Chapter 39
(Jack's P.O.V.)
I run into the hospital, practically throwing myself at the front desk.
"M-Mark... Mark Fischbach... Where is he?" I breathe out, panting, tears coming to my eyes. He has to be okay. Please be okay... The receptionist looks at me and nods.
"He's in the emergency ward at the moment. There's another boy over there that came in with him, if you want to stay by him." She nods over to the left. I turn and see Felix sitting in one of the waiting chairs, his knee bouncing up and down while he chews his fingernail. He sees me walking over to him and stands up, rushing over to me.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I have no clue what happened I'm so sorry I was just looking at a shop and then he was gone and then he screamed and then I don't know I'm sorry I-" I cut him off by hugging him tight, inhaling deeply.
"It's fine. It's not your fault." I whisper, closing my eyes. He nods, hugging me back and sighing deeply. Before to long we let go of each other, knowing that we probably look really weird. And we sit down. And we wait. And wait. And wait. Until finally...
"Mark Fischbach?" Felix and I both stand at the doctors words. He motions us to go over to him and we both do. "He is in a stable condition... For now. We don't know what will happen, but for now he is able to see visitors." The doctor speaks sadly. Felix nods and puts a hand on my shoulder.
"You go. I need to get home anyways." He says and I nod to him, mustering a small smile before turning and following the doctor to Marks room. He looks at me with an expression that seems unreadable.
"Feel free to go inside. I'm going to return to the front desk." He says, and I nod, not saying a word. I can't say a word. I just so want Mark to be okay... He nods as well and walks away, leaving me in front of the room door. So I inhale, grab the door handle, exhale, and walk into the room quietly. I close the door before looking over at my loving boyfriend, who is staring at me with sleepy eyes and a small smile.
"Seán." He whispers. I nod, walking over to him and sitting in a chair next to the bed. I will the tears to go away, managing to fight them back even though I hate the way he looks right now. Hooked up to machines. Beaten up. It reminds me of all those months ago, when he was stabbed by Peter, and was in that damned coma. He almost died then but didn't. I so hope he has the same luck this time.
"Hey Mark." I whisper back, not speaking to loudly for I don't want to break the comfortable silence. He sighs, closing his eyes before taking my hand in his.
"Hard to imagine prom was only last night." He speaks softly, but above a whisper. I chuckle, nodding.
"Yeah. Seems like ages ago." I say back, and he nods, chuckling as well.
"Yeah..." Is all he says. I frown, squeezing his hand.
"Hey, we'll be okay." I whisper, and he nods, but doesn't say a word.
"You will be." He says then, and I shake my head.
"You will be too, alright? I know you will." I speak quickly, more trying to convince myself instead of him. He chuckles, finally opening his eyes and looking at me with those gorgeous dark brown eyes. But for once they don't give me that happy relaxed feeling they normally give. They hold more meaning then ever before. More messages then one person can read.
More feeling then I thought possible for one person to feel. But there he is, staring at me with the chocolate brown eyes that are normally hidden behind glasses but aren't today because he wore contacts. Staring at me with meaning, and emotion, and messages he isn't putting into words. At least not yet. I remember when I first fell in love with his eyes. It was the first time I ever really saw his eyes. The first time he looked up at me and spoke back at me Sophomore year. That was when I realized how gorgeous his eyes were.
"I swear every time I look into your eyes I fall for you all over again." I whisper and he smiles, putting his hand on my cheek and bringing me towards him so he can kiss me softly. It's a soft kiss, but one that lasts a long time. It's a kiss that brings me back to all the times we've had, and all the times we should have later.
It's a kiss that reminds me of him, and reminds me of why I woke up. Why I wanted to wake up. A kiss that makes me fall for him all over again, and reminds me why I love him. Why I love every inch of this perfect human being. Of this angel. And then he pulls away. I sit back up, and his hand goes limp at his side. He keeps his one hand in mine and smiles at me.
"You're so strong. And wonderful. And beautiful." He whispers, and I smile. I go to say thank you but he keeps talking. "Don't let anyone get you down okay?" He states, and I suddenly realize what he's doing.
"Mark..." I start but he shakes his head.
"I'm not done." He speaks softly, his energy weakening. "You can get through fucking anything Seán. You are funny, and talented, and smart, and wonderful and perfect. And I know you don't think you are but you are. You are perfect, and strong. You can get through this." He says, smiling softly. I shake my head, biting my lip as a single tear rolls down my cheek.
"Don't talk like that Mark, you'll be fine." I say shakily, inhaling slowly. He shakes his head, smiling still.
"I used to go every day wishing I wouldn't see you... But when I woke up here today I was so scared I wouldn't see you, because there were to many things I needed to tell you. And I wanted to see you. I always want to see your ocean blue eyes, and feel your soft hair, and hear your wonderful Irish accent because it can make me fall asleep. I always want to see you. And be with you. And goddamn it Seán I wish I could have spent every minute of my life with you." He whispers, not daring to cry. He probably doesn't have the energy to cry. I shake my head, letting out a quiet sob.
"Mark, you'll be fine. Stop talking like this. It's scaring me." I whisper, and he reaches up, wiping away my tears. New tears don't replace them as I will myself to not let them. He drops his hand once again, still holding my hand with the other.
"I love you so much Seán..." He whispers, smiling still. I love his smile. I don't want to see his smile go. "Forever and always." He finishes and then his eyes close, his grip loosens, and the heart monitor goes flat.
"Mark?" I whisper. Nothing. "Mark." I say, shaking him slightly. And that's when I register it. "Mark!" I scream, tears falling from my eyes, making me so teary eyed I can barely see my boyfriend lying in front of me.
And then the doors open and in rushes nurses and doctors. The doctors surround Mark, calling orders and getting equipment but I pay no mind because I just care about him. I care about him waking up. I don't care about them. Just him. And then the nurses run up to me and grab my arms, pulling me away from him. Away from Mark.
"No! No!!! No Mark! Please!" I scream, trying to get back to him. Back to Mark. My boyfriend. My love. My angel. But the nurses just drag me further away. "Mark!!!" I yell, struggling to get out of the nurses grip. "Please! Just wake up! Mark!" I beg, tears streaming down my cheeks as I let out sob after sob. The nurses drag me out of the room as I scream and cry and shout, letting me go only after they've locked the door. I immediately rush to the window, banging on the glass.
"Wake up! Please! Mark!!" I scream, not caring about the people watching. I watch through the window as the doctors start doing CPR, trying to get him to wake up as I scream and cry. He can't be gone. He can't leave me... "Mark! Please!!" I scream, hoping that by some goddamn miracle he'll hear me and wake up. And then the doctors stop, and one starts writing on the clipboard as the line continues to go flat. "NO!!!!" I scream, hitting the glass one more time before collapsing on the ground in a fit of tears and screams for my dead boyfriend. My angel. The one I'll love forever...
And always....
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