Brie pov
Randy, Monique, Nicole and I arrived back into Randy's home with my bag, well bags..... But hey it is better to be safe than sorry. Nicole is in awe and Orton is mocking her face. I laughed as I held the sleeping Monique because she feel asleep in the car. Nikki burned out all the kid's energy which should be pretty hard but Nicole made it seem like nothing. Randy opened the door as we filed in one by one.
"This isn't your house!" Nikki accused, hitting Randy's arm as she looked around. He rubbed his arm but chuckled anyway. "Yip, all mine. You might want to close your mouth before you get a family of roaches in your mouth." He teased her and she shut her mouth, going to hit him again but he jumped back. I rolled my eyes at the two and motioned to them I was going to put Moni to sleep. They nod and continued there bickering, somethings never change.
On the way up the stairs I bumped into Kelly who is looking gorgeous. Randy really out did himself with this one. "You look so good." I told her, usually the ex's would be jealous of the present but I'm not. He deserves to be with someone like Kelly instead of myself, I screwed things up. She fixed it up. "I? You. You always look so good." She complimented with her hand in my hair. I find that so hard to believe but I know Kelly is a really nice girl. "Thank you but you still look super great." I continued to compliment the blonde bombshell. She could be a Victoria's Secret model or something! The world deserves to know about her beauty. "Let's just settle at both out of Randy's league." She told and I began to laugh but quiet down when I realized Moni was asleep on my shoulder. "I'm fine with that." I told and she chuckled and nod. "Well I'm going to rest this princess down. Oh, enter that kitchen at your own risk, my sister Nicole is here. Her and Orton are always bickering so have fun with that." I warned her about the bickering fools down the stairs as she inhaled and nod. "I'm ready. And I finally get to meet Nicole! Aha, I'll see you when you get back." She rubbed my arm and took off running. I cocked my head at her. Who gets so excited to see Nikki? Ew, why, just why? I shook it off and continued walking until I reach Monique's room where I opened the door and walked over to her huge bed. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead. It is feels really to be good doing this. I smiled at her one last time before existing the room.
"YOU WERE THE ONE WHO FELL ON THE ORANGES AND HAD US KICKED OUT THE STORE!!!" I heard Nikki's voice from all the way up here followed by Kelly's loud laughter. I shook my head, the old orange story, she will never let him live that down. It was when we just got married and returned from our honeymoon, we decided to call Nicole and we all went to the grocery. So everything was all fine and dandy until Randy was walking and laughing and accidentally hit into the Orange stand and all the oranges came tumbling down as Nicole and him slip while I held on to the bread rack. Yeah, we were banned from there. I skip down the stairs and met up with everyone in the kitchen area, sitting by Kelly. "Your sister is hilarious! She is actually one of the best people I know already!" Kelly told in between laughing and I've officially given up on her. Nikki, really? Nikki smiled and bowed. "I really like you too!" Nikki told as they high-five, making Randy and I roll our eyes.
The conversation between us four continued and we are all red from laughing, Kelly's head on my shoulder as she laughed. She is a really cool girl, I really like her. Randy was continuously hitting the counter while laughing. Nikki had to spit out her soda in the dumpster because she was laughing so much and Kelly had to hold me back from falling off the stool. Sharing stories is actually the best. But all that got stopped when Monique entered the kitchen holding her teddy looking a bit confused but annoyed, aw she really is like me. "Could you people keep it down. I'm trying to sleep." She argued as I looked at her wanting to laugh but I couldn't, little children could be vicious. She walked more in and went pull out some mini pizza thing but stopped when she saw her father looking at her and pulled out the grapes instead making him smile. She came and sat on Kelly's lap but leaped off and went over to Nikki, she really likes Nikki. "What you doing up sweetie?" Nikki asked her pulling her hair aside to look at her better. Monique looked at her chewing, her grapes. "I want Kelly to tuck me in." She told and rest her head on Nikki's chest. I already tucked her in though. "Brianna you didn't tucked in the girl! Seriously!?" Nikki scolded me and I shook my head at her. "I did." I softly said as Moni nodded at me. Randy looked at her confused. "So why do you want Kelly?" He asked our daughter as everyone looked at the eight year old. "Because....because she tucks me in better." She restlessly told and it hurts but I won't show it. Kelly turned to me with concerned eyes, everyone did but my child who didn't seem to know what she just did. "Then luckily for you Kelly would love too." I made smiley faces at Monique as she smiled and clapped, happily. That hurt, but it is the truth. Kelly is just better than me, in all ways possible. "It's fine." I mouthed to the adults with a smile on my face as they nod, seeming to be more at ease. I don't know what else to say but I hate all the attention on me. "Oh sh- oh monkeys! I didn't realize that was the time! I have to get going." Nikki almost slipped up but caught herself. I looked at her confused but thankfully she took the attention off of me. "Why?" I asked her not seeing the rush to leave here. "Because I told our annoying neighbors who makes the really good food, I'd be there for there dinner party. Even worst yet, I promised them and you know how annoying they are. So bye guys." I nod while making the 'oh' sound. They are really annoying but there food is amazing! They baked us a welcome to the neighborhood lasagna.... Best lasagna ever. Monique pouted. "I'm going to miss you auntie Coco." She already told as she pouted. Nicole cooed whilst she hugged her and then kissed her forehead. She then walked over to Orton and hugged him then Kelly as they shared a huge hug. She came over to me and smiled and nod. Hugging is always weird and gross when we do it. So we settled on a hug and a nod. "Bye guys. Brianna I'll miss you the least!" She shouted, making her way out the kitchen causing me to roll my eyes as they laughed. "I won't miss you at all." I replied as she stuck her tongue out at me an I returned it before laughing and waving her out until she left. "She is amazing." Kelly told and I rolled my eyes at that. "I question your meaning of amazing." I joked with her making her smile. "You are amazing too." She complimented and I smiled flipping my hair behind my back, jokingly. "Okay, you have a great knowledge of the word amazing." I joked as the people in the kitchen laughed at that. She got up from the stool besides me. "Yip, you and Nicole are twins alright. I'm going to put Moni to sleep." She told and even though it still sort of hurt I smiled and hugged her then Monique. They waved and left the kitchen.
"So I guess it is only me and you now?" I looked up at Randy who nodded and opened the fridge.
"Yip. Do you want anything to eat?" He offered while I thought about it.
"Nope, not hungry." I honestly told.
"You have to eat. Milk and cookies?" He suggested.
"Fine." I dragged out but smiled.
He got one glass and poured the milk into it and then took out the new Oreos and rest it on the counter in front of me. He smiled but stopped and I looked at him confused when I saw his eyes go wide open. "What is it?" I asked wondering if I done something wrong, or if there is a chainsaw killer is behind me. "I just got an idea. Follow me." He grabbed the milk and the pack of Oreos and began to walk as I followed him unsure. What the hell is he thinking? He walked up the stairs and we heard Kelly singing Moni to sleep making me smile but he didn't seem to notice. He then entered my room and my confusion grew. I walked in behind him but he walked back to the door and shut it close. What the hell?
"What is it?" I asked again but he just sat on the ground and place the milk and Oreos there too. "Remember this?" He motioned to the floor and I hit my head when I finally remembered. How was I so dumb and not see it before? We used to do this all the time. We use to go into our shared bedroom and close the door, sit on the floor while we eat a pack of Oreos and shared a glass of milk. It was our thing. I smiled and sat to the other side of the glass, facing him.
"This used to be so much fun." He seemed excited and it made me smile at him. "Yeah, when you stole all the milk." I reminded him as he gasp at me, making me nod. "Yeah, well it was even since you stole all the Oreos." It was now my turn to gasp, we always had this argument. "I did not!" I defended myself as he chuckled. "If you say so." Sarcasm is the only thing in his voice as he spoke. I rolled my eyes but laughed. "Hold on. I could never play this game in jeans." I told and got up from the ground heading over to my bags but realized I left them downstairs. I sighed and motioned for him to wait as I ran down the stairs and grabbed my bags, running back up and into my room. He looked at me skeptically to see if that was all I needed and I nod. "Wait one second." I pulled out my soft moon pj pants and head to the bathroom to change into them. I then ran back out and decided I need a more comfortable top, so I took my cloud vest, head into the bathroom and changed into it also. I wanted to take off my bra but decided that it would be highly inappropriate. I grabbed my old clothes and walked back out, throwing them on the bed and then resuming my previous sport on the floor. "You ready now?" He asked with a slightly judgmental tone as I flipped him off. "Yup." I answered and got more comfortable.
He opened the pack and we began to eat while dipping the Oreos in the milk. He always double dips and he is doing it right now.
"Since when you get comfortable but keep on your bra?" He asked knowing me a bit too well. I looked down hoping my hair blocks my face completely as I pretended I was doing so to grab a cookie but it was really to hide my flushed face. "Things change." I simply told him. I don't want to say it is inappropriate to do so because it could make things weird. I looked up and bite into my biscuit. "That would never change." He replied. Why does he insist on knowing me so well and making things awkward? "Sure and you always played this game shirtless." I attacked him since he kept on coming at me. He looked at me a bit stunned while I gave him a bitchy smile and continued to eat my Oreo. He smirked and then remove his shirt! I wasn't expecting him to do so! My eyes widen as I looked at him trying to keep my eyes on his face. "Your turn." He told me in a cocky voice and I wish I could slap him. What would Kelly think if she comes in see him shirtless and me bra less? I don't know but she won't be happy. "Put back on your shirt." I told him seriously, still struggling to not look at his body. "Why?" He taunted while smirking at me, I hate him. "Because, it is inappropriate." I had no other way of putting it. He raised his brow at me and I gave him a what look. "It is inappropriate for me to be shirtless in my house with my wife?" His sentence took the air out of my lungs, but I soon regained some sense. "No it is inappropriate for you to be shirtless in front of your ex while in your home you and your stunning girlfriend live in." I proudly stated knowing he won't have a comeback for that. He glared at me and I ate proudly. "Well according to legal papers we are still together, so stop trying to be difficult and get comfy." He fired at me and as much as I wanted to argue I was very uncomfortable in my bra right now. "Fine." I gave in as reached for my bra hook behind me and begin to undo them. "Don't you need to go to the bathroom for that? Even though I saw you naked for years." He taunted, making me glare at him while I remove my straps. "No and it has been eight years, enough for you to forget." I told him pulling the bra out from under my tee and throwing it on the bed. "I could never forget that Brianna." He told me and this time I didn't even try to hide my flushed face. "Just take off your darn shirt and let's continue before the milk gets hot and disgusting." I gave up on trying to argue with him. He is a stubborn dude. He smirked and remove her shirt as I allowed my eyes to look at his fit and tone body. He realized and sat up straighter to give me a better look as I laughed. "Thank you." I thanked him making him laugh, man I love his laugh. "No problem and thank you." He thanked me making me confused for a bit before I look down and saw my nips almost clearly visible. That son of a bitch. "Screw you." I joke and dip the cookie in the milk while he laughed again. "That would me inappropriate." I gasp up at him and leaned forward, hitting his thigh. "Ow!" He cried out and I smirked, proudly. He then rolled his eyes while I laughed now.
"You always double dip!" I point out to him while he is in the action of doing just so.
"I do not!" He tried to lie.
"Dude I'm looking at you right now!"
"I dip both sides so technically it is a full dip."
"Do you know how many people must hate you at parties or functions when you double dip the Guacamole?"
"Let them stay bitter. I am getting a full guaced chip. While they are bitter wishing to double dip."
"You are ridiculous."
"More ridiculous than someone who shove two Oreos in their mouth at the same time. Huh Brianna?"
"Technically it is one since your body won't know the difference."
He began to laugh and I couldn't help but join in. I miss this, they always make us laugh at how ridiculous the next one is. I stopped dipping in the milk because it got too warm for my liking so he quickly drank it down, like always.
After a few minutes everything was finished and we were still laughing. He will never know how much I miss him and how much I love him.
"So?" He started
"So?" I questioned.
"You tell me."
"You tell me?"
"I don't know what to do Brie."
"I don't know I what to do Orton?"
"How was that even a question?"
"How was it?"
"You do that your last name is Orton too right?"
"Yeah, how could I forget that?"
"Just making sure you remember."
"I always will remember."
I don't know how but we are now mere inches away from each other's face. I looked him the eyes and I got to admit I'm still weak for them, they are my favorite shade of blue. He smiled at me and seemed to move a bit closer. His lips looks so good right now and God knows how much I miss them. So pink, so skillful. "I miss you Brianna." He told me again and I can literally feel his breathe on my lip. "Yeah." Was all I managed to say, like an idiot. He smiled and leaned in closer again but we didn't kiss. "Very much." He slowly said and his lips brushed against mine. "G-great." I stuttered, yelling at myself mentally for that. He was about to kiss me and although I wanted it so bad I couldn't do it. I pushed him away and got up and walked to the bed, sitting on it. He got up and walked and sat besides me. I want to kiss him but I can't for so many reasons. "What is the matter?" He asked like he didn't see the problem in what just happened. I looked up at him, "I can't do it." I honestly said playing with my fingers. He rested his hand on my thigh and lord know the sparks I'm feeling right now. "Why?" I can't believe he just asked that. I gave him a disappointed but questioning look. "Because you have an amazing girlfriend. I can't let you cheat on Kelly with me. She doesn't deserve that. She deserves the best." I told one of the huge reasons he is ought to see. He sighed and wiped his hand over his face. "Yeah, but she won't know. You are still my wife." His voice desperate and hurt, I really want to give into to him but I just can't. "Your wife who ran away from you and her child. You got the best, don't let Kelly go. We have to get a divorce Randal it is the only way. I can't be what you want me to be." I sincerely spoke as the tears rushed down my face. It will always be so hard for us but we can do it. He looked at me and shook his head seeming angry. "I want what you have! Being with you were the best years of my life! There is a reason I didn't divorce you because I still love you. Kelly is amazing but she isn't you." He told wanting to yell but didn't want anyone else to hear. I let the tears fall from my eyes without wiping them. "She is better than me." I mumbled out but loud enough for him to hear me. He look at me very disappointed and angry while shaking his head. "You got to stop saying that and get over the past. Stop being so stupid and see that I always wanted you and I always stupidly will." He told and spare me one last look before walking out while putting on his shirt. He slammed the door behind him while I fell on to the bed and cried. I can't stay here anymore so I'll leave, by tomorrow.
(A/n: so I finally updated! I wanted to update this for a while but didn't know what to write. Anyway hope you enjoyed it😊❤️. Together again or not?)
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