I'm so glad you guys are enjoying the story. I don't think I thank you enough for all the support and votes. Your comments make my day and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. Love you all xxx
"It- it's gone, its fucking gone!" Louis exclaimed, harshly tapping away on his phone in hopes that something, anything would come up.
He felt like he could cry. Everything they had worked towards so far, was gone. The videos, voice recordings, pictures. It was all gone.
Louis continued to thrash at his phone. Pressing the button continuously, tapping the screen over and over again, thinking that maybe, just maybe, it was a glitch. Maybe his phone was just spazzing out. But it wasn't. It really was gone for good.
"Louis, Louis babe, calm down" Harry soothed in his boyfriends ear, gradually getting more and more concerned for his emotional state.
"I- i can't. It's all my fault. Why the fuck didn't I transfer it? Fuck, it's all my fault" Louis chanted over and over again, his fingertips going white with how hard he was pressing onto the screen.
"Louis calm down for us, it's not your fault-" Zayn began, about to reach out for Louis to comfort him but flinched away when Louis suddenly threw his phone against the wall, the item smashing to pieces all at once, creating a loud thud to echo around the room.
"It is my fucking fault Zayn! If I hadn't been so fucking stupid and transferred the damn evidence we wouldn't be having this problem! You can sugarcoat it all you want but it's my fault and it always will be, I always manage to fuck everything up" Louis exclaimed, throwing his arms to his side for emphasis.
The lads looked over Louis with worry. His face was red in both frustration and sadness. His eyes had begun to pour out tears, dripping down his inflamed skin. His hair was a mess from tugging on it with stress and his knuckles were turning white, clenched by his sides.
"Lou, look at me, look at me" Harry said, taking Louis face into his large hands and cupping his cheeks delicately.
Their eyes finally met, blue meeting green, and harry could see all Louis emotions just from the image before him. His once vibrant, blue eyes were now dull and blurred by tears, holding so much anger, frustration and sadness within them.
"It's not your fault. It will never be your fault. Any of us could have gotten you to transfer the evidence, but we didn't, it's just as much our fault as it is yours. How your phone was wiped, I have no idea, but I know for a fact Simon had something to do with this and we will find a way around it, Alright?" Harry said, pouring out his reassurance to the man whilst rubbing circles into his skin, making Louis slowly calm down.
"But Haz-" Louis began, But was cut off from Harrys finger being placed on his soft lips, as if to shush him.
"No buts. I don't want to hear anymore of that. If we can't retrieve the evidence we already have, we can just get new evidence ok. We can start over. I don't care how long it takes, we can get through this, I love you" Harry said with a small smile which Louis soon reciprocated.
"I love you too" Louis said in a small hoarse voice, sounding vulnerable.
"Now, I hope you didn't smash your phone too hard, we need the SIM card" Harry said with a smirk, before reaching down to pick up the broken device.
"Why? What do you mean?" Louis asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion.
"I have a friend, and let's just say he's a bit of a tech wiz. Hopefully he can help us out" Harry said with a grin, taking the phone and putting it safely back into his bag, along with any missing pieces.
"Fuck. I shouldn't have smashed it" Louis said, once again feeling guilty and ashamed.
"No, it's not your fault. You were stressed out, I would've probably done the same to be honest" Harry replied with a chuckle, making Louis crack a laugh along with him.
"Don't worry about it mate, we can sort it out one way or another" Zayn said, bringing Louis into a warm hug which Louis was grateful for.
"Fucking hell I'm a mess" Louis said with a small smile as he wiped his eyes and ruffled his hair, sighing as he took a seat once again.
"All the best of us are" Niall said with a grin as he sat down along with the rest of the lads.
"Are you lot okay back there?" Allen said from his driving position at the front of the bus, confused at what all the commotion before was from.
"Yeah down worry about it, we're all good now" Liam called, sticking his thumbs up which Allen saw through the mirror, nodding in return.
"Anyway, who's this friend you were on about?" Liam asked, directing his attention towards Harry.
"Oh, Uh just someone I met about a year ago, he's called Jack, I swear that man can fix or hack just about anything" Harry said with a shake of his head, thinking back to when his friend showed him all the cool stuff he could do, he was like one of those spy's from the movies.
"Where's he from? Do you think we can meet with him soon?" Louis asked, curious as to who this guy was and if he could really help them.
"He's from Newcastle, which is good seeming as we're heading there after the show tonight. We could stop by before we go to Sheffield?" Harry explained.
"Sounds good, I just hope we have enough time" Zayn said, worried that they will be whisked away right after their show there.
"We could make up some excuse, say it's a meeting with one of our solo labels or something, seeming as we haven't really sorted all that out yet" Niall said, the idea making a lot of sense to the rest of the lads.
"Yeah that's actually a really good idea, cheers Nialler" Louis said, ruffling the mans hair with a grin, only to be shoved away by the him.
"Well, if that's sorted, I'm gonna go sleep for the rest of the ride, wake me up when we're there" Harry said, standing to head to bed, the tiredness finally hitting him.
"I'll join you" Louis said with a lazy smirk, winking at the man and making him blush slightly.
After about half an hour they arrived in Birmingham.
With heavy sighs and groans the lads tiredly made their way out of the bus, this time thankfully not having a crowd of photographers and fans awaiting them.
They were escorted by Paul into the hotel they would be staying in for the night and were pleasantly surprised by its standards.
It was bright and open, but contained a warm and cosy feeling to it at the same time. Everything in sight was squeaky clean, you could practically see your reflection through the marble floors. Plants were decorated around the room and the staff all had bright smiles on their faces, welcoming the celebrities in kindly whilst containing a professional standard.
"This place is amazing" Harry said as he gaped in wonder at the sight before him, it was beautiful.
"No disrespect, but I didn't see this coming from Birmingham" Louis said with a slight chuckle, scratching the back of his neck as the lads scowled at him.
"Has nobody ever thought you to bite your tongue?" Harry asked sarcastically, tilting his head to the side.
"No, but you could teach me how" Louis said cheekily, winking at the, now, flustered man.
"Jesus could you at least wait for the bedroom?" Liam groaned, rolling his eyes at the two.
"I was planning on it" Is all Louis replied with, looking smug as hell with a smirk placed on his lips.
Harry bit his lip to contain his laughter and instead shook his head fondly at his boyfriend before walking to the front desk to get their room keys.
"Hello how may I help you" the woman at the front desk asked, twirling her hair through her fingertips and fluttering her eyes as she leant forward, putting her assets on show.
Harry noticed the action and rolled his eyes, not caring if he was being rude seeming as she clearly didn't know anything about professionalism.
"We'd like to check in" He said in a dull voice, forgetting about the pleases and thank yous, she didn't deserve it anyway.
"Name please?" She said in an attempted flirtatious tone, when in reality she sounded like a desperate hag.
"Harry styles" He replied, although he shouldn't have had to, it was quite clear she knew who he was.
By this point Louis was making his way over, intending on hurrying this up as he wanted nothing more than to get to his room, but stopped when she saw the woman place her hands on Harrys arms, dragging it up slowly.
Louis scowled, his eyebrows furrowing as he marched his way up to the desk and slapped her hand away before leaning onto the desk and pulling the best fake smile he could muster.
"What do you think you doing?" Louis asked in a calm voice, but malice was laced within it.
"I-Uh, nothing, sir. Can I help you or something?" She asked, stumbling over her words in shock of being caught.
"What's your name?" He then asked, ignoring her question and raising his eyebrows slightly.
"Cara, sir" She said nervously, fidgeting in her spot behind the desk.
"Well, cara, I suggest you stop your pathetic attempt at flirting with my boyfriend and give me our room key so I can take him there and do things to him you probably don't want to hear about, Alright?" He said, all the while keeping his calm facade and ending his little rant with a huge fake smile, gesturing for her to get on with it.
The room had gone quiet after Louis' outburst, everyone hearing what he had said and finding it both shocking and amusing. The woman in front of him stared with wide eyes at what she had just heard whilst the lads behind him were struggling to contain their laughter.
"Well, What are you waiting for? We haven't got all day" Louis continued, snapping his fingers in the woman's face which broke her out of her trance.
"I- Uh, y-yeh, o-okay, just one m-moment, I'll be right with you" She said before rushing off, probably to get another member of staff to handle him.
Louis huffed and rolled his eyes before he turned around to see the lads all with huge smirks on their faces, snickering with one another.
"What?" Louis asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Someone's jealous" Niall said as he laughed behind his hand, face going slightly red.
"Honestly, What the fuck was that? The poor woman looked terrified" Zayn asked, now laughing along with Niall.
"Poor woman? She was practically undressing harry with her eyes!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms out to his sides.
"That makes two of you then" Liam said with a laugh.
Louis rolled his eyes and turned to harry who was stood staring at him in shock, mouth slightly agape.
"Oh don't look so surprised" Louis said with a huff, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'm not surprised, it's a very, You thing to do. I'm more amused than anything. You practically ordered her to give you the key so you can go shag me" Harry said once he came back to reality, laughing at his sassy boyfriend.
"Jesus- Whatever, you lot can go fuck yourselves" Louis said, sticking his middle finger up at them before he turned to the desk, grabbed the key that was in the new staff members hand, and walked off to the elevators.
"Your boyfriends, Uh, feisty" The staff member said with a small chuckle, also finding it amusing.
"That he is" Harry said fondly and began to sort out the check in with her.
Once it was sorted harry and the rest of the lads made their way to their rooms and harry had to mentally prepare himself before entering, not wanting any more of Louis sass today, even if it was hilarious.
He slowly peaked his head through the door to see Louis pacing around, biting his nails as a habit he got when stressed out.
Harry sighed and walked into the room, closing the door behind him and causing Louis to snap his head up, meeting his boyfriends gaze.
"Oh don't give me that look, she was all over you" Louis said in a frustrated tone, shaking his head.
"You didn't need to be so rude though" Harry replied, placing their luggage beside the bed and making his way over to Louis.
"Like fuck I didn't, I had every right to be rude! Fucking touching you without permission, who does she think she is? I swear to god these-"
-Smut warning in case you don't wanna read it, they don't go all the way though so it's up to you lol-
Louis was suddenly cut off by Harrys lips smashing against his own, harry bringing their heads together by the back of Louis neck. Louis practically melted into the kiss, his ranting long forgotten about. Now all he could think about was harry, harry, harry.
Harry drifted his hands down Louis sides until he reached his ass, giving it a quick squeeze and making Louis gasp, giving harry entrance to lick into his mouth hungrily.
Louis whined as harry walked them backwards, until he felt the edge of the bed against his legs and harry pushed him onto it, the soft mattress and covers meeting his back.
Harry crawled on top of him, straddling his waist as he leaned forward and placed chaste kisses from his mouth down along his neck, nipping and biting on the skin to create small love bites which made Louis squirm.
"What did you say you were gonna do to me lou?" Harry whispered into his ear, the hot breath tingling the surface.
Louis couldn't get the words out, too hot and bothered to even register the question in his mind as he wriggled against harry , desperate for any form of friction.
"Answer me Louis" Harry said sternly, biting at his neck softly but harsh enough to bring Louis back to his senses a little.
"T-that id bring you back to our room, d-do things she wouldn't want to hear" Louis stuttered out, gasping when Harrys hand made its way under his shirt, tracing shapes into his skin.
"What wouldn't she want to hear?" Harry asked as he pulled the top over Louis head, throwing it behind him carelessly.
"I-fuck Haz" Louis gasped as harry placed kisses all over his torso, lower and lower towards the region he wanted, needed to be touched the most.
"Answer the question" Harry said as he began to slowly unbutton Louis pants, pulling the zipper down teasingly.
"Fuck- that I'd t-take you just as your doing t-to me now, j-just please, touch me for fucks sake" Louis whined out, extremely sexually frustrated at the slow process.
"Language babe" Harry said with a smirk as he suddenly yanked down Louis pants and boxers in one go, making Louis hiss as the cold air met his member.
Instead of touching Louis where he wanted to be, harry places delicate kisses along his inner thighs which were trembling now with anticipation and need. He avoided Louis' dick and went further and further up, kissing his torso and neck before finally reaching eye level once again.
Harry stared down at Louis for a moment, searching for approval. He knew Louis wanted it, but he would always do this just to be sure, he would never make Louis do something he didn't want to wether that be sexually or casually, but he finally found the answer he needed and brought their lips together once again.
Louis brought his legs up around Harrys waist as they made out hotly, tongues dancing with one another and teeth biting lips. Louis moaned into harrys mouth as his clothed crotch brushed against his dick, giving him a tiny amount of relief that he knew just wasn't enough.
His hands tugged at Harrys shirt, and the man realised what Louis wanted and complied, pulling it over his head to reveal his smooth and tattoo littered skin. Louis was practically drooling at the sight.
Harry reattached their lips and his hand slid down Louis' body, finally taking the base of his cock into his hand making Louis throw his head back in pleasure, god he had missed this, he thought to himself.
Slowly, harry began moving his hand up and down, pacing a rhythm that he knew would drive Louis mad in need. Louis moaned at the sensation and bucked his hips up slightly, desperate for any more friction he can get, but his hips were soon pushed back down onto the mattress by Harrys large hands, keeping him in place.
"Haz-" Louis began, But was shushed by harry as he moved his way down his body, face now levelling with his dick.
"So impatient" Harry whispered, his breath ghosting over Louis member and causing him to groan again, the noise he made being music to Harrys ears.
"Come on-" Louis said, But was cut off when his breath hitched as harry took his tip into his mouth, tongue circling around it teasingly.
Harry could taste the salty precome on his tongue as he licked it away, hearing Louis let out breathy moans every now and again which only encouraged him further.
As harry took him deeper into his mouth, Louis began to fist Harrys hair tightly, tugging on the strands as he shut his eyes closed, enjoying every second of this moment.
Harry soon took him all the way in, the head hitting the back of his throat which went unbothered, now used to the feeling. He continued his actions, going up and down and building a quicker pace along the way, swirling his tongue around and feeling every ridge and vein in Louis' dick. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying himself too.
"Fuck- Haz I'm close" Louis breathed out, tightening his grip on Harrys hair as he felt the familiar warm sensation in the pit of his stomach.
At this harry sped up his pace, his mouth dipping up and down quicker as he began to trail his hands along Louis body, adding to the immense pleasure Louis was feeling.
"Holy shit-" before Louis could finish his sentence, he spilt his cum down Harrys throat, the hot fluid coating his mouth as he swallowed it down quickly, not missing a drop of it.
Louis panted breathlessly as harry sat up and rolled off his body, now laying besides his boyfriend as they both tried to catch their breaths.
"Wait, don't you want me to-" Louis began, turning over to harry to help him out as well until Harrys hand stopped him as the man shook his head.
"Nah, I'm good, I may have gotten off to you moaning" Harry said with a lazy smirk, making Louis' eyes widen as he grinned widely.
"Why have we not done this sooner?" Louis asked with a shake of his head as he leant down to place a kiss onto Harrys lips, slightly tasting himself in the process.
"Because everyone seems to like to interrupt us, I'm surprised we got away with it this time to be honest" Harry replied with a small chuckle, bringing Louis into his side.
"True. I love you" Louis whispered, smiling up at Harry besides him as his arm snook around his shoulders, giving him a tight squeeze.
"I love you too" Harry replied, returning the smile.
They lay there for a while contently, even with sweaty bodies and disgusting hygiene right now, it didn't matter. All that mattered was this moment right now being spent together.
Author notes:
Kshdbdhd im so bad at writing smut omfg!!!!
I actually felt so awkward writing this omg. I've never written smut before so I hope it was at least alright, I'm pretty sure it sucked tho but oh well, I gave it a shot lmao:|
I know a few people have been asking when there would be smut, and if I'm being honest I was putting off writing it cause I felt too awkward, but I mean it had to be done at some point and I apologise if it was awful lol.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter anyways as it took a long time to write:)
Please don't forget to vote and comment, it means a lot.
Love you all xxx
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