53. Day 6- Love's ire-II
Hii my lovely readers ♥️♥️♥️😘😘😘
Shikha has come to the appointed place to meet Gangaputra.
The moon was high in the sky. She went to the bank of River Ganga and saw her reflection on it. She had returned to her normal attire which she used to wear normally. Now was the time she feels like to return to her true self. Her own self.
She then started pacing frantically. Actually she was a little bit nervous. Why, she didn't know.
'When will he come?' she muttered to herself.
Gangaputra on the other hand had forgotten about the letter and was doing his usual work.
The letter was found by someone else. He smiled deviously as he found the opportunity he has been waiting for.
He took the letter and went to read it by the lamp. Shikha was asking for Gangaputra to come near the bank of River Ganga and meet her. He got angry and burnt the letter. And was pondering.
"See... what you have done. You have rejected my proposal Princess Shikha. Now you have to pay for the humiliation I felt."
It was Vrushchak. (Yep it's him!)
The boy Shikha had met and have gotten into an argument.
Vrushchak was burning in the rage to take revenge from both Shikha and Gangaputra. Once, he felt like he could have anything he wants would be his in life but when he has asked and put it as a proposal to Shikha, she has laughed at him and jeered him as if he is nothing but some kind of jester. He could have abducted her forcefully, he thought, but no.. he had given a chance to Shikha and asked her to favour him for his desire of her. But she.. rejected. Wrong decision.
Arrogant vile chit, he muttered.
He knew that he will not be able to win a one-on-one with Gangaputra Bheeshma but Shikha is an easy prey. He was waiting for the time that she would make a mistake and the time has come.
Get ready for it, Princess Shikha! Vrushchak spoke in an angry tone.
Vrushchak was the counterpart of Shalva of his previous birth. After jilting Amba, he also didn't live enough to enjoy his life and kingdom and he died in a battle. His hatred had been imbibed inside him from his previous birth which has no consequence at all.
She is going to make everything normal, Shikha thought.
Shikha knew it wouldn't be easy for Gangaputra to contain all the information of her past life lightly. As they have developed a strong bond of friendship and affection, he might feel a little bit betrayed that she has hidden such a big truth from him but she will have to make him understand. She frowned a little. He better make it easier for her explain otherwise she will have to choose a difficult way to make him understand.
But a feeling of apprehension had come to her. She was feeling that something was not quite alright. That something is going to happen that is not so good.
The surrounding has got eerily silent and cold. An owl hooted, then an ominous rustle was heard from the far.
Shikha shivered a little as if someone was watching her. Her shoulders stiffened when she heard a cracking noise of someone putting his feet on the dry twigs of trees. And it was not Gangaputra, she was sure.
Suddenly her pulse drummed in her temples, ears, throat and chest. She turned around to see who is approaching when all of sudden a dart pricked on her arm.
She inhaled a breath. What is happening, she thought. She pulled out the dart from her arm and threw it. The dart was like a weapon used by tribal people, made up in bamboo casing and inside was a needle like thing which is projected to attack by blowing it from mouth. It is primarily used to tranquilize.
Shikha then saw a shadow on the moonlight. It was coming to her slowly like a slithering poisonous snake and laughed at her diabolically.
Shikha felt dizzy and stunned, when she saw the man before her.
"Vr.. Vrushchak", she tried to speak.
She hold her arm as it has started to pain her in pinpoint and she was feeling like it was some kind of poison that was diffusing slowly in her body.
Staggering back, she asked.
Shikha- What... what are you doing here?
Her head has started to pound and her tongue was feeling thick. This poison was diffusing quickly than expected.
Shikha- You... You did this?! Why???
She looked at her hand where it started to burn.
Vrushchak laughed like a maniac.
Vrushchak- Yes I did it. And you know why because you deserve it.
Vrushchak was spitting anger and fire towards her. He badmouthed for her rejection and said things to her inappropriately.
When he come near Shikha and tried to grab her, she thrashed her hands and claws at him. The poisonous sedative has made her weak and she felt she was no equal to him, yet she fought.
He tried to grab her forcefully again. Shikha faltered unsteadily. Vrushchak grabbed Shikha's wrist and with a swift movement threw her to the ground in some distance.
Shikha fell on her side with a thud. The force of her fall was lessened because of the grass on the bank of the river. But her temple struck on the surface of the ground. She was feeling hurt and dizzy.
She had understood that Vrushchak was taking his revenge on her, because of that day when she humiliated him. She could have beaten him into pulp on the spot if her condition was normal but this loathsome, spineless monster has first used to poison her, than attacked her when she was defenceless.
She was trying to stand but it was hard to move on her feet; they were heavy as if they have been weighted with stones. In desperation, Shikha doubled her efforts to move. She began to stumble to the ground, suddenly Vrushchak was on her. She got horrified and panicked.
His hand caught her tightly around her neck. When she was choking to get some air, he freed her. His voice snarled in her ear. He laughed again ominously. His sound was going harsh with anger.
Vrushchak- The poison is doing its work very quickly. My dear princess Shikhandini... Just a little time and you will be dead. Good riddance!
Shikha shuddered with fear unable to speak. She thrashed her hands and feet. But he held her down. For a moment Shikha froze in terror.
But he laughed again and said mockingly.
Vrushchak- Oh don't worry my dear Princess... I'm not going to take you. You are not worthy of my attention anymore. You are nothing but a soiled good which needs to be trashed. And I'm doing a favour removing you. You know what... No man in this Earth got to love you... You were never be loved by any man... Not even your Gangaputra Bheeshma... (He chuckled again) oh sorry, he has never ever loved you, and above all he will never see you as a man sees a woman. Nope. He is an old celibate b*stard you have been longing after but nothing could be gained by it. And for him, You rejected me. Me. Prince Vrushchak. Bad choice.
You will die knowing that nobody loves you... You will die knowing that you have been never loved by a man. You will die knowing that he never ever loved you. You will die. You will die."
Vrushchak repeated those words again and again and laughed ominously.
Shikha eyes started to burn. Teardrops fell from the corner of her eyes profusely hearing those words.
But still she believed that Gangaputra have loved her; even for a moment, but she has been loved. He had gotten worried for her. He had cared for her. And above all he has treated her like she was one of his own, like a family.
No. She will not die thinking she was unloved. She had been loved by her family. Panchali loves her a lot. And everyone here at Hastinapur loves her too.
Gathering all her energy, she mocked him back.
Shikha- You are wrong!.... I'm... I'm loved. A..and you are the one who will die.
The confidence with which she said it unnerved him.
Gangaputra was getting antsy, he didn't know why. The letter was nowhere to be found and he needed to know what's in the letter. For the first time in his life, he regretted putting his work first. Damn!
Like sometimes, he had felt in his life, his mother Ganga was calling him. And he needs to go there right now.
Fortunately, when he decided to go outside the palace, he saw baby Dushala whom he thought would have gone to sleep.
Bheeshma- Putri Dushala, I lost your letter. What was on it?
Dushala- It wasn't my letter. It was given to me to give you.
Bheeshma asked restlestly.
Bheeshma- Who?
Dushala- Princess Shikha gave it to me to give you. She told me that she wants to meet you at Midnight near the bank of River Ganga. Haven't you read the letter???
Hearing that, Bheeshma ran out the palace. He took out his horse and speeded it up. He was getting negative vibes that something is wrong.
'Shikha', he whispered.
Despair settling on him like a black frost. Oh God! Please let Shikha be fine and good. Please.
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