❤︎ X ❤︎
At first the boy didn't seem to notice them however his head quickly snapped in their direction, it was impressive he had such sharp senses at his age
"Hold it right there" he pointed his gun at them
"What do you want with us" he added in a cold tone
"We are looking for someone" Kenny answered
"If your looking for Marlon that shit head is dead i put a bullet in him" his statement sent shivers down their spine he was so young yet he has killed
"Aj what's going on" a boys voice could be heard from inside
"There's people at the gates go get her" the boy who they assumed was named Aj due to the other male calling him that replied
Just as quickly as the boy arrived he left
"Are you from delta?" He questioned
"Hell no we are at war with those fuckers!" Molly clenched her fist, any mention of those asshats made her blood boil.
His eyes softened at her words however his eyes returned to their sharp gaze. many sets of foot steps could be heard heading in their direction, the young boy smiled before climbing down from the watch tower.
The trio looked over at the gate waiting to see what will happen, what surprised them was that all the people inside the gates were children.
A girl with blond hair and another girl with ginger hair walked over to the gates opening them.
Lee surveyed the crowd trying to see if anyone of the kids before them resembled Clem however none of them looked like her
"Our leader will be out shortly they were resting" a boy with dreads informed. after a while of waiting they could hear someone approaching the group
Lee's eyes began to water as he saw a young girl stepping though the crowd, god his sweet pea hadn't changed a bit, of course she was older and matured like any fine young women would.
Clem's eyes were stern, by just looking into her eyes you could tell she wasn't afraid to kill if needed to.
As her eyes scanned the group and landed on lee
she flinched catching the others attention, her strong posture soften as well as her gaze.
"Clem?" Aj softly called out her name however she didn't respond. As tears rolled down her cheeks a small smile made its was onto her face
"Are you just going to keep staring at me or are you going to come give me a hug" she giggled trying to rid the tension in the air that had formed, Lee couldn't help but chuckle as he walked up to the young girl a smile plastered on his face, once they were in each other's embrace their legs gave out and they fell to the ground.
No matter who hugged her they couldn't compare to the way Lee hugged her, she was so small and fragile back then while lee was bigger and stronger yet his hugs were so Gentle and full of warmth like a bowl of soup on a cold winter day.
every time clem recalled his hugs She'd cry God how she missed those hugs so much, what hurt her the most was knowing she'd never be hugged the same way, she could remember not needing to breath because for once someone was breathing for her.
"I-I missed you so much Lee" Clem buried her head further into his chest trying to hide her tear stained face
"I missed you too sweet pea I missed you so much" lee wanted to stay like this forever he was afraid to let her go afraid that if he did she'd disappear.
Once their tears dried they pulled away inspecting each other's looks
"You haven't changed one bit since..since that day" she paused "how did you survive you were bit, you died right in front of me, I felt your heart stop, I heard you take your last breath, s-so how.. how did you survive?" Clem began to cry again as relived what happened
"Well for starters you had some terrible aim" he laughed softly earning a light punch on the shoulder from Clem
"And for how I survived I'm honestly not sure maybe because the walker wasn't able to fully sink it's teeth into my arm so my body was able to fight off the small infection from the bite" he rolled up the sleeve to reveal the small bite Mark
"I'm just glad your alive although you took your sweet Time finding me" she rolled her eyes
"Uh not to break up this heartfelt moment but does someone mind telling us what the fuck is going on here" vi crossed her arms
"Ah I forgot you guys weren't there when it happened" Clem helped lee to his feet
"Do you guys remember when we played the card game and Louis asked if I ever had to kill someone I loved" she questioned
"Yeah" Louis answered
"Well this is the man I was talking about"
"Wait so that's Lee as in lee the man you've been telling me stories about" Aj spoke up
"Yeah that lee goofball" she smiled
"We're here too ya know" molly spoke up with a 'really guys did you seriously not see us' face
"Oh shush molly she's my sweet pea" lee shook his head
"Molly" Clem walked over to her
"Damn what am I road kill" Kenny spoke up
"Kenny!" Clem pulled him into a hug
"Hey! That hug was for me you old fart" molly grabbed the back of his shirt so she could take his spot
"Enough children leave my daughter alone" lee crossed his arms
"You heard father" the brunette laughed
"Well now that we found you we need to get back to javi we made a promise and so did you Clem" he placed a hand on her shoulder
"Is javi, gabe, and Kate still doing okay?" She questioned a hint of guilt in her voice
"Yeah but they need us, and they can come too" he motioned to her friends
"I can't Lee, I can't bring them into a another war with the delta that's why I didn't go back when I got Aj"
"I think we should go" ruby chirped in getting everyone's attention
"Ruby?" Aasim looked at her confused
"This may be our home but there's nothing for us here the forest doesn't have any food left, the delta can come back at any moment, and with the school still in shambles we're done for if they do return" what ruby said did cover many good points but it's a full on war over there
"You should listen to lee Clem I understand you don't want them in harms way but they aren't going to be in any harm if you come with us thanks to javi Richmond is safe and they won't have to fight in the war or even hunt they can just be kids but of Course if they want to help they can but even so javi won't let any kids fight he only lets them help plan or go on supply runs along with patching up the wall" Kenny explained
"What do you guys think you wanna go" Clem looked at them
"I say we do" vi agreed
"Yeah I'm in too" Willy smiled
"Is this javi guy nice" Louis asked
"He's the best you'll like him" she smiled
"Then it's settled we're going to Richmond" Louis declared
"We can start heading over tomorrow it's getting pretty late" molly grinned
"I'll cook us one last meal" Omar walked away
"Come on guys" Clem motioned for them to come inside so they could get to know everyone.
While dinner was being made all the kids gathered around Clem's old friends so they get to know them more and learn more about Clem's history, nearing the end of story of when Clem and lee got separated everyone was on edge, just as it was getting into the tragic but good part dinner was ready.
But that didn't stop them from begging them to continue, it didn't take long for the kids to warm up to the trio and frankly everyone really liked them, unlike the adults at the school who left them those three were good adults just like Mrs Martin.
❤︎ T H E E N D ❤︎
❤︎ W O R D C O U N T ❤︎
❤︎ N O T E ❤︎
This is the end to reunited I hope like it and please tell me what you thought of it in the comments also sorry for the long wait
Hope you have a wonderful day or night
꧁ꪶꪮꪜꫀ ꪖ𝘴ꫝ꧂
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