Author pov
The next day quickly rolled by and everyone was up and getting on with their day. Brie was currently showering, Kelly doing her makeup, Monique choosing out her clothes and Randy, well he was eating downstairs wondering why women take so long. He basically woke up the last and got dressed the first. Why do they insist on being so long? He shook his head biting into his toast as he chug down some grape juice- Welch's to be exact.
Kelly smiled at her reflection in the mirror, happy with what she sees. She wore her blonde her down with bouncy curls as a dark shiny bronze eye shadow make her blue eyes pop, even more. She looked down at her blue and white business outfit and was even more pleased. She isn't cocky or anything, just confident. She knew Randy would be in the kitchen questioning why women take so long. She personally doesn't see how he doesn't get it. We have a lot more work to do! She thought as she grabbed her purse and head downstairs.
Brie was still in the shower as she shampooed her hair with the shampoo and conditioner Kelly gave her. She must admit that she loves this brand so much more than her own brand she used for years! Brie's mind kept on replaying last night's event with her husband......well legally her husband. She kept on wondering what would have happened if she did let him kiss her. How things would have been this morning. She doesn't necessarily regret her decision but she is just curious, you could say. It may sound weird to anyone else but in those two days she meet Kelly she grew to really like her. Hell she is almost close to loving her! Kelly's sprit is what she loves the most about her actually. So how could she do that to her? She couldn't and she didn't and she felt very proud of herself for that. What was he even thinking last night? She kept on thinking to herself as she finished up in the shower and got out. She didn't plan on going anywhere today. She doesn't have to, she has no place to be, really. But she still got dressed in black jeans and tank top. She then dried her hair, pull out her hair, did her make up and head downstairs. She looked in the mirror with a sigh. "I guess this will have to do." She muttered to her reflection as she head downstairs seeing Randy and Kelly both dressed for work.
"Morning." She sweetly greeted.
"Morning." The two replied as Brianna took a seat on the stool.
"You look beautiful." Kelly told her as Brie's face flushed a bit. She isn't use to hearing those things anymore, not since Randy's family. She looked up at Randy and saw him nodding but Kelly can't see him. Making her feel slightly awkward.
"You look great. I would give you a promotion, just for looking great." Brie really meant what she said. Kelly smiled brightly but then it fell.
"Yeah but my boss hate me......so. But at least I try." Her mood picked back up again.
"Your boss must be jealous of you. Most women probably are." Brie means each and everyone of her compliments and Kelly knows this and it flatters her.
"Then so be it she would fire you." Kelly replied and both her and Brianna burst out in fits of laugh. Brie didn't thinks she was prettier than Kelly though.
"Yay girl chat." Randy sarcastically cheered quickly followed by an eye roll. "Aren't any of you going to compliment me?" He asked. Both girls looked at each other and shook their head.
"You look great daddy." Everyone turned to Monique who was standing there in a cute jeans pants with a white 'hello kitty' tee.
"That is why you are my favorite person ever." He told making his way over to her and sweeping her up in his arms. She loves being told that. She loves being the favorite, just like Brie. "This is nice and all. But I'm eight so can you put me down." She sassily told as Brie and Kelly snickered. Randy looked at his daughter a bit sad she is growing up so fast. Kelly knew that he was and Brie just knows these things about him
"Hey sweetie." Kelly waved at the little cutie who she finds looks insane a lot like Brianna. Both gorgeous to her, of course. "Hey Blondie." Moni replied. She loves to call Kelly that. "Hey mummy." Moni gave Brie the biggest hug that melted hearts.
"Isn't that a bit to much for school? Go change into something more appropriate." Brie told as she noticed Monique's sleeveless shirt and way too expensive crown. Monique got mad. She didn't like being told what do. Just like Brie.
"You can't tell me what to do! Not because you make me means you are my mother!" Monique responded, shocking everyone and stomping all over Brie's heart.
"Yes but I'm an adult." Brie decided to stand her ground.
"You are basically a stranger." She responded turning towards Kelly. "Do you think I should change?" She looked up at the woman she thinks of as a motherly figure.
Kelly was put in an awkward spot. She didn't saw that coming at all. Moni was basically worshipping the ground Brie walked on since she came. So why did she suddenly change? Kelly was shocked, super shocked. "I think you should listen to your mother." She responded the best she could, plus she thinks truly thinks that. Monique hates that she is siding with Brie. She doesn't get it. Brie was thankful for that though. "That's why I'm asking you." Monique said and all jaws hit the floor. She never called Kelly mommy before or any of that. Where is this coming from? They all thought. Brie is hurting badly. "I'm not your mother Moni. Brie is." Kelly didn't wanted Monique to think of her as a mother....... It was a compliment but Moni have one, who needs a second chance.
"No yo-" the little girl started but was cut off.
"Stop with that attitude Moni!" Randy strictly told as Moni looked at up him.
"Daddy I'm not doing anything wrong. Kelly come more li-"
"Go upstairs and put on something with sleeves!" He stopped her once more. "Now! GO UPSTAIRS NOW!!!" He shouted as the two adults flinched back and Monique's eyes filled with water as she began to ran for the stairs. Randy sighed. He hates starting off the morning horribly. He hated yelling at his daughter like that. He hates seeing his little girl cry. He hates Seeing Brie's heart break. He hates when Kelly looks clustered and guilty. And he absolutely hates what Monique just said and did to Brie. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while. He have no idea where that came from.
"I'm going to check on Nicole." Brie said before anyone even got a chance to apologize or comfort her. She quickly took off. Randy knows she is going to cry her heart out.
"I feel like shit." Kelly told as she looked down with teary eyes.
"You have nothing to feel like shit about. You did your best." He told as he kissed her forehead while hugging her.
"I have to apologize to Brianna I didn't mean to-"
"You didn't do anything. You stuck up for her. Plus she needs to be alone right now." He kissed her head. "Don't worry, Brie adores you still." He knows Brie genuinely like her a lot.
"Thank you very much. I'll still try to help her later. I'm going." Kelly said as she kissed him and head out the door. He sighed and turn back around to find my daughter in sleeves, no crowns and tears in her eyes. It hurts to see her cry but this was very needed.
"Let's go." Randy said to her as she nod and quietly headed out to the car. They headed out even though he would much rather be home with Brie comforting her, he knows he can't. All he could to do is hope she doesn't run away again.
(A/n: shortest chapter yet but I wanted to leave the second part for next time so I will update sooner. On the topic of sooner. I'm sorry for taking so long to update this😔. I just didn't really know which idea to write first for this chapter. Thank you all very much for your support❤️😀😘)
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