Chapter 12
(Mark's P.O.V.)
It's been a week since Jack walked into the classroom riddled with bruises, and so far it hasn't happened again. I asked what happened, he just told me he fell down the stairs trying to get to class. I don't believe him, but I'm not pushing it. I know better.
It's lunch, and I'm a little worried. Normally Jack and I would meet with Ann and Felix outside the cafeteria before getting lunch. But Jack never showed up. So Ann and I decided we'd split up, her taking the west side of the school and me taking the east, while Felix gets our food and saves spots for us in the busy cafeteria.
Normally I wouldn't do something like this, but with how Jack's been acting recently I don't wanna take any chances. I'd rather be overprotective then not protective at all. I'm heading towards the locker room right now, seeing as the last class we had was PE I'm hoping he's still in there for... Some reason. God damn it, if it means I'll find him I really don't care where he is.
Okay, that's a lie. I'd be a little worried if he was in the girls bathroom; that would be very concerning and would probably make me upset. But I highly doubt that's where he is. After all, why would he be? Guys only sneak into the girls bathrooms to make out with them, and Jack is about as straight as a fucking ramen noodle. Not that I'm one to talk, I'm no better. But still.
I'm heading towards the locker rooms right now, seeing as P.E. was the last class we had I'm hoping he's still there for... Some...Reason... Yeah... Anyways, I thought it'd be the best idea and I'm still sticking to that out of hope. I don't know why he'd still be in the locker room but hopefully he is there, just so I don't have to spend to long of a time looking for him.
I walk down the hallways swiftly, trying to get to the locker room as soon as possible. And then I get there. I open the door slowly, looking in. No one. Huh... I open the door all the way, walking in and looking around. It doesn't seem like anyone's here...
"Jack?" I ask quietly, just to make sure. What I didn't expect, was a response.
"M-Mark?" I hear a soft Irish voice stutter. I frown slightly.
"Jack? Where are you?" I ask, walking around.
"Um... In the stall." He says. I walk over and sure enough I see his feet under a closed stall door.
"What's up? Are you okay?" I ask. He inhales a bit.
"Yeah I just.. Um..." He trails off, swearing under his breath.
"What is it?" I ask, trying to open the door but it's locked. He sighs.
"Someone stole my clothes. My phone died earlier so I couldn't call you, and I don't have any spare clothes..." He says, obviously embarrassed. However, I just smile.
"Babe, it's fine. I have some extra clothes in my bag, so don't worry." I say, taking my backpack off and digging through it, trying to find the extra t-shirt, jeans and socks I have.
"My shoes are still in my bag but I don't have socks, pants, shirt..." He trails off. I stop suddenly.
"You got your boxers though, right?"
"Yeah, yeah." He says quickly. I nod, and before to long I find the extra clothes.
"Alright, here. Got them." I say, standing up. I kick my backpack over to next to the door. I can pick it up later. The door squeaks a bit as it opens and before long I see Jack peeking out from the little crack in the stall door. He reaches out for the clothes but I hold the clothes away from the door. "Nuh uh uh! Let me in." I say. I can see Jack frown from the little crack in the door.
"Do you just want an excuse to see me in my boxers?" He asks. I scoff.
"No, I'd never do that." I say. However he just keeps looking at me, and I swear to god he's looking straight into my soul. I nod. "Yes, I do just want an excuse to see you in your boxers." I give in, and he chuckles.
"Well thank you for being honest I guess..." And with that he opens the door. I smile widely, stepping in and closing the door behind me. Still holding the clothes, I turn and look at Jack. And there he is, standing with his hands on his hips with just boxers on. And dear god, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to at least make out with him right now, but I can't. However, he seems to be thinking the same thing.
"Honestly, I'm so tempted to just tell you to strip right now and make out with me, but on the other hand, I'm hungry." He says, and grabs the clothes from my grasp. I fake offense.
"I wouldn't satisfy your hunger?" I ask, just making him smirk and roll his eyes at the same time.
"Hon, there is a difference between sex and making out, but even then no you wouldn't. I am hungry for pizza and that's it." He says, putting the shirt on the ground while he slips the jeans on. I shake my head slowly, staring at him in disbelief.
"I still don't understand how you like the pizza here."
"Shut up." The rest of the time it's silent as I just watch him get dressed. He's so beautiful. It doesn't matter whether he's dressed up, or just wearing boxers, or if he's riddled with bruises, or wearing some stupid outfit. He's always looking beautiful to me, even if he doesn't believe me. I wish he would. I really wish he would.
I love him so much, but he has no self-esteem. And that's... That's painful. Cause he has so much to love himself for. His looks, his talent... Just him. But he doesn't. In fact, I'd go as far to say he hates himself. At least most parts of himself. I'm sure some part of him still thinks he's a monster, no matter how many times I've said he isn't.
"Earth to Mark!" I snap out of my thoughts to see Jack staring at me, smiling. "I'm done changing now." He says, and I nod, looking at him. My clothes are to big on him, obviously. But they look good on him, even though I don't get to see his wonderful curves.
"Nice." I say, smiling as well.
"You can come over later so I can give these back." He says. I shake my head.
"I'll still come over, but you can keep them." He just blinks, staring.
"Mark, they don't even fit." He says, chuckling slightly. I shrug.
"So? You look comfortable. Keep it, I have enough clothes." And so, with a sigh, he nods and gives up. I smile, grabbing his hand and walking him out of the locker room. Once again it's silent as we walk, but then I remember my question. Or more accurately, I forgot the answer to a previous question so I ask again. "Who did you say stole your clothes?" I ask. Jack looks at the ground.
"Uh... I don't know." I glance at him and right off the bat I'm almost positive he's lying.
"I don't believe you." I say. Silence. "Was it the same kids who beat you up a week ago?" He scoffs.
"Mark I told you, I didn't get beat up! I tripped and fell!" He says, looking at me with semi-wide eyes.
"And I still don't believe you on that!" I say back, exasperated. We stare at each other for a second, silently challenging each other. But then he just looks away, walking once more.
"I'm telling the truth. Why would I lie to you?" He says quietly. I look at the ground as well, watching where we're going instead of at him.
"The same reasons why I'd lie to you." And with that it's silent. It's silent as we hold hands, walking towards the cafeteria where Felix hopefully saved seats for us.
A/N: Hey guys! So I'm updating twice today cause guess what? REGULAR UPDATES NOW!!! WHOOO!!!! The last few days have been REALLY busy for me but expect regular updates (at least to the best of my ability) every Monday, Thursday, and Sunday. Enjoy!
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