39. Day4- Melting hearts- IV
Hiii my lovely readers... 😍😍😍😘😘😘
Happy Sunday 💗💗💗
Gangaputra- You are getting married???!!! And moreover.. to my kids?! Impossible.
Shikha was going to deny it instantly when she thought mischievously.
You have tormented me for many years. Now it's time for you to pay it back, Gangaputra. You deserves to be tormented. And... Yes, she is going to be married with this big Kuru kid. Undeniably.
Let him think the otherwise.
Shikha- Ofcourse I'm getting married. Why shouldn't I???!!! And why should I deny myself the pleasure of conjugal love! I haven't taken any "Bheeshma Pratigya" oath. You are going to be bachelor throughout your life. Why does you care if anyone is getting married or not??? To your family or not! Just give me one reason.
Gangaputra was hell-shocked. He can't reason with her.
The hammer struck rightly on the nail. She wanted him to be baffled and bothered. To think about the matter. And she hopes that someday, he will express his true feelings to her.
Gangaputra (sternly)- very well. You are a grown up girl capable of making your own decisions. I can't come against your decisions.
She knew he would say something like that.
Shikha(smiling)- We are all mere humans, Gangaputra. We can't be some divine god-like-creature living like you. And...
Gangaputra(curiously)- And???
Shikha(softly)- I would very much like that one day some man would love me, and not in half measures, but fully. And passionately. Like there would exist nothing but us. Like I'm his world.
Both went silent. Shikha was demanding things from him that he never could give her and the thought of her with someone else put acerbic taste in his mouth. He likes her but that doesn't mean that he has to broke his unbreakable vow for her. He couldn't. He had also reckoned her seduction game very earlier, as the freshness of the new emotions has let him going, to see what would happen next.
But he was stuck between his past and present.
Gangaputra said silently.
Gangaputra- Amba died because of me, Shikha. It still bothers me.
Shikha was stunned. Not because he's talking about Amba or calling her Shikha, but, he's opening up. Thank God, she prayed. He has to let go of his past. She would tell him about Amba but not now when Gangaputra and Shikha are tied by a very thin string of understanding.
Carefully, Shikha said to him.
Shikha- Gangaputra, understand this. Amba was a rejected princess. A rejected princess from everywhere. She was abducted from her own Swayamvar. That douche Shalva refused to take her back and humiliated her endlessly to save his so-called pride and ego. Her man(You) is not taking her back due to his terrible vow. She cannot go back to her father. She begged everyone to fight against you, but you couldn't be defeated, not even by your own Guru. Everyone was afraid of you and won't lift weapons against you. What is she supposed to do. Wait for you till eternity, when she had no hope of gaining her pride or you back???!!! She did what she thought was her only option at that time. I would have done the same, if I were on her place.
Gangaputra- Don't!
He said in a guttural voice. He put both his hands on the wall on either side of her. Breathing heavily. He couldn't even see the image of Shikha harming herself on his mind.
Shikha was standing there in an easy manner with her arms folded on her chest. He has to understand that he couldn't live in past.
She spoke calmly, maintaining a distance from him as she has no likeness to get pushed again.
Shikha- I realize no one is perfect and we have all made bad choices. I get that. But I like the way the mistakes perfectly shaped you into something that the heart can only interpret as beautiful. You are humble and noble. Virtuous and responsible. You have to let go off your past, Gangaputra; otherwise you wouldn't be able to see when your future came and was gone. You deserves to live happily. Guiltlessly.
Her words were healing balm in the evergreen wound of his heart.
Gangaputra was equally exhilarated and fascinated by her. Sometimes she is a strong woman with mettlesome(courageous) spirit that he intends to fight with her. Sometimes she is so frail and vulnerable that makes him wants to safeguard and protect her in his arms and never let go.
In short, he is in a difficult predicament. Because there is a giant wall of Vow between him and her that's impossible to cross.
Gangaputra- You know that I can't.
He took a step back from her.
Shikha- You can't what??? Let go of your past!!! Can't live happily. Why???!!!
He broke his eye-contact and looked somewhere else. She wanted to put her palm on his face but resisted the urge. No physical contact, Shikha. Give him a little space.
Shikha(whispered)- what are you so afraid of???
Gangaputra was silent but after a moment he said.
Gangaputra- I'm bound to suffer, Shikha. She died because she wanted to come into my life. It was supposed to happen. I'm cursed and any female coming into my life would have an inevitable death.
Shikha was stunned. He is an idiot. She gave a light slap on the side of his head as if he is a child.
Gangaputra shook his head and looked astoundingly at her.
Gangaputra- Are you mad?!
Shikha (exasperatedly)- No, you are mad. Totally mad. How could be a man of your stature and position be brilliant and stupid at the same time. Your explanation is as stupid as you are. There's nothing like that at all and nothing is going to happen. Insanity has clouded your intelligence. Talk about like that again and you will receive next time a big tight slap from me. Stupid Gangaputra!!!
What?! She has quashed(crushed) the truth of his life like some weed grown among flowers. Is his explanation really stupid?!
Gangaputra grumbled like a child. She made him feel like a green boy in his teen again.
Gangaputra- I'm not stupid!
She felt like scolding him more but a smile come on the corner of her lips. Mahamahim Gangaputra Bheeshma is allowing her to chide him, scold him and speak to him as she wish. If it's not love than what is it?! Okay, friendly love, maybe, but it's love.
She understood that he has some unresolved issues but with time and constant compassion, it will die off sooner rather than later.
I'm not backing out from you Gangaputra, she smiled inwardly and a laughter bubbled out from her because of the annoyance he has to tolerate. And like last time he didn't take this matter idiotically.
Shikha- Yes you are!
Gangaputra- What's so funny about it???
Shikha- Nothing. I was just thinking about something else. But coming back to the point, Amba died because of her personal reasons. That has nothing to do with curse or something. You get that. Nothing.
Gangaputra- And why do you think that I will believe what you said?!
Shikha- Because you can. And I'm smarter and mature than you.
Yes, she is, he thought. And one corner of lips lifted in amusement. She could solve any problem just like that. He is thinking of believing that it's nothing but his stupid guilt that has led him into thinking of disasters.
Shikha- what! Don't you believe me??? Girls mature faster than boys... And you are stupid enough not to know...
He placed his finger on her lips and said with a smile.
Gangaputra- You talk too much.
Woah! She was like she'll melt on the floor due to his nearness. He could really shut her up. Anytime.
She tried to bit his finger but he instantly pulled it back.
Gangaputra- I knew you are upto some shenanigan.
She grinned cheekily.
Shikha- Do you really know me??!! Not at all. And I don't know you well either.
Gangaputra- What do you want to know?
Shikha decided to lightened up the mood.
Shikha(teasingly)- Are you homos*xual, Gangaputra??? Not that I have any problem with that, but I'm just curious. I will respect you more if you are that but are you really that that you have pledged for abstinence throughout your life?!
She has no doubts of his virility. He oozes masculinity, but she loves to tease him.
He was about to give her a stern look when he saw the teasing glint in her eyes.
Gangaputra- You know you shouldn't talk about it.
Shikha(deliberately)- But why???!!! I want to know your preference if you have not taken any oath. It's not terrible to speak about s*x and s*xuality.
Gangaputra(bewildered)- Why???
Gangaputra tries to humor her. He knew that whenever he ask questions to her, her eyes sparkles with a childish glee. So it doesn't matter to him if he looked like a dolt or not.
He is asking many why's and what's. No problem at all, thought Shikha. He needs REAWAKENING.
Shikha- Because when it's happened between a couple deeply in love with each other, then it's an elevated expression of love and not only communion of bodies but souls.
Don't you desire something or someone?!
Gangaputra(sardonically)- The key to happiness is reduction of desires. And you little girl, behave.
Shikha(groaning)- Spoken like a true great-great-great-grandfather.
They shared a true smile. Who could have thought that they would patch their fight so fast.
Shikha(childishly)- But what about my curiosity??!!
Gangaputra smiled and gives a light chuck on her chin.
Gangaputra- Curiosity killed the kitten!
Shikha- Cat, Gangaputra! Curiosity killed the cat.
He chuckled. Sweet little kitten! And very sweetly, he tucked her hair behind her ear.
Shikha- You know something Gangaputra...
He looked at her intently.
Gangaputra- What?!
Shikha-You are very innocent.
She gave a quick peck on his cheek. Much to her surprise, he blushed.
Suddenly, someone pushed aside the curtains.
It was Baby Dushala. Busted!!!
They both were caught surprise. Baby Dushala was gawking at them as if why they were hiding behind in the curtains.
Dushala in her innocent voice asked them.
Dushala- What are you two doing here???!!!
Sometimes ago, Shikha was threatening him that she will scream and he would have to explain why she is screaming and that he is "Kshatriya-Satyavadi-cha" and wouldn't be able to lie. He is going to even with her now for her threatening.
His eyes twinkled and his lips twitched in amusement.
Gangaputra said lovingly to his granddaughter.
Gangaputra- Princess Shikha will tell you sweetheart that what we are doing here.
Shikha gave him a murderous look. He is not at all innocent. He is devious. No, he is the devil-incarnated. She mouthed him I'll-kill-you soundlessly in which he lifted his brow in mischief.
Shikha went on her one knee and faced the kid. In a very cooing and loving voice, she spoke to Dushala.
Shikha- Sweetie, Your Pitamah and I... .... .... Your Pitamah and I... We were playing hide and seek. I was hiding and he seeked me.
Dushala jumped gleefully.
Dushala- Hide and seek. I love that game. .
Shikha- Oh yeah! That's very good doll but as I was found from my hiding, it's my turn to seek. Would you like to play???
Dushala- I would love to. I am going to hide. Please count till hundred. Okay??? I am going.
Dushala run to hide. Phew!!! Tough job!!!
They moved away from the wall.
Shikha (mock-angered)- You are not at all innocent, devil Gangaputra!
Gangaputra (chuckling)- Devavrat. Not devil!
Shikha speaks to him poking her finger on his shoulder.
Shikha- How dare you, Gangaputra?! You used baby Dushala against me. How could you???!!!
Gangaputra- Remember I'm 'Kshatriya-Satyavadi-cha'... I couldn't lie. I couldn't have told my kid that I'm hiding with you, in this very romantic and dark place, accompanied by a big, fat spider; talking about forbidden things.
(Laughing) I couldn't tell all this to my little baby what I was doing with this baby.
You are very smart by the way coming with the plan of Hide and seek. Genius. Truly Genius.
Shikha went open-mouthed. She didn't hear anything further when he said her baby. She said in a shrilling voice.
Shikha- I'm not a baby. You over the top old Pitamah.
He chuckled heartily. She is behaving like a baby.
Gangaputra(teasingly)- B-A-B-Y!!! Little baby, Shikha.
Shikha- Uhhh!!! You!!! Idiot!!! Gangaputra!!! Old Pit...
Dushala's voice came from far away.
Dushala- Don't come yet!
Gangaputra (chuckling)- You have only twenty-five counts left. You can give names to me some other time. Go!!!
She opened her mouth to speak further but closed it. She is running out of time.
Shikha- Alright. I'm going right now, but I will even it with you later.
Gangaputra (superciliously)- I have already even it. Don't make it odd.
Shikha(mockingly)- haha... Very funny. .. I hate your logics. .. Be ready in three hours and if you don't, I will go. ALONE.
Now this is called getting even with him, thought Shikha proudly.
Dushala's voice came to find her.
Gangaputra (grumbled)- I don't take orders.
Shikha(grinning)- We'll see.
She left to search Dushala. And he followed her after some time.
Shikha moved stealthily. Getting in the mood of playing it seriously, she cooed Dushala in a childish tone.
Shikha- I'm going to find you sweetiepie. You can't hide from me much longer. I know you are behind the potted plant.
No, she wasn't. Laughed Dushala silently with her palms on her mouth from her hiding place.
Shikha(pouted)- Very bad!
Gangaputra was standing against a pillar with his one shoulder resting on it and legs crossed in ease. Watching her with a big smile.
Shikha deliberately missed few times. Dushala was hiding under a table covered by a table cloth.
By the time, Shikha ducked under the table and caught Dushala by her waist and pulled her out, they both fell on floor, giggling hard.
Shikha- Caught you!
Dushala- How did you find me, Princess Shikha?!
Shikha- Sweetie, I would have hidden there too if I were of your age and size.
Dushala's giggling doubled.
Gangaputra chuckled seeing a pair of his giggling babies. Both of them, so adorable.
Gosh! She would make a great mother someday, amazed Gangaputra. Her children would be lucky to have her.
His heart started aching again with the thought of her with someone else. Never!
His possessiveness makes himself strangely giddy.
He could have chained her and kept her here forever but she is independent and loves her freedom. And he has no right to take away something precious from her.
He likes her the way she is. And he couldn't keep himself far away from her. She brings happiness to anyone's and everyone's life with a snap of her fingers and also she has wrapped him around her little finger. Easily and Stealthily.
Damn! Little Baby Shikha! He thought with an impish smile.
Someone's heart have already melted.
Author's note-
I have not at all used 'Homos*xual' as a derogatory terms with respect to Mahamahim Bheeshma or any individual. Sensitive readers may find it offending but I have not intended to hurt anyone's feelings or sentiments. I respect everyone's prerogative and Choice and has no personal issues regarding it.
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