The End! And Playlist
Wow. Finally, after about a year this story is finished. There are a few things I'd like to address here though, before I say goodbye to this forever.
First off, thank you all so much for supporting this story, and waiting. Oh god, I can't thank you guys enough for waiting. I know I went on hiatus for so long, but there was just so much going on, it was really tricky for me to write. So thank you all so, so much.
Second, I'm sorry about the way I ended it. I can promise you I was sitting on my bed writing those last chapters with tears streaming down my cheeks, so I feel your pain. But you have to understand, it really wouldn't have made sense for it to have a happy ending, so I hope you can all forgive me for that.
And third, I want to address Mark and Jack's relationship in total. So, after writing all your #RelationshipGoals or something like that, we all have to admit that the two's relationship in this was adorable. But stop to think about it, and you'll realize just like I did that it's a very codependent relationship. Like Jack said, Mark was his sanity. He literally couldn't live without him, making him dependent on Mark for everything in his life. And, as cute as it may be and as blind as Mark may be to it, that's not a healthy relationship.
So for those that are unhappy with how I ended it, think about this for a second.
Lets just say Mark wasn't attacked, mk? He lived, they both graduated, and went to college together. Mark started feeling the constant clinginess that Jack had, and slowly became unhappy with the relationship. After graduating college, Jack wants to move in together. Mark declines and confesses how he feels about the relationship. He breaks up with Jack and moves on. Jack would be miserable, lose his lifeline, and kill himself. It didn't matter how I ended it. It would always be sad.
And if you're gonna be like "Well why did you make it that way" I didn't even realize I was doing it until I had already finished the story and was thinking about it. And at that point, I'm not gonna change it. Like, whatever. It is what it is, and I'm happy and proud with it, so this is how it is. And again, I'm sorry.
Finally, just like "Secrets and Lies", I did have a playlist for this so I'll go through every title and have a description just like I did for S&L.
Save Myself - Ed Sheeran: The message Jack just doesn't get. He doesn't understand that he needs to fix himself before helping others, he just wants to see his friends, family, and Mark happy. But he has trust issues, and really the only one he trusts is Mark. So he tries to numb everything and pretend to be happy, but we saw where that got him. Don't make the same mistake as Jack, mk?
How Does A Moment Last Forever (Music Box) - Kevin Kline (from Beauty and the Beast): This is when Jack wishes prom could last forever. That the good would stay, and bad would all go away. But he knows it can't, and so this is his hope and his wish.
Say Something - A Great Big World: Mark's words when Jack breaks down in the classroom, and after he tries to commit suicide. He wants Jack to wake up, promises to do anything, and just doesn't wanna say goodbye. He's saying that no matter what he'll help, Jack just needs to wake up first. The song pretty much speaks for itself.
The Wisp Sings - Winter Aid: This is basically Jack's feelings after Mark dies. He's tired and he just wants someone to love him like Mark, but no one can because no one is Mark. He's trying to be happy, but he can't because Mark is gone. Plus the piano is just beautiful, and the music really gives off that somber feeling that just fits for the last chapter.
Light In The Hallway - Pentatonix: A wonderful song, I feel like this isn't really a song meant to be from Mark, but from Hannah and Kate (Mrs. McLoughlin and Jack's sister). This is Hannah and Kate saying that they'll always be there, even when time gets tough, because even though it gets tricky they're family. Plus, this is really one of those songs you listen to and you can just picture them singing it to a kid, so that makes sense.
Run to You - Pentatonix: Jack when he first saw Mark, and first fell in love with him. That's it, that's really all there is to it.
The Great Escape - P!nk: This is Mark begging for Jack to come back, and when he does it's Mark telling him never to do something like that again, because even though life is hard they can get through it. He wants Jack to be happy, but he understands to some degree the place that he's in. So he tries to help him by saying these words to him, telling him it's okay to feel bad but don't do anything drastic.
Unsteady - X Ambassadors: This just sums up Jack and Mark's codependent relationship basically. It's Jack telling Mark to hold on to him, and that if he lets go he'll fall. That's pretty much it.
Everything's Alright - Laura Shigihara: A beautiful song that I can really see Kate singing to Jack back when Jack was first being bullied in elementary. And now, Mark is singing this to Jack now as he's being bullied in high school. Really comes full circle, huh?
Put The Gun Down - Andy Black: Jack's desperate cry for help when he's broken in that classroom, but cannot speak. He's repeating these things to himself, thinking everyone can hear but they can't and part of him realizes that. So he's just trying to call for help, when no one can hear him. We all know what happens next.
Saviour - Black Veil Brides: One of my favorite songs ever, it's Mark telling Jack that he may not be able to do much but he's going to try and he'll be there. It's a promise, that ends up falling upon deaf ears after Mark's death. It also explains how Mark really didn't mean to be Jack's lifeline, it just happened, and he will gladly help but he can't get dragged down too.
Lost It All - Black Veil Brides: The description I had for this in S&L pretty much fits here too. It's Jack's favorite song, and it describes how he used to be on top until everything came crumbling down. Though, it takes a much more literal sense in this story then it did in the previous.
Done For You - Black Veil Brides: The perfect prom song, Mark's promise to Jack, and Jack's promise to Mark.
All About Us - He Is We (Feat. Owl City): Mark and Jack's song, the song that they can play and dance around to whenever they want because it's just perfect for them (this and Done For You). This made a showing in one of the first chapters when Mark taught Jack how to dance, and so it just became their song ever since. Plus, it's just a cute little song.
Pieces - Red: Back when I put this in the S&L playlist I said that I couldn't say much because it related more to the sequel, and it really does. It's a song that basically describes the heartache Jack feels throughout the story, and his begging for Mark to fix him. It really shows how broken Jack is, and how many pieces he really is in.
I recommend all of these songs, so go listen to them if you'd like. But anyways guys, again, thank you all for supporting me and this story and I hope to see you at some other stories. So with that, I conclude
Revelations and Truth
Thank again, and I love you all <3
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