Randy pov
I arrive at my door an knock on the door since Kelly is home an I don't have to use my keys. Monique was just smiling up at Brie the whole way home and stayed right by her side the whole time. I'm a bit jealous, but I'll let it sly for now. Monique was swinging her and Brie's hand together while a brie just smiled down at her with so much love. It like they are looking at the past and future selves with different eye colors.
"You know I'd never thought I see you in a suit again Randy." Brie snapped me out of my thoughts. Kelly was taking so long to come the door. Maybe she is sleeping. I knocked again, looking at my Brie. "I don't like 'em but I got to wear 'em." I commented looking down at myself while she smiled and look at the exterior of my home. "Wow, your house is huge." She commented in amazement as Monique and I laughed. I moved from where we both lived two years ago. "Well I am the CEO of a company." I told an Brie's head snapped towards me in shock. "You are a CEO? I'm so proud of you. What company?" Brie asked while Monique just swayed with the wind. "Of Hotel Paradise." I bragged and she had her mouth open in a smile. "That is great! But your a CEO of a hotel and only have one car." Ugh.
"Told you! See daddy!" Monique called me out and I place my finger on my lip telling her to stay silent. Monique told me that exact same thing. Great two Monique(s) for the week. Can I survive it? "In my defen-"
Kelly cut me off by finally opening the door. "Hey honey." She kissed my lips and I smiled. She then turn to Monique but notice Brie. Her eyes went wide and Brie had an uncomfortable look. I know Brie hates being in other people's home, especially when isn't invited. "Oh wow. You must Brianna. Monique's mom!" Kelly exclaimed, almost happy to see her. But I know behind her front she is worried. "Uh, yeah. I'm sorry for coming with no invitation. I saw them today in the park and Monique suggested I catch up with her. Randy was okay with it. But if you aren't okay with it that is okay. I'd leave." Brie rambled on and I roll my eyes with a smile. Kelly shook her head, still shock in disbelief Brie is actually here right now.
"Uh, wow. No, no, no, no it's fine. Perfect actually. Monique needs to get to know her mother -more like older twin. I see it wasn't greatly plan so I'll lend you some of my clothes. Come in."
Kelly open the door wider ignoring me as she look at the two ladies entering through the door. "More like triplets. I have a twin," Brianna informed her an she tap her the side of her side. "Of course! Nicole.......right?" Kelly seemed somewhat unsure. "Yip." Brie smile brightly at Kelly then at Monique who was already smiling up at the two. "I saw her too Kelly." Monique calls no one mom since she knew her mother is out there and she found her sooner than we all thought. "You did? Why didn't she come?" Kelly lifted her gaze to Brianna. "She have people coming over at our house." Brie informed and Kelly understandingly nodded.
"Mummy come an see my room!" Monique exclaimed after dinner which was pizza. Kelly don't do the cooking thing an I grew to just go with it. Brie got up -more like dragged up and followed our daughter. I smiled at the two until their figures fade out of sight so I smiled at my girlfriend.
"She is everything like Brie! Brie is everything like her!" Kelly exclaimed.
"I told you that." I laughed drinking my sprit.
"But you showed me an unflattering picture of Brie! She is an absolute beauty."
"It was the only photo I got of her left. So are you."
I leaned in an kissed her for about ten seconds before clearing up the dishes while Kelly joined the girls. I'm the only guy in the house with three females. I have no chance. I wash off my hands and smiled when I heard the loud laughs coming from Monique's room. What is so funny? I went up the stairs and walk to my child's room only to see a 'no boyz allowed' sign on her door. "Boys are more fun than girls!" I told from the outside. I heard them laugh but more so Monique. "Girls rule! Bye daddy." Monique told and I shook my head. No chance, I reminded myself. "Okay bye." I walked in my room an flop down onto the bed. Smiling that I ran into Brianna today.
It was now night and I was locking up the house and closing in the windows. The girls came out after an hour. Brie an Kelly talked about clothes and other girlie crap. I was closing a window downstairs and looked up at the balcony upstairs and saw Brie sitting there, looking up at the sky, Lost in thought. I smiled and pulled back the curtain after I was done.
I knocked on her door when I got to her room. "Come in!" She answered and I can tell she hasn't left from the balcony. I turn the nob and poked my head in seeing that I was right. I then walked in and close the door behind me, joining her on the balcony.
"Hi" I gestured sitting besides her.
"Hey" she smiled looking at me.
"Crazy day huh?"
"Crazy is only a small way to describe it."
She cast her eyes up at the stars again. I studied her words and realized there is so much truth in them. Crazy was not the best word for it but it was one word of many parts of it. She then look down at her lap and played with her fingers. She use to do that all the time when she was thinking.
"Then how would you explain it as?" I want to know.
"Best word for it is emotional. I'm still going through so much emotions right now. I'm happy, I'm sad, I feel like shit, I feel guilty, I'm proud, I'm confuse, I'm in shock, I'm mad, I'm bewildered," she looked at me then back at her fingers. "I won't change a thing. It was faith way of telling me it was time. If I didn't run into you two God knows when I'd be ready to face you?" She let a tear fall from her eyes.
I took the time to process each and every word and I feel most of what she is feeling. I'm feeling guilty too. Guilty that couldn't even persuade my own wife and child mother to stay. I'm mad at myself for not seeing the signs. For being so disregarding of everything. If I listened more and tried more wouldn't things have been different? I bit my lips thinking about if I was more observant how things would have been.
"What are you thinking about?" She shook me out of my thoughts. I smiled at her. She always know when I'm thinking about something. Only her know how to do that because no one else can tell......only Monique who is catching on. Like I said many times, Moni is everything like Brianna. "I was thinking about if I was more observant back then how things would have been? It would have better won't it?" She shook her head and rest her hand on my back sending me a sympathetic glance. "No, it would have been the same. You had no part to play in what I did." She tried to cheer me up but once you start blaming yourself it's kind of hard to stop. Especially with such simple words with no explanation behind it.
"Then what cause you to run away?" I need to know.
"I can't-"
"Brie please. I have waited long enough. You at least owe it to me to tell the reason why you left out of the blue and haven't contact us since."
She looked at me then down at tree and the driveway, she bit her lips whilst wiping away fresh tears. I don't want to hurt her like this but I can't wait any longer to find out. She closed her eyes and took a few intakes of air and breathe it out afterwards, to calm her nerves. She looked away from me and began to talk.
"It wasn't anything you did. You were great an perfect. Still seems to be. But what people said got to me. When everyone said I'd make a horrible wife and you deserved so much better. You had faith in me and I marry you. I was beyond happy with you. You made me feel like a great wife. But when people say such nasty things to you it is hard to let go and feel good about yourself but I was learning to. Then I came and get pregnant with Monique and I had already loved her a whole lot. But people start bad talking. This time, ten times worse, saying I'd be a horrible mother and I'm going to ruin my child. When you love something the last thing you want to do is ruin it. The words started to get to me. It was around the time when we had that big argument and you told me how I should stop be so self centered. Yeah, that did it for me. I wouldn't want to raise a child that I will ruin. So I stop be so self centered and left. I didn't get in contact with you after that because why would you need to hear me? I'd ruin your day. I didn't want to be like that even though I wanted to hear your voice and see my daughter I couldn't have been selfish."
She finish saying and turn away from me crying. I stayed still, taking in every single word she said. She didn't leave me for another like I thought. She left me because of critics. She left me because of..........me. How could I tell her that!? She literally only stayed and hang around my family aka the critics because of me. She wanted to move away but I said no. I was the one being selfish! I didn't pick up for her! What have I done?!
"Brie. I'm- I'm sorry. S-sorry for everything." I apologized hoping she forgives me. She turn to me with a confused face. "Sorry? You have nothing to be sorry about. You were right I'm the one who should be sorry." She told. How could I have ever said she was self centered when she blames herself for all of this! When she says I had nothing to do with it. I was a big part to do it but she always blamed herself.
I look over at the once confident woman my family, friends, some of her family and I ruin. She use to be so confident when I meet her. Head always up, smile always huge, attitude was always fitted for a boss. Now look. She doesn't have the same attitude, she lost it after we got married. Her smile started to become smaller and less genuine and she tries her best to look up but when some looks at her she looks down.
I felt the guilt and anger start to build up in me. It wasn't directed towards her but myself. Why didn't I try harder? I should have move when she asked me too. I shouldn't have ever go back by my family after the things some of them told her. Joke or not. I have every right to sorry. How could she not see that? I let myself and family members ruined her.
"No Brie. I do have a reason to be sorry. I should have move....we should have moved. I shouldn't have let my family and friends say those horrid things to you. You weren't the selfish one. I was. I'm sorry for not listening to you. For not observing the signs that you lost your confidence......... That you lost yourself. I'm sorry for being the reason why." It was a honest and true heart fill apology. I want to say more but don't know what to say. She smiled at me, letting the tears fall from her eyes.
"I don't know what to say. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have let those people get to me. I shouldn't have leave you an Monique alone all those years. I should have at least visit but I was too scared you hate me too much to ever let me see her. I'm sorry I'm so scared and weak. I left you all alone to raise to a child. What kind of monster does that? But look she turned out great. Don't apologize for what was said in the past because they were right. I would have ruin her. I love her too much to ever do that. I left knowing she was in good hands....... I left knowing she'd be great. And I was right." She look up at the stars with a smile. "Now look. You are CEO of a hotel, lives in a great house! You raised Monique perfectly, so perfect. And you have an amazing girlfriend. Hopefully when we get the divorce you'd marry her right away. Randy they were right. I kept you back." She finished running her hand up and down my shoulder trying to soothe me. It worked, it always work.
She remove her hand an place them on the wall of the railing before resting her head on them just looking up and around. I knew she left me too think. That is what she does. She always gives me time to think and calm down. I look at her hair blowing in the wind behind her, feeling my corner of lips curling into to a smile.
I thought about her words. Sure, Monique grew up great but that was only because I told her so much stories of Brie. That was because she believes if she was good enough Brie would have come back. And looks like she was right. I followed the steps on the list Brie always use to say a child needed to grow right. I use her words. If she didn't always use to say those things Monique might have been a hot mess at only eight. But no matter how great Monique turned out she was always sad when she didn't have a mother to pick her up at school or carry her shopping. I saw the look on her face when she saw others girls and their mom shopping and getting ice-cream. But like Brie she never told me much about it, not wanting to burden me. I wasn't lying when I said she is everything like Brianna. And sure I'm CEO with a great house but I'll throw it all away to have what we had in the being, happiness. I'm happy just not as happy as I was with her. When I use to glow so much that my friends made fun of me but I didn't care.
Divorce. Divorce? I don't know why but those words stung me. She didn't even say it with like a question more like a fact. I could have written divorce papers years ago an tell them the situation and get out of it or at least try to but I didn't. And it wasn't because I was busy. It is because I don't want to. I don't want to divorce her and throw away those years of marriage, those years of happiness. At the same time I don't know if I could ever be with her again because I'd constantly be afraid she'll leave us again. I still have a bit of anger towards her for leaving flat an dry like she did. She could have at least wrote me a letter or something. Some kind of closure. I place my hand over my face with my head facing the floor. Sure I love Kelly but could I ever get married to her an completely get over Brie? I don't know. Maybe this week will help me get over Brie. It is time, seems like she got over me.
"Randy, I love you. Don't ever doubt that. I will forever continue too. But it seems like we weren't meant to be."
She didn't look at me while talking. Her eyes linger at the sky before they cast back down at me. I wipe my eyes that I now notice was watering when I felt a teardrop on my thigh.
"Maybe we won't." Those words killed me more than ever. She nodded slowly trying to convince us both that is the truth. "I really hoped we were." I look at her in shock after hearing her. She gave me a little sigh before fixing the blanket that is covering her from the cold wind. I'm too distracted by my feelings to even feel the coldness. "Yeah. So did I." We smiled at each other. A plane flied by and of course Brie lifted her gaze to the sky (she was always fascinated with planes). I looked at her an I couldn't help the huge smile that grew on my face. Her hair blowing in the wind, the moonlight glowing on her skin, her lips looking so soft and pink and her eyes glowing. She is absolutely breathe taking. She was and always will be the most beautiful woman I laid eyes on........ And Monique doesn't count because she will always be my little baby even when she is fifty. Her eyes follow the plane until she couldn't see it anymore. She pouted and look my way looking gorgeously adorable.
"Beautiful isn't it?" She referred to nature and her surrounding.
"Always have been and always will be. Stunning just stunning." I referred to her.
She caught on, a slight blush appear on her cheeks. Crap! She looks even more adorable with a blush. "Stunning. It is best way I can describe it." She referred to me looking me directly in my eyes and I tried to bite back my blush but it didn't work. "Ha! You always love to be complimented." She gloated and I playfully rolled my eyes pushing her shoulder lightly while she laughed. "Shut up." I joked only to make her laugh more. I love her laugh. I love everything about her.
Kelly pov.
I look up at the two after coming to get a cup of tea. I'm oddly craving tea, for some strange reason. No, I'm not pregnant, I'm just random as hell. I have been looking at the two of them for the past ten minutes and all I saw was love and pain. Those two love each other very much. I can see the sparkle in Randy's eyes all the way from here when he looks at her. I want him to be happy. I love enough to want him too be happy. I sighed and finished the rest of my tea, closing back the curtain and walking over to kitchen counter resting the cup in the sink an washing my hands before heading back to bed.
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