my body and all my long sleeve under shirts were bloody and dirty. Dammit! Fuck.' I clench my teeth and walk into the change room like I was walking to my doom. For all I know I could be.
'I'll just ignore the reactions. It was going to happen one way or another.' I think as I unbutton my long sleeved school shirt but I still come up with a story to spin. All these lies will one day bite me in the butt.
“AHA success!” Mineta cries out and starts jumping around and celebrating. I, in my stupidity, turn to see what he was yelling about.
“I've discovered a peephole, to the- WHAT THE HELL!” Mineta yells, pointing at me in horror.
All the guys in the change room look to where Mineta was pointing. All their eyes widened and jaws fell slack as they stared at my now shirtless, lean upper body, but I don't think they were staring at my muscles...they were gawking at the horrific scars I had.
There were terrible pink scars snaking around my budding 6 pack, white X slashes on my chest, a bullet wound in my shoulder, claw marks on my arms and a lot burn marks all over my body. I also had a branding on the right side of my chest of a cherry flower inside a star.
I roll my eyes at their gawking and turn around to put my shirt in my locker, which was most probably the worst idea I've had in a while.
Because on my upper back was a large tattoo of a red Chinese Dragon and more burn scars that littered my back.
There was also a little green rabbit on my collarbone, a small prism on my lower back and a lightning bolt on my wrist. None of which they could see of course.
“D-dude” Kirishima stammers slowly approaching me. Bakugo--who was behind him--was as white as a sheet, shock in his eyes.
“Wh-what's with all the s-scars?” Kirishima says as if he just saw a ghoul eating his family.
“Why do you have them Midoriya? Why! You're hella ripped to. All the girls will fall for you and then what will I do!" The purple pervert yells.
I just ignore everyone, my hands shaking, and continue changing.
Just as I was about to leave Iida stops me. “Midoriya having that much ink on your body is unprofessional and those scars are quite ghastly. Why and how did you get them.” As blunt as ever I see. Seriously do none of these people have any social skills!
I stare at him with determined eyes, he shuddered at how pained they were.
“I didn't, I didn't have the greatest life...but... that is what drives me to become better!” I whisper, to which all those that heard adopt grim faces. They forgot that not everyone had easy lives.
I marched out the door, my figure tense and hatred burning in my eyes.
Yeah, my life, certainly has been hellish.
Everyone in the room was cowed and rather horrified, except one, he wasn't shocked at all. He'd seen that body many times before and had memorized every tattoo, scar, burn and mark. If he was right Midoriya had even gotten rid of some of them, plastic surgery or something. He then looked down at his own tattoo on his wrist.
Nothing could shock or surprise him any more.
“Listen up. As I'm sure you are aware, the Sports Festival is coming up and so we will be doing an extensive workout today. So be prepared.” Another Hero, who had never taught us before, barked. Apparently All Might had an emergency to attend to but he sends his apologies.
And what a workout it was! Although, I barely broke a sweat. I stood and talked happily with Todoroki, while most of my classmates were hunched over--puffing and panting. All except for Todoroki, Bakugo, Momo, Iida and Ojiro--they were just a little out of breath or red in the face, with sweat rolling down their cheeks. It makes sense why so many aren't able to keep up, too reliant on their Quirk.
I look around and sigh. If this is most of them in training, I don't want to see them in the real thing. The trainer, who actually wasn't a teacher here and was a government official sent here to help All Might, seemed to agree. And so the trainer, Mr. Ishi, harassed everyone back on their feet and sent everyone for two cool down laps around the field, which some of the students tried to make it a competition but were quickly chewed out by Mr. Ishi. This included Bakugo.
“Well done everyone! I am proud that you all managed but make sure keep at it the Sports Festival is next week and-”
All Might, who was back now(Hero Lessons are two hours long),began to ramble on about doing your best and all that positive bull. Even though he wasn't here for the whole lesson. The final bell rings, signalling the start of the weekend. It's the only bell I don't want to commit murder or go on a killing spree after hearing.
(I don't particularly like killing people like Toga, I am not that pyscho, but I can if needed)
“Oi you fucking nerd, stop right there!” Bakugo shouts at me from across the courtyard, singling me out. Dammit Bakugo! I was just going to get my baby and you had to flipping act up again. I don't want to keep her waiting.
“You damned Deku! How?” He yells enraged but using I could tell he is also worried, afraid and guilty? (Another cool thing about my quirk is that it enhances my emotion sensitivity, making it easier to guess people's emotions.)
I think I know what brought this on but I act dumb anyway.
“H-How what K-kacchan?” I stutter, looking as pathetic as I would allow myself to be.
“Those scars dumbass and tattoos and the piercings and all that shit on your body!” He yelled (softer) but it still caught the attention of everyone, for a fraction of a second before they continued with their own lives.
“Stop Kacchan! You are making a scene! And are you of all people seriously asking me how I got all those scars and burns!” I growl. My anger cutting him like a knife.
He backs down.
“But if you really want to know, the scars and burns were gifted to me by you and your cronies as well as my foster parents. But I'm sure you already knew that.” I mocked,
“And the ink? W-well I wanted tatoos and piercings, so I got some. I like them. It's not against the rules, so what's your problem?” My tone is stern and cold. Smartly, he kept silent.
“Thought so.” I spat and back out of his face.
I slip the mask back on, reel the animal in, and walk off.
“Cya Kacchan.” I snarl at him, who didn't respond. Too busy going through his own trash and guilt.
Time to collect my baby~
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