❤︎ II ❤︎
It's been a few months maybe a year and a half since molly and lee left on there journey to find Clem but they still hadn't found any sigh of her
The more days that passed the more lee felt his heart breaking he couldn't help but think something awful had happened to his little girl.
He tried to stay strong but he couldn't help but feel worried.
"We're going to find her" molly smiled weakly as if she'd read his thoughts
"I hope your right" he looked down at his worn out shoes deciding it was better than looking at the dirty blond haired girl and having to put up a front
"When have I've been wrong" she teased trying to lift his spirt
"I dunno that gas station" he smirked
"Oh come on that was one time" she huffed remembering when she almost got bitten
"I told you, you should have let me take watch"
"Whatever I'm still alive" she rolled her eyes
"Should we do it" he asked motioning towards the small little shack
"We are running low on water so I guess we should although I doubt it'll have anything useful"
Just like molly said the shack didn't have anything in it just one empty can of soda
"Let's continue there has to be something out here"
After a bit of walking they came across an abandoned camp you could tell it was abandoned because there was some sort of half cooked weasel on top of the camp fire
"Don't let your guard down the person who was here could still be around" molly simply nodded before going to find any clues
There wasn't much around it looked like who ever was here left in a hurry or someone or something ransacked the place.
"Oh my god lee come over here!" Molly yelled catching Lee's attention
The short haired male got up from in front of the campfire and walked into the forest searching for molly, eventually he found the girl kneeling down in front of tree where a girl laid clutching her stomach weakly.
"C-christa?" He questioned running towards them
"Is she?"
"No but she lost a lot of blood it looks like gunshot to the abdomen someone left her to die"
"If that's the case the camp sight is hers, clem must of been with her we need to get her back there and patch her up"
Molly helped lee carry christa back to the sight placing her down so she was leaning against the log
"What do we have to patch her up I have some bandages" lee pulled out some bandages from his bag
"I got some hydrogen peroxide and I think I may have something to stitch up that wound if i can find that sewing kit" molly searched through her bag, handing him the bottle.
"Here it is" she quickly handed it to him
'Please don't let it be too late' thought as he began to stitch up her wound after he made sure the bullet wasn't still in her and disinfected the wound.
"There's not much we can do we just have to hope she makes it I think it's best if we leave whoever did this to her can still come back"
"Okay we can leave as soon as I finish here can you carry my bag Since I'm pretty sure she won't be waking up anytime soon"
"Sure" she walked over to Lee's bag
"You ready" lee asked as he placed christa on his back
"Yup all ready to go" she put her thump up
"Then let's head out"
It didn't take long till they came across a small cabin it looked beat up but it was better than nothing
Molly went in first making sure it was clear, inside were two walkers which molly took care of pretty quickly with the help of hilda
The short haired male placed the brunette on the couch to rest while he went to look around for any supplies they could use.
"Find anything?" Molly asked walking into the kitchen holding two cans of peaches and one bag of chips
"Let's just say I solved our water problem for now" he grinned holding up three water bottles and 2 cartons of apple juice
"This is a good cabin"
"You said it" he paused "I'm going to keep looking around who knows maybe this cabin is even better"
Much to his disappointment the only thing he was able to find was some rotten cans of beans although he did find a pocket knife it was better than nothing
"Find anything good" the dirty blond haired girl looked at him
"Nope just some rotten cans of beans and a pocket knife"
"Dang and I though we hit the jackpot"
"It's better than nothing"
"I guess your right I'm just sick of always trying to find food and water to survive we've had to go days without eating or drinking" she sighed
"Me too" he joined her on the bother couch "me too"
"But hey look on the bright side we're closer to finding Clem"
"Yeah we are"
The exhaustion the two felt had finally took over their bodies it been so long since they found a place to stay in.
There eye lids felt heavy, soon they closed letting them drift off to sleep for the night
❤︎ E N D O F ❤︎
❤︎ C H A P T E R ❤︎
❤︎ W O R D C O U N T ❤︎
❤︎ N O T E ❤︎
Okay so I kinda forgot Lee doesn't have an arm so let's just pretend that he didn't cut off his arm and the infection from the walker bite wasn't able to get into his blood stream so he lived
however due to him getting bit he still got sick but like I said before the infection wasn't able to get into his blood stream to fully infect him and turn him into a walker so Lee's immune system was able to fight off the little bit of infection that was in him
So now that that's out of the way hope you have a wonderful day or night
꧁ꪶꪮꪜꫀ ꪖ𝘴ꫝ꧂
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