Chapter 24
(Jack's P.O.V.)
"Mark we should play something." I say simply, bored out of my mind. He shrugs, sitting down on the couch next to me and thinking.
"Uh... We could play two truths and a lie." He says. I nod slowly, thinking it over. As long as I don't say anything about stuff being wrong there's no harm in it.
"Alright. You go first." I say, smiling. He sighs, putting his head back and thinking for a second.
"Okay. The author was crying while writing this. I've played the clarinet before. And I've got one nickname you don't know the backstory on." He says, looking at me challengingly. I scoff.
"Easy. I know all your nicknames!" I say, but he just smiles and shakes his head.
"Nope! The lie is clarinet. I've never played it." He says, shrugging. My eyes widen and I hold my arms out.
"What nickname do I not know about?" I ask, shocked. He chuckles.
"I have a nickname from middle school. Markle Sparkle. And it's because someone dumped a container of glitter in my hair and so I was glittery for three days cause glitter just doesn't come out." He says, and the story makes me laugh.
"Okay, okay. Fair." I say, now thinking over mine. "Alright. I...Uh..." I frown. I can't think of anything... "I've been to comic con before... I lived with my grandparents for a year... And I've had two girlfriends before." I say, and Mark looks absolutely stumped. And I know why. He doesn't know very much about my past, at all. And I'm planning on keeping it that way.
"Um...I have no clue." He chuckles, shrugging.
"Guess." I say. He shakes his head slowly, turning over all the options in his mind.
"You've... Had two girlfriends?" He shrugs. I shake my head.
"Nope. I've had two. Brittany and a girl in middle school, Signe." I say, that goddamn image popping into my brain again. So I quickly move on. "And I lived with my grandparents for a year due to... Problems my parents were having." I say simply, trying to keep it less suspicious. "My family never had enough money for con though." I say, smiling. Mark nods.
"Huh. Okay then." He says, and then it's his turn again.
"I've loved you since you first messaged me. You never lie. And something's going on that you aren't telling me." He says, raising a brow. I huff.
"We're playing two truths and a lie, not two lies and a truth." I say, crossing my arms in frustration.
"So everything's okay?"
"I still don't believe you." I raise my arms in frustration, laughing.
"Everything is fine Mark!" I say, but he just looks at me and shakes his head.
"Seán you're coming home with even more bruises and cuts every day." He says, exasperated and annoyed with my stubborn personality. I shake my head.
"Why would I lie Mark?" I ask, but he just gets slightly more frustrated.
"The same reason I'd lie to you! I told you this!" He says, voice raising a bit.
"And what is that reason?" I ask, my voice raising too.
"To protect you!" He yells, and it's silent. He sighs, putting a hand to his forehead. "I would lie to protect you, and I know that's what you're doing now. But I promise you, nothing would happen. I'd be fine." He says, taking my hands in his own.
I stare into his eyes, those beautiful eyes that I love so much. They shine with hope, and love, and the want to protect me. He always wants to protect me. And I want to protect him, something I can't do if he's always trying to protect me. I love him, I love him so much. And I can't bare to see him hurt again. But... I so badly want to tell him. He could help. He could help me, and make me feel better, and together we could stand up to Chase and get me out of this mess.
And his eyes just beg for me to tell him. Those chocolate brown eyes, that always make my heart flutter and my stomach feel like it's in knots. I love his eyes. His eyes alone tell a story, just like I'm sure mine do as well. And I want him to help. I want to tell him. I open my mouth to confess it all, but then I remember my dream, and my fears, and what will almost undoubtedly happen.
And instead I say "Everything's fine Mark." And he just nods, knowing that the conversation is over. He sighs, and rests his forehead on mine, putting his hands on my waist.
"I love you so much." He says, kissing me softly. I kiss him back, and it just feels so right. I don't know what I'd do without him. He pulls away and I put my arms around his neck.
"I love you too. Forever and always." I say, smiling. He smiles back, and kisses my nose.
"Forever and always."
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