(Jack's P.O.V.)
Hi. My name is Sean "Jack" William McLoughlin. I'm seventeen years old and going into my Senior year of high school at Rydell High. There isn't much to know about me. I like video games, I have the highest fear ranking in the school, and I have a boyfriend. My boyfriend, Mark Fischbach... Well we have a history even before we started dating, because I used to bully him. However things happened last year and we ended up getting together. Somehow we managed to keep our relationship hidden from the entire school, keeping up the facade that we still hate each other and that I still bully him somewhat.
Summer was good; Mark and I were together almost 24/7. We played video games, went out, stayed in, didn't matter. As long as we were together it was fun. I started hanging out with my old friends Bob, Wade and Ken more. Mark got in touch with his friend Felix again. And we both have been hanging out with our friend and Mark's coworker Ann, who is a year younger than us. I love Ann, she's awesome, and one of the few people who actually know the close to real me. Mark's the only one who knows the real me...
Or at least he thinks so... I have to admit there are some things I've kept from him, certain things he doesn't know, and I want to keep it that way. Anyways, also over the summer I decided to up the "bad boy" look, cause even though I don't necessarily want to be a bad boy anymore, I LOVE the look. So I got a nose and eyebrow piercing, I got two more tattoos (the Bold Hunters Mark from Bloodborne on my arm and an abstract design on the side of my neck), and I decided to ditch the glasses and just get contacts.
I was very happy when I learned that Mark approved of these changes. He said he didn't care how I looked because he knew that I would stay the same me underneath all the punk looks. Which is true, I'm not changing myself, just how I look. So that happened, and that was probably the most productive thing that happened over the summer. Oh yeah! Mark and I applied to colleges! Or, looked into it at least. I think Mark applied, I'm not sure. I mean, I don't know if I even want to go to college.
However I do know that Mark is gonna go back to Cincinnati for college, so I'm gonna keep that in mind. Anyways, summer and college aside, I have other things to worry about. Today is the first day of school and I'm taking a big gamble. Today I'm going to walk into the building holding Mark's hand and hoping that everything works out and that it doesn't turn on me. I've been bullied before and I don't really want it to happen again. So this is a big step, a new chapter, a new story. Mark's story was last year. This time, it's my turn. And my story is gonna start in three...
A/N: Hey guys! So, first off, don't get to excited. I still only have three chapters done and more won't be published for quite a while. Expect more to come in early October or something. I just wanted to post this, get the preliminary preparations done, and let you see what's to come. Like the description said however, this is much darker so... Don't say I didn't warn you.
Anyways, thank you guys for your patience and I hope you enjoy the story to come! <3
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