Breaking a rule
After a few days passed Moonracer' first solo mission she found out about street racing. She found it exciting and interesting. So one night after everyone went to their berthrooms she snuck out of the Autobot base. She vented heavily once she was outside.
"Alright, you can do this. As long as you're back before the sun comes up you'll be fine." Moonracer told herself as she transformed.
The moon was full as it sat in the sky. Moonracer had to admit that night time on Earth was peaceful. As she drove down the road she decided that she would only watch the race from a distance, that way she could see it before she tried it. Right as she found a good place to watch the race the cars were lining up. She hid behind some boulders as she looked at the cars.
She saw many different cars. She couldn't wait for the race to start. One car in particular caught her optics; a cherry red Aston Martin. She had to admit that the human who owned it had good taste in cars. When the race finally started the red Aston Martin took the lead. She silently cheered for it.
To her, the race was better in real life than on the tv. Moonracer knew that she was breaking a rule, and would be in big trouble if any humans saw her. But right now she was too busy watching the race to care. When the cars were out of sight she waited for them to return since the starting line was also the finish line. When they eventually returned she was happy that the red Aston Martin won.
When the car drove away before the announcer gave the driver the prize money she was confused. Moonracer shrugged it off before going back to the Autobot base. Once she got back to the base she snuck back to her berthroom so that she could recharge.
After a long day of fixing Vehicons, Eradicons and Starscream Knockout was ready to get some rest. When he heard about an upcoming street race he knew that he had to go. At the moment, Breakdown was buffing him.
"Knockout, you know that if Megatron finds out that you're street racing again he'll be mad." Breakdown said, running the buffer over Knockout's chassis.
"He won't know that I'm gone since he and Soundwave are out doing something tonight." Knockout said, rolling his optics.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right. Just make sure to be back before they return." Breakdown said seriously.
"You know that they always take forever. Besides, I deserve a break every once in a while." Knockout said as Breakdown finished buffing him.
"Alright. Well, good luck." Breakdown said as he turned the buffer off and put it away.
"I don't need luck." Knockout said as he walked out of the med bay.
Breakdown rolled his optic as his friend left. When Airachnid suddenly pounced on him from out of nowhere and started kissing him he hoped that Knockout would take his time. Knockout quickly made his way to the control room and set the groundbridge to open where the street race was happening. When the groundbridge opened up he walked through. Once he was on the other side he vented before transforming.
For some reason Knockout thought that moonlit nights were relaxing and somewhat romantic. He briefly remembered a special femme who used to be in his life, but he knew that she was probably offline. He didn't think about it for too long as he got to where the race was being held. As he drove to the starting line the announcer announced that he was a last minute entry. He activated his holoform so that no one would know that he was an alien.
When the flag girl, which he recognized as Jack Darby's crush, waved the flag Knockout revved his engine as he took off. As usual, he was in the lead. Many humans tried to keep up with him, but none of them could. After he won the race, as usual, he drove away before the announcer could give him the prize money. On the way back he called for a groundbridge, little did he know that he wasn't the only Cybertronian out that night.
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