Chapter 10
After the 2 days of rest we were back at school and surprisingly, Mr Aizawa was there. He was wrapped up like an ancient egyptian mummy, it was hilarious.
“Okay, listen up! The UA Sports Festival is in 2 weeks time and you need to work harder than you have ever worked before. All of Japan's eyes will be on you.”
“B-but sir are you sure it is a good idea to let UA hold the festival? The Villains might attack again. Kero.” Tsu stammers with concern in her voice.
“Yuuei has to hold the festival, otherwise the Villains will think we were shaken by the incident. We have to prove that we are still standing strong.” Mr Aizawa says, “Besides there will be hundreds of Heroes there and tight security, no one will get in or out.”
But for how long will you hold your ground? It's my mission to break you and if you are heading into defence (already) than that means you are scared and cautious. I need to be even more careful now, a wounded animal is a dangerous animal.
Home room ends and we march slowly through the day. Finally, it's lunch time and I happily head over to the Cafeteria with Iida and Uraraka, while chatting about mindless things.
I sat at a table with Asui, Uraraka and Iida. They are talking about the Sports Festival and how excited they were and all that stupid stuff.
Somehow the conversation drifted over to why we wanted to be a Hero. Iida said it was because he wanted to follow in his brother's footsteps and fight crime and lock up Villains. Asui said it was so she could protect people; my opinion of her rose.
“And what about you Uraraka?” Asui asks.
“It's not very noble like Iida's, actually I'm quite embarrassed about it. I'm in it for the money.” She mumbles while looking down at her food, which was only half finished.
I almost spit out my coffee I was drinking. She's one of those people! Didn't seem like it. Huh, can't judge a book by it's cover but when you think about it it makes sense.
“You see my family is super poor, and they don't want me to be chained down to their failing business, so I'm not allowed to help. But I swore that I'd make lots of money to give them a good retirement.” She says with so much determination it was scary.
She should have opened with that.
But honestly, if that is her reason to be here it's stupid. For there are many higher paying and easier jobs than being a Hero and trying to survive in the harsh and competitive Hero world. They don't even get a consistent salary.
“What about you Deku-kun?”
“What about me?” I ask, pretending that I had not been paying attention.
“Why do you want to be a Hero?” Uraraka asks while tilting her abnormally round head, which made her absolutely ridiculous.
“Hmm. W-well I want to save those who the rest of the world deems not worth saving. The homeless, the abused and the weak. I'm going to help them even if others try to stop me.” I whisper with a steely look in my eyes.
I let my words sink in before getting up and giving back my empty tray to the lunch staff and throw away my milk carton which actually had coffee in.
When the final bell rang, I got up and tried to leave as quickly as possible but there was a huge crowd blocking the doorway.
“I don't have time for this!” I grumble to myself, planning how I could possibly escape from the windows. I couldn't.
Students from Class B declare war with us--due to us always stealing the spotlight--as well as many other students from the other courses; general, support and business. Then this guy who honestly looked like Aizawa's kid came up and reminded us that if they do well in the Sports Festival they get to come up to Class A, and some us will leave for good.
“Maybe I could get rid of Mineta that way...hmm.” I softly whisper to myself all the while cackling in my head.
“Haha hear that! If you lose we take your spot and glory. How wonderful! I'm looking forward to seeing Class A fall.” An annoying and haughty voice calls out dramatically. I see it is that tall, blonde guy from 1-B who always seems to have a contemptuous look about him.
Activating Analyst I quickly skim over his information, 'His name is Neito Monoma (Monomacial ha) and his quirk is called Copy. He can be a very powerful and formidable Hero if he put his mind to it, but he seems to know he is the support at the moment somehow has more complex attitude problems than Bakugou! Hmmm at least he knows he has them and is willing to improve. He also has higher teamwork stats, so slightly better than Bakugo...'
Speak of the devil, just as I'm about to make my escape, the hot headed Pomeranian has to make the crowd even madder.
“Move over you extra's and let me pass. It's not like you will ever be able to do anything.” He barks as he shoved through the hoard of insulted students.
Eventually I manage to break free. I sprint up to the dorms and change into my exercise clothing, which I managed to find under a pile of papers and blankets. Once I manage to locate my keys and have locked my door, I am stopped from beginning my mad dash by Kaminari and Kirishima who apologize for what happened last night. I just laugh it off saying that it's okay and I also apologized for getting so frustrated and saying all of those things.
After waving them goodbye I rush off to the training building. It's a large building with glass doors and white bricks. It is decked out with the latest equipment and simulators as well as normal gym equipment. This gym is only allowed to be used by 2nd year students and above and that is only when there is a teacher with them or you can get a super expensive and nearly impossible to come by club card. Which is a birthday gift from my dad to make up the twelve he missed. So thats all cool. Still difficult to wrap my head around the fact that my dad is one of the greatest Villains ever (and a revolutionary) it's enough for anyone to have a fanboy freak out.
I put in the code and walk in through the gate once it had opened. Then I place my card on the scanner. One 'bleep-bloop' later and I'm let in. After putting my bag in the lockers, I begin my stretch and warm up routine.
Then I start with my basic gym exercises (recommended to me by All For One) which is 100 push-ups, 200 sit ups, 50 pull ups, a 2 km run on the treadmill and a twenty-minute weight lifting session.
After that I do some basic gymnastics on the rings and floor work.
Then I take a quick break, buy a water and packet of chips from the vending machines, and go straight into the fighting simulator. Which is a masterpiece of simulation technology, it involves all of your senses at the same time and can measure your progress as you fight. It then can adapt to your increasing skill level and create better opponents for you to fight against. There are two options for defeating the enemy capture or kill, I usually go for the latter. It's like a hyped up video game that you can play for hours on end, either Quirkless or with a Quirk.
I was in my zone, it was five on one and I was kicking their butts to next tuesday. but little did I know that I had been followed and watched for almost the entire day.
Despite everything, Todoroki still didn't believe what Midoriya had said. He is still sneaking out somewhere!
Midoriya was his first and only friend, so he had a right to be worried. Didn't he? Washing those doubts away, he returned to the task at hand, math homework, but his mind would not be so easily tamed.
He could remember the day they met, as if it was yesterday, it was back when things were good, stable and happy. He didn't have his Quirk yet (he was three and a half) and his mom was still sane. Still kind and caring.
He had been at the park and was playing in the sandbox by himself, pretending to be a dragon attacking a kingdom of ice and flowers. His mom's two favourite things.
“H-hi there! My name is Izuku Midoriya c-can I play with you?” Midoriya had been so nervous but had still managed to smile the brightest smile Todoroki had ever seen.
“S-sure you can! My name is Shoto Todoroki.” He had been just as shy and nervous as Midoriya was but he had managed to hold out his shovel, an offering of friendship. And Midoriya had enthusiastically taken it in his still small hands. They built a huge sand castle that day--very detailed too--and had talked excitedly about Heroes and Quirks. Every day, from that day on, they would play together.
Todoroki often went to the Midoriya household, which was a small apartment in a quaint neighborhood. They both adored All Might and he had so much fun admiring Midoriya's vast collection. It had been the best time of Todoroki's life but then his Quirk appeared a week after his fourth birthday and his bastard of a father ripped him away from his childhood and pushed him into a circle of hell. He hated that man.
But imagine his joy when he learnt that Izuku Midoriya was in his class. Oh how he hoped that they could be friends again but Todoroki changed far too much, in his own opinion, and completely forgotten how to even make friends. Let alone rekindle a dead friendship.
Besides even though Midoriya is still a happy-go-lucky guy and is determined to be a Hero... something seems off.
He couldn't describe it, it was an instinctual feeling that he must fear Midoriya. It was almost animalistic. Like Midoriya was a lion and he was a mouse. But that didn't make any sense, Midoriya was even more timid than ever before like a little lamb or rabbit.
It's so unsettling. He hated it.
Even though his homework was not done, he decided to tail Midoriya and possibly confront him. He needed to know what happened to his childhood friend.
Todoroki observes Midoriya from the elevator, him rushing into his room, him rushing out, him talking to some of their classmates. Once they've left he then races down the stairs and slips outside through the back door, to avoid the common room it seems.
“Where is he going?” He mumbled under his breath before following.
Wherever it was he would follow!
He watches from a distance as Midoriya enters the special 2nd year training hall, as if he had every right to be there. Todoroki had a theory as to how Midoriya could get in but it didn't make sense with what he knew about him.
“What is he doing in there anyway?”
The Midoriya's aren't rich, furtherest thing from it.
Todoroki stands outside the training, pretending he was dreaming of when he could one day enter the illustrious training hall. Which earned a few whispers from the older students who were walking past, but Todoroki paid no mind to them. After half an hour Todoroki finally moved and sat down on the grass field opposite the training centre and pulled out his phone. He had a feeling it would be a long wait.
By the time the sun is setting most people have returned to their dorm buildings and Todoroki is the only one left on the field. This is when Midoriya emerges from the building. He instantly spots the ice and fire user and almost skips over.
“Oh hi Todoroki! What are you doing here? Do you need anything?” He questions the dumbstruck boy, tilting his head like a confused puppy. His large emerald eyes makes Todoroki's heart start to burn. Unintentionally Todoroki takes this opportunity to observe Midoriya more closely, his hair was wet with sweat and his skin shone, his white tank top stuck to him like a second skin--showing off his muscular figure. Todoroki wondered how heavy he must be if he's just pure muscle. Pretty heavy he would imagine, with those solid muscles. He concludes after examining Midoriya's legs.
“Uh, Todoroki?”
Oh right! Interrogating Midoriya! However, all the questions he had died on his tongue when he looked up at Midoriya's expression. So open, accepting and pure. His heart sped up, could he do this? “Midoriya...I'm sorry that I broke into your room last night, it was wrong of me to do. I hope you can forgive me.” He couldn't do it.
Midoriya just smiled softly at him, as if he had forgiven him long before he had asked. Todoroki felt his face heat up, which was strange as he wasn't using his fire Quirk.
“And I'm looking forward to beating you in the Sports Festival.” Todoroki blurts out. He needed to defeat Midoriya so that this unsettling feeling would finally disappear.
“Hohoho is that a declaration of war I hear. W-well then, I will do every thing I can to beat you!” Midoriya exclaims, his expression somehow jovial and serious at the same time.
Todoroki, despite himself, chuckled out loud, “If you bring your best you might come close to beating me.” He teased, which made Midoriya's features light up in determination.
“Careful~ I'm not as weak as I look. I'm not going to go down that easy! In fact I might not go down at all.” He teased right back, for once his nervous stutter was not present. Meaning Midoriya must be comfortable in his presence.
With a wink and a laugh, the green haired boy marches off back to the dorms. Leaving Todoroki to contemplate what had just happened.
“What wrong with me?” He scoffs, Midoriya was an adorable lamb. Who, if cornered or challenged, could kick pretty damn hard. Nothing more to it and with his thoughts settled he returns to the dorms.
Todoroki, huh? What have I done to be the object of your worry and care?
Meh, I'm tired and hungry, I'll worry about it when I can think around the gaping pit in my stomach. Like tomorrow, tomorrow's a good time to worry about this. At the moment; however, I need food! Then a nice long nap.
I stumbled into the dorm's common room--most of the class sat relaxing or playing games, a few finishing homework-- and zombie walk to the kitchen, thankfully unnoticed, and scratch around for my food.
“Almost there!” I rejoiced silently.
I spoke to soon; however, because before I could sneak back to my room with my cup of noodles, pile of toast and a handful of fruit Uraraka notices me.
“Oh Deku there you are! Where were you? We were looking for you.” She chirps happily, before going back to her card game with Mina and Asui.
“I was training.” I mumbled, too tired to act all happy and fluffy.
“Where though? I was training too and I didn't see you on the field.” Momo asks politely, curiosity and suspiciousness hidden in her tone but, even in my lethargic state, I could tell they were there.
I sigh, too tired to even be annoyed, “In the training hall. Where else?” Exhaustion and sarcasm dripped from my words like icing on a cake so that even the densest person would understand that I wanted to be left alone.
“What!” Everyone screeched and the common room fell silent their unasked questions tearing into me. Seems I overestimated these people.
“How did you even get in there? No one is allowed in there without a teacher and it's only for second years and above, so how did you get in? Did you break in! No you wouldn't have been able to. Then that means... no way... you of all people have one! How!?” Momo jabbers on, awestruck and manners forgotten.
How did she even say that in one breath?
Todoroki walks in and everyone snaps their attention over to him, a few of their expressions become extremely devious.
“What?” He says ignorantly.
I fiddled mindlessly with the club card in my pocket. Which probably cost more than most of their house, “Thanks dad.” I mumble, smiling to myself.
“Huh?!” Everyone's mouths drop to the floor and their attention turns back to me and I shrink back. I try to ask Todoroki what the hell he said but the socially inadept boy had no clue what I was trying to say with my eyes. Which was, help! The bastard just shrugged at me.
“Um, uh G-good night.” I squeak and rush upstairs (food still in my hands) and make a break towards my room but not before I hear the words, “How does he have one.” “This makes no sense, isn't he a nobody?”
I growl at the very rude words but I quickly brush them off, no use to dwell on words spoken by people I don't care about. Doesn't mean it didn't sting though.
I stared down at the card I now held in my hand, it gave me access to most training facilities, special lunch privileges, the senior section of the library and I also get good deals with the Support Course--discounted technology, faster service.
As soon as you have money everything changes.
The rich and powerful get major privileges and are often treated like gods while the weak and poor get shunned by most, except for the precious few. True heroes.
“...isn't he a nobody?”
These people aren't heroes.
Monomaniacal: a psychosis characterized by thoughts confined to one idea or group of ideas. an inordinate or obsessive zeal for or interest in a single thing, idea, subject, or the like.
Suits Monoma, am I right?
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