Chapter 5 - Part 1
I was stunned. I held the door handle tightly trying to process what I was seeing while being well aware I was being scrutinised by Mark. When I had left all my equipment had been safely stowed away in the space that was now empty.
There could only be one explanation. Jack.
"Um..I," I mumbled trying to figure out how to cover up my missing equipment.
"Tracy," Mark said touching my arm. I swallowed before I looked back to him.
"Where's your stuff?" The way he was studying me I knew what I said next would either soothe his need to meddle or it put it into high drive and there would be no dissuading him.
What Jack did would come to light and I would be the poor Tracy who couldn't keep a handle on her life.
I forced a smile. "Oh I forgot." His gaze narrowed.
"I rented out some office space...I needed more space...for the...stuff." I felt flustered under the heat of his stare.
Was he buying any of it? It only dawned on me then that this would just make me look more forgetful to him. But it was still better than making the hasty decision to allow a guy I barely knew to move in. That would be worse.
I didn't turn away instead I shrugged, like forgetting something like that was the norm for me.
"For fucks sake Tracy," he said taking hold of my wrist in his hand. His grip tightened.
I'd never seen him like this. He was frustrated, almost angry. I stared in fascination.
"How can you forget something like that?" He was incredulous. He shoved his free hand through his hair.
"I forget things. Sometimes," I explained. "Let go."
His thumb brushed against the skin of my wrist but his hold stayed in place.
"How am I not supposed to worry about you when you can't organise your life?"
Where the hell did that come from? This time when I pulled my wrist he released me. I rubbed the area as I stared at him, unsure of how to handle this side of Mark.
"This building isn't safe," he added and began to pace. "You didn't even bother to lock the door when we arrived." He stopped. "Do you do that often?"
"What?" I said defensively.
"Leave your door unlocked."
I didn't have to answer, the guilty expression was enough to confirm his conclusion.
"Tracy," he admonished. "You have be careful. You're on your own and vulnerable."
I rolled my eyes at him. "I've been living on my own for a while already. I don't understand what's go into you?"
"You have to take this seriously," he grabbed me by the arms. His eyes darkened and I was unable to speak. His fingers exerted more pressure and I tried to squirm free.
"You're hurting me."
Then I was free and he stepped back.
"I'm sorry," he murmured, rolling his shoulders slightly.
His outburst had shown me a different side to him. Someone who wasn't all together, everything firmly in place.
"It's fine," I soothed, not wanting him to feel bad. I realised he was just concerned and frustrated. He would probably lose his shit if he discovered what I was trying to cover up.
"Promise me you'll lock the door." He shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers.
I nodded. I might forget but I wasn't going to say that to him.
His obvious anger receded and we were left in an awkward silence unsure of how to precede.
"Why?" I found the courage to ask softly.
He rubbed his brow. "Why what?"
"Why do you care?" I whispered, afraid of what the answer would be. I folded my arms. I didn't know what I was hoping he would say but I held my breath while I waited for his answer. "I bet Sophie doesn't get this treatment."
It was something I had never really thought about it. He wouldn't do this to Sophie, but then again Sophie wouldn't forget to lock her front door. She stayed in a better side of town in a better building.
His eyes held mine.
"Sophie isn't like you."
What did that mean?
He let out a sigh. "She isn't forgetful."
My heart sank, reminding me of the power he had over me. To cover up my disappointment I dropped my arms and lifted my chin.
"I think it's time you leave," I said. "I've allowed you to drill me with questions and even snoop around my apartment but I've had enough. I get that you care but you're looking for something that isn't there. You're used to life and death but honestly the most I have going on in my life is a relationship that didn't work out. I occasionally forget to lock my door or do my laundry on time. It's who I am. I can't change that."
His lip tightened into thin line. "Any idiot can bypass that excuse for security in the front."
I tried to hold my temper. "There is no reason for anyone to do that. Seriously Mark you need a holiday, some time out from your job. It will give you a different perspective. Not everyone is living in imminent danger."
The muscles in his jaw tightened. He was digesting my words.
"Can I at least get your door fitted for a new lock?" he pressed.
He hadn't listened to a word I'd said but I was too tired to fight him. "Fine."
Besides it might not be a bad thing as it would keep a certain ex from stealing any more of my belongings which reminded me of my missing equipment. As soon as Mark left I was going to sort Jack out and get my stuff back. After this I was sworn off men. They were far more trouble than they were worth.
Now the thought of growing old with a herd of cats was much more appealing.
He got out of his phone and made a call. When I had agreed I hadn't thought he would do it straight away.
Instead of making a fuss about it I let him have his way. Maybe this was the way to appease him and get him out of my apartment.
I was making some tea when Mark appeared in the doorway.
"My guy will be here in half an hour."
"Geez do you have a locksmith on speed dial?" I shook my head stirring my tea.
"Something like that," he said, entering my small kitchen and I was acutely aware of how small it was with his presence.
"You want something to drink?" I asked nodding in the direction of the fridge. I stocked some soda, beer and water.
He opened my fridge and took out a beer. He twisted off the top and took a few gulps.
It was so easy to stand there and just watch him but if I was going to keep my obvious attraction to him from him I would have to watch myself.
"I've asked him to install a lock that closes automatically." He casually leaned against the counter across from me.
I nodded. "Thanks." It was his way of getting around my forgetfulness.
I sipped my tea. "You'll let me know how much I owe you for replacing the lock."
He frowned. "No. This is on me."
I cleared my throat. "I can't let you do that. I pay my own way."
"It will help me sleep better at night so it will be worth every penny."
Did he lose sleep over worrying about me? That's what his words implied. Or was I making more out of his word than he meant? Was Sophie's take on us making me look at him differently? There was no way to know.
"I didn't know you lost sleep over me." I couldn't stop that from coming out and he smirked.
"From the day you moved out of your parent's place."
My hand trembled and I set my cup on the counter. "You worry too much." I returned, brushing off his concern as something that had no basis.
"You're the most disorganised person I've ever met."
I bet that wasn't a compliment.
"I've got better," I argued. It had been a month since I had lost my car keys and had to have them replaced.
"I doubt that," he replied dryly. "You still don't like driving long distances or at night."
"That has nothing to do with my organisation skills or forgetfulness. It's just something that makes me nervous."
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