Chapter 36
(Mark's P.O.V.)
It's been three days since Jack woke up and he's finally been cleared to go home. Of course we had a big powwow, with everyone showing up and a lot of crying. We just celebrated, and laughed and played. But the attempt was never brought up, for a good reason. He talked to his mom and Kate about it a little bit, but apparently he wanted to talk to me first. It's later at night now, around nine.
Jack and I have already decided to retire for the night, and we're just laying down in bed together. I'm laying on my back, my one arm behind my head, and my other arm laying across Jack's body. Jack lays his head on my chest, hugging me. And we've just been laying here in silence, relishing in the others warmth. We need to talk, but neither of us really want too. However, it does need to happen and it's better now than never.
"Jack?" I ask softly. He just hums in response. "We need to talk." I say, looking down at him. He sighs, closing his eyes and nodding.
"Yeah, we do." He whispers, not wanting to talk but he knows he has too. He knows he has to talk to me. He sits up then, and I follow right after. He inhales deeply, exhales slowly and then shrugs. "Now?" He asks and I nod, wanting him to actually talk to me for once. And he does.
"I was in a pretty dark place. Chase was really getting to me, and I was so tired. All of my energy was taken up dealing with wounds and spending time with you. I barely got sleep. My grades were down and that stressed me the fuck out." He shakes his head, looking at his bedsheets. "When I saw my desk, and I saw my name, I was so tired and upset and stressed I couldn't even think about it being anyone else but you. I just didn't understand why you'd do it. But my brain was so broken and dead already, I just made assumptions." He shrugs.
I say nothing, I just watch as he keeps telling his story.
"I started running on autopilot. I was to trapped in my own brain to comprehend anything. I couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't. I couldn't tell what I should do. And I had hope when you would come to the classroom and try to talk to me anyways." He bites his lip, tears coming to his eyes. "But then you stopped. And I just thought you didn't love me anymore. Even less than you did before." He lets a few tears slip, and I go to hug him but he scoots back, wanting to finish.
"Uh... I didn't know what to do. Before I knew it I was reaching for Ma's pills and I didn't even think "I shouldn't do this" until I had already taken half the goddamn bottle." He chuckles, breathing shakily, taking breaths to calm himself down before continuing. "I remember hearing you freaking out. I remember thinking that you actually cared. I remember hospital noises, and I remember all of my friends coming to talk to me. I remember you talking to me. It's all hazy, and fuzzy, and it's not like I saw anything or felt anything. But I heard it. And in the end, I realized I didn't want to die. I had to much I'd miss." He looks up at me with a teary smile. And I realize... It was me.
"You came back... Cause of me?" I ask softly and he nods.
"You're my sanity Mark. You are the only one keeping me here. That's why I fought so hard to protect you. That's why I didn't tell you anything. Without you... I would have died back in freshman year..." He whispers, staring at me the entire time. I shake my head slowly, opening my arms for him. He just moves over, hugging me as I hug him. I play with his hair, kissing the top of his head before speaking.
"Seán I will always love you. You are wonderful, and caring, and talented, and funny, and the best damn lover anyone could have." I say, and I kiss the top of his head again. "I'll be damned if anything happens to you, because I don't know how I'll live without you. Seeing you used to be the worst part of my day, and now if I don't see you I'm miserable. You are just such an amazing person, and I can't wait to spend many more years with you." I whisper, and he cries softly into my shirt, grasping the back of my shirt tightly. I hug him back just as tightly, kissing his head once more. "Cause I'll love you forever and always angel." I finish, and he nods.
"I'll love you too, forever and always." He whispers back. I nod, smoothing his hair down and giving him a kiss every now and then. And we stay like that, just sitting on the bed hugging and crying until finally he calms down. He pulls away from the hug, wiping his eyes. "Thank you." He says, chuckling. "God I'm such a crybaby." I shake my head, taking his hands in my own.
"No you aren't." I say, kissing him softly.
He kisses back, and our lips move in sync, like two pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly. He hums softly, reaching up and playing with my hair. One of my hands stays in his hand, while the other starts trailing his body, running up and down his torso before landing on his waist. He takes his hand out of my hand, resting his arm on my shoulder instead.
This lets me take my hand and put it on his leg, and I squeeze his thigh gently. He hums again, licking my bottom lip slowly. I smile, pushing him down onto the bed and laying on top of him, kissing him rougher. I take dominance, like I usually do, and I start exploring his mouth, making him hum yet again. However, I eventually pull away, smiling.
"Do you remember how to dance?" I ask softly. He nods, thinking that was it and leaning up for more but I just pull away further. "Nuh-uh-uh. Not done yet." Jack just falls back on the bed, frowning. He whines softly, looking at me with big puppy dog eyes.
But not this time. No, I'm having to much fun teasing him. I move my hand down his waist, to the hem of his shirt. I slip my hand under his shirt, and he shivers at my cool touch.
"Do you know what's in two weeks?" I ask and he shakes his head, closing his eyes and biting his lip. My hand on his thigh moves up and I just keep my hand over that area, applying just a slight bit of pressure. He moans softly, moving his head to the side. "Are you sure you don't know?" I whisper, moving down and kissing right under his ear. He shakes his head more, squirming under me just a slight bit. I chuckle lowly, biting on his earlobe.
"Alright. Well..." I move over, kissing his lips softly before pulling away completely, rolling off the bed and standing. "You might want to ask Kate tomorrow. I have to go take a shower." I say, turning to my bag to get my things. It's silent for a moment. Until...
"I hate you." I hear him say. I chuckle, smiling. "You don't just leave someone like that you bitch!" He says, and I look over to see that he hasn't moved at all. I just roll my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. I'd tell you you could join me, but considering your mom is in the other room, I don't think that's in either of our best interest." I say and he just huffs, rolling over to lay on his side. I laugh, walking over to him and kissing the side of his head. "I'm sorry." I say, and he shrugs. "I promise when I'm done I'll come back and we can snuggle." I say and he just shrugs again. I sigh, messing with his hair. "You wanna go ask Kate now?" I ask and he shrugs yet again. I roll my eyes. "Go ask her." I say and he nods, standing up and walking out of the room without a second glance.
I head to the bathroom, getting ready for a shower only to hear a very loud "FUCK!" from Seán. I laugh, knowing that he now remembers. Cause in two weeks, it's prom.
A/N: Updating early today due to a request. But you only get two chapters since I'm finishing it tomorrow! I'm gonna warn you right now, a box of tissues might not be a bad idea. But anyways, this is my last A/N for this story besides the big A/N I'll do at the very end in a separate chapter =P So, enjoy the ending! <3 =)
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