Knockout worked quickly to get everything clean in the med bay. Since it was Friday night he was allowed to go to a street race. Lately, he had been winning again because the green Aston Martin hadn't been showing up.
"So, are you excited?" Breakdown asked Knockout.
"Of course. I can't wait to win again." Knockout said happily.
Breakdown smiled, at his best friend. As they finished cleaning everything Soundwave walked into the med bay and opened a groundbridge. Knockout was still shocked that Megatron was letting him go out and have fun.
"Have fun." Breakdown said.
"I intend to." Knockout said before he turned around and walked through the groundbridge.
Breakdown put his cloth down as Soundwave closed the groundbridge. After Breakdown closed the med bay for the night he and Soundwave went their separate ways for the night.
As the weeks passed Moonracer had temporarily stopped going to street races. But one night while everyone was out she couldn't help but go to one that was happening near Jasper. Sure, it was risky, but to her it was worth it. So after checking in with everyone she left the base. On the way there she couldn't help but feel as though something was going to happen.
The night was clear, but cold since it was Autumn. As Moonracer arrived at where the race was being held she spotted the cherry red Aston Martin. She naturally parked next to said car, still not knowing who it was. She already knew that she was going to win. Knockout rolled down his window, and Moonracer did the same.
"Sweet rims, hot stuff." Knockout said flirtatiously, acting like he had a driver.
"You're not so bad yourself." Moonracer said, also acting like she had a driver.
"You want to hang out after the race?" Knockout asked Moonracer, hoping to find out who she was.
"Only if you want to." Moonracer said, playing along.
Both Knockout and Moonracer rolled their windows up as a guy with a flashlight walked out to the middle of the road. All the cars, including Knockout and Moonracer, revved their engines. When the guy turned his flashlight on they all took off. Moonracer quickly took the lead as Knockout followed her. Knockout tried to get to the lead, but it was useless.
Each time Knockout tried to take the lead Moonracer would get in the way. He wanted to run her off the road, but he still couldn't make himself do it. By now, they were way ahead of all the other cars. It didn't take them long to cross the finish line. But this time they crossed it at the same time.
Neither Knockout or Moonracer stopped driving after they crossed the finish line. Instead, they drove until they found a place where there were no humans. Knockout was the first to transform, surprising Moonracer. Moonracer transformed next, knowing that it was safe.
"K-Knockout, is it really you?" Moonracer whispered in shock.
"Moonracer, I thought that you were offline." Knockout said, hugging his long lost lover.
"I missed you so much Knockout, I thought that I'd never see you again." Moonracer said, crying a little.
"Don't cry, Moonracer. I'm here." Knockout said, wiping her tears away.
"Where have you been?" Moonracer asked Knockout.
"I- I joined the Decepticons with Breakdown. But I realize that I made a mistake." Knockout said, making optic contact with her.
"You can join the Autobots, I know that Optimus would let you." Moonracer said softly.
"I can't. Not right now, anyway." Knockout said sadly.
Moonracer wanted to cry more, but she didn't. Knockout leaned forward and softly pressed his derma against hers. Moonracer felt her spark pulse faster as she wrapped her arms around Knockout's neckcables. Knockout wanted to spark bond with Moonracer so badly, but he knew that now wasn't the best time. It had been so long since they last saw each other that they didn't want to let go.
Knockout wrapped his arms around Moonracer's waist, pulling her closer. For once, he didn't care if he got a few scratches on his paint. Moonracer deepened the kiss, making Knockout moan. He slid his glossa into her intake, making her moan. He pulled away from the kiss when he felt his spike starting to get hard.
"I love you." Moonracer said softly.
"I love you too." Knockout said, looking deep into her optics.
"When can we meet up again?" Moonracer asked Knockout.
"Next Friday night. It's the only night that Buckethelm will let me have some fun." Knockout replied.
"It's a date." Moonracer said before kissing Knockout.
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