Randy pov
I held my briefcase in one hand and my eight year old daughter in the next. My car is out getting fixed which resulted in me leaving work early to pick her from school. She was swinging our hands as she ate her corn dog, swaying her head side to side happily. I smiled and shook my head at her as we walked through the park as a short cut home.
"Daddy look a squirrel! Look that bird! Why would she wear that?" If I only look at all the those things I'd suffer a sever neck pain. "No, daddy really look at her. That outfit is hideous." She began to point and I look down at her with a warning look. "It is not nice to point and bad talk people's outf- err what was she thinking? That is down right hideous." I couldn't carry on teaching my daughter because I was distracted by the woman who has a fake bird nest on her head and dressed in a super tight jumpsuit. Which may I add is in pink. What is wrong with people these days?
"Told you." My daughter bragged about being right. She is so much like her mother it annoys me at times.
"Yeah, well don't point. She may be crazy and attack us. She may catch us an feed us to her birds."
My daughter began to laugh really loudly. Vein popping out her forehead just like her mother's. She is everything like her mother the only reason I know she isn't her mother from the past is the bright blue eyes she got from me. I put my finger on my lip quieting her from my laughing. I'm not even sure if I was joking, that lady seems crazy.
"Did mommy use to dress like that?" She looked up at me with her bright blue eyes and I stop breathing for a moment. Her mother left us a month after she gave birth to her. She just packed up an left. I remember it like yesterday but it was eight years ago. "Sweetie would I go out with your mother if she dressed like that?" I lighten the situation. The little brown hair girl began to laugh loudly again as she threw her corn dog stick in the bin we just pass. She always loved nature just like her mother. "I don't know. People say when you are young you do dumb things." I look down a little shock at her words, hoping that is all she heard about that. "I was smart."
"Sure you were daddy." Her voice was teasing and sarcastic as I playfully pulled my hand from her tiny soft hands. She faked a gasp -an over exaggerate gasp. "Daddy I said you were smart." She tried to play it off as if she really meant it giving me puppy doll eyes. "Er, stop cheating using those eyes on me like that." I held her hand again as she giggled squeezing my finger the best she can. "Works like a charm." She boost and I rolled my eyes and look around my surroundings.
"Bragging is an ugly trait." I told her.
"Yeah, well it is cute on me." Her soft voice replay.
"You are so vain."
"No I'm not! You are the vain one here daddy."
"I am not vain-"
I was cut off by someone bumping into me or me walking into someone. I'm sure it is the latter since I was looking at my little vain angel. I stumble a bit but regain balance quickly and so did the other person. "I'm sorr- Randy." My head snap to the stranger who knew my name. When I look at the person I realize that they aren't no stranger to me at all. "Nicole?" I didn't know what else to say since I'm in shock Nicole is actually standing right in front of me. She smiled and her eyes lower to my side to look at my daughter who was already looking up at her with a confuse face. "Monique?" Nikki said but it came out like a question as her eyes raise back up to look at me while I nod.
Nicole aka Nikki's eyes had nothing but shock in them. Her mouth was slightly parted as she took in the situation and Monique. I saw a bit of heartbreak in her eyes too. "Are you my mummy? You look like the old version on me." Monique's little voice broke us out of our trance as Nikki cast her eye sight back down at the little girl holding my hands. I can tell Nikki feels bad, guilty and her heart is breaking. And it should be because she had a part to play also. "No, sweetie I'm not your mother." Pain and shock is the only thing I heard in her voice and Monique look down a bit sad. While Nicole shot her a sad look.
"Where is Brianna?" Nikki's eyes suddenly look up at me upon hearing my voice. I don't have time to catch up with her. I want to know about her sister, the sister I'm pretty sure she is very much in contact with, with them being identical twins and all. "She is Uh-"
"Nicole come on! What is taking you so long?" Nikki's answer was stopped by the all too familiar voice and face. I look at the woman I loved with every fibre in me as she look at her sister, not noticing us. Nikki point to us "look I'm sorry but my sister and I got to get-....." When she finally turn to face us. I can tell her breathing stop and she looks like a deer in headlights, so much emotions flashed across her face. Pain, hurt, confusion, shock, happiness, sadness and most of all guilt. "Brie." It was so long since I last called her name looking at her. It has been so long since I saw her and I still feel love for her but that is overcast but anger, hurt and the betrayed feeling she left me with. She shook her head slowly not believing the situation. I see tears start to form in her eyes and I can feel the tears forming in my eyes also.
"Mummy?" Monique's voice broke us from starring at each other without saying a word. She snapped back into reality. I watch Brie as the tears couldn't help but roll down her eyes hearing Monique's voice. She slowly turn her head to the little girl. Once she saw her, her eyes started to produce more tears. She looked so ashamed as she look at the girl who is everything like her. Seeing them face to face it is even more shocking just how much Monique really does look like her.
Brie's lips quiver as Monique is standing there in confusion awaiting Brie's answer. I share a short glance with Nikki who was still in shock and still sporting the worried look. "I'm sorry." Brie finally spoke before she looked up at me again and shook her head. She began to run and this time I'm not going to make her run away from me. I let go of Monique's hands and started to run after Brianna. I need an explanation and I waited long enough to finally get one. I'm not going to make her run away again only to see her eight years from now, no.
"Brie wait!" I called out many times but that only made her run faster. I called out to her several times but she didn't stop she just kept on running. I'm not going to give up that easily especially when she is so close to me. I can feel people watching us but I don't care. I don't care if I'm running down someone with tears falling from my eyes. I'm sure most of the people who are giving us judgmental looks would do the same in my situation.
"Why does mommy hate me so much that she keeps on running from me? Am I that bad?" I heard Monique's hurt voice and I can tell she crying. Apparently Brie heard her too. She stop running immediately almost like a spell was suddenly cast on her to make her stop running. I turn and look at the hurt girl on Nikki's back as tears stream down her face. Nikki brought her body to the side of her as Monique sniffled and wrapped her arms around Nikki's neck.
Brie's back was still facing us and I know she is breaking down on the inside. She slowly began to walk again before sitting on a bench nearby. She double over crying into her hands. I cautiously walked over to her and sat besides her. She look up at me then at her daughter on her sister's waist. Her eyes blood red with tears matching her daughter's. Monique jumped off of Nicole and came running to Brie, standing in front of her. "Am I that bad?" I had to look away when she asked that question. You have no idea how much it hurts when your daughter asks their mother that and there is nothing you can say because you need to know too. "No, you are amazing." Brie manage to choke out followed by sniffles. "Then why did you leave daddy and I? Weren't we not good enough?" Monique is on a roll right now. She is just like Brie, she asks what's on her mind, no sugarcoating anything.
The look on Brie's red face says it all. I can tell it's killing her an making her feel like even more shit. I hate seeing her like this especially in public. "Monique." I warned with a steady look on my face. Monique sat besides Brie on the next side of the bench with her arms folded and mouth pouted. "Brie you don't have to answer that if you don't want to." Even though I want to know I won't put her on the spot like that. She shook her head wiping her eyes, somewhat determined to be strong and muster up her strength. "You and your dad are both absolutely amazing. You are both so amazing and strong and beautiful. I love you both so much." Brie admitted but it confused me.
"Then why did you leave?" I ask and she closed her eyes as her sobs became louder, I can tell she trying to stop. "B-b-because-" she couldn't continue anymore. The tears got to much for her. Monique place her tiny hands on her thigh in a comforting way. She look at our daughter with smile.
"Because I thought....well I know I would be a horrible mother. I knew my daughter deserved t-the best and I-I am not the best."
What? I thought she would have been the world's most amazing mother. Children just seems to love her so much. I can't believe she actually thinks that. I shook my head at the bare thought of her words. Nikki was looking at us sending us comforting looks.
"Brianna, that is absolutely absurd. You'd make the best mother. Well you are a mother. But you know what I mean." I told her as she look up me with a small smile, wiping her eyes. "That means a lot but I just don't think so." She confess.
It was now Monique's turn to comfort her. The eight year old went into Brie's lap and wrap her small light arms around her neck. It took Brie by surprise but she hugged her back as if her life depended on it and both her an Moni is crying. "This is the best day ever because I finally meet my mom. Even if I don't see you again because you are scared, I love you." I heard her tell her mother and I had to wipe a tear from my eyes. Brie smiled but continue to cry "I love you too baby doll." She replied and hugged her tighter before she gave her kiss on her forehead. I couldn't help but smile at them.
Monique left her mother's arms and jump on to Nicole as Nicole hoist her up more, "I love you too." Monique said placing a big kiss on Nikki's cheek as they laugh. "Love you too....too." We all laughed at Nikki's reply. I look over at my wife who I'm still legally married too even though we are not together. "You still are super gorgeous." I told her as she smiled brightly at me with a slight blush, "you are still gorgeous too." I blush as we got up an exchange a hug before pulling away from each other. I look at her in a running outfit and her hair in a ponytail.
"We got to go." Nikki suddenly told looking at her watch. Brie looked back at her then at me giving me a slight shrug with a sorry look. I didn't want our time together to end already. "Uh, yeah okay." I gave Brie a next hug before she went over and hug and kiss Monique again. They began to walk away as I hold Monique's hand again.
"Wait!" I look down at my daughter confuse as the two women turn back to look at the now crying girl.
"Daddy have plenty extra room in our home. You two can come. Please, at least a week. Please mommy." Monique begged with tears rolling down her cheek and people are starring at us. The girl does have a point, it will be best for Brianna to catch up with her daughter. We do have extra room at home.
"I can't. I don't want to intrude-"
"You won't be intruding. Kelly won't mind, she also wants the best for Monique and I think it would be best. At least a week." I cut Brie off as she look at us then at Nikki who nodded. I held onto Monique's hand a bit more as we both stand there anxiously awaiting her answer. "Um, uh. Okay I'll stay." She answered and everyone cheered.
"Well we should exchange numbers. So you can call me and tell me when to come." She told and I nod.
"No! Come tonight." Monique butt in.
"Honey she can't come tonight. She needs to get her clothes." I inform.
"So, mommy an kelly are the same size. She can borrow something from her closet and then we can all go tomorrow for her clothes." Monique suggested.
"That is very smart Monique. I need to head home since we have a people coming over tonight but I can deal with that. Spend some time with your family Brianna. Sooner is alway better." Nikki added in.
"Fine, once....kelly?" I nod confirming she has the name correct, "don't mind. I guess I'm in." I clapped and smiled.
"Yayy!" Monique jumped into her mother's arms and hugged her as Brie smiled at her holding her onto her waist. "Bye guys. See you tomorrow." Nikki announced. We waved her off with a smile. Monique is beyond happy that she can't stop smiling at Brie and I can't smiling at that. "I'm sorry my car is down so we have too walk but it is right there." I apologized and she shrug not seeming to mind at all. She always love the outdoors so of course she won't mind.
(Short story. Probably like seven more chapters (if so much). How u enjoy 😄)
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