47. Day 5- Sweet dreams
Hiii my lovely readers... 😍😍😍😘😘😘
The Mehendi ceremony and the feast ended lately after Midnight. All the guests retired to their respective rooms.
Shikha too has gone to her bedchamber. But sleep was so far away from her. She couldn't sleep at all. It seems that Gangaputra is not going to let her sleep as her thoughts were indulged in the memories of their time spent together.
She remembered all those things that happened with her today.
How Gangaputra possessively held her shoulders when he had seen her fighting with Vrushchak. She smiled thinking about their little mischief when Gangaputra and she hid behind the curtains. The memory of him blowing air on her face was still afresh. Gosh! She could still feel it.
She chuckled when she thought about besting him for a ride. How he has uncoiled her hair so softly. And his face,when she gave a quick peck on his cheek, was too amusing.
How sweetly, he has taken her to the village fair and all. The exchanging of their gifts, the lightheartedness he'd showed, and the concern he felt for her, and arranging for her bathe was highly intimate. And the way he blushed when she showed him her Mehendi was cherry on the top.
When she has fallen asleep on his shoulder during their ride back to home, she'd dreamt of him. In her dream, she saw the young Gangaputra whom she remembered from all the time. He was chasing after her. And she was running from him, laughing. He too was laughing. Finally, he caught her. He held her wrist and pulled her towards him and she found herself in his embrace. One hand still held by his and her other hand was on his broad and muscular shoulders. His other hand snuggled her waist pulling her to him.
"Mischievous Gangaputra", she murmured to him. "What you are upto?" She questioned him. He didn't speak anything but kissed her forehead. Kissed her eyelids and his lips trailed down to her cheek; he was venturing further towards her lips but... the moment dissolved.
The next moment, Shikha saw themselves going to the palace holding hand on hand, and walking side by side. Again the moment dissolved into another; in her dream she slept and Panchali was trying to wake her up. Shikha grumbled at Panchali to let her sleep, that she was having a pleasant dream. Waking lazily in her dream, she hugged Panchali but she wasn't Panchali at all.
Panchali was replaced by a very healthy and muscular man. His skin was so smooth and satiny, stretched over his tight muscles. Shikha settled deeply onto him. She is never going to leave this embrace.
But he was trying to wake her up. She didn't want to. And then he has to utter those words, "wake up, child". She's not a child at all. And she woke up grumbling.
A big grin came on Shikha's lips remembering all this.
Oh God! She is getting addicted to the heady feelings of Gangaputra. Not a moment is passing when she is not thinking about him, she thought with a huff.
But again... What a beautiful mess she is into, Shikha thought with a loony smile.
Enough Shikha, she chided herself.
She's been trying to fall in sleep for hours but couldn't.
She decided that needs some fresh air. This room has started to feel so hot.
So she went to the balcony where she met Gangaputra on midnight the other day.
The truth of the matter is that she wanted to see him and knew that he would be there. But to her surprise, Gangaputra wasn't there.
She took a deep breath and stood near the railing. Counting stars. She waited for him for a while and it turned into a couple of hours. Still no sign of him.
Exasperated, she moved to go to her room but then she decided to see Gangaputra if he's alright or not? As he used to care about everyone that sometimes he forgets that he should take care of himself too. Such a careless man he is, she thought with a frown. That man needs to slow down a little bit and take some rest.
When she would meet him, she is going to give an earful to him. And for that she has to find Gangaputra.
Shikha looked here and there for him but in vain. He was nowhere to be found. Stealthily, she moved inside the palace, but the palace was somber as everyone has gone to sleep.
She went down towards the garden where he did his vigilance.
It was a big garden. Where would he be, she frowned again. She walked into the garden and still he wasn't there.
And then she heard rustling of dry leaves beneath feet from the other side of the garden. The garden was around the palace and when she tiptoed towards the source of the sound, she was amazed to see Prince Duryodhan tugging at Prince Yudhishthira to hurry up.
Shikha hides immediately. And peeked at both of them. What are they doing here, she thought.
Duryodhan and Yudhishthira were whispering to each other. Yudhishthira whisper yelled at Duryodhan.
Yudhishthira- I'm going to beat you into pulp, Duryodhan. I was sleeping peacefully, why you have to tug me out of my sleep???
Duryodhan grinned at Yudhishthira's mock- threat.
Duryodhan- Chill, Bhrata. It's for your own good.
Yudhishthira made a face.
Yudhishthira- My own good??? Do explain.
Duryodhan tugged him more until they went near the window of one of the room from the side of Rani mahal. Yudhishthira understood.
Yudhishthira- Seriously, Duryodhan. What are we doing here???
Duryodhan- Bhrata... You have not been of any help yet. I have to do all things by myself.
Yudhishthira- But coming here at this time....
Duryodhan- But you wanted to see Princess Devika, no?!
Yudhishthira couldn't help but nodded a yes.
Yudhishthira- ofcourse... But how???
Duryodhan smiled smugly.
Duryodhan- Leave all that to me.
Duryodhan himself wanted to see Princess Bhanumati. But he wants to drag his partner in crime, that is his big bro Yudhishthira into it. Atleast Yudhishthira would save them from any and all troubles.
Duryodhan made a Coo-koo-doo-koo sound in which Yudhishthira made a face.
Yudhishthira- You are an idiot, brother!!!
Duryodhan looked sardonically at Yudhishthira.
Duryodhan- Do you have some better plan?! No. Then please co-operate. Devika bhabhishree and Bhanu are sharing the same room.
Yudhishthira looked upto heaven for some help. This is getting nowhere. Duryodhan and he are going to make an utter idiots of themselves. The princesses are going to mock them for this feat. But somewhere in his mind, he was anticipating to see Devika. So he indulged his brother this one time. He looked here and there as if sensing that someone is watching but found no one.
Yudhishthira spoke to Duryodhan.
Yudhishthira- You will alert the security, my brother. What if Pitamah comes here???
Shikha was stealthily looking at their childish antics with a palm on her mouth. She wanted to laugh out louder but couldn't.
They have no ideas how much feats they have to attempt to accomplish their love.
My Poor boys!!! Gosh! She is sounding just like Gangaputra.
And here comes the best of the best part, when they talked about Gangaputra. It's her question too. But the biggest question is where is he???
Duryodhan- Don't worry. Pitamah won't come.
Yudhishthira asked sarcastically.
Yudhishthira- How?! And why???
Duryodhan- Because I have seen him going towards his bedchamber. Maybe he has some work left there.
Yudhishthira- Are you sure??? Because usually Pitamah does his vigilance.
Duryodhan- Yes I'm sure. The room in the top left corner of Raja mahal is Pitamah's bedchamber, no?!
Yudhishthira- Yes.
Duryodhan- So, I'm hundred percent sure that Pitamah is in there.
When Shikha heard that, she didn't waste time and hurried towards her target. And she left the poor boys on their own device.
Yudhishthira- At what time did you see Pitamah???
Duryodhan- An hour ago.
Yudhishthira muttered.
Yudhishthira- Then we should leave here as soon as possible. Because I don't want to be caught.
Yudhishthira tugged at Duryodhan's arm.
Yudhishthira- Let's go. I'm seriously crazy to get into your foolish plans.
Duryodhan- But Bhrata... My plan was excellent..
Yudhishthira- Nope...
Their teasing bantering actually wake the princesses up.
Both Devika and Bhanu were looking down at their prospective prince with a huge grin on their faces. The awful Coo-koo-doo-koo sound made by Duryodhan have accomplished the impossible. Both of them were so ecstatic to know that the guys are doing the efforts at this time of night to see them. What they could ask for more. Both the girls already knew that the guys are smitten on them but are frightened to speak their feelings.
Bhanu cleared her throat. Both the guys looked up.
Bhanu- Is there any problem princes???
Duryodhan- No.. no.. nothing.. no, Bhrata???
Yudhishthira gave Duryodhan a deadly look.
Yudhishthira- No problem at all.
But his eyes got stuck on Devika. She smiled down at him knowing what he's upto.
Duryodhan- it's... our duty tonight... for the vigilance of the palace.
Duryodhan tried to lie.
Everyone feigned ignorance, so that their mischief will not be caught.
All of them talked for a while, but after sometime, they bid good night to each other. Everyone went to their respective bed with a wide smile on their faces.
Shikha after knowing that Gangaputra has gone towards his bedchamber, decided to check on him. As he is always concerned about everyone but not himself, she wanted to make sure he's fine.
She tiptoed from the garden and stood below his chamber which was two-storey above.
Shikha muttered to herself.
Shikha- I'm doing this just because I want to know that you are alright. It's a good thing that I've learnt climbing tall trees in my childhood.
She climbed upto his chamber via the balcony. An impish smile come to her lips when she ventured inside his chamber thinking that she was not breaking his rule that no man can enter Rani Mahal. He(Gangaputra) never made a rule that no woman can enter the Raja Mahal(the man's side of the Mahal).
The door was locked. She closed her eyes and murmured the name of Mahadev as if asking if she's doing right or wrong, and gave a little push to his door and it was widely opened. Strange, thought Shikha.
The room was dark. Only the flickers of the Mashaals were lightings the room. Shikha tiptoed inside.
This is the first time she was seeing Gangaputra's room. And... It is gigantic, she thought. His room was very organized and well furnished. Not even one thing was misplaced in his room. If he saw her room, he would faint, mused Shikha. Because in her room, there was so much clutter here and there.
He was no where in the hall of his room. She couldn't help her curiosity and walked inside his bedchamber, moving aside the curtains. And stopped in her tracks.
A loving smile came to her lips.
She saw Gangaputra was fast asleep. God! That man sleeps at all is a wonder. It seems he's perfectly alright.
Silently, she knelt besides his bed on a soft rug and watched him sleep.
Gangaputra looked so beautiful in his sleep, amazed Shikha. His lips was tilted upward slightly as if he has gone to sleep smiling. There were no strained marks on his face. He must be dreaming something happy.
He was sleeping on his tummy with his face sidewards. He's such a baby, bemused Shikha.
She has this sudden urge to caress his hair and kiss his forehead but she couldn't. Any movement would wake him up from his sleep which she didn't want. God! She wants to stay here with him, safeguarding his dreams but dare not to.
She has to leave as soon as possible. Reluctantly, she walked out from there. When she reached the balcony to climb down, she turned and mumbled.
Shikha- Good night, Gangaputra. Sweet dreams.
And then she was gone.
Gangaputra was in a deep slumber. So many years have passed when he has not slept this peacefully.
He has checked all around the palace twice after the ceremony ended. And unwittingly have reached the place where he and Shikha have met few nights ago. He paced there for a while thinking that she would come but thought that it's been a very hectic day for her and she would be sound asleep on her bed; he retired to his own bedchamber after making one more round of the palace.
When he came to his bed, he sat there thinking all the happenings of today and couldn't himself from smiling. How in such a short time she has become so much special to him, he couldn't understand.
He lied on his bed and was staring at the ceiling but his mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of Shikha.
He doesn't know when he has turned in his sleep and was lying on his tummy, but he felt a sensation that Shikha was there. He was already dreaming about her. A smile tugged his lips when Shikha have put her head on his shoulder and had dozed off. In his dream, when she opened her eyes and looked at him, he kissed her forehead. She sleeps like a soft and cuddly baby. And what a trusting nature she has. She slept peacefully even in a moving chariot knowing he won't let anything happens to her.
The dawn was approaching. He was still suffused in his dreams which he didn't mind at all. He woke up with a lazy yawn. And when he put his feet down on the ground, a pebble like thing pricked the sole of his foot.
He took that pebble and looked closely at it. It's not a pebble at all. It was the solitary ruby of Shikha's anklet which he has given to her.
He looked at it open-mouthed. How could this ruby be here??? He deduced many reasons but discarded one after another.
At last he amazed that... Shikha was here!!! Unbelievable. No one can come inside his room without his consent as his room was spell-bounded by a mantra which no one knows.
A slow grin come to his lips on the mischievousness of Shikha. He fisted the ruby on his palm and muttered amusingly.
Gangaputra- Today is going to be too much fun!
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