Chapter 8
(Jack's P.O.V.)
"Hey hey hey!" I hear that ever so familiar Swedish accent as it approaches. Soon enough, Felix is walking with Mark and I, his arms swung around both our shoulders as he walks in between us.
"Hey Felix!" Mark says, giving him a side hug. I do the same, and because of this we're three extremely gay looking dudes walking down the hallway. Felix chuckles, looking at me and grabbing my beanie, putting it on his head instead.
"Hey to you as well. Man! I missed it here." He says, looking around. I roll my eyes.
"You're the first." I say, making him chuckle, knocking into my side.
"How're you doing Jack?" He asks. I shrug.
"Fine. Pretty okay." I say, smiling. His eyes widen.
"Wow! You're actually smiling! That's a first." He says, looking at Mark. This just earns Felix two punches in the arm, one from me and one from Mark. He pouts. "Ow." He says.
"Shut up." Mark says, chuckling. The three of us continue walking, normally now.
"So, how's life?" Felix asks. I chuckle.
"Just peachy keen! You?" I ask. He shrugs.
"Pretty peachy keen myself, thank you very much." He says, making the three of us laugh. I swear we're all high sometimes. "No, I mean seriously. I've seen the Twitter page." Felix says, frowning a bit. I groan, throwing my head back as Mark replies.
"We're doing fine. It's not like their bothering us outside of the internet. Jack's just trying to convince everyone that it's him they hate." He says. I look at them with somewhat wide eyes.
"Because it's true! They only hate me!" I say, calming down afterwards. Mark just rolls his eyes and leans over, blocking Felix as he kisses my cheek.
"You're to lovable to be hated." He says, while Felix just makes a "yuck" face at the two of us. I shake my head, chuckling, but I don't argue. So we continue along the hallway in silence for a second.
"Oh yeah, Felix. I meant to ask, why did you leave? You just kinda disappeared." I say, looking at him and he sighs.
"Do I have to tell you guys?" He whines, earning cold stares from both Mark and I. He groans and rolls his eyes. "Fine. My dad got a job in London, and I asked to go with him. So we moved out there, and we moved back over the summer cause the job sucked and my parents hated London. Personally, I would love to move out there after college." He says and I smile, nodding in agreement.
I'll probably move back to Ireland after college. You know, if Mark wants too. Otherwise, I'll stay wherever he wants to move. I can't bear the thought of being away from him. A long distance relationship? It'd never last. Even with Mark and I.
"Well, good to know you didn't ditch us." Mark smiles and my mind goes back to what Wade said. "Or the author forgot about him." What did he mean there? Didn't make sense... Whatever. Half of what Wade says doesn't seem to make sense.
"I would never ditch you guys. Especially after Ken texted me and told me you two were together." He says, smirking a bit. I role my eyes, opening my locker once we stop there.
"I knew Ken told you. He denied it, but I just knew he did." Mark states and Felix laughs, shrugging.
"Whatever. Maybe he did. But my question is..." Felix slams my locker shut, making me jump and squeak, latching onto Mark (who just starts laughing). "What did I miss?" There's an evil glint in his eye when he asks. I look at Mark, Mark looks at me. Then both of us shrug, turning back to the Swede. Felix looks at us with a "come on" expression, not believing us for a second. "Dude. I missed stuff, this is a fact. What the hell did I miss?" He asks, more demanding then before.
I shrug again. "I don't understand the question." I say and he groans over-dramatically.
"I mean I want relationship details! You two got together while I was gone and I've missed every minute of your relationship so start talking!" He says, jumping up and down like a kid promised ice cream. I laugh, Mark shrugs. And this just angers Felix even more. "I'm going to start asking questions if you don't talk, and you know my questions aren't always nice." He threatens and I sigh, putting a hand to my head.
"We just don't understand what you want us to tell you Felix! I mean... We're together. We're dating. What else do you want?" I ask, Mark looking at Felix with the same questioning expression. However he just sighs, and shrugs.
"Well, I guess I'll just ask questions." He says and Mark nods, urging him to continue. Felix jumps a bit with excitement before starting with his first question. "How exactly did you guys get together?" He asks.
And so Mark and I take the time to explain the whole Mark getting stabbed thing, and me setting up the little date after school, and then how we kissed and etc., etc. It seems to satisfy Felix though. I'm just glad it's lunch and that we have the time to do this. By the time we finish our story Felix is once again bouncing around like a giddy child, and when we do finish he only comments with an "aaaawwwww" and a "sorry you got stabbed Mark", before moving on to his next question.
"Do your parents know?" He asks and I nod. Mark answers first.
"Well, my mom doesn't really care seeing as she kicked me out a few years ago, but my brother does know and he's fine with it." Felix nods and then looks to me.
"My mom and sister also know, and they're cool with it. They absolutely adore Mark." I say with a smile and Mark grabs my hand.
"And I adore them. I love your family." He says, making me chuckle. I take his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. Felix nods.
"Cool. Alright, so I honestly only have one more." He says and both Mark and I nod, telling him to continue. He stops both of us and looks at us with that kind of look. "Have you guys..." He stops talking, wiggling his eyebrows instead. And my eyes widen, realizing what he's asking. Mark laughs, I shake my head wildly.
"No we haven't! Alright! Next topic." I say, blushing profusely. This just makes the other two laugh even more, which just makes me blush even more. I growl slightly, smiling only a small bit. "I fucking hate you two."
A/N: It isn't much but I hope you enjoyed! Just wanted to say that I will not be updating this regularly yet. I've been very caught up with school and I'm still making slow progress on this. I just saw that I hadn't updated in a while so I thought I'd give you this. I hope you guys understand. <3 =)
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