Keeping a secret
For the next few days Moonracer was extremely happy. She knew that she couldn't tell anyone what happened, so she kept her encounter with Knockout a secret. She daydreamed of him most of the time. The other Autobots noticed how happy she was. Even Jack, Miko and Raf knew that something was up.
During one particular mission Optimus noticed how Moonracer seemed distracted. He tried asking her if something was wrong, but she always said that everything was fine. At the moment, the kids were hanging out at the Autobot base.
"Moonracer, are you keeping a secret?" Miko suddenly asked.
"What, who me? Keeping a secret? N-no! Why would you think that?" Moonracer asked/said, getting a little nervous.
"Because you've been happier than normal and sometimes you have a dreamy look." Miko stated.
"Oh… Nope, I'm fine." Moonracer said, trying to play it off as nothing.
"Do you have a crush on someone?" Miko asked, smirking.
"U-um… N-no…" Moonracer said, a light blue blush covering her faceplates.
"OMG, you do! You so have a crush on someone!" Miko squealed.
"I do not!" Moonracer said, defending herself.
"You do, and I'm going to find out who it is!" Miko said proudly.
Moonracer's cooling fans kicked on. She didn't want anyone to know that she was in love with Knockout. She hoped that Miko wouldn't figure it out.
Knockout smiled as he buffed himself. Ever since he found out that Moonracer was on Earth he was in a better mood. He would buff himself more and he wouldn't get upset with anyone. Everyone, including Breakdown, noticed the difference. Starscream especially found it strange.
"So, did you ever find out who was driving that green Aston Martin?" Breakdown asked Knockout as he walked into the med bay.
"What? N-no… Why do you ask?" Knockout asked his best friend nervously.
"Because you've been acting different. You know that you can tell me anything." Breakdown said softly.
"I- I know… But I'm just not ready to tell anyone yet." Knockout told his best friend.
"Alright, but when you're ready to tell me I'll be there for you." Breakdown said, placing one of his servos on one of Knockout's shoulders.
"Thank you, Breakdown, for understanding." Knockout said, thankful to have someone who was willing to listen to him.
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