Sorry but is it just me who thinks harry doesn't want to come back to 1D? :(
But on a lighter note, WHO'S EXCITED FOR MET GALA!!!!🤭👀
Soon enough, the lads arrived in Newcastle and were heading straight to Harrys friend (Jack's) place, hoping the man could help them out.
"Do you really think he can help us?" Louis asked harry, the nervousness evident in his voice.
"Honestly, if he can't help us nobody can. His work is like the type of shit you see in movies" Harry said with a reassuring smile, rubbing Louis thigh to comfort him.
Louis smiled softly up at harry before resting his head on his shoulder as the car headed for their location, seeking all the warmth and comfort he could get which harry granted him.
"How did you meet him anyway?" Niall asked from the front of the car.
"Uh, at a club, last year" Harry said with slight nervousness.
Harry tensed up at the question and Louis didn't miss his sudden change in body language, how he seemed to be stuck in his thoughts as he looked out the window, the rubbing of his hand coming to a stop.
"Haz? You alright?" Louis questioned, his eyebrows furrowing as he raked his mind for some sort of explanation.
"Yeh, I'm good, why wouldn't I be?" He replied with a smile, but Louis saw how it couldn't quite reach his eyes and the wariness in his tone.
"You kinda froze up at the question love, do you not get on with him or something?" Louis quizzed, his eyes searching for the answer.
"No, no we're fine, don't worry about it" harry replied, almost hastily as he changed his demeanour back to normal, almost like placing a mask over his face to appear unaffected.
But Louis wasn't buying it, neither were the lads. But nobody pushed it, seeming to understand that harry clearly didn't want to talk about it for whatever reason.
The car soon came to a stop and harry muttered out a small "We're here" before climbing out, the lads following his actions and now facing a large apartment complex, the walls a white brick and the front door huge and detailed, looking expensive and lavish.
"Damn, I'm assuming he's rich?" Zayn said, looking up to the building in awe.
Sure, it's nothing compared to their million pound houses with too many bedrooms and luxurious swimming pools, but it's just not what they were expecting. They hadn't ever heard about this guy and assumed he was just a typical bloke, probably living in either a small house or shitty apartment, but it was quite the opposite. However, a tech guy who can hack just about anything? Yeh they should have known he'd be reeling in cash.
"You could say that" Harry said with a smirk, walking up to the door and pressing the buzzer of Jacks apartment, the reply coming almost instantly.
"Mate it's harry, we've got a favour can you let us up?" Harry said with a smile on his lips.
"Holy shit, I haven't seen you in ages Haz, sure thing, but who's we?" The man replied and Louis scowled at the use of his nickname, already getting dodgy vibes from him.
"Lou, Liam, Niall and Zayn, hope you don't mind" Harry answered, resting his body against the wall as he waited to be let up.
"Oh is he the one who-" Jack began, a teasing tone to his voice but was cut off by Harry.
"Yeh, now can you let us up or are you gonna leave us standing here all day?" Harry quipped back, his body tensing once again.
Louis was now even more confused and the curiosity was eating him up. Just who was this guy and why is he making Harry so secretive all of a sudden? He knew he would find out soon enough, Harry cant keep anything from him for long.
"Yeh sorry mate, come on up" Jack replied and the little buzzing noise went off, along with the click of a lock and the door soon swung open for them.
Harry gestured for the lads to go in before him, placing a hand on the small of Louis back as he helped him inside, the small gesture making Louis smile and causing butterflies to erupt in his stomach. Even after knowing him for so long, he would never get used to the effect harry had on him. He would surely be the death of him.
"Follow me" Harry said as he walked ahead, going straight to the lift and waiting patiently for the doors to open for them.
They got inside when it opened and harry pressed the very top floor button, sending them shooting off to said floor.
"If he says anything out of the ordinary just ignore him, he can get a bit ahead of himself sometimes" Harry said as they reached the top floor, pushing his hair away from his head as he stepped out.
"Uh, sure, but what do you mean?" Liam asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"You'll know it when you see it" Harry replied and found himself nocking on the last door at the end of the hallway.
The door swung open quickly and the lads were shocked at his appearance. He was practically Louis doppelgänger.
He was short and clad in black skinny jeans with rips at the knees. His hair was swooped to the side and was a honey brown colour. His lips were thin and red, quirked up in a smile as he saw Harry and them fucking eyes. Them damn eyes that were a replica of Louis, ocean blue with a hint of green and sparkling in the lights. This had to be a joke, Louis thought to himself.
The only slight differences were his build, a little more muscular than Louis, and his face shape, the jawline sharper but his cheekbones less prominent. At least Louis could give that to himself.
As harry was pulled into a tight hug by The man Louis saw the way jack smirked slightly over his shoulder, his eyes piercing into Louis' as if to intimidate him. And fuck no. Louis was not having any of that as he scowled back to the guy, disgust clear on his face.
The other three lads looked shocked with their mouths hanging open. They could clearly see the similarities as Louis could, frowns etched into their faces.
The tipping point for Louis is when jack placed a kiss to Harrys cheek, over exaggerated as it made a loud popping sound.
"All right, that's quite enough" Louis said in a loud voice, tearing his boyfriend apart from him and pulling him into his side, a protective arm around his waist and his eyes never leaving jacks, pointedly glaring at him with hooded eyes.
Harry smirked down at Louis behaviour as jack let out a small laugh, shaking his head as he gestured for them to come inside, louis shoulder bashing him on the way in, not giving a damn if he was being rude.
"Lads, this is Jack, Jack, these are the lads" Harry said once they were all inside the apartment, gesturing to each one of them as they sent silent nods of acknowledgment to one another, apart from Louis who continued to stare him down.
"Nice to finally meet you. Harry wouldn't shut up about you guys when he was here last" Jack said with a cheeky grin, winking at harry who rolled his eyes playfully.
Louis saw the interaction and had to ball up his fists in order to contain himself from throwing a punch at his fucking face, his lips tight and his eyes deathly.
"All good things I hope" Niall said with a laugh.
"Yeh, for the most part" Jack replied, subtly sending a look towards Louis at the last part as the anger and betrayal washed over Louis.
Harry had been saying bad things about him? To this, this fucking replica of himself? That's low, even for him, but Louis guessed he couldn't blame him after everything that went down. He couldn't exactly imagine harry saying wonderful things about him after their breakup.
"So, have you known Harry long?" Zayn asked, and Louis could tell he was feeling off about him as well, thank fuck he wasn't just exaggerating then.
"Well, since last year, but he spend a lot of nights here. Didn't you Haz" Jack said with a smirk, and Louis felt his heart clench at the words.
All Louis could think was please don't say they were a thing. Please don't say he meant what he think he meant with them words. Please don't say this guy was just a fucking rebound to take his mind off Louis. Because if that was true, then this little meeting was not going to go down pleasantly.
"Uh, Yeah, I guess. Anyway, why don't we get on with why were here yeh? We've got shit to do after all" Harry replied with a slight stumble with his words, before covering it up swiftly and changing the subject. Typical harry.
"Sure love, what did you need?" Jack asked in a seductive tone, doing nothing but enrage Louis more than ever, and if he didn't stop with the fucking nicknames he thinks he's going to go mad.
"We've had a problem with management. You already know the shit they were and are still doing to us revolving around our sexualities and relationships, and we've just about had enough of it. We were gathering evidence against them on Lou's phone to hopefully begin a court case against them, but somehow Simon found out and wiped Louis' phone. We were hoping you could help us retrace some of the evidence, or all of it?" Harry explained, the words pouring out of him like a fountain.
Jack made a stunned face after hearing what had happened, but his expression soon turned to a thoughtful one, nodding slightly.
"Well I've never had to deal with retracing things from such a large company before, but I'll give it my best shot. Do you have the phone?" Jack said with a shrug, biting the inside of his lip.
"Uh, Yeh, about that. It's kinda, a little broken" Harry said with a small chuckle, scratching the back of his head.
"A little? How much is a little?" Jack asked with a roll of his eyes, knowing he would have to do twice as much work now.
Harry put his bag down on a near by counter and looked through it for a moment before pulling out Louis' battered up phone, along with the pieces that had dropped off it.
He sheepishly handed it to jack who's eyes widened in surprise at the sight, just staring down at the mess in his hands.
"You would call this a little? Fucking hell it looks like it's been run over by a truck" Jack exclaimed, poking and prodding at the pieces of broken glass and metal, shaking his head in disbelief. "It's gonna take a miracle to sort this shit out" he mumbled.
"Yeh, my bad" Louis said his first words since arriving here, making Jack whip his head up in surprise.
"He speaks" Jack said with a smirk, laughing quietly to himself. "So you did this then?"
"Well, if throwing it at a wall makes me the one who broke it then yeh, I did" Louis said with a shrug, a bored expression on his face.
"Anger issues much?" Jack replied with a smug look, gaining an elbow to the ribs from Harry who glared down at him, as if to say to cut it out.
"Nah mate, unless you piss me off. Then you'd better get out my way" Louis challenged, not at all fazed by his remark and standing tall (or as tall as he could) and proud in front of him. He wouldn't be messed with by this prick.
"Oo feisty, I like it. However, I'm not sure you could do much, no offence" Jack said with a smirk as he placed the phone onto the table and got out his laptop and other essentials, ready to begin his work.
"Pity I don't like you. So why don't you shut your fucking face and get on with the job, some people have better shit to do than sit here all day on a laptop" Louis sassed back, the lads trying to contain their laughter and harry looking at him with disappointment.
"I'd suggest you quit it with that fucking mouth of yours if your expecting me to do you a favour, you should be glad I even agreed to this in the first place" Jack said with a calm tone, not taking his eyes off the laptop as he typed frantically.
"Sorry 'love' I'm not one to bite my tongue. I'd be more glad if you weren't eying up my boyfriend this entire time, Jesus have some damn respect" Louis said in a huff as he sat down on one of the sofas, not giving a shit if he did so without asking.
"Oh, So you did get back together? Shame, I was itching to get harry in my bed again" Jack replied, now looking Louis in the eyes with that damn smirk again.
Louis couldn't take it anymore. He leapt of the sofa, his intentions being to knock this fucking guy out, but was stopped when all the lads jumped in front of him, harry grabbing his arm and pulling him away with soothing circles into his arm.
"Get the fuck off me, this fucker needs to know his place" Louis shouted as he struggled against harry, desperate to just punch the guy.
"Babe, stop. Just ignore him, he's talking rubbish-" harry began, but was cut off when Louis pushed him away with a hurt look in his eyes.
"Oh, So him saying you guys fucked is rubbish is it? Tell me harry, did you or did you not sleep with that prick over there?" Louis shouted, anger being let out into Harry instead now.
He knows he shouldn't care. It was him who fucked the relationship up anyway, and he knew harry had multiple rebounds during hiatus, he had seen some himself. But it didn't stop the pang of hurt and jealously soaring through his heart, like a knife was jabbed straight through him. It only made it worse that the guy looked just like him.
"I- lou just, just calm down alright, we can talk about this another time" Harry said with sad eyes, desperate to take away the look of complete betrayal on Louis face.
"No, answer the fucking question Harry or I swear to god" Louis shouted, just wanting to hear the word no, wanting to hear that Jack really had just been fucking with him the whole time. He needed to hear it.
"Yes we did, no point lying Haz" Jack piped up from behind them, sitting back carelessly with a smug look.
"Jack just drop it already!" Harry shouted back, having enough of his attempts to stir shit for him and Louis right when they had just gotten back on track.
"Did I fucking ask you dickhead? No, so once again, shut the fuck up before I come over and do it for you. Harry, answer the fucking question" Louis said, his voice low and demanding, seeping out fury.
There was a long silence after the question, jack finally shutting the fuck up and the lads watching on with helpless looks. Harry just stared at him with a guilty look and that's all louis needed to walk right out the door, slamming it behind him and rushing down to the exit of the apartments.
Author notes:
Ooh drama!
Okay I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I actually feel really proud of this one for once and I love writing this type of shit lol.
Q: do you think Louis had the right to feel angry?
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Love you all xxx
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