Sorry for being slow with the updates, I'm not gonna give excuses anymore about being busy as I'm sure you already know that's the reason why. But thank you so much for 91k reads, you guys are amazing xxx
"Holy shit, who? What do you mean?" Louis asked in a panicked voice as he tried sitting up in his bed, only to be pushed back down gently by Harry who tried to calm him down.
"I needed to be sure it was management that had wiped your phone, which it was, however I also found out someone else has gotten hold of the evidence" Jack explained calmly.
"But who could've taken it? And how?" Harry asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"I'm not sure. There's no way of me finding out who it was, and even if there was a way it would take me ages to programme it all. My guess is they either hacked your phone, or they took it from management after they took it" Jack continued as the lads took the new information in.
"Fuck. Well, what do we do now then? We can't just let whoever this is walk free with all our shit, they could expose everything and ruin the plan" Louis exclaimed, arms flailing about as he spoke to emphasise his point.
"Not necessarily" Liam suddenly said, more so to himself than the other lads.
"What do you mean?" Zayn asked, turning his attention to Liam who was pondering something.
"Think about it. If whoever it is knows all the shit about lou and Harrys relationship then they would use the evidence in our favour, that is if they support it anyway" Liam explained, gesturing towards the couple on the bed.
"So your saying a fan could've taken it?" Louis scoffed, thinking the idea was ridiculous.
"Well why not? They've hacked into security cameras and leaked shit of us in the past. Why wouldn't they be able to do the same with this?" Liam replied with a shrug of his shoulders.
"Yes but hacking into security cameras is actually quite simple for a fan who knew their way around a computer, I would know, but hacking into a phone with endless security that can only be breached by, say, your management, or hacking management themselves, that takes some fucking work. Even I can only just do that shit and I've been trained in this for years" Jack argued in disbelief. There's no way a bloody fan could've done this, not unless they're some sort of fbi cross one direction stan.
"I guess your right. But that still doesn't solve our problem. What the fuck do we do?" Niall asked, slumping back into his chair.
"I could try retrace the location? I'm not 100% sure it can give us any leads but if it does we could start from there and see if we can find anything else?" Jack asked, unsure of his own abilities.
"Mate if you can retrace evidence from management I think you can handle finding a location" Louis said sassily, but laughed at the end so he knew it was all in good measure.
"It's not as simple as you think. The person could have high security, fire walls, all that shit that takes a good fucking amount of time to breach. I'm just hoping I can get it done quick enough" Jack replied with a smile.
"Jesus I feel like I'm in some spy movie. This shit is intense" Niall said as he laughed, shaking his head.
"Your telling me. Since when did a reunion turn into this mess?" Harry replied as he stroked Louis hand soothingly.
"Fuck knows. All I wanted was to expose management, didn't realise there would be hackers and unknown masterminds involved" Louis said sarcastically, pecking harry on the cheek which made his boyfriend smile brightly.
"Right well I'm gonna go get started on finding that location. I'll keep you updated, get better soon Louis" Jack suddenly said, standing from his chair and waving at the lads before slipping out of the room quietly, leaving the boys to talk.
"Well then" Niall said once jack had left, sighing as he sunk further into his chair.
"Let's not worry about the whole hacking shit now. We need to focus on Louis getting better so we can get back on tour alright" Liam said wisely as he smiled at the lads and ruffled Louis hair, earning a smack to his hand and an icy blue glare.
"Watch it Payno" Louis sassed, Liam drawing his hands up in surrender as he leaned away from Louis once again, causing the lads to laugh.
"Be nice baby" Harry cooed teasingly, ruffling his hair the same as Liam just had.
"I would hit you, but then I might not get cuddles so I'll let you off" Louis huffed out as he snuggled into Harrys side, closing his eyes tiredly.
"Aww how cute, little lou needs cuddles" Zayn teased in a high pitched voice, making the lads laugh and Louis eyes to fly open to shoot a glare Zayn's way, but they soon closed again as the tiredness washed over him.
"Right we will leave you to rest then, but when do you get released so we can come pick you up?" Liam asked as he saw Louis drifting away.
"He gets out tomorrow at noon, I'm gonna stay here with him" Harry replied for Louis, not wanting his boy to lose any more energy.
"You sure? You don't want to go change or anything, have a shower?" Niall asked as he was putting on his coat.
"Nah I'm good, I can get one tomorrow. I'm gonna stay and make sure he's okay" Harry replied with a smile, running his fingers through Louis hair.
"Alright then, call us if you need anything" Zayn said with a pointed look, which harry replied with a nod at, ushering them away with his hand.
With that the lads left, leaving harry to care for Louis who slept soundly in his arms.
"Everything seems alright, we've prescribed you some pain medication but it may not be needed. Your free to go mr Tomlinson" The Nurse said with a warm smile, writing what they assumed was his prescription on a piece of paper and ripping it off to hand to Louis.
"Thank you" Louis replied as he pocketed the slip of paper, waving before making his way over to the lads, Harrys arm wrapped around him tightly.
"You good to go?" Niall asked when he saw Louis and Harry approaching them, handing Louis a tea from Starbucks.
"Yup, get me the fuck out of here, I've always hated hospitals" Louis said with a grimace, but harry saw the sadness lingering in his eyes at the thought.
Harry pulled louis in impossibly tighter, kissing the top of his head gently as Louis smiled down at the floor, not noticing Paul walking towards them.
"Paps outside. Stick close to me Alright and don't answer any questions, we don't want to stir the media up more than it already is" Paul explained as he gently pulled Louis away from Harry, him only protesting a little before realising it was probably safer with him than himself.
"Ready?" Paul asked Louis as they stood in front of the glass door, the flashes already blinding him through it.
"I guess" Louis muttered with a sigh as he put on some sunglasses to shield his eyes away from the cameras.
Paul proceeded to open the door and suddenly the sound of screams and questions were being thrown around Louis at full force, causing his head to ache. The bright lights did nothing to help as he took his first step out of the hospital, following the path Paul had made for him.
Louis felt Harrys hand catch his as they intwined their fingers, tight so they couldn't possible be broken apart. It brought a sense of comfort to Louis and his racing heart began to slow down a little.
"Louis are you pressing charges against your attacker?"
"Is it true you went into a coma?"
"Has tour been cancelled?"
The questions kept coming but Louis ignored them all, continuing to push his way through the crowd before he finally met the car, jumping inside instantly as the door was held open for him.
He scooted over and made room for the lads, harry taking the seat next to him and once again pulling him into his side.
"Your very clingy lately" Louis said with a laugh, causing harry to grin.
"How could I not be after what happened. If I had just held you tighter last time this wouldn't have happened in the first place" Harry replied with a sad smile, guilt washing over him.
"It's not your fault Haz, it's that prick who pulled me overs fault. Don't bring yourself down for it. I love you" Louis said as he kissed Harrys knuckles, never breaking their gaze.
"I love you too. But are you alright? After all that" Harry asked, gesturing out the window.
"Yeh I'm fine don't worry about it, I'm used to all that by now" Louis said with a shrug.
"Yeh but you don't normally have to deal with it after just coming out of hospital" Harry replied.
"As I said, I'm fine, just a bit of a headache, nothing a little ibuprofen won't fix" Louis reassured.
"If you say so" Harry replied with a sigh, kissing Louis once more as the car began to move.
"Hey when's the concert?" Louis called, almost having forgotten about the rescheduling.
"Tomorrow, you've got the rest of the day to relax just to make sure your 100% okay for it"
Liam replied from the front seat.
"Okay good, I would've hated this concert to be cancelled because of me" Louis sighed in relief.
"It wouldn't have been because of you, it would have been cause of that dickhead, how many times do I need to say this" Harry said with a scowl.
"He's right you know, quit blaming yourself for it, it's not like you asked to be pulled over" Zayn said, backing Harry up.
"I know that, but it still involves me" Louis mumbled as he looked out the window, realising they're nearing the hotel.
"Your sisters have been calling" Liam suddenly said, clearly wanting to change the topic.
"They have?" Louis asked in surprise. Well, of course they have, he thought to himself, he had just been in hospital.
"Yeh, said they wanted you to call them when your back at the hotel, and you better, or I'll be getting blamed for not making you" Liam said with a chuckle, remembering how stern and sassy them girls could be when it came to their big brother.
"Guess I have no choice then. God am I gonna get an ear full" Louis said dramatically, rolling his eyes.
"They won't be that bad, your just being over dramatic" Harry replied, grinning down at Louis.
"Whatever, you try dealing with multiple sassy sisters and then get back to me on that" Louis sassed back.
"No wonder they're sassy with a brother like you" Niall said, looking pointedly at Louis.
"Hey it runs in the family okay" Louis exclaimed, thanking the lord when the car came to a stop.
"Don't even think about it" Paul ordered as he saw Louis about to get out.
"Oh for fuck sake will everybody stop treating me like a five year old!" Louis exclaimed with a huff as he retreated away from the door.
"We just don't want you getting hurt again and we're not taking any chances" Paul explained sympathetically before getting out the car and shutting the door, making his way round to Louis'.
"Jesus, I highly doubt there will be any more psycho dudes ready to attack me anytime soon, once is enough in a week" Louis argued.
"Your a celebrity Louis, it wouldn't be all that surprising to be honest" Zayn said as he shrugged.
"Yeh Yeh, Whatever, let's just get inside, I'm ready for a nap" Louis huffed, getting out once Paul opened his door.
They safely made their way up to their rooms and Louis threw himself onto the bed once they had gotten inside, only to groan at his pounding headache afterwards.
"Fuck" Louis groaned as he put a hand to his head, wincing at the pain he was still receiving from his concussion.
"Here, take one of these, it should help" Harry said, handing Louis an ibuprofen and a bottle of chilled water.
"Cheers" Louis mumbled as he sat up on the bed and took the pill, gulping down the water along with it.
"You need to call your sisters" Harry reminded him, waving Louis phone in front of his face.
"Ugh do I have to? Can't I just do it later?" Louis argued as he stared up at the ceiling.
"Yes you have to. They've been worried sick the past few days and you can sleep as much as you want afterwards" Harry explained before taking off his shirt and heading to the bathroom, Louis assuming he was going for a shower.
When Louis' thoughts were confirmed by the sound of running water he sighed and grabbed his phone, searching through his endless contacts for Lottie's number.
When he finally found it he hesitated before pressing the call button and brought it up to his ear, hearing it ring twice before Lottie finally answered.
"Jesus finally, Lou, are you okay? What happened? Are you still in hospital?" Lottie screeched down the phone, making Louis pull the device away from his ear with a grimace before putting it back.
"Yeh I'm fine lots, calm down alright, I'm out the hospital now anyway" Louis explained calmly.
"Thank god, seriously though what happened? I heard a bit from the lads and the media but we're all just a bit confused" Lottie asked, her voice wavering slightly.
"Some guy pulled me over outside apple, I hit my head on the way down and broke my arm. Got a bit of a concussion but it's all fine now, they've just given me some pain medication and I should be back on tour tomorrow" Louis said, thinking he had explained this for about the thousandth time already.
"Well at least your all right. What a prick though, you'd better be pressing charges or I will do it myself" Lottie said sternly, her voice now taking a more angered tone.
"The police have already taken him in. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do about it yet though, I'll have a talk with Harry about it" Louis replied, shrugging to himself.
"Good, that's good, how's Harry?" Lottie asked, the question bringing a smile to Louis face.
"He's good, got a bit worried about me which is understandable but he's fine now, just in the shower" Louis said as the smile never left his face.
"Surprised your not in there with him to be honest" Lottie said cheekily, Louis could practically hear the smirk on her face.
"Oi shut up you. How are the rest of the girls?" Louis asked, quick to change the subject which Lottie laughed at.
"They're fine, were a bit shaken up when hearing you were in hospital, I think because they're still young they assumed the worst, but they know your fine now because the lads spoke to them on the phone" Lottie explained, making Louis sigh.
"Did they want to speak to me?" Louis asked, thinking he should probably reassure them that he was in fact still alive.
"They're out at the moment, at a friends house I think, but I'll let them know you called and that your well, don't worry about it I got you covered" Lottie replied with a chuckle.
"Cheers, was honestly just wanting to go to sleep now anyways" Louis said truthfully, yawning coincidentally.
"I'll let you rest then, smash it tomorrow Alright" Lottie replied.
"Will do, I love you" Louis said with a wide smile.
"Love you too, bye lou"
"Bye lots" Louis finally said before ending the call, throwing it onto the bed besides him.
Just as he was drifting to sleep he felt warm arms wrap around his middle, kissing him on the cheek as he fell asleep peacefully.
Author notes:
Okay, sorry for the boring chapter, I've got another concert chapter next so hopefully that will be a bit more exciting lmao.
If you have any questions regarding the book (or me, idk I'm not too interesting haha) then leave them here and I will answer them :)
Don't forget to comment and vote, it means a lot.
Love you all xxx
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