Chapter 5
Beck sat still as her mom worked with her hair. Her dress rustled as she moved slightly to find a more comfortable position to sit.
She watched in the mirror as her mom took three thin sections of hair, braiding them and letting one loop from each movement hang looser than the others.
Carefully her mom attached clips to the center of each low hanging loop, then pulled out her hairdryer and turned it on, drying the hair so it would keep it's form. After that she hairsprayed it, then took the clips off, leaving triangle-esque sections that resembled flower petals.
Mrs. Gibbson wound the braid around the rest of Beck's hair, which was already in a braided bun, forming what looked like a large flower on the back of her head.
"Thanks Mom." Beck stood, letting her dress fall to it's full length, the hem resting just above her ankles. She'd chosen, with the help of Holly's sister Mandy, white sandals to go with the blue dress she was wearing. The dress itself was a single strap, fitted top with a flowing skirt.
"You have the boutonnière?" Her mom asked.
"Yes, Mom." Beck and Jamie had decided beforehand that the corsages should be a light color, since they were wearing darker colors.
She went to the refrigerator, grabbing the small plastic box that held a pale yellow rose inside it.
"He'll be here soon, Mom." She said, noticing her mother peering out the window of their apartment in an attempt to see Jamie pulling up.
Personally, she was wondering how the night would go, seeing as Jamie couldn't stand.
She heard a car pulling up on the street below their apartment window. After a few minutes, the guy at the front desk called up about a young man wanting to come up. "He's dressed nice and sharp, Mrs. Gibbson."
"Send him up, Tyler." Beck's mom was definitely excited about this.
She opened the door when Jamie knocked and the boy wheeled himself into the room.
"Oh, hello! I'm Beck's mother." She showed a moment of surprise at Jamie's handicap, but didn't comment on it.
"Hi Jamie." Beck smiled.
"Hey Beck. Want to see something great?" He was grinning from ear to ear.
Jamie pressed a button on his wheelchair. A motor started whirring and slowly parts of the chair straightened until Jamie was standing straight and tall, his body supported by a few straps around various parts of his body.
"There's a spot you can stand down by my feet, and we can dance, for real!" He said excitedly.
"Jamie, that's so cool!" Beck smiled. She could see his whole suit now, a midnight blue color with a white shirt under it. Even his bowtie was blue, a lighter color that matched her dress, and he was wearing a dark blue fedora with a light yellow band.
"Picture time!" Beck's mom trilled.
Beck stepped into the slots for her feet as yet another slow dance played over the speakers. Jamie's hands found her waist and she put her arms around his neck.
"You're shaking." She told him quietly.
"Yeah, well, this entire night's been kind of a thrill ride. My mom surprised me with the wheelchair about 10 minutes before I left for your house." He told her.
"It's really cool. Is it a rental or do you get to keep it?"
"Rental." He smiled.
"That sucks." Beck said. The song finished and she stepped off the small platform. "I've gotta use the bathroom, be right back."
Beck wove through the dance floor, heading for the bathroom. Abruptly, someone grabbed her arm and dragged her into an empty classroom.
"Who-" she stopped short and scowled when she saw him. "What, Jake?"
"So I'm not as good as that goat, huh?" Jake was practically seething.
"What? Who?"
"Jamie." He spat the name. His eyes were definitely glowing this time.
"I don't know why you're so angry about this-"
"You got them found out. It had to have been you, they were going to check you that day. And now, now I smell it! You don't smell strongly of it, no wonder Vivian and Jade took so long to figure out it was you." He snarled.
"I'm just going to leave-" Beck started for the door, but Jake stepped in front of her.
"No you don't!" The boy blocked her path. When she tried to push past he shoved her backwards with a surprising amount of force for someone his size.
"No. I've been on this mission too long. I've finally found you, I'm starving." He grinned dangerously, his teeth sharpened past human possibility.
Beck backed up and Jake lunged at her, transforming into a wolf-man hybrid creature partway through the jump.
"There she is!"
Three figures burst into the room. The first, a blond, muscular boy, tackled the werewolf out of the air. At least, Beck assumed it was a werewolf. That was the only plausible explanation.
"Are you okay?" The girl of the group ran over to her.
"You!" Beck managed to squeak out. It was the girl from the football game.
"Me." The girl smiled. "Answer my question."
"I-I'm fine."
"Piper, we need silver!" The third member of the group bleated. Beck recognized that voice.
"Hold on, Beck." He was searching the room.
"Blunt force would do it too, hold him still Jason!" The girl, Piper was what Jamie had called her, grabbed a golf club from the bag behind the teacher's desk.
"Hurry up!" The blond boy grunted.
Piper ran up to him and the werewolf, swinging the golf club as hard as she could at the furry head.
Jake fell limply to the ground and dissolved into dust.
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