Chapter 4
Vivian and Jade weren't at school that Monday. Almost the moment she walked in, Beck had heard someone talking about how they got expelled for smoking pot behind the bleachers after the football game.
Beck didn't believe them. Vivian and Jade were a lot of things, but potheads was not on that list. She knew the smell, and all she would get off of Vivian and Jade was cheap perfume.
Her thoughts drifted back to the girl behind the bleachers last night.
She'd thought that she was a fan from the other team, but the more she thought about it the less likely it seemed. Did the girl somehow frame Vivian and Jade?
"Good riddance." Beck finally muttered.
"Hey! Rebecca!" A voice shouted behind her.
She frowned. No one she knew called her Rebecca. Well, no one except-
"Hi Jamie." The boy smiled at her. He had his wheelchair, as usual, and looked like he'd rolled out of bed in what he was wearing.
"I don't have any special way of saying this," Jamie launched straight into his topic of discussion, "but I was wondering if maybe you want to go to Homecoming with me?"
The hall quieted marginally and Beck could tell that everyone wanted to hear her answer.
"Uh," was all she got out before Jamie continued.
"If you need some time to think about it, that's fine. Just text me your answer."
"Thanks, Jamie, I'll think about it." Beck smiled at him and he nodded, turning his chair and wheeling down the hall towards the elevators.
"You said no?"
Beck rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time and corrected Lizzie. Again.
"I said I'll think about it. I'll give him his answer by the end of the day."
"Well you're going to say no, aren't you?"
"What gave you that idea?" Beck opened her history notebook and began to skim the notes she's taken, hoping she wouldn't have to haul the giant textbook out of her bag to find the answers for her worksheet.
"Well you're being all dodgy about it and he is pretty different, no one would fault you for saying no, but-"
Beck twisted and grabbed her friend by the shoulders as Lizzie got more agitated about the subject.
"Calm down. I'm not saying yes yet, nor am I saying no. I just need to decide."
Lizzie nodded. "Right. By the way, Jake just walked in."
Beck scowled. "Wonderful."
"I think you should give him a chance."
"No thanks." Beck crossed her arms. "He has a reputation, Liz, and I'm not going to be another 'achievement' on his list."
"Oh fine." Lizzie went back to her homework.
"Hey, Beck, can I talk to you?"
She sighed when she heard Jake's voice.
"What do you need?"
"Gotta ask you a question." He flashed her a smile that was designed to make girls melt, but Beck openly advertised that she was, in fact, not a girl. At least not in the 'dress up, makeup for fun, flirt with boys' sense.
"Fine." She stood and walked with him to the other end of the room. She was acutely aware of the other dancers watching her.
"What do you need?" Beck repeated, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at Jake.
"Well I was thinking, since you broke up with that guy a few months ago," Beck scowled a little at the mention of her ex, the only guy she'd ever dated and possibly the shallowest, superficial male she'd ever met, but didn't say anything, "You'd be needing a date to Homecoming. Want to be mine?"
Beck had to make a decision. She knew that whatever she told Jake would be put under scrutiny and probably some mocking, but she didn't want to just give in to a guy like him.
"Sorry, Jake," No I'm not, "I already have a date."
"Oh." He looked angry and Beck could have sworn that she saw his eyes flash red for half a second. "Who?"
"Jamie." Beck told him confidently, planning on texting the other boy as soon as she got back to her stuff.
"You're going to a dance with a kid who's in a wheelchair? That sounds" Jake said, his voice part mocking, part sarcastic.
"I don't mind. He's a nice guy." Beck said, suddenly feeling defensive of Jamie.
"Whatever. You have fun with that." Jake stomped away, muttering something along the lines of 'irritating' and 'useless at a dance' and other things like that.
"So you're going with Jamie?" Lizzie asked when Beck sat back down.
"Yep." She replied calmly, fishing out her phone.
"And you don't think dancing with him will be a problem?"
"We'll figure it out." Beck said, opening her texts. Clicking Jamie's name, she quickly tapped out the message on her screen.
'Hey Jamie, my answer is yes.'
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